[X] Not Everything, A Much Briefer History Of- don't talk about everything it can do- fess up to making AI, yes, but maybe keep the whole... you know, 'almost shot an heiress's bodyguard in the face' thing a secret. Among other things.
[X] Everything, A Very Much Not Brief History Of- doesn't matter if they don't believe you, you need to get some stuff off your chest. The Process. The Transistor. -[X] Ada. Boriah. -[X] Weiss. Ashford.
[X] Everything, A Very Much Not Brief History Of- doesn't matter if they don't believe you, you need to get some stuff off your chest. The Process. The Transistor.
[X] Not Everything, A Much Briefer History Of- don't talk about everything it can do- fess up to making AI, yes, but maybe keep the whole... you know, 'almost shot an heiress's bodyguard in the face' thing a secret. Among other things. -[X] Also Boriah. Your sister is part of the force that is following him, knowing what he might be after will help them catch the guy and/or protect Ada. -[X] Leave out the eventual ramifications of Cell. When it comes to what is essentially world conquest, infosec is the name of the game. Semblances are bullshit.
[X] Everything, A Very Much Not Brief History Of- doesn't matter if they don't believe you, you need to get some stuff off your chest. The Process. The Transistor. -[X] Ada. Boriah.
[X] Everything, A Very Much Not Brief History Of- doesn't matter if they don't believe you, you need to get some stuff off your chest. The Process. The Transistor. -[X] Weiss. Ashford.
[X] Not Everything, A Much Briefer History Of- don't talk about everything it can do- fess up to making AI, yes, but maybe keep the whole... you know, 'almost shot an heiress's bodyguard in the face' thing a secret. Among other things. -[X] Also Boriah. Your sister is part of the force that is following him, knowing what he might be after will help them catch the guy and/or protect Ada.
[X] Everything, A Very Much Not Brief History Of- doesn't matter if they don't believe you, you need to get some stuff off your chest. The Process. The Transistor.
-[X]Leave out Weiss and Ada.