Vote tally - Hold It In (RWBY/Transistor)

Adhoc vote count started by Prok on Jul 29, 2018 at 4:16 PM, finished with 2607 posts and 14 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Hold It In (RWBY/Transistor)
Post #1
Post #2607


  • [X] Take the gift offer. You've earned it. (Gift will be chosen at semi-random from below.)
    [X] Plan Boyscout in Shining Armour
    -[X] Healing Supplies- All Hunters are trained in basic first-aid, but supplies are essential if you want that first aid to actually be effective.
    --[X] Medicine Bag- A fairly comprehensive doctor's kit in a roll-up case, containing bandages, slings, antiseptic in the form of a small bottle of iodine, surgical suture and needles, and two syringes of epinephrine. (500 Lien)
    --[X] Bleedstop- An admittedly unimaginative name for a very useful product- a thick paste that, when applied to any kind of bleeding wound, will form a thin, gummy barrier, sealing it shut and keeping it safe from infection. (250 Lien)
    --[X] Antitoxin Kit- A small plastic box of vials and syringes, containing antivenoms for various forms of Grimm. (750 Lien)
    -[X] Camp Supplies- Hunters can be out in the field for weeks at a time. Might as well try and make it comfy.
    --[X] Hammock- Bedrolls are alright, but they have their problems- getting damp, laying on rocks, the odd Aranae deciding to crawl in with you for the night- nope, hammocks is where it's at! (200 Lien)
    --[X] Ration Bars- a pack of 8 ration bars, each one 800 calories. Four bars meet the average Huntsman's daily caloric intake, eight'll keep him on his feet after a fight. (150 Lien)
    -[X] Steel- Now we're getting into the real stuff. As you can imagine, a full set of steel armour weighs the same as a small child, but the protection is definitely worth it. Besides, who doesn't want to be a knight in shining armour? (+15/-3) (1000 Lien)
    -[X] Torso- Your noggin's important and all, but let's not forget that you kind of need the thing it's attached to. (+25) (1000 Lien)
    [X] Take the gift offer. You've earned it. (Gift will be chosen at semi-random from below.)
    -[X] Camp Supplies- Hunters can be out in the field for weeks at a time. Might as well try and make it comfy.
    [X] Politely refuse.
    [X] Camp Supplies- Hunters can be out in the field for weeks at a time. Might as well try and make it comfy.
    -[x] Hammock- Bedrolls are alright, but they have their problems- getting damp, laying on rocks, the odd Aranae deciding to crawl in with you for the night- nope, hammocks is where it's at! (200 Lien)
    [X] Healing Supplies- All Hunters are trained in basic first-aid, but supplies are essential if you want that first aid to actually be effective.
    -[X] Medicine Bag- A fairly comprehensive doctor's kit in a roll-up case, containing bandages, slings, antiseptic in the form of a small bottle of iodine, surgical suture and needles, and two syringes of epinephrine. (500 Lien)
    -[X] Bleedstop- An admittedly unimaginative name for a very useful product- a thick paste that, when applied to any kind of bleeding wound, will form a thin, gummy barrier, sealing it shut and keeping it safe from infection. (250 Lien)
    -[X] Antitoxin Kit- A small plastic box of vials and syringes, containing antivenoms for various forms of Grimm. (750 Lien)
    [X] Camp Supplies- Hunters can be out in the field for weeks at a time. Might as well try and make it comfy.
    -[x] Hammock- Bedrolls are alright, but they have their problems- getting damp, laying on rocks, the odd Aranae deciding to crawl in with you for the night- nope, hammