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In The Beginning...There was darkness, a gray wasteland where life would not flourish, plants...
Stories Of Old
United States
In The Beginning...There was darkness, a gray wasteland where life would not flourish, plants would not grow. It was the remains of the old world, a long forgotten wasteland created by the Precursors in their hubris, thinking that they were above the Divines. For their pride, the Divines introduced the concept of war to them. No one knows what was used in the ensuing war of the Precursors, but it was great magics that many mages fear and shun it for what it could do to the world today. After the war, the Precursors died out, leaving the world bleak and gray. The world was silent, and without their followers, most of the Divines perished. Rain stopped, the remaining forests died, and animals died where they stood.

But then, Life and Death returned...

A new pantheon had taken form, beginning with the Goddesses Flora and Morana. Flora, Goddess of Life and Spring, brought back the plants and animals, causing new life to grow in place of the Old World. She often appears as a white clad figure, with long brunette hair that flows like waterfalls. When she first met Morana, she sent her a deer as a gift, and soon after kept sending more gifts for her new friend to keep. Morana, Goddess of Death & Winter, makes room for new life to grow. She appears as a black clad figure with ebony wings and antlers, her hair acting as more of an umbral shadow that follows her. Whenever Flora sends her gifts, she keeps them in her domain for eternity.

After Life and Death had returned, others began to appear in the pantheon. The forests returned, with the King Of the Hunt Wulfric taking his new throne as the Lord Of Beasts, Ruler Of The Forests. Wulfric holds a somewhat simple code of honor, such as shed not the blood of innocents, for you shall be shed of your own. He sends his loyal hounds to hunt down those who forsake his code, and leaves the rest in peace.

The Oceans soon returned as well, with the God Calder watching the shores with great interest. His cerulean eyes shining like the ocean blue, and his personality as similar to the ocean he draws from. When calm, he is the friendliest deity one could meet. But should you anger him, he is like a tidal wave capable of bringing down entire armies with but a flick of his hand. Calder is possibly the second strongest deity, with the first being a tie between Flora and Morana.

After the oceans returned, people began to appear. The first being the Gray Elves, those that stalked the gray fogs of the world. They were pale, tall, thin, and thought that every creature had a soul. Their mystic lifestyle was amazing, yet it didn't save them from the creatures created by the damned legions of the Umbral Plane. This was a strange area, with different places that looped into themselves and outwards. A confusing land, ruled over by uncaring deities who wished to see mortals perish. However, the Gray Elves, in their final moments, created the High Elves of Embla, the Dark Elves of Shifting Sands, and the Frost Elves of Francesca. These descendants of theirs would go one to create great countries and lands, allowing for the fight to be taken to the Legions Of The Damned.

The High Elf Rulers however, sought power beyond what the Gray Elves had given them, and turned to the ancient art of magic to give themself an advantage against the Dark Lords and Queens. But with magic, there comes a cost with it. The rulers of Embla grew mad with power, lording their power of the common people and their own flesh and blood. But they ended up bringing the wrath of their allies, with Dark Elven Assassins and Francescan Warriors charging their fortress, the High Lords were overwhelmed and conquered by month's end. With this civil war weaking all sides, it looked as if the war would end in favor of the Umbral Plane. But soon, more empires revealed themselves, the Ogres and Orcs of the Shattered Isles, with great strength and skill in battle on their side. The Serpentia of the Black Desert and Darkfang Jungles, with poisons and metals matched only by the Dwarves. The Kobolds, with their nomadic lifestyle and uncanny sense of finding metals and great skills of the forge. Then, the Three Empires Of Man appeared to assist them. The Whitemane Kingdom, led by Adam Whiteman, a brutal and merciless king. The tree dwelling warriors of the Viridian Forest, with great archers and magics to aid. Finally, we come to the denizens of the Ashdrake Mountains, with great forges and weapons, they supplied the war effort.

This caused a war in the Umbral Plane, a long and brutal war that lasted for years until only five remained among the corpses of their fallen brethren. The God Of Blood, War, and hatred, his ravenous desire to let the world around him burn into nothing but ash and claim the skulls of the worthy for his throne. His name was whispered with fear, for he was the burning brand of hatred that turned brother against brother, his name was Ysmir. His blade was fire, his armor was blood, his appearance was that of a humanoid man with an bull's head, clad in burnt steel plating and wielding a large blade almost as big as he.

The next was the Goddess of Lies, Nightmares, and Deceit. She was known as the raven, or in Elvish tongue 'Lying Deity'. Her name was Brangwen, the darkness that lurks behind every thought, trying to sway mortals to her domain. The only reason she survived the Umbral War was because of her lies, how she brought alliances between fellow deities to ruin while preserving herself from harm. She lies, deceives, and leaves many in the dust trailing behind her.

The God of Plagues remained upon his throne, his breath of decay enveloping those around him and blighting the land. His armor encrusted by rust and age, worn by time and cracked in many places. Yet he still proves strong, having outlasted his foes rather than outright destroying them with his plagues. His name is Manus Tuas, the Plague-Father and Lord Of Flies. He rules his putrid domain with an iron fist, and a bell that wears the very soul into nothing but a shell of its former self.

The Goddess of Excess also remained, her followers and demons proving too strong for the deities who wanted her head. Her voice like that of a siren, her form constantly changing to suit those who follow her. As such, nobody knows what her true form is, or is she even does have a true form. Nobody knows her name, and many call her 'The Siren', in reference to her charms and what she has in store for those that follow her. Those that end up in her mortal armies often enjoy this, though some regret it.

The final God to survive the destruction had ascended from the destruction of his fellow demons, having betrayed them and sacrificed them to ascend to the level of the Gods around him. He is known as the Betrayer, the swindler who grants deals that end up poorly for those involved. His name is Veritas, and while he looks like an angel, he is nothing more than the demon he was born as, and always will be.

Now, where do you fit in all of this?


Excerpt From Avalon Historia, Dragons & Their Kin - By Milicient Lyall: I've spent years adventuring the countryside of Avalon, and never before have I met a more majestic creature than the Dragons and their descendants. With a draconic form and humanoid form suited to their liking, they are often seen as children of the deities in some religions around Avalon. As for what would happen if they had a child, they would be known as either True-Kin or Half-Kin Draconics, depending on the other parent…

[] Name:
[] Race:
[] Occupation:
[] Appearance:
[] Where Are You Now?:
-[] In the Black Desert, currently part of a merchant caravan passing through the Serpentia Sanctuaries.
-[] Wandering the borders of Shifting Sands, looking for work.
-[] Captured by Whitemane Kingdom Slavers, not looking good.
-[] Working the Forge in the Ashdrake Mountains.
-[] Making a pilgrimage to the Forest Of Wulfric in Francesca.
-[] Make One Up
[] History:

[] Write In…

Note: I've decided to work on this fantasy quest with utmost care, and have planned out a few different storylines. Are you ready to delve deep into the mysteries of Avalon? If so, then take my hand, and I'll show you a world you can understand...
[X] Name: Trac Ironbelt
[X] Race: Ogre
[X] Occupation: Blacksmith
[X] Appearance: Seven feet tall, with a small horn in the middle of his forehead with a thin black ring around the base of it, deeply tanned skin from long hours spent in the forge, densely corded muscle across his body but especially in his arms and upper torso. and a reasonably large paunch on his belly.
[X] Where Are You Now?:
-[X] Captured by Whitemane Kingdom Slavers, not looking good.

@Mad Oracle Could I get a description of how a typical ogre looks?
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[X] Name: Feaskeald
[X] Race: Was a conniving war-mongrel of a human knight from long he's something else,but he calls himself..a.."Ioa"
[X] Occupation: Wanderer...for now
[X] Appearance: Imagine a eight foot mutated monstrosity that's basically fusion of an lich,statue,living armour,elemental,golem,and etc. With flowing cape that almost seemed alive.
[X] Traveling to Elanios, home of the Augur elfs aka the twisted "mistakes" of all elf-kind. And the home of Zaroxia the nihlo-anathema. He is the mocked man-god,...or Rodman.
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The history of Zaroxia and the augur elfs.

Because I already figure something out for Feaskeald(let's just he and his people was an very unintended byproduct of Vertias's dealings). But I'm drawing blank for the other two.
Zaroxia...What is the rough outline you've come up with? A country's name, but what of it? I'm just trying to help you figure it out.

Also, how's everyone today?
Zaroxia...What is the rough outline you've come up with? A country's name, but what of it? I'm just trying to help you figure it out.

Zaroxia is the man\god's name and he kinda suppose to be like the weakest "god",and gods from both sides don't like him for..different reasons.

And the augur elves's kingdom is called Elanios.And I'm trying to figure their origin.
[X] Plan Wandering Swordswomen
[X] Name: Mara Mizumi
[X] Race: Human
[X] Occupation: Mercenary
[X] Appearance: As Seen Here
[X] Where Are You Now?:
-[X] Captured by Whitemane Kingdom Slavers, not looking good.
[X] History: a somewhat successful sword-for-hire, Mara has spent most of her life drifting from one nation to another in search of easy money and cheap booze. A few days ago she signed on to what she thought was Sellsword army being sent to another nation over a petty dispute between lords, only to discover that it was a plot by a Whitemane Kingdom based slaving guild to round up Slave-Gladiators for sale in the southern kingdom of Novakseer
[X] Name: Trac Ironbelt
[X] Race: Ogre
[X] Occupation: Blacksmith
[X] Appearance: Seven feet tall, with a small horn in the middle of his forehead with a thin black ring around the base of it, deeply tanned skin from long hours spent in the forge, densely corded muscle across his body but especially in his arms and upper torso. and a reasonably large paunch on his belly.
[X] Where Are You Now?:
-[X] Captured by Whitemane Kingdom Slavers, not looking good.

Sounds interesting.