Vote tally - Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jun 16, 2018 at 8:48 PM, finished with 412 posts and 5 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Agent 99
Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest
Post #1
Post #412


  • [X] Plan Steel Wall
    -[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming
    -[x] cast reinforce on your armor, particularly the shield
    [X] Run to dodge the gunfire. You don't need to outrun the bullet. Which is good, because you can't. You just need to outrun the aim of the person holding the gun.
    [X] Use magic on them again. Maybe this time it'll take them down.
    [X] Use magic on them again. Maybe this time it'll take them down.
    [X] Plan Steel Wall
    -[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming