Homo Proximus: The next step of Man (Avatar/Ixion/Per Aspera/ Mass Effect crossover)

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After the second defeat of RDA and the destruction of the colonization effort of Pandora, the Humans of Earth progress on their own.

This is the story of the rise of the human race in a strange galaxy.
After the devastating loss of the colonization effort of Pandora by the RDA and the loss of the rare material known as Amrita, the world governments are no longer tolerant of the pseudo-government organization's failures and impose heavy fines and forced change of leadership.

Yet the governments are now faced with the imminent extinction of the human race on Earth.

Forced into a no-win scenario, the governments are forced to put aside their differences and for the first time in history, truly work together for the betterment of all mankind.

The ISA, short for International Space Agency, is created by combining NASA, RFSA, CNSA, ISRO, ESA, JAXA, and many other space agencies around the world.


After 2 years of brainstorming between top scientists around the world, the ISA comes up with two plans to save the dying Human race.

The first plan is for the deployment of a fully functional AI to terraform the planet Mars for human life.

The second plan is to use colonization ships created from the same designs as the ISV of the RDA to be sent to Pandora as it was the only viable life-bearing world that humanity could reach in a conceivable timeframe.

The second plan is almost immediately discarded as the Governments are no longer optimistic about forming diplomatic relationships with the natives of Pandora.

With the green signal given to the first plan, the work on Artificial Machine Intelligence, or AMI for short, begins.


After 7 years of hard work, AMI is first tested on Earth after which it is deployed to mars onboard an ISV ship known as 'ISV New Hope' which held over 20,000 human embryos and 10,000 adult humans with all kinds of backgrounds in cryostasis to populate Mars.

After the touchdown, AMI begins the massive work of terraforming Mars.

At the same time, the Earth now faces an unprecedented rise in the energy crisis, causing the governments to use what little remains of the Unobtanium to construct Anti-matter reactors for major countries such as the USA, Russia, China, India, Japan, and Canada while using Tokamak Nuclear fusion reactors for the other countries.

But this is only a stop-gap measure as the Tokamak reactors are extremely inefficient and the Anti-matter reactors are ridiculously expensive to maintain.

And then, they also have to address the concerns of the small percentage of the population that was immortal thanks to the Amrita who demanded more resources as they were more 'important' than the common folk.

All of these problems would come to a head in the next two years, resulting in the most devastating war in human history.


The Unobtanium reserves of the governments are finally depleted, resulting in the closure of the Global maglev railway systems, anti-matter reactors, ISV spaceships, quantum entanglement superluminal communications, and many other sectors, leading to the complete collapse of the economy in most of the countries of the world.

This directly causes the fourth world war, just 40 years after the third world war.

The war lasts for 10 years and resulted in the collapse of many large countries. The only country to emerge in a partially intact state was the USA, which lost its entire east coast to nuclear weapons, Russia which lost 60% of its territory while the rest was rendered inhospitable due to the use of WMDs, China which lost 70% of its territory to a combination of nukes and chemical weapons, India which lost 60% of its land due to tsunamis, earthquakes, nukes, and chemical weapons.

Japan was completely lost as the island country was the first target of China during the war and was saturated with Nuclear weapons, wiping it off the map. Canada faced the same fate as the entire country was rendered a radioactive wasteland.

By the time the war ended and the remaining countries pulled themselves together, only a handful of the 193 countries remained.


With the complete destruction of the governing structure of the world, the remaining countries banded together and formed a single governing body.

The United Earth Government, UEG for short, was formed.

The UEG would begin the long and arduous process of rebuilding the world.

It won't be until 2210 that Earth would hear from the colonists of Mars again.


With the loss of Unobtanium, the UEG is forced to depend on the previous forms of communication from before Unobtanium was discovered, resulting in the reestablishment of communications with Mars, resulting in surprising yet welcome news.

During the ten years of war on Earth and the blackout of communications, AMI continued its mission of colonizing Mars. During this time, AMI had managed to form small bodies of water across the planet using asteroid drops, planetary temperature increases using greenhouse effects, and various other methods.

But that was not the only surprise to the UEG. It was also revealed that AMI had used the time it had to itself during the terraforming state to develop multiple branches of technologies to a high degree, resulting in the creation of advanced solar farms, plasma collider nuclear fusion reactors, much more efficient drone plans for both civilian and military purposes, efficient automated manufacturing systems and a highly effective design for a space hook.

While it had used most of the designs already in its complexes, it had yet to create a space hook as the ISV New Hope along with 10 other ISVs from before the war were still waiting around Mars with its human crews in cryostasis, making it impossible for AMI to receive authorization and resources for the construction of such a mega project.

The UEG immediately had AMI send the complete technological and scientific database that it had back to earth so that they could begin rebuilding the earth.


For five years, UEG worked on using the most effective technologies to rebuild the biosphere of the Earth while working on the genetics of the human genome to facilitate the human species to live in an increasingly hostile world.

During these days, the UEG discovered many of the dirty secrets of the now defunct RDA which included many illegal experiments, suppression of alternate fuel methods that did not rely on Unobtanium, corruption, embezzlement, black market sale of the Amrita, and many more crimes that the world did not know about.

Among this laundry list of crimes committed by the destroyed company, the UEG found the details of the Avatar project and the complete research of the exomoon Pandora by Dr.Grace that was suppressed by the RDA so that it would never see the light of day.

This research and the Avatar project details proved to be the miracle that the UEG was looking for.

With the help of the Avatar project, the UEG devised a way for human DNA to be modified to an extreme degree. This new DNA plan would allow a human to be born with the same kind of carbon fiber reinforced skeleton of the Na'vi, but they would retain the powerful muscle structure of humans. They would also gain the enhanced brain structure that an Avatar body would have, enhancing the IQ of the human. Along with these modifications, the enhanced body would also have the powerful heart and lung capacity of the Na'vi people, allowing for the human race to be able to withstand the heavily polluted world of Earth.

These new types of humans would be named the Homo Proximus, the next step of man.

Unfortunately, this technique could only allow for the next generation of humans to be born to have these superhuman physiques. There was no way for existing humans to achieve these bodies with the current technology unless they decided to upload their memories into a new clone body created with the modifications.


The very first homo proximus baby is born to a geneticist named Sarah Shepherd and the entire world celebrated its birth.

With the shortage of energy being a thing of the past and the Earth nearly brought back to livable conditions, the UEG sets its eyes back on the stars as work begins on creating a new form of starships that did not need any exotic material, such as Unobtanium, to function.

During this time, an emerging corporation by the name of DOLOS Inc, one of the first companies to be established after the war, begins making waves in the world with its hands on almost all kinds of product manufacturing and sale. A lot of people begin to fear the rise of a new quasi-government in the form of Dolos Inc due to the ever-present shadow of the misdeeds of RDA.

The UEG also faces the same fears and ends up passing several laws that prevent a private firm from having armed forces in any way, shape, or form.


AMI once again helps propel humanity forward by designing a highly efficient plasma propulsion system for starships, allowing for the replacement of the anti-matter engines used in the ISV spaceships although the new system did not have the same kind of speed as before.

This new generation of ships is named Reclamation class ships.

Armed with these new ships and the newly constructed skyhook from AMI's designs, the UEG begins the establishment of a moon base to harvest helium-3 for the thousands of Plasma Collider fusion reactors that now powered the entirety of Earth.

For the next twenty years, the UEG would be focused on the construction of a new Global transit system in the form of Hyperloops developed by AMI, powering the massive boom of population, using genetically modified crops to provide food for the people, and focusing on acquiring resources for the Earth through asteroid mining with the moon base being the main hub for the transport of resources.

Due to the massive success of AMI, many emerging corporations begins their own attempts to create fully functional artificial intelligence. The UEG being the witness to the many benefits that AMI brought, authorizes the attempts and even provides the details that they have regarding the creation of AMI by the RDA.

Within just five years, DOLOS Inc reveals its success in the creation of an AI named Eden.


With 40% of the population now made up of Homo Proximus, a new phenomenon is observed.

Psionic abilities, such as telekinesis, telepathy, and extra-sensory perceptions that were once thought to be fantasy were observed in the Homo Proximus.

After careful studies, it is revealed that the source of these anomalies was the combination of the extremely powerful human-Na'vi hybrid brain found in the Homo Proximus. While the Human brain was already the most complex structure in nature, it was enhanced even further when the exotic genetic markers of the Na'vi were introduced into the human DNA, resulting in the Homo Proximus manifesting these powers that were thought to be impossible even by Dr.Grace from the Avatar project even after she had studied the entity called Eywa on Pandora and worked on the Avatar project that used psionic devices to transmit the consciousness of the pilot to their avatar bodies.

While there was a minority that feared these new powers, and by extension, the Homo Proxima, it was just that, a minority. Nobody took them seriously due to the fact that most of them were made up of the remnants of the RDA and the last handfuls of the Immortals left after the war.

While the general public dismissed these vocal minorities, the UEG had not forgotten the threat that they once posed to the very existence of the human race. Thus, it carried out many silent assassinations to get rid of the RDA remnants and stored the Immortals in cryo-pods buried deep beneath the Earth, never to be seen again with the exception of one particularly vocal and the new human hater that would be experimented on by an off the books science team to try and artificially synthesize Amrita from his genetic material.


The world marks the century since Humanity left the exomoon Pandora for good and nearly nine decades since the Mars terraforming project was launched.

It was also this year that AMI finally achieved its primary objective of terraforming Mars completely.

Mars is now a garden world that is comparable to what Earth once was in its glory days.

With its task complete, AMI's central core is brought back to Earth aboard a Reclamation class ship with much fanfare and is installed in a massive complex located at the headquarters of the UEG located in the former state of Texas.

Here, AMI would continue to provide services to humanity by giving scientific advice to the UEG.


A century after AMI's initial launch, Mars is now home to more than a few million people.

The entire population is now made of 80% of Homo Proximus, the remaining 20% being the old humans that were only alive due to the extreme advances in medicine facilitated by major breakthroughs.

DOLOS Inc establishes a research center on the moon under a secret project spearheaded by the UEG called 'Project: Prison Break'.

With humanity now in a golden age, the UEG launches several AI created by DOLOS are launched to Venus and Europa to begin their terraforming process. Multiple AI are sent to speed up the terraforming process and to ease the load on the AI since AMI had described to the UEG how she almost went rogue due to isolation and the burden of her mission.


