Vote tally - Hold It In (RWBY/Transistor)

Adhoc vote count started by Prok on Jan 10, 2018 at 6:38 PM, finished with 2036 posts and 49 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Hold It In (RWBY/Transistor)
Post #1
Post #2036


  • [X] Take your return to poverty like a champ. Fix her stuff up sans spyware and walk. Gain the gratitude of the daughter of a very powerful businessman, at the cost of pissing off the businessman himself, maybe.
    -[x] In the long run, having Weiss Schnee in your debt is probably going to be worth a lot more than a new car. The warm fuzzies are a nice perk too. It's certainly more than you were expecting when you arrived at the hotel either way.
    [X] Take your return to poverty like a champ. Fix her stuff up sans spyware and walk. Gain the gratitude of the daughter of a very powerful businessman, at the cost of pissing off the businessman himself, maybe.
    -[X] "I'm sorry Mr. Ashford but my integrity is not for sale."
    [X] Take your return to poverty like a champ. Fix her stuff up sans spyware and walk. Gain the gratitude of the daughter of a very powerful businessman, at the cost of pissing off the businessman himself, maybe.
    [X] Now... hear me out here. He hired you to fix her Scroll, her laptop, and to keep silent about what was on them. Spyware was never mentioned, doesn't factor into the original agreement. You've done steps one and two, but let's be honest, he's paying you 200 grand for step 3.
    [X] Take your return to poverty like a champ. Fix her stuff up sans spyware and walk. Gain the gratitude of the daughter of a very powerful businessman, at the cost of pissing off the businessman himself, maybe.
    -[x] You've done, and will do, what they actually agreed to pay you for. Oh, you still aren't expecting them to follow through... but they're the ones who'll have broken the agreement, not you.
    -[X] "I'm sorry Mr. Ashford but my integrity is not for sale."
    [X] (Write-in)
    -[X] Plan Bounty Hunter.
    -[X] Track down the creator of the virus. Alter current agreement with SDC and offer to serve as an expert witness in prosecution of the Viral Villain. Do not wipe anything because we need the evidence. Negotiate payment.
    [X] Take your return to poverty like a champ. Fix her stuff up sans spyware and walk. Gain the gratitude of the daughter of a very powerful businessman, at the cost of pissing off the businessman himself, maybe.
    [X] If we can Turn() without provoking anyone, since we already have the Transistor nearby and have used Aura and Restore(), do so. We need time to think if we're going to pull this off. Having the time to actually think through our argument instead of flying by the seat of our pants is useful.
    -[x] "I've been hired to fix her computer and Scroll. Miss Schnee views this spyware as undesirable, and, since she is the owner, she has the right to request it be removed."
    -[x] "That said, I do appreciate your desire to keep her safe, but a grown man hijacking the webcamera of a young woman?" Leave off exactly here because going any further belabors a point.
    -[x] "I'm sure Miss Schnee is perfectly capable of bringing outside threats to your attention, as her bodyguard." Again, leave it alone. Bodyguard is obviously not true but it's what Weiss said so it's probably what they want people to think.
    -[x] Write down your contact information for Weiss. "If you need me again, feel free to call."
    -[x] Exit the room as politely as possible.
    -[x] Pet Cell. It's adorable and needs pets.
    -[x] Locate Umbrella.
    [X] Take your return to poverty like a champ. Fix her stuff up sans spyware and walk. Gain the gratitude of the daughter of a very powerful businessman, at the cost of pissing off the businessman himself, maybe.
    -[x] You've done, and will do, what they actually agreed to pay you for. Oh, you still aren't expecting them to follow through... but they're the ones who'll have broken the agreement, not you.
    -[X] "I'm sorry Mr. Ashford but my integrity is not for sale."
    -[x] Locate Umbrella.