[X] Plan Cool guys don't look at explosions
-[X] Turn()- Take an extra turn, doubling all actions. All Functions besides Jaunt() are locked for 3 turns. Turn() is locked for 6.
-[X] Load(): Form a volatile Packet. Strike Packet to produce a large blast. (Batter Up: Forms a Target that must be attacked to cause damage.)
-[X] Crash(): Destructive analysis. Weak, short-range. 50% chance of causing the Crash status effect (double all damage, raises all Success Thresholds by 1. Lasts 1d3 turns.)
-[X] Jaunt(): Transport User 3 Spaces down the Distance Meter instantly, negating any attempts to attack them in the interim. Any enemies in the path travelled have a 50% chance of gaining the Green-Gilled status effect.
[X] Plan Double Crash
-[X] Crash(): Destructive analysis. Weak, short-range. 50% chance of causing the Crash status effect (double all damage, raises all Success Thresholds by 1. Lasts 1d3 turns.)
[X] Plan End it.
-[X] Turn()- Take an extra turn, doubling all actions. All Functions besides Jaunt() are locked for 3 turns. Turn() is locked for 6.
-[X] Crash(): Destructive analysis. Weak, short-range. 50% chance of causing the Crash status effect (double all damage, raises all Success Thresholds by 1. Lasts 1d3 turns.)
-[X] Breach(): Pierce Targets with great force across long distances. (Long-Range: Is capable of hitting most Targets without moving into close-range combat.)
-[X] Ping(): a rapid-fire stream of energy bullets. Medium-range. (Spray-And-Pray: Dice Threshold lowered by 1 (7->6))
[X] C-C-C-Combo (Now with even more space!)
-[X] Turn()- Take an extra turn, doubling all actions. All Functions besides Jaunt() are locked for 3 turns. Turn() is locked for 6.
-[X] Swap: Simple- you're on the edge of the map, so switch places with him and get the chance for some distance that way. Free action.
-[X] Disengage: Move out of combat with a Target. Regain 1 point of Aura every round out of direct combat.
-[X] Load(): Form a volatile Packet. Strike Packet to produce a large blast. (Batter Up: Forms a Target that must be attacked to cause damage.)
-[X] Crash(): Destructive analysis. Weak, short-range. 50% chance of causing the Crash status effect (double all damage, raises all Success Thresholds by 1. Lasts 1d3 turns.)
[X] Plan Cool guys don't look at explosions
-[X] Turn()- Take an extra turn, doubling all actions. All Functions besides Jaunt() are locked for 3 turns. Turn() is locked for 6.
-[X] Load(): Form a volatile Packet. Strike Packet to produce a large blast. (Batter Up: Forms a Target that must be attacked to cause damage.)
-[X] Crash(): Destructive analysis. Weak, short-range. 50% chance of causing the Crash status effect (double all damage, raises all Success Thresholds by 1. Lasts 1d3 turns.)
-[X] Jaunt(): Transport User 3 Spaces down the Distance Meter instantly, negating any attempts to attack them in the interim. Any enemies in the path travelled have a 50% chance of gaining the Green-Gilled status effect.