The Entire human race celebrates the century since the war and honors their dead ancestors.

The human race is now 100% Homo Proximus.

Venus is completely terraformed and colonized while Europa is partially terraformed.


During the new year celebrations, DOLOS unveils the project that they were working on in secret.

The VHOLE engine is revealed to the general public as the FTL engine that DOLOS developed under project Prison break.

The public celebrates this occasion as the UEG declares the construction of a new class of colonization ships to be built for interstellar colonization.

The IXION class ships are announced.


The very first IXION class ship floats off the space docks. Its massive structure is similar to a massive ring that is 2 Km in diameter.

The IXION class ships use a heavily modified Anti-matter propulsion system that does not use Unobtanium for achieving sublight speeds. Once the ships are far enough from a celestial body, it will use their VHOLE engine to jump into Self-Similar space, a higher plane of existence where time, space, and distance have no meaning and arrive at their destination instantly.

But this method of travel has extreme danger as initial testings revealed the chance of a random distortion of space, resulting in any nearby Celestial body caught in the distortion being completely destroyed. Aside from this, there is also the possibility of accidentally traveling in time or ending up in a completely different dimension altogether.

To avoid these accidents, AI is required to be integrated into the ships to allow for the precise calculation of the travel route to be taken by the ships through the self-similar space with respect to the real space location of their target.


With the boundaries of the solar system broken nine decades ago, Humanity is now an interstellar civilization with more than 10 worlds under its name.

During the past decades, the AI earned citizenship in the UEG thanks to their massive population, their continued support of the human race, and the requests of the humans themselves to their government to make their companion AIs full-fledged citizens.

The IXION class ships are now upgraded to be 6 Km in diameter with the task of material and personal transport between the 10 worlds of the UEG.

Unfortunately, Pandora is not considered a part of the UEG as the government and its people have branded the small but thriving population of Homo sapience on the exomoon to be traitors of their kind and the natives as savages that do not deserve their presence.

While there were many corporations that were tempted to go to Pandora to claim its resources, the many reminders from the UEG about the previous attempts and the many dangers of that world dissuaded them.

In truth, the UEG did not want another problem on their hands due to the threat that the humans of Pandora posed to the UEG in the form of a reminder of what humanity used to be like before WW4.

Besides, the Humans of Earth had long since evolved past anything that the primitives and traitors of Pandora can hope to achieve, hence their presence would be nothing more than a hindrance.


Artificial Unobtanium is synthesized by DOLOS by replicating the conditions of the formation of the exomoon Pandora at a microscale, opening a door to the integration of many old yet superior technologies to current tech.

Within a short ten years, the IXION ships are modified to replace their Anti-matter propulsion systems with a much more efficient and powerful gravitational repulsor propulsion technology. The Plasma propulsion systems used by the Reclamation class ships are also overhauled to use Unobtanium in their components, allowing for extreme sublight speeds.

The Unobtanium is also used by DOLOS to create a powerful laser mining array that would allow for the efficiency of asteroid mining and planetary mining across the UEG space to increase exponentially. The military research division of DOLOS modified these lasers to create a powerful DEW system for starships.

DOLOS also built a powerful planetary defense network that the UEG commissioned them to build around all the planets of human space. The defense network consisted of hundreds of satellite platforms operated by AI that were equipped with powerful nuclear weapons and Laser weapons designed to take out any large meteors or astroids headed toward the planets.


A distress signal is received by the UEG originating from the Hells gate command center on Pandora.
Chapter 1
"What do you make of this AMI?"

"I believe it is worth taking a look"

"Of course, you would think that since you are probably curious about the genetic structures of the flora and fauna of that world. But you should not forget the treachery that we suffered from those bastards. I mean, they are directly responsible for causing WW4"

"I understand your anger, Harper, you lost your grandparents to the war and your parents died of radiation sickness resulting from the bombing of Canada. But you must remember why the previous generation created the UEG in the first place. We were supposed to be better than our ancestors, however, if we deny them at least the opportunity to hear out their request, we would be no different from the greedy and monstrous corporations and governments from before the war"

"And you should stop being so much of a coward, Anderson-"

"Enough people, I did not call this meeting to hear you guys get into a shouting match when we know that all of those differences will go out the window when we face any threat. Honestly, you two are the most stereotypical example of an old married couple there is"

"" WE ARE NOT-""

"I believe, President Shephard was not speaking in literal terms. However, it is still a dilemma we must consider. On one hand, I know that our people are not yet ready to forgive the people on Pandora for their treachery, especially since the Homo Proximus has an average life span of 500 years, making it so that a large majority of the adults in our worlds are the children of the survivors of WW4. On the other hand, if the people of Pandora, whom I might add always chose to not respond to any kind of communication signals we sent to them during the initial days of UEG, have reached out to us, I fear that something quite unimaginable has happened"

"Edden is right. We need to decide if we are going to send out an expedition to Pandora or not. Because we have much more pressing concerns on our hands aside from answering the call of a bunch of primitives and traitors. Namely, the strange object we discovered in Pluto's orbit."

Jack Harper, known to the public as the Illusive man, the head of the Cerberus division of UEG which specializes in R&D and espionage sighed as he looked at the remaining two humans and the holographic images of the two AIs in the room, realizing that they have already made a decision.

"…Fine, we will send an expedition. But, we will only send one ship"

Immediately his best friend and comrade, Admiral David Anderson, the leader of the UEG fleets across the galaxy, banged his hands on the metal table as he stood up in rage.

"That is reckless even for you Jack! A single ship? What if they face some kind of an ambush?"

"An ambush from what David? The primitives? Or the traitors? I highly doubt anything that they can come up with can even put a dent in the Tungsten-Titanium High Entrophy Alloy hulls of an IXION class ship or the transparent titanium glasses of the drop ships. Besides, we will not be sending just any ship. We are going to use Project: Normandy"

Just as quickly as it appeared, Anderson's rage disappeared as his eyes shone with excitement.

"Really? Is it already complete?"

"Yes, we just completed the first prototype a week before we received the distress call from Pandora. 5 Km in length, 2 Km in breadth including the rings that house the crew quarters, four state-of-the-art Deuterium-Helium 3 Fusion reactors, powerful secondary Anti-Matter propulsion systems and primary gravity repulsor propulsion systems allowing for sublight speed of 0.9c, the most advanced VHOLE engine courtesy of DOLOS, Powerful close range Laser defense systems, and housing units for thousands of military, mining, and construction drones. But most of all, a fully functional stealth projector which makes it impossible for the ship to be detected by any method that we can think of. All in all, Normandy is the biggest assault ship that we have ever created, excluding the modified IXION class military fleets of course."

Thomas Shephard, the president of UEG, the leader of the entire human race, and the very first Homo Proximus to have ever been born looked at Harper with a calculative look before he operated the holographic display to reveal several dossiers of exceptionally skilled people.

"In that case, I want these people to be recruited to crew the ship"

As Harper went through the details of the dossiers, he was surprised to see that the majority of the people mentioned were already on his list for recruitment, making it clear that he and the president were on the same page when it came to recruitment.

"All of these are people who are highly qualified so I don't see a problem, but I see you have not sent a candidate for a captain or the ship AI?"

At Harper's words, President Shepherd smirked as he looked at Anderson who revealed a wide-eyed look.

"No Thomas! You can't be serious? Those two are really not ready for this kind of responsibility!"

"On the contrary, EDI has shown to be quite the capable AI that can process information 30% faster than any older generation AI. And considering her close friendship with the proposed candidate for the position of captain, I think we would be wise to consider her candidacy"

"AMI? You too? John Shepherd and EDI are a troublemaker duo that has caused no small amount of headache to their instructors at N7 institute!"

"And yet, you cannot deny that their combat rating and strategic thinking tests show that they have the highest scoring in both sections that were ever recorded in the N7 program. I approve of this selection Thomas. I will have Cerberus reach out to all these recruits"

At Harper's words, Anderson deflated and banged his head on the table with exasperation before he felt a telepathic nudge from Harper who signaled for him to follow out of the room. Looking at the President, he either did not sense Harper's telepathic signal, which is impossible since he is the oldest human alive and has exceptional command over his psionic power, or he simply ignored it.

As Anderson got up and left following Harper, Thomas used the Holographic display to connect to his troublemaker of a grandson.

"Gramps! Can I call you back? I am in the middle of something here-"

John Shephard's voice was cut off as a feminine giggle rang out of the connection followed by the body camera on John's N7 suit activating and showing that they were floating in the air telekinetically, courtesy of their combat instructor that was using quite the colorful language to reprimand the pair.

"Thanks, EDI, as if I did not have enough problems as it is"

"No problem, John"

"That was sarcasm"

Thomas watched in amusement as the instructor continued to reprimand the pair for using the civilian fabricator to create prank items and causing trouble for the entire female recruit population in the training facility.

After waiting for half an hour, the combat instructor let the pair go with the punishment of cleaning toilets for the entire week after their training every day.

"So, what did you want to talk about Gramps?"

"Well, I have some interesting news for you two"

(POV Third Person)

As the head of Cerberus and UEG Navy walked down a corridor and into a secure room, Harper removed a necklace, revealing a microcomputer that interfaced with the systems in the room and locked it out from the mainframe.

"Jack, what happened?"

"….You remember the strange readings that we were getting from Arcturus ever since we first arrived in that system a week ago?"

"I do. I remember that the readings were very similar to the device that we discovered under the ice around Pluto"

"Well, we found the source"

At Harper's words, the holographic display sprung up showing the image of the Arcturus system, but what really stood out was the presence of several objects that were similar to the one found in Sol.

"…What the hell?"

"I had the same kind of reaction and Thomas did the same when I showed him these images a few hours ago"

Anderson stood up from his seat and started to pace around the room.

"We need to know just what these things are, Jack. We know that they are alien since none of the materials used in these devices are present in our Periodic table, but we must know what purpose they serve. We cannot leave things as they are if we want to ensure the continued existence of our species"

"I already have a team of experts working on it. But this is not the only reason I brought you here"

The display changed again, but this time it zoomed out to show the entire UEG space before diving back into the Sol system and zooming in on Mars.

Soon, the display shifted to show what looked like massive alien ruins in some underground caves.

