
Banned Forever
Ok guys. I'm writing Campione fiction. Japanese light novel series.

The prose is fine. Schlocky harem series involving god-killing. I like the 'gods-descend from world-of-myth' thing, to overlook its flaws. Here's the thing.

The worldbuilding is bare bones. There's jack shit there. Lots of names of the big and powerful guys, but nothing spoken about for things on the ground, or about the smaller traditions? What about the smaller ones, the ones that are the equivalent of a neighbourhood watch? What about smallish charity groups? What about organizations dedicated to causes, like Freedom! or Justice!

I've made one here:

Name: The followers of Saint George

Status: Minor cult

Size: 100-300 members

Available spells: Tracking spells, minor defensive and offensive enchantments, with a particular focus on stealth and mental effects. Large focus on healing. Zero usage of wide-scale destruction spells or spells that are specced for magically powerful opponents.

Goals: To emulate the example of Saint George in this modern day


A cult focused on venerating Saint George the militant saint. A man who, in legend, slew a dragon, saved a town, and saved a princess or beautiful maiden, these cultists seek to emulate his example in the modern world, slaying evil where they could find it and rescuing the innocent. But the modern world it is far harder. Evil stalks, far out of sight, often in areas where the light of law does not touch. Victims suffer in silence, convinced that none will help them. The protectors and lawkeepers turn a blind eye, whether out of apathy or bribe or laziness. Thus, the cult has turned around, shifting from hunting down renegade bandits and marauders in medieval times to another scourge of the human race.

Human trafficking.

The followers of saint george run several detective agencies, all focused on rescuing and finding kidnapping victims. Usage of tracking spells and thaumaturgy means that success is near 100%, and if the victim is not alive, their murderers will not go free. The detective agencies are near pro-bono, their only source of income being a commission they take once in a while from rich personages they use to finance their operations. The cult's more militant arm, however, takes a more proactive and more violent approach to their goal. The cult has personal trainers, artificiers and mages. Not enough to take on any moderately prepared mage battalion, but good enough at taking down terrorists and human traffickers armed with nothing more dangerous than guns and a bazooka.

The militant arm, The Spear of George, is focused around stealth, surprise attacks, night raids, and launching crippling attacks before the enemy even realizes that they are under attack. By the time the enemy realizes that hostilities have begun, the battle has long since ended. This is due to the incident of [Redacted] that caused a fire, causing the deaths of over 50 victims, due to the reckless actions of [redacted]. An enquiry was carried out, and [Redacted], along with several others found to be culpable in his actions, were executed.

The majority of their number are drawn from the people they save. Those who have been caught up in the human trafficking business are very often those without friends or family. Those that none will miss and none will look out for. After being healed by the cult's mages of wounds of both mind and body, they are given the choice to join or leave. Many join, either as mages, bureaucrats, agents, or auxilaries. Even someone without enough magic to even break a matchstick can still fire a gun or throw a grenade.

The cult has made recent forays into politics and law, sending out bribes and hypnotism to weaken human trafficking, corruption, and to weaken domestic abuse. With the exception of several law agencies that have lawyers specialised in working pro bono, these have been mostly unsuccessful, with the exception of senator [Data expunged], who was convicted on 15 counts of pedophilia and possession of several gigabytes of child pornography.


The Spear of Saint George is a militant unit, mostly consisting of magic knights not unlike the Black Copper Cross. None are major mages, all of which are B rank or below. They are often backed up by mortal auxiliaries wielding ranged weapons. A certain point of contention is certain member's decision to use pistols instead of the standard bow and swords of the more orthodox mage organisations. All have access to invisibility potions and sleeping gas, for stealth and capture operations.

The Followers of Saint George have contacts and intelligence services, both in politics and the underworld. Drug smuggling and theft do not interest them, but any hint of human trafficking or illegal prostitution are hunted down and annihilated with extreme prejudice. They have collected blackmail material on several dozen politicians, but due to inexperience has not been able to properly leverage them.

Addendum 1: The massacre at Canton West Elementary School.

Divine ancestor [redacted] had carried out a ritual to liquify the bodies, souls, and minds of the residents of Canton West elementary school, including the 600 elementary school students and their teachers. It was believed that it was a step in her plans to ascend back into a Mother Earth goddess. The Followers of Saint George attacked, attempting to stop her. It was a complete slaughter, with the rescuers defeated by the divine ancestor's own far more experienced and powerful mages, who fought back from their dug-in and fortified positions. The clash ended in the divine ancestor's victory, the death of every single member of the school, and the destruction of a third of The Spear of George's veteran mages, with the exclusion of the founder, [Redacted] who was severely wounded.

Addendum 2: The wanderings of [Redacted]

Following the massacre, [Redacted] is reported to have withdrawn into himself, displaying all the normal signs of guilt and depression. Following a 6 month long absence, he appeared, and announced that he will search for the spear of Saint George, to achieve communion with their god and destroy divine ancestor [redacted]. It appears that the founder himself wishes to use the spear in a ritual to achieve Theurgy*, so that he may gain the necessary magical power to destroy the divine ancestor. It is unknown if such a ritual would work, but if it does, such a thing would catapult The Followers of Saint George to become a major faction.

*Theurgy, the calling down of a god to possess the user's power so as to access that god's power.

So here's the thing. I've found this:

Secret order and society name generator

Seventh Sanctum: Organization Generators

But is there anything more? Any advice here?

The setting itself:

Magic itself seems to be based upon spell words and such, often invoking the names of gods, deities, spirits, or saints
Magic seems to be distinctly lower powered, with the highest level being blowing up a building
Precognition is a thing, but limited to people with lineagues from Divine Ancestors
Gods of steel (warrior heroes) defeating dragons (women goddess) marry the princess (divine ancestor). The moment the warrior god defeats the goddesses, she loses her power, her memories, and falls in love with the hero and marries him (yes, this is kinda fucked up)
The state of the goddess when she loses her power is 'divine ancestor'. Girlish, searching to retake her power, and dangerous.
Power level is: Animal->Mortal->Divine Beast->Divine Ancestor->Heretic God/ Campione
Heretic God/ Camipone: On a whole another level. Immense resistance to magic and 'instincts' and 'luck' that let them match the best human combatants while they are completely untrained. And with insane vitality and durability as well. Basically, undefeatable by modern humanity and mages. Scales up from city to country-busting ability.
Leyline exist. Witches exist.
Humanity is basically bottom barrel in terms of magical power.

Any questions, please ask. I'll try my best to answer.

I just need good help for homebrewing organisations.
Pick a fantasy trope. Pick a non-fantasy group of people. Add water. Shake. Let it sit for five minutes.

Unicorn + Nuns = Order of the Spiral Horn. The nuns basically act as game wardens on a preserve.
Pandora's Box + Therapists = Pandora Boxmakers. They try to tease your evils out of you and store them in little jars.
Dragon Hoard + Accountants = well, this one writes itself.