Vote tally - Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 14, 2018 at 9:43 PM, finished with 45 posts and 16 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Agent 99
Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest
Post #102
Post #146


  • [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
    [X] Magic Knight - While a bit limited in your spells your Arsenal is usually fire balls, thunderstrikes, magic shield bubbles and more. An unlike other Magic users your not as squishy thanks to your powerful magical armor, shield, and weapons.
    [X] That's Jasmine Keller all right. She probably got straight out of bed for this.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
    [X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcereryet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
    [X] That's Jason Keller all right. He probably got straight out of bed for this.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.

    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.

    [X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcerer yet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [x] not to tell him/her.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Psychic: Telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, hypnosis, even a little precognition.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Write in. Summoned Armour
    [X] Write in. Summoned Armour