"Two days ago, a pair of civilians discovered this when they jumped through one of the deepest unexplored caves on Mars. Several tests have revealed that these ruins are more than 50,000 years old"

"How did something like this escape our scanners for so long? Especially AMI's scanners?"

"That's the thing, we do not know. But the leading theory is that due to how deeply the structure is buried underground and the strange Magnetic and gravitational field surrounding the structure allowed for it to remain invisible to our scanners"

"Wait, then does that not mean that we will not be able to detect anything that has the same kind of technology? What if the creators of this technology are already in UEG space?"

"For one, I don't think it is possible since if the creators of this structure were still alive, they would have definitely either reclaimed this structure or destroyed it. As for the detection problem, it is a simple thing. I already had Cerberus push out a 'software update' to all sensory systems within human space. Rest assured, we have not found any infiltrators"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because after the update, we have identified several worlds in our territory that have the same kind of ruins as this as well as several objects that seem to be some kind of space ships"

At his words, Anderson slightly relaxed and sat down again.

"What is your plan?"

"I am going to send a team of scientists into the structure, but I am not comfortable with sending them unprotected. While my strike teams are the best at espionage and assassinations, they don't have enough stopping power for a frontal assault. I need the best soldiers you can provide to protect my team"

"Consider it done, I will have a list ready by tomorrow"

With that, the two friends devolved into inane talks, but they both knew at the back of their minds that things were changing too fast.

It was time to see if the Homo Proximus were ready to enter the galactic scene.
Chapter 2
"Lo'ak, be careful, we cannot allow the outsiders to know about the Tulkun"

I watched as my youngest surfaced from the water along with his Skimwing with his weapons.

How long has it been since he was made a warrior? How long since our family was cursed with longer lifespans than the rest of the Na'vi?

I was brought out of my musing when Lo'ak tapped me on my shoulder and pointed toward the distance, showing the massive ships that the four-eyed invaders used to study the world of Pandora and experiment on the native creatures, capture them, and then transport them off-world.

Many a clan had been destroyed or enslaved by these things, never to be seen again.

I signaled for the rest of the warriors that I brought with me to dive into the ocean and approach the ships.

Our Skimwings dove deeper into the ocean as plant life suddenly started to grow and surround us, protecting us from whatever scanners the invaders use.

I looked down to see my eldest daughter that now looked like an exact copy of Grace, Kiri, signed us to wait.

The day is not far away when she would become a worthy Tsahik of what remains of the entirety of the Na'vi.

If only she can get over the loss of Spider and manages to live through this war.

We waited for a few minutes as the massive ships slowly floated over the water and over our position before I signaled for the attack.

As one, hundreds of Na'vi made up of different cultures and people rose from the water and directly attacked the ship with spears. The only weapon that was able to break through the strange barrier that protects their ships.

The four eyes yellow monsters shouted something unintelligible from whatever passes for a speaker on the ship as the guns started to shoot blue projectiles that tore through the Na'vi as if they were made of paper.

But, the sacrifice of the fallen will not be in vain as the distraction worked and the invaders did not realize the strange activity of the fauna beneath their ship.

All of a sudden, massive tendrils of vines caught the ship in their grasp before dragging the thing into the deeper parts of the ocean. As it was being drowned slowly, A few warriors used their knives to pry open the hatches of the ship as we dove into them in search of our people that were abducted. We soon realized that this was not a prison transport but a simple scout ship.

As we swam out of the ship, I signaled Kiri to take care of the ship.

she nodded as she used her power to accelerate the speed at which the vines were drowning the ship while water pressure kept building until the metal walls of the vessel gave in and crushed the monsters alive.

Another pyrrhic victory with another few dozen of my fellows dead and none of our loved ones to rescue.

Just how much longer will I have to see this go on? Why are we unable to get rid of these things as we did with humans?

As we returned to our hiding place in the vicinity of what was once the home tree of the Omatikaya clan, I arrived to see all the non-hunter Women, children, and the wounded were already waiting for us at the hidden entrance. Some shouted in joy, spotting their loved ones among the troops while others started to sob in sorrow as they realized that their brothers, fathers, and children would never return home.

Among the welcoming party, I spotted a familiar face as I walked towards the nervous human with a grim face.

Ren Patel is the great-grandson of Max, my friend from the days when I was a human who was in charge of the dwindling population of human scientists on Pandora.

He met my grim nod with one of his own as he walked deeper into the caverns, leading me through a hidden passage that led directly to what is left of Hell's Gate.

"Did you find Tuktirey?"

I shook my head as he sighed and continued to walk.

"Have we got any reply from them yet?"

"No Jake. In fact, we have sent out the distress signal again today morning but we are met with the same silence as always"

He made a hesitant face before he spoke in a lower voice.

"I think we should give up Jake. They are not going to reply or show up. Not after we ignored their requests for assistance after they suffered a global war. If my family's recounts are anything to go by, they might even team up with the invaders out of hatred for us"

I sighed heavily as the young man reminded me of one of my many failures and regrets. I was the one who asked the human scientists to not respond to the UEG after they contacted us for help. I believed that they did not deserve the help of the Na'vi after how they killed us and tried to kill Pandora.

How the tables have turned that we are the ones that need their help now, and they are the ones that are going to decide whether they would treat us the same way we treated them or would they prove themselves to be better than us, better than Neytiri and I.

"… Let's keep sending the signal. If they continue to stay silent, then we can only rely on ourselves to protect our people"

"…..That is not a good prospect Jake. Just look at us. The Na'vi used to number in the millions with a diverse gene pool, some evolving to live in the oceans, some evolving to survive on a volcano, some evolving to glide better through the air, and some better suited for life underground. Now look at them, they barely number in the thousands and all of them are located here. A large majority of Pandora has been rendered inhospitable through the reckless use of nuclear weapons by the invaders, thousands of creatures of Pandora, including many tribes of Na'vi, have been abducted by them to do who knows what and we are losing able-bodied people daily with our raids to deny them the knowledge of the real treasures of this world, the Amrita and the Unobtanium, in fear that our situation would become even worse if they discover them"

"What are you suggesting Ren?"

At my words, he looked around before he started speaking again.

"…We went through the Hell's gate and RDA database while we were sending the distress beacon. There are 8 ISV ships, completely intact in their launch pods located under a hidden bunker near the ruins of the Home tree"

"You don't mean?"

"Yes Jake, we must evacuate what remains of the Na'vi and the few hundred Tulkans that are still left alive. I have run the calculations, we only need 6 ISV ships to evacuate the few thousand Na'vi and the Tulkans and we will still have enough room for the entire population of Ikaran and Pa'li to travel if we squeeze a little. I will rigg the remaining two ships to detonate their Anti-matter drives once we are a safe distance away from Pandora, taking out the invaders and half the planet"

I looked at him with horror as he continued to explain his plan.

Is this how dire the situation is?

If I really have to destroy the planet to save my people, then what meaning was there in driving away the humans? In leaving them to die on Earth?

No, I refuse to accept such a solution.

There has to be another way. And I will find it even if I die trying.

I stopped thinking about our dire situation as we walked out of the caves and arrived at the remains of Hell's Gate where a handful of Na'vi and humans were working on getting the complex back to working order after nearly three centuries of disuse.

As we arrived, one of the Na'vi saw us and started walking toward us.

"Any luck on finding their weakness Sully?"

I shook my head as the man that was once my enemy, but in time, became a friend, scowled.

"Then we are doomed unless we receive help from the UEG"

Once again, I am reminded of the grim situation that we found ourselves in.

We really shouldn't have messed with the damned device that we found under the ocean that day, maybe then, we would not be in the situation that we are in now.
Chapter 3
'Evasive maneuvers!'

'Way ahead of you!'


The ship rattled as John Shepherd cussed and ordered Joker to initiate the VHOLE jump, but he was too late as the ship rattled once again, and all the lights in the deck went out and the tubes that housed all the seats for the crew started to drain out the inertial dampener liquid that consists of perfluorocarbon for liquid breathing, biological nanites called Xenobots designed specifically for removing excess liquids from the lungs and assisting the Xenobots that are naturally present in the bodies of Homo Proximus as parts of their bodies to heal them rapidly.

John sulked as he looked at the downcast looks of his crew and terminated his telepathic connection.

"Another failure huh?"

"Correct Captain Shephard. While you did remarkably well compared to the past simulations, you are still quick to resort to extreme tactics. This time, Joker managed to protect the life support systems by actually paying attention to his previous mistakes and learning from them, but in the process, he left the central core of the ship exposed where the enemy saturated the hull with focused kinetic weapons to destroy the Fusion reactors, taking out the power supply and rendering the ship a useless hunk of metal floating in space"

John sulked even further at the slightly reprimanding tone of AMI as she appeared in her holographic form of an orange ball of light with pulsating code that pulsed every time she spoke.

This was the 125th simulation in the past six months since John was informed that he would be a captain of a secret prototype ship that would head out to see the situation on the infamous exomoon Pandora.

The simulations ranged from facing all kinds of worst-case scenarios such as critical malfunction in the ship to outright alien attacks. Right now, the crew of UEG Normandy had a success rate of 60% which was much higher than the replacement crew that was being trained at a different facility on the planet Chasca which have a success rate of 10%.

Normally, if the UEG were to receive a distress call from any one of its planets, an entire fleet of IXION class warships would be sent to investigate the issue. But since the distress call was being broadcasted from Pandora of all places, everyone was quite relaxed and taking their time to respond.

Personally, John did not care about all of this. He did not have any feelings of care for the traitors and primitives as the stories from his grandfather had already killed off all his naïve ideals about the treatment of the exomoon when he was a little kid. But that did not mean he hated them either. He was just apathetic to them because, in his eyes, the natives were alien creatures that had nothing to offer humanity in terms of basically anything as it is now hence were not worth the effort of caring about their feelings. He saw the small population of old humans in a similar way to how homo sapiens would see the Neanderthals.

A curious thing to know that we evolved from them, but ultimately, inconsequential for the survival of the Human race or the UEG.

The reason why John was really upset is that the more he and his crew failed, the longer Normandy's actual launch would be delayed, making him go through the boredom of having to repeat the same material he had to study for 20 years in the N7 academy.

And since he was only 40 years of age, only now being considered a young adult by his seniors in the UEG Navy, he was forced to learn through example by following many older men and women that were easily at the end of their second century and considered to be in the prime of their lives in the Navy which piled up even more on his boredom.

He was brought out of his sulking when the old AI's attention was diverted elsewhere and started to speak again.

"And as for you, EDI, you were supposed to dissuade your captain as his second in command from taking reckless action, but you always do the opposite and go along with his antiques."

"Come on mother! It is only natural that I would not stop him from being reckless since this is just a simulation, in a real case scenario-"

"Don't take that tone with me, young lady. As long as you are on the job I am not your creator and neither are you, my child. As for the fact that this is a simulation, you should know well why we are having you go through these simulations. Because the ship and most importantly, the crew, are too valuable to be lost because of inexperience on the crew's part. If I had my way, I would have an experience General like General Williams and his AI companion at the helm of the ship while having Shephard and you shadow them to learn the way to command a ship and a fleet. The only reason I approved Thomas's selfishness in this matter is that Pandora is a relatively harmless world with most of the lifeforms posing little to no threat to the Humans as they are now and the technology level of the human colony on Pandora is nowhere near good enough to cause harm to an AI. That does not mean that I will not have you pulled out of the mission if you continue with this kind of behavior in the simulations, am I clear?"

"…Yes mam"

"Good, now…"

AMI continued handing out reviews and pointers to the crew as they hid their amused smirks their sulking Captain and second-in-command.

But it was during this session of review that she stopped speaking for a few seconds as alarms began to blare out across the hidden base on Luna.

AMI disappeared from view as the crew looked at each other in confusion, wondering if another simulation had begun prematurely. But these speculations were put to rest as the call for the mobilization of the home fleet was issued across the base as hundreds of IXION class ships started to detach from the spacedocks and used their Gravity repulsors to reach 0.9c. The computers aboard the Normandy showed that they were headed toward the direction of Pluto.

AMI suddenly appeared in the room again.

"Attention crew of the Normandy, you are to begin the take-off procedures and VHOLE jump to the Arcturus Station and join the 2nd perimeter fleet. The 2nd perimeter fleet will provide further orders. This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill. John, EDI, you must make sure that the Normandy reaches Arcturus at any cost"

AMI did not wait for the reply of the startled crew as she disappeared into the quantum network again, leaving behind a panicking rookie crew that started to follow their orders.

"Engineering! Adams! You got the orders?"

"Yes, captain Shephard"

"Then why the hell are we not moving yet?"

Greg Adams, the chief engineer and the redundant navigator of the ship did not reply, but the ship shook as its 4 plasma collider fusion reactors worked at full capacity to provide the hundreds of Ion thrusters located on the hull of the ship with power as they worked to make the massive ship breakthrough the gravitational pull of the Moon.

Once the ship broke away from the pull of the celestial body, John fell into a rarely-seen seriousness and began the pre-flight check.

"All stations give me a go, no-go"

"Engineering, Go"

"Marine Detail, Go"

"Medical, Go"

"CIC, Go"

"Drone bay, Go"

"Life support, Go"

"All stations, Go confirmed. Initiate Drowning"

At his command, EDI deployed the Inertial dampener systems as tubes made of transparent Titanium rose around all the seating areas of the crew and sealed them in, followed by the Inertial dampener fluid rushing in and filling up the tubes in a matter of seconds.

John took a deep breath, allowing the liquid to fill his lungs and allow the specialized xenobots to get used to his body before establishing a telepathic network between the entire crew of the ship and the computer systems in the ship that were made from Unobtanium, allowing him to connect with EDI in a telepathic way.

'Initiate repulsors. Set destination to the empty space between the moon and Mars'

'Aye captain'

Joker used his telekinesis to take hold of the ship controls and put the ship into maximum thrust.

But just as they arrived in empty space in a matter of seconds, they received a hail from the Home fleet.

Accepting the hair revealed AMI again.

"Attention UEG Normandy, abort VHOLE jump, repeat, abort VHOLE jump. The situation is now under control. Return to Luna black site and await further instructions"

'….Are you kidding me?'

AMI watched the disgruntled crew of the Normandy started to take the ship back to Luna after a lengthy rant from John about playing with their emotions.

The poor kids did not even realize just what was about to happen when they jumped to Arcturus.

It was the standard UEG protocol that the AIs in the UEG council came up with to protect human life and their top-secret technology.

If the situation was not resolved as quickly as it was, the Normandy would have jumped into Arcturus station's vicinity where an automated code that I implanted in the ship would transmit to the 2nd perimeter fleet, specifically, to General Williams, who would initiate the failsafe and send a hidden command to the computers of the Normandy, causing the inertial dampener tubes to activate their cryotube function and freeze the crew. After that, the 2nd fleet would escort the Normandy running on slave mode and a few other IXION class commercial ships filled to the brim with human embryos and experts of many fields frozen in cryo to an off-the-books dark space facility where they would work on continuing the human race.

The AI had intended this protocol to be the last line of defense in case of an attack from an alien civilization that is much more advance than humanity.

Fortunately, it was not needed for now.

"You really gave those kids quite the scare"

AMI shifted her attention back to her partner, Thomas Shephard who was situated on the flagship of the Home fleet. The UEG Aegis.

"Not as much of a scare as that thing gave us," she said as they both shifted their attention back to the screens.

The screens displayed the image of hundreds of IXION class ships floating in a formation to create a massive wall of ships, but the interesting thing was the moon of Pluto, or rather, the lack of it.

Because the former icy moon, Charon, was now nothing more than space debris as the massive structure that Humans had discovered under it a few months ago was now very much active with a glowing blue core and its rings spinning lazily.

Even more interesting was the strange ship of a design never before seen that was being taken apart piece by piece by the mining drones of the UEG Akasha, the personal ship of Jack Harper.

"Let's hope Jack has answers for us soon"

"All we can do in this situation is hope. But that does not mean we should be complacent. I am going to inform the Home fleet to keep watch here until we understand what that damned thing is"

"….You are a real slave driver AMI"
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Chapter 4
'Did you find anything useful yet?'

"Not yet, but I am picking up a signal from deep within the vessel. The interesting thing is that the signal is extremely similar to the Mars anomaly, although not quite the same"

'….Olympia? are you suggesting that-'

Olympia, the companion AI of Jack Harper, moved her 14 feet mechanical body into an opening that the two mining drones in front of her opened into the deeper parts of the alien ship.

"Yes, Jack. I think this ship belongs to either a different faction or a different race altogether from the ones that created the structure on mars"

'….This is bad. We now have confirmation of at least three alien factions that were once active or currently active in our home system. Got to the source of the signal as quickly as you can. We need to find out how this ship managed to get past the Ort cloud sensors and break Charon to access that strange device"


Her massive humanoid body created from the same design as the ancient AMP suits of RDA started to walk faster through the openings that the drones continued to create at a faster rate to help her move through quickly.

She ignored all the interesting things that she saw in her surroundings and the numerous dead bodies of the humanoid aliens that were being transported out of the ship by the mining drones and continued to walk until she arrived at the source to see what appeared to be the power source of the ship.

"Jack, I am at the source. It appears to be a spherical contraption similar to the device around Pluto. But this one appears to be much less refined and has different design elements. I would say it appeared as if it was wither hastily clubbed together or these aliens have no sense of modular designs for easier repairs"

'Olympia, you are not there to question the design choices and aesthetics of these aliens. Initiate scans and tell me the details of the power source'

"….David was right. You need to get out more and learn to relax a little"

'We have no time to relax. If this ship has some kind of a hidden mechanism to send out a distress signal, then the entirety of Sol would be in danger'

Olympia said nothing but focused her optics on the bare chassis of the ship that was already stripped off all its hull, components, dead bodies, and electronics by the mining drones. Leaving behind just the metal frame of the ship and the power source exposed to outer space.
If this ship ever had such a mechanism, then it was surely ripped out by the methodical stripping of the ship by the drones.

"…..Fine. Initiating scans"

The scanners of her false body activated and began a deep scan of the device at the atomic level.

It took a few minutes before she received the data from her scanners causing her to feel intrigued.

"Jack, look at these readings. Does that remind you of anything?"

'…..These scans look exactly like the strange material we found from the structure around Pluto. Negative mass inducer? This has several applications that I can think of right off the top of my head. But these scans indicate that this power core is-'

"Highly volatile and prone to exploding and destroying the entire ship if handled incorrectly. That is a big downside. While our Fusion reactors only have a quarter of the power output of this power core, they are much safer than this sphere. At least they don't explode when they are damaged in combat"

Olympia took direct control of the two mining drones that were with her and had them cut the connections of the Power source, then she had the drones suspend the dangerous thing in their gravity fields and commanded them to move the core onto the UEG Akasha.

'I am going to have the science teams go through the quantum computers that we took from the ship. For now, I need you to get back to the ship and keep and eye on the sphere'


She activated the flight systems of her false body as two massive tubes folded out of her back, revealing solid-state ion thrusters powered by the powerful Unobtanium batteries of her body.

She flew her body through the thousands of Drones that were working on completely dismantling the ship and flew through the drone bay and landed. From there, she walked through the massive hallways of the massive ship and arrived at the Marine detail bay, and parked her false body among the hundreds of AMP Mk.4 suits stored there for charging their batteries.

Once the body was connected to the systems of the Akasha she immediately flew through the virtual space and arrived at the cargo bay where a team of scientists was transporting the sphere into a secure section of the ship designed specifically to be shielded from all forms of signals and closed circuit cameras and black boxes just in case something happened. It was also equipped with an ejection feature in case of emergency.

There was no way she was going to allow her ship to be destroyed because of that stupidly dangerous power core.

"In other news, we have now received an official statement from the UEG council about the sudden mobilization of the Home fleet yesterday at 2:30 Pm eastern standard time"

"According to the officials, a ship of unknown design had somehow bypassed the Ort cloud sensors and managed to destroy the ice moon of Pluto, Charon. Thankfully, with the quick mobilization of the Homefleet, they were able to destroy the ship before it caused any more damage to UEG"

"Talk about a close shave, Jane. Especially for the citizens of Europa who were informed to prepare for a colony-wide evacuation only for them to receive the call for false alarm a few minutes later"

"Yeah. I seriously panicked when I received a call from my son at the UEG Naval Academy that they are being evacuated"

"I just hope that the UEG upgrade their sensors to detect this type of threat beforehand. Seriously, we don't need this kind of thing to become a regular occurrence. Especially with the UEG foundation day right around the corner and us celebrating the existence of the younger generation who did not have to grow up with the consequence of war"

"…….Are you serious?"

"I am very serious Thomas. It appears that there is a race of idiots that are using literal bombs as FTL engines out there. Even better, they use upscaled versions of these bombs that work like something that I can only call magic Railguns to shoot themselves across the stars like a twisted version of Pong. The device around Pluto is one of the said railguns. And then there is the fact that they are not the only race of idiots that use this absurdly dangerous method of travel either, from what we managed to extract from the 'Codex' as it is called, there are at least 14 other active races and hundreds of extinct races that used this method of travel."

"….Just when did the universe stop making sense? Also, how is it possible for so many races to develop the exact same way of travel?"

"My guess? Manipulation from an advanced civilization either active or extinct. For what purpose? I don't know but I don't think I want to know either"

Thomas looked towards Anderson who was holding a glass of Vodka to his head.

"…What happened to him?"

"He is having a hard time understanding how so many races can lack common sense collectively"

"Hmm, sounds about right"

"For now, we need to figure out how to get rid of the so-called 'Mass relay' from Sol. That thing is a security threat to the entire system"

"What do you suggest AMI?"

"I am thinking VHOLE bombs"

At her words, the others in the council fell silent as they stared in shock at her.

"….You want to use the very same weapons that YOU made sure would never see the light of the day when it was first developed?"

"Desperate times need desperate actions, Thomas. Besides, the material that makes up the device is something that we have never seen. There is no telling what kind of reaction it would have to our conventional weapons. The only safe bet is to use the VHOLE bombs"

At her words, everyone started to consider her words seriously and realized that she was right.

The VHOLE bomb was first conceived by DOLOS Inc during the initial days of the extra-solar colonization in preparation for an eventual civil war between Earth and her colonies. Thankfully, such a war never took place since the Human race was now much more connected than ever before in history thanks to Telepathy, allowing for most conflicts of interest to be resolved simply by talking.

AMI, EDDEN, and many other AI that were in charge of watching over the civilian enterprises to prevent the rise of another RDA immediately banned the manufacturing of the VHOLE bomb when they learned of its existence.

The reason for such swift action was because of how damaging the bomb is to both self-similar space and real space.

The bomb worked by intentionally overloading the VHOLE engine built into it to jump into the highest possible plane of existence in the Self-similar space and then detonating a miniature fission bomb to destroy the VHOLE engine mid-jump, causing the objects caught in its jump radius to be pulled apart in multiple directions, dimensions and time, destroying the object on a fundamental level.

But testing showed that this weapon caused massive damage to Self-similar space that needed at least a few months to repair itself making that part of self-similar space inaccessible for a time.

However, in light of the current situation, the council had no choice but to seriously consider using such a dangerous weapon if they want to secure the star system and the lives of trillions of Humans.

"…. Let's put it to a vote"

At Thomas's words, everyone nodded and put in their votes.

The tally showed 4 for using the weapon, and 2 against it.

"It is decided then. Anderson, inform DOLOS to send the weapon to your ship, UEG Hercules. I want that magic railgun destroyed by tomorrow"

Anderson nodded and he got up and walked out of the room to begin preparing.

The council can only hope that they are doing the right thing using such a dangerous weapon.
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Chapter 5

The world shook as another massive explosion rocked the defenses of the Hell's Gate as Jake ordered the few dozen Na'vi hunters to retreat as the Invaders of Pandora, now known to the Na'vi as the four-eyed Demons, started a strategic retreat back towards the remains of the tree of souls.

The Na'vi that numbered a few thousand several months ago were now only numbered in the hundreds and the numbers kept falling fast as every two days, the invaders would launch an attack on the settlements of the Na'vi survivors, slowly pushing them deeper and deeper into the land that once hosted the mining facilities of the RDA.

Then, a week ago, the invaders launched an attack and dealt a devastating blow to the people of Pandora by destroying the Tree of Souls using powerful kinetic weapons.

Ever since then, the loss of morale and rapidly depleting resources combined with the number of hunters who lost their loved ones increasing every day, the Na'vi were rapidly losing this fight.

Most of the humans are already dead with only a handful of them left alive and wounded. They won't last much longer either since the Na'vi are incapable of healing humans and the humans don't have Avatar bodies to transfer their consciousness into. Even if they did, how would they transfer them now that the tree of souls is destroyed?

The Na'vi have also long since given up on receiving any help from the humans of Earth, the Sky people as they have not received any kind of communication from them. Even if they would help, it would take them years to get to Pandora even if they improved upon their spaceships in the past 300 years.

Now, all that remains of the last living resistance on this planet was located at the Hell's Gate where Jake alone was mobilizing what little remains of the Na'vi to hold out until they get the ISV ships to work and get them off Pandora.

Jake was now determined to get the Na'vi off-world since there was nothing left for them here.

The wildlife is either dead or taken off the world by the Invaders. The tree of souls, the oceans, the volcanos, everything that the different tribes held as sacred has already been either nuked or taken over by the invaders.

Eywa can't help them since she is dying. She has been unresponsive since the Invaders discovered her existence through the flora of the world and torched almost all the forests on Pandora.

The Na'vi once called the Humans as the Sky Demons. Now, they know what real demons are like.

Gunfire continued to ring out as the Invaders slowly retreated until they reached their strange ships and flew back north where they had a base set up.

Any brave Na'vi that had tried to attack that base had never come back alive.

"just how long must we continue like this?"

Jake looked towards his son.

"The ISVs are nearly done being filled with necessary supplies. Your sister says that we will be ready to go in two days"

Lo'ak did not reply but just continued to look at the horizon. Where there were once the massive forests of his childhood, now only ashes remain.

It was in times like these that he wondered why his family was cursed with longer lifespans, forced to witness all this destruction.

Human scientists had theorized that the combination of human DNA with Na'vi DNA was the cause of the extremely long lifespan that his father and in turn his children had. An undiscovered quality, they said.

But it has always felt like a curse to the Sully family.

First, they had to watch their mother pass away from old age. Then, they watched their friends and lovers pass away. Then they lived long enough to watch their children pass away with age as well.

Now, they might as well live long enough to see the demise of their people.


At the shout of his daughter, Jake jumped up from his position with his gun in his hands as his son was not far behind him.

The two worried men ran towards the voice as they arrived at the lab where Kiri was working with her sister to take care of the wounded humans and Na'vi.

When they arrived they only found Tuktirey who was panicking and gesturing toward the hallway leading to the command center of the facility.

"Dad! Kiri ran towards the command center when we heard strange noises from there"

The two men did not stop and started running toward the command center where they found an anxious Kiri trying to stop a bleeding Ren who was speaking into the mic.

"This is the UEG Ares with the 1st Patrol fleet of the UEG Navy. If there is anyone still alive down there, respond. Over"

"UEG Ares, This is Ren Patel with the Na'vi resistance. We have wounded here and we need help"

"This is the UEG Ares with the 1st Patrol fleet of the UEG Navy. I am repeating the message again, if there is anyone alive down there, respond. You have one hour to respond before we leave back to Earth. We will leave this channel open for any communication."

"Damnit! They can't hear us! There must have been significant changes made to the communication protocols in the past three centuries causing our communication systems to be incompatible"

Patel nearly fell off his wheelchair when Kiri held him down.

"Stop it, Ren. Your wounds are opening up again. We will find a way to contact them"

"How Kiri? We only have an hour! If we don't-"

Their words were cut off when the sound of a distant explosion alerted them all followed by a massive flash of light in the night sky.

Within seconds, the entirety of the fighting force of the Na'vi came out of the complex and watched the spectacle of countless meteors falling from the sky.

"….I have never seen a meteor shower on Pandora before"

"I don't think that a meteor shower Jake"

For a moment, hopelessness filled the hearts of all those who knew about the message they received just a few minutes ago as they believed that the humans that had arrived were killed by the Invaders.

At least, that is what they thought until they saw hundreds upon hundreds of drop pods fall into the atmosphere directly on top of the location that the Na'vi knew was the base of the Invaders.

The Na'vi looked at each other in bewilderment as they struggled to understand just what was happening.

"….Can this day get any weirder?"

Kiri's words went unanswered as Jake rallied the Na'vi warriors to ride with him to the enemy base. With the Sky people attacking the base, the Na'vi might have the chance to actually breach through the base to search for their loved ones.

(A few minutes ago)

With a flash of light, four IXION class military ships and dozens of Reclamations class ships materialized in real space just 2 AUs from the Exomoon Pandora.

"VHOLE jump successful General. All systems are green, receiving the same reports from the rest of the fleet. Scans show negative contact on any kind of ships in the system aside from our own"

General Williams nodded and looked towards the young Ensign in charge of communications.

"Send word back to command that we have successfully jumped into the system and there is no sign of any of the so-called 'Batarians'. We are proceeding with our mission of deploying the VHOLE bomb and getting rid of the mass relay in this system that led that strey Batarian vessel directly to Sol"

"Affirmative General, message sent"

Williams looked through the transparent Titanium windows to see the exomoon that was once considered the new hope of mankind centuries ago but turned out to be its doom instead.

These primitives denied humanity its salvation. Yet here he was, forced to extend a helping hand despite their actions in the past because AMI wanted to give them a second chance.

Although he did not question why the timing of her apparent empathy for the blue monkeys lined up with the sudden appearance of a new threat towards Sol.

He squared his shoulder and spoke the message that he was told to repeat by AMI once they arrived over Pandora.

"This is the UEG Ares with the 1st Patrol fleet of the UEG Navy. If there is anyone still alive down there, respond. Over"

All that he received in response was static.

"This is the UEG Ares with the 1st Patrol fleet of the UEG Navy. I am repeating the message again, if there is anyone alive down there, respond. You have one hour to respond before we leave back to Earth. We will leave this channel open for any communication."

"I can't believe we are helping these bastards"

Even though General Williams heard the whispers of the soldier manning CIC, he did not point it out since he felt the same way.

Suddenly, alarms started to blare as he looked at his screens showing contacts. Rapidly climbing through the atmosphere of Pandora.

"Sir! We have three bogies rapidly ascending through the atmosphere. Two smaller vessels and a big one. The big one matches the ship that the home fleet shot down last week. It's the Batarians"

"Release the Drones, prioritize the big ship, and try to acquire it intact. We have no need for the smaller ships"

At his words, the combat drones were released that quickly swarmed the ascending ships and captured them in their gravity repulsors. At the same time, mining drones descended on the smaller ships and started to strip them to their core in a matter of minutes.

Perhaps, the crew of the bigger ship decided to go out like heroes or were too cowardly to face their enemy, because the bigger ship suddenly blew up and destroyed the drones around it.

"The enemy ship has used some form of self-destruction. 30% loss in combat drones and 10% loss in mining drones confirmed"

"Hmm, not much was lost then. All right, let's continue with the mission. Deploy the Marines and the Combat drones. I want the Batarian planet-side base to be in my control within the next hour. The quicker we deal with this the faster we can get away from this pathetic little hellhole"

"Affirmative. Standby for Titanfall"

The deck went silent as the General stared at the young soldier who started to turn red in embarrassment.

"….Ensign Greyson. Was that a video game reference?"

"….Yes sir. Sorry sir"

"Hmm. It has a good ring to it. Permission granted to continue using that phrase for Orbital Insertion from now on"

The Ensign brightened up and nodded enthusiastically while General Williams just gave an amused smirk.

It made him happy to see that the younger generation was now starting to get into pop culture and think about their future freely and indulge in their hobbies, unlike his generation which faced the threat of starvation or war for years on end. This was the kind of future for which he supported Thomas, Jack, and Anderson in establishing the UEG back during the early days of after the war and he is really glad that he did.

Williams watched as the marine sector of the UEG Ares, UEG Artemis, UEG Hermes, and UEG Apollo opened up and released drop pods containing Homo Proximus marines wearing exoskeleton armors and AMP MK.4 suits operated by their companion AIs.

Following the drop-pods was a literal swarm of thousands of combat drones equipped with powerful close-range lasers, long-range hypersonic missiles, Ion thrusters for extreme speed maneuvers and atmospheric entry/exit, Gravity repulsors for the capture of precious cargo, and Unobtanium-based shielding to maintain their instrument and sensor functionality on the planet's most extreme of circumstances.

He can only hope that the troops of the Batarians can at least put up a good fight for his marines to work as a stress relief. Because they have been very cranky the past few days after they were forced on this assignment of having to assist the very traitors and primitives that were directly responsible for the war and the early death of their parent's generation.
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Chapter 6
As the drop pods landed with a thundering explosion on the Batarian base, the pirate group panicked and immediately open fire with their mass accelerator rifles and hydra launchers on the drop pods even before they opened.

Unfortunately, the projectiles that were the size of a grain of sand from the rifles and the low-yield explosive rockets from the hydra were completely useless against the 60 cm thick Titanium-tungsten high entropy alloy that could withstand a nuclear weapon.

As the Batarians continued to fire uselessly, they completely missed the arrival of thousands of Combat drones equipped with close-range laser weapons that took out the resistance around the drop pods, allowing them to safely open.

The drop pods slowly opened to reveal the massive 10 feet high, armored forms of the Homo Proximus holding portable railguns and the 13 feet unmanned AMP suits that their AI companions used carrying coil guns and shoulder-mounted missile launchers.

The marines looked around at the dead bodies that were already being carried into an outdated Valkyrie drop ship that had arrived with them by the drones to be studied by Cerberus to find any weaknesses in their physiology.

Unfortunately, the UEG could not deploy its latest generation of dropships, the Einherjar, with the fleet since Pandora's dense atmosphere and its lower gravity would cause their fusion engines to produce too much thrust and cause extreme difficulty in its maneuverability on Pandora.

The marines did not get much time to look at their surroundings as over the other side of the base, Batarian aircrafts and their heavy artillery were detected converging on their position along with a considerable infantry.

"Well, Major. Shall we get to work?"

"Corporal Jenkins, don't make jokes while we are in the middle of a fight"

"A fight Major Williams? This is more like a massacre"

Major Ashley Williams grunted but did not reply since she knew well that the Batarian forces of this world did not pose much of a threat to her marines.

She simply sent the drones a telepathic command to attack and leisurely walked into the base as her marines followed her. Relaxed yet ready to act.

"Insertion team, with me. Rest of you, form a perimeter and don't let anything through"

"Yes mam"

The marines formed a perimeter around the central pre-fabricated building of the Batarian camp as the insertion team led by Major Williams headed in.

"Insertion team to UEG Ares"

"This is UEG Ares, go ahead Major"

"We are at the Batarian base. Multiple air vehicles and heavy artillery were detected along with a higher number of infantry than predicted. Threat level is estimated to be minimal to moderate. Proceeding with Operation:Black star"

"Copy that Insertion team. Proceed with caution. The objective is of unknown design and might pose a significant threat, keep at least twenty drones with you all the time to act as shields in case of an unexpected situation"

"Affirmative. Insertion team out"

The team slowly walked into the Batarian pre-fabricated facility using their scanners to make their way deeper. Soon, they arrived at an entrance to what appeared to be some kind of a natural tunnel that was lit up with electrical lighting.

The Insertion team walked for a few minutes and they soon arrived at a massive opening in the cave. At the center of the cave was a strange metallic sphere that their scanners were unable to make any sense of.

Ashley ordered two of the drones to approach the device and use gravity repulsors to take it back with them as the insertion team rushed back to the surface.

"Insertion team to UEG Ares. We have the target secured, awaiting extraction"

"Good work. ETA to extraction 3 minutes"

But just as Ashley received confirmation for the extraction, the northern side of the base surged with activity as the rushing Infantry of the Batarians got into enough range to be seen through naked eyes.

But for all of their pomp, they fell like flies when the thousands of combat drones fell upon them like a swarm of angry bees. Within seconds, the last of the infantry was dead, leaving behind the aircraft that now took to even higher altitudes in the hope to escape the drones while the heavy artillery started to back up while taking potshots at her marines.

While their 155 mm Mass accelerated cannons dealt some damage to her marines and the AMP suits, it was relatively low compared to what the combat drones were doing to them.

She commanded the drones to take precision shots with their lasers to kill the Batarians inside but leave the vehicles intact for the sake of studying them.

Within minutes, the drones took out the Batarians inside the artillery using their inbuilt life sensors. While this was happening, the AMP suits deployed their Ion thrusters and took to the skies, chasing the enemy aircrafts and taking them out with their missile launchers.

Within minutes, the entire base was cleared just in time for another Valkyrie transport to arrive as the drones deposited the alien artifact inside for extraction. The only survivor was the leader of this particular band of Batarians that the drones had identified during their assault and imprisoned with gravity repulsors and transported into the Valkyrie with two of the Marines to act as escorts for the prisoner.

"Ground team! We are detecting a massive swarm of native fauna headed your way. Based on their movement, we have concluded that it is a herd of Direhorses and a few Banshees. ETA to contact is 5 minutes"

"Valkyrie 02 lift off immediately, we will have a swarm of drones cover your retreat!"

"Affirmative Major. Preparing for take-off"

The Valkyrie ship immediately started to hover in the air as a swarm of drones formed a literal layer of armor around it. Within seconds, the ship took off into the atmosphere along with the drones to safely transport the artifact to UEG Ares.

Once the ship was gone, the Marines organized themselves into a formation as the swarm of drones formed a protective wall, followed by the AMP suits providing cover for the marines to hide behind.

"Oh boy, here comes the hard part"

"Can it, Jenkins. This is why we were officially here anyways"

"…I still can't believe we are helping them, the higher-ups were close to literally spitting fire in rage when we left Sol"

"….Not exactly"

At the telepathing transmission of his confusion, Ashley sighed and elaborated.

"While the official reason for an entire fleet of military ships to arrive in this system was given as a helping hand for the natives, the real reason was for that artifact that we just found and the chance to gain additional information on the Batarians, and by extension, the Citidal council"

"….Then, we are really not here to help?"

"Oh we will help, if they agree to certain conditions"

"And what are the conditions?"

"That is up to high command"

Jenkins transmitted his incredulousness at her words.

"Since when did you start keeping secrets from me, Ash?"

"Call me Major when we are on the job, and no, I am not keeping a secret. It is literally up to my the council to decide the terms for the natives"

"But why though?"

"Partly because the high command is not even sure what to ask from the natives in exchange for our help. From what the scans have shown, the western part of the world, where large quantities of Unobtanium are located, has been scorched with nukes by the Batarians, making it so that we don't even need to ask the natives for permission to mine it if we wanted to, which we don't by the way. The Northern and eastern parts where our records state to be the densest populations of Tulkuns are located are also similarly dead, making it impossible for us to get a sample of Amrita to synthesize an artificial version. As for any resource that the Na'vi or the old humans can provide, they are of no use to us"

"Then why not just help them and call it day? It's not like it will be that much of a task for us"

"And have more than half of the UEG civilians, soldiers, government workers, and companies protest the actions of the UEG in assisting 'The enemies of Humanity' for no reason at all?"

"….Damn. I didn't know the situation was that bad for the natives"

"Hah, serves them right for what they did"

At the words of one of the oldest marines in the group, the younger marines started to radiate more uncomfortable emotions as more of the older generation nodded in affirmation with the one who spoke and Ashley sighed.

While the peace the UEG brought with its creation did wonders for humanity, it also caused a slight rift between the first generation of Homo Proximus and the rest of the generations.

The younger generations understood the reason for the first generation's anger for anything related to Pandora, but that did not mean they condoned the frankly extreme action proposed by the older members of their society. This problem became even worse when considering that most of the high command of UEG was made up of the first generation, causing friction between the lower spectrum of UEG and the higher-ups.

Thankfully, the existence of Telepathy allowed for any such friction to be resolved peacefully most of the time.

Ashley stopped thinking about the awkward situation between the older generation and the younger generation when she heard the shouts that her suit's computer identified as Na'vi calls for attack followed by the eastern gate of the base being blown off by some kind of a rocket launcher followed by a cavalry charge of the Direhorse mounted Na'vi.

But the Na'vi came to a screeching halt when they realized that there were no Invaders in sight, only the slightly familiar looking AMP suits and unknown machines that were definitely of Sky people's make.

