[x] WriteIn(Challenge()): Saff seems to have made this giant maze because he thinks the lot of you are dangerous to others. Prove him very directly wrong - use Reboot() to calmly make your way out of the deathtrap, then tell him to put those shoddily constructed walls down before someone on the inside gets hurt. When you beat the stuffing out of him, that is. If he makes it a standoff, it's still to your advantage, seeing as the remaining group in the maze will be whittling each other down.
[X] King()- Saff. Just gank that fucker already, damn the maze to hell. You'll fix it yourself if need be, but right now, Saff needs his shit slapped so hard he gonna cry
[X] Pawns()- Now, if you're counting right, not counting Saff, Salem, or your own group, there should be at most six other people in here. It's chucklefuck hunting season.