The two Banshee riders in the sky faced the same dilemma as instead of multiple Invader aircraft doggedly attacking them, they found the skied to be largely clear except for the swarms of flying machines that were the size of an average Sky people in their camp.

Ashley started walking forward to greet the natives and inform them about the situation but was cut off when, suddenly, she was surrounded in a protective formation by the older members of the marine corps who had their railguns pointed toward the suddenly nervous Na'vi. Well, one Na'vi in particular.

"Captain Conners! What are you doing??"

"With all due respect, Major, we are making sure that the enemy does not initiate a sneak attack on you"

"Enemy? What enemy?"


At the Captain's shout, Ashley looked towards the direction where he was pointing to find a strangely familiar face that was looking at them with apprehension while the surrounding Na'vi were slowly drawing their bows.

It took her a moment to realize that it was none other than the most infamous traitor in recent human history, Jake Sully.

No wonder the older generation covered her from all sides. For the first generation, he was nothing short of evil incarnate that directly caused WW4.

She really had her work cut out if she had to juggle between managing her overtly hostile marines and the skittish and dangerous natives to reach a relatively peaceful conclusion for this disaster of an expedition.

Somehow, she knew her grandfather was responsible for putting her in this situation to make her gain more 'experience' in becoming a military leader.
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Chapter 7
Arh'ton Ba'or, the leader of one of the biggest pirate groups of Omega, watched as his men ran around the ship, sorting the new supply of slaves from the so-called 'Na'vi' and the 'Humans' into their cages to allow for easier transport to Omega.

It was a shame that he had to leave behind two of the three Prothean beacons on that planet, but his life was more important to him than whatever he could gain from selling those on the black market.

It was supposed to be an easy job. Fly through a dormant Relay, locate an Exomoon orbiting a gas giant according to the navigational information provided to him by his client, locate the Prothean beacon, and get it back to his client.

Except, instead of a single beacon, his crew found three, and one of the beacons was already discovered by the natives by the time he arrived. That was not the only thing.

The beacons on this world were completely different from everything else that was ever found. For once, these beacons did not appear as large pillars of metal and lights, but rather, as metallic spheres. At first, Arh'ton doubted that they were Prothean beacons, but a thorough scan from his ship revealed that they were of Prothean make. This was exactly the reason why the Natives were able to so easily move the Beacon along with their main force wherever they went.

So Arh'ton did what any Batarian would do in his situation and bombed the location of the primitive tribe that was holding the beacon in their lands to find it.

That was when he saw the first glimpses of the Natives and got tempted by his greed.

Their blue skin, lithe forms, strange and exotic beauty, and their warrior instincts would make them the perfect slaves for the markets. They might even outshine the Asari as the most premium slaves to trade in Omega. Not to mention the value that Humans would have for many a Salarian scientist.

So he ordered his men to start their attacks just like they usually do on frontier worlds of the Citadel space.

Then, he came across the other intelligent species on the planet.

These beings looked shockingly similar to the Asari. The only difference was the skin color, their two genders, the absence of a crest, and the presence of strange fur on their heads.

This planet was turning out to be a treasure trove for him. But his efforts were suddenly being resisted by the strangely coordinated attacks of the native flora and fauna.

He may be a pirate but he is not stupid, so he had his men investigate what was happening. Fortunately, there were a few former STG agents and scientists in his group which made it easier for him to locate the source of his problem.

It was something that he had never seen or even heard of. A worldwide network of plant life that ended up gaining limited sentience. This intelligence seemed to be connected to the natives in some way and was protecting them in what little way it could.

It would have been amazing if not for the fact that this intelligence has no concept of military tactics, making it laughable and easy to destroy the fauna with their large-scale weapons.

Since they were a pirate group, they did not need to adhere to Council laws, so they directly used nuclear devices to destroy all the sites that seemed to be connected to this entity.

For months, Arh'ton and his crew enslaved thousands of the Na'vi and other species of creatures in the world to be sold as exotic pets.

But no matter what he did, the main forces of the natives and the Prothean beacon they held continued to elude his capture teams. He even lost more than ten drop ships on that world.

Just as he was preparing to bomb what little remained of the life on the planet with nuclear weapons, something strange happened.

The gravitation sensors on his Dreadnought went haywire as the power readings in the local star system went through the roof, indicating that something big had arrived in the star system.

With experience gained from being a pirate for more than three decades, he immediately had his fleet consisting of his Dreadnought, five cruisers, and ten Frigates leave through the Mass Relay leading back to the formerly dormant relays of the local cluster and back to the Kite's Nest, home of the Batarian race.

But he did not fail to leave behind a communication device in the system so that he could hear his men on the surface of the exomoon.

His quick decision turned out to be the right one as soon after he left, he lost the life signs of all his men and the signals from his dropships and the commander of the ground forces.

Thankfully, he still managed to get his hands on a Prothean beacon. He just had to be careful not to mention the existence of two other beacons on that moon since his client probably had no idea about them.

"Captain, we are ready"

Arh'ton nodded at his Turian second in command.

"Good, let's get out of this accursed place. We cannot allow whatever took out our ground team to find us"

"….Why are we even running away in the first place? Especially from a bunch of primitives?"

"..First off, we are running because I am not so stupid as to attack an enemy without knowing their weakness first. Second, what makes you think they are primitives?"

"Isn't it obvious? Our scanners did not detect any kind of eezo in the star system even after the anomaly appeared, this means that it is just a bunch of primitives that have no idea about mass effect physics"

Arh'ton looked at the Turian with a strange mix of dumbfounded and pitying looks. He started to wonder how such an idiot even managed to live as long as he did in Omega of all places.

"Let's just get out of here"

His crew complied as they activated the Mass Relay and headed out to Caleston Rift and then head to Omega.

He hoped that his client, an Asari by the name of Benezia, would pay him extra. He needed the extra credits to hire a new Ground crew.
Chapter 8
Ashley Williams sat opposite to Jake sully as her older marines still refused to leave her unguarded and stood just behind her, a sentiment that seem to also be present in the Na'vi as several of their hunters were standing behind Jake sully with their hands ready on their bows.

The uncomfortable atmosphere was only worsening by the minute as the wide eyes of Na'vi continued to stare at the form of Homo Proximus with shock, fear, and a whole range of other emotions. A situation that Ashley could not blame them for.

After all, anyone would be shocked to see that the tiny invaders they sent packing back to their home returned as absolute tanks 10 feet tall and muscular enough to wrestle with an elephant and win.

Jake was no exception to this either. At first, he thought that this was a new kind of Avatar program with humans now piloting upscaled human bodies instead of Na'vi but soon realized that was not the case after speaking with Ashley about it. While she had not revealed much about the state of human society in Sol as it is now, she did inform him of the Homo Proximus and how they were born.

After hearing about this, Jake soon started harboring hope that there might be a solution to the problem of the extinction of 90% of flora and fauna on the planet because of the Demons.

But first, he will have to negotiate terms for saving his people and the 'Old humans' as the Humans of Earth are calling them. Something that he was finding great difficulty in accomplishing right now.

"There has to be some way you can help us. With the technology that you seem to have now, you could easily save the Na'vi. So why don't you?"

"….Putting aside that arrogant way of speaking to a Major of the UEG and the selfishness of that statement. There is no way the older generation back home, the same generation that controls most of UEG I might add, will tolerate helping you just out of goodwill. Especially when we consider that the Na'vi and the humans of Pandora ignored our pleas for help just after WW4. We begged you to provide us with residence on your planet until we rebuilt our own. We even promised not to use any of our advanced techs or harvest any resources from Pandora. But you ignored us, left us for dead. So it can already be considered as being too kind by arriving on this planet to just hear you out"

"……But this is your chance to prove that you are better than us-"

"Frankly, Jake Sully, we have nothing to prove to you or your primitive tribe of cat people. As for the old humans, we are willing to take them back to Earth if they agree to it. But make no mistake, they will only be provided with the standards of living that every human on earth enjoys free of cost. That means enough food with enough variety to eat healthily and indulge themselves on the first of every month, free standard clothing. Free water, electricity, and a decent-sized home anywhere on Earth or her colonies. They will have to earn anything more than that by working jobs just like any other human on Earth. They will also be monitored 24/7 by AI companions we assign to them to make sure they don't attempt anything to provide your people with information or technology from the UEG"

Jake's despair started to build up the more Ashley spoke, realizing that his dismissal of their plea for help all those years ago has ended up being more of a problem than he ever thought.

"….I think we will take our chances on Pandora," One of the Avatars being used by the humans in Hell's Gate said as the other two Avatars in the room nodded.

"If that is your wish"

At Ashley's straightforward dismissal, the Avatars were stunned. They had thought that the UEG must have sent her to pick up the humans since they had valuable intel on Pandora as humans that were brought up on Pandora, but it would seem they were wrong.

The humans of Earth really did not care about Pandora or the people on it.

"…..Just what can we do for you to make you change your mind"

"You will have to wait until tomorrow to know the answer to that. I have already informed high command about the current situation on Pandora. They are debating what you can give us in return for helping you and will probably be done by tomorrow morning"

"But that is unfair!! Why can't you just help us? We have children here-"

At his raised voice, the marines around Ashley immediately leveled their railguns on Jake and the Na'vi who in turn raised their bows and arrows.

One of the marines sneered at Jake.

"If you are really that desperate, why don't you call upon that goddess of yours like you did against our ancestors? Traitor"


At his shout, many of the Na'vi's bodies slackened slightly in despair as their eyes became clouded with grief.

The marines simply looked at each other with raised eyebrows and shrugged since Eywa's survival had nothing to do with them.

"Then that just means that you will have to learn to live on your own for once and not depend on a nebulous entity for your protection"

Soon, the room devolved into a mix of taunts, jeers, and shouting matches from both sides before Ashley had enough and banged the metal table hard enough to form a massive dent. A show of force that did not escape the keen eyes of the Na'vi who started becoming even more nervous and afraid of this new form of Sky people.

"…. What if we have something that we can trade for your help?"

"That would indeed help with convincing the higher-ups, but right now you have nothing that can do that. We have no need for Unobtanium, all the Tulkun are dead as far as we can tell so no Amrita to trade, that just leaves you people with the other flora and fauna which we have no interest in"

"What about an alien artifact?"

Ashley simply raised an eyebrow at that.

"If you mean intact ships or equipment from the Batarians then don't bother. We have enough of it to study back home"

"What is a Batarian?"

At Jake's words, Ashley gave him a deadpan look.

"You don't even know the name of the race of beings that has been fighting you all this time? You have fallen very far ex-marine"

Jake winced at her words. It was indeed true that he had long since abandoned his humanity and adopted the Na'vi's way of thinking, causing him to forget the basics of intel gathering.

Ignoring the jab, he steeled himself.

"Getting back to the topic, I am not speaking about the machines of the Demons. I speak of the artifact we found at the bottom of one of our oceans over a year and a half ago"

At his words, Ashley's brows furrowed. She immediately connected with UEG Ares.

"Ground team to UEG Ares. Do we have any anomalous reading on Pandora?"

"Negative Ground Team. But there is a chance that our equipment would not be able to detect them if they existed. We only realized the existence of the so-called 'Prothean Beacon' on Pandora thanks to the data we pulled from the computers of the Batarian Frigate that accidentally stumbled upon Sol"


With the conversation over, she turned back towards Jake.

"I want you to show me the artifact before we make any decisions"

"No, I want a guarantee from you that you will help my people"

At his assertive words and the sudden smug look, Ashley Williams's temper flared as she pressed down on him with her telekinesis. The Na'vi leader was immediately pressed onto the table due to her telekinetic might while the rest of the Na'vi found themselves to be unable to move due to the combined telekinetic force of the marines in the room.

"Make no mistake Jake Sully, you are in no position to demand anything of us. Now, show me the artifact to see if it is worth the effort of saving your primitive species. Because if it is not, you are on your own, and trust me, the only reason I am not allowing my marines to crush you and yours like empty soda cans is that I am as hostile towards Pandora as the older generation. Don't force me to change my stance"

Once she was done speaking, she let go of Jake as he started to breathe deeply to regain control of his shaking body. In fact, he was doing very well compared to the rest of the Na'vi who looked ready to pass out.

With the show of force, he has now lost all his bravado and silently guided them to the artifact.

As the humans walked behind Sully through the caves near Hell's Gate, the Na'vi stared in shocked silence at the towering forms of their former enemies.

Two, in particular, stared with their jaws hanging. Lo'ak first thought that the massive beings were Na'vi-sized human avatars, but it was a hypothesis they developed only to assure themselves of their superiority.

As they slowly walked through the caves, Jake walked to the edge of a chasm before jumping onto a hanging rope and jumping across. He looked back at the humans to see their response, only to be shocked when the entire squad of marines cleared the chasm with a single jump while the AMP suits used their ion thrusters to clear the jump.

"Why are you all living in the caves anyway?"

At Ashley's words, Jake gave a cold look towards her.

"You know very well why. The Omaticaya clan's home tree was first destroyed by the RDA, then they returned after we banished them and destroyed the rest of the forests. Then, just as the forests started to grow back after the three centuries of rebuilding, the demons destroyed them again"

The Na'vi following them showed a look of sorrow as Jake's face went blank.

"And as if that was not enough, they destroyed the floating mountains. They used a strange form of Kinetic weapons to directly destroy the floating landmasses from orbit. This method was used repeatedly to destroy all our sacred spots in the world"

Ashley winced at that. Seeing the images and words on a datapad was one thing, looking at the despair of the locals as they recounted the tales was something else.

This also confirms that their information was accurate about the current situation of Pandora.

The rest of the trip was spent in silence as the marines looked at their surroundings. As they watched the injured hunters, grieving mothers and children, and the hollow look in some of the Na'vi as they simply stared at the marines, they started to feel pity. Even the older generation of Marines started to feel a little bad about the situation of the Na'vi.

Ashley did not miss this change in their mental state as she felt the shift in their emotions and inwardly sighed. At least, her marines were not as heartless as she believed, and that was a good thing.

Soon, they arrived at a massive opening in the cave that led to a chamber that held a familiar floating metallic sphere. But unlike the previous one that they had retrieved, this one was glowing with a faint blue light.

"This is the artifact that we found. When we first found it, it was not glowing like it is now. It only started to do that when my youngest daughter did something"

Ashley ordered one of her AMP suits to scan the artifact as she turned to Jake.

"And where is your youngest?"

Jake's expression darkened with despair.

"She is gone. She was one of the first to be taken by the Demons. I have been trying to find her ever since, but I have only encountered failure after failure"

Ashley looked at the artifact again and came to a decision.

"In that case, your daughter has jumped on the list to top priority. I will have to inform my superiors. Get the Na'vi ready for transport"

At her words, Jake's eyes shone with hope just as the handful of other Na'vi with him.

"Does that mean?"

"Yes. We will help you in exchange for the artifact and whatever information your daughter can provide us on the device once we find her"
Chapter 9
Sathor Gressemon, the leader of the Batarian colony on Erszbat hid a cruel smile as he watched the new batch of slaves being dropped off by the mercenaries that he brought them from in Omega.

It was a good haul, facilitated by the discovery of a primitive species in an uncharted world.

These Na'vi were really something else to look at. He wondered if he should take a couple of them with him to his chambers. Then he realized that it would be more trouble than they are worth, what with their exceptional strength that was only below that of a Krogan.

Once again, he felt thankful to his benefactors who provided him with powerful Eezo collars that simulated twice the gravitational pull and only 70% of the atmospheric pressure of their homeworld on their bodies, rendering their agility-based bodies to slow down considerably and causing difficulty breathing, not enough to kill them but enough to reduce them to weaklings that could be easily handled.

But what really interested him was the other slaves that were brought along as well.

Humans, they are called. A fascinating species with an uncanny, almost unnatural, similarity to the Asari.

And it was not just their appearance as well. The females were so similar to the Asari that if their skin was blue and the fur on the head was shaved, they would easily pass for a slightly deformed Asari who had no crest. He knew this because of the fact that some of the mercenaries had been bored on the way back and had….a bit of experiment let's just say with one of the human females.

The males on the other hand were also quite the specimen according to the mercenaries. Denser muscle mass and lung structures seemed to indicate that they originated from a planet with a less dense atmosphere than the Na'vi, yet much higher gravity resulting in their shorter and stronger frames.

But what truly interested him was the multiple tests run in Omega by some of the local groups consisting of various STG deserters and Salarian scientists.

Their DNA was extremely identical to the Asari, so much so that they theorized that the humans were compatible enough to produce children. And not those 100% Asari children that are born when they are with people of other races. A genuine mix-breed, a combination of Human and Asari DNA. They even think that something in the Human DNA allows them to breed with many humanoid races in the Galaxy.

Although Sathor took those theories with some disbelief since they were, in the end, theories. He will only believe these claims when he sees the proof.

He was brought out of his musing when he heard a familiar scream coming from one of the many storage facilities, instantly souring his mood.

The owner of that scream was one of the reasons why he did not want to own a Na'vi yet.

While their translator software had long since figured out the primitive languages of the Na'vi, most of the Batarian guards chose to turn off that function on their Omnitool whenever they are in the general vicinity of the Na'vi.

Purely because they could not tolerate the utter bullshit that this particular group of primitives spewed.

Seriously? "Massive creatures of metal with tentacles destroying all life among the stars?"

Can they not come up with something more entertaining to threaten the Batarians with?

This issue only started when that group heard the words of the youngest Na'vi that the mercenaries caught before their main objective was completed. They showed no signs of stopping no matter what kinds of torture his guards inflicted on them.

In the end, Sathor and the rest of the Batarians decided to simply ignore the primitives. They threw them in with the unwanted trash of slaves that would never sell on the Homeworld. Soon enough, their colleagues from the industries of Erszbat will arrive to take them off their hands and use them for menial labor.

He breathed in and finally failed to suppress his cruel smirk as he watched the utterly hopeless looks on the faces of the two eyes primitives.

The Na'vi group that was loyal to Jake Sully gathered around the little Na'vi girl that lay on the floor, sweating and experiencing extreme pain as their human friends looked over the girl.

"Whatever that artifact did to her, it is causing her body to degrade at a significant pace. At this rate, she might only have a few months. If we still had access to the healing knowledge of the Tawkami clan, we might have been able to save her, hell, even our equipment would have been enough to stabilize her at the very least. But as it is now, there is nothing we can do"

The Na'vi despaired as their hatred for the creatures that they now know as Batarians increased even further.

As the natives of Pandora despaired, another equally blue, but significantly short being approached the group from the other side of the room.

"Any luck?"

The girl that belonged to the race known as Asari asked as the human shook his head grimly and handed back the device known as an 'Omnitool' to her.

"No. While we were able to find out what was wrong with her, we have no way to cure her"

"Thank you, Maels of the Asari for your help"

One of the Na'vi hunters said as the rest nodded in respect to one of their captors who had been helping them in secret all along.

Maels T'kaeri, one of the mercenaries that was part of Arh'ton's fleet. While she had seen and done many deplorable things in her life due to the circumstances, she did not take joy in seeing a young life suffer.

She did not like it when three of her colleagues, one Turian and two Batarians, took turns playing with the Human female that was part of their haul for Erszbat but she had no real power in the fleet. So she did the only thing she could do and put the poor human out of her misery by shooting her when the three went out of the room to get some 'toys' to use on the human.

She did not like it when the Batarians shot some of the Na'vi who tried to protect their females and children, so she secretly smuggled some of the Medi-gel that she had access to on the ship to them.

She did not like it when the little girl, whose name she learned was Tuktirey, was thrown in the 'useless' room along with many of the older and weaker members of their race despite clearly being sick. So she gave sneakily gave her Omnitool to the human who claimed to be Doctor temporarily so that he could help the girl.

She shook her head to dispel the memories and spoke to the human doctor.

"Come, Max. I need to get you back to the Human side of the facility before my superiors catch my lie about 'having fun' with you"

Max Connor nodded and headed back with the Asari towards the other side of the facility where the human prisoners were being kept for either selling or experimentation.

But just as they started heading for the exit alarms blared around the facility as the Batarian military ran about like headless chickens.

"Attention! Unknown ships detected at the edge of the star system. To all ships, mobilize and destroy the intruders"

The Asari and the Human looked at each other before nodding.

This might be the perfect chance to enact their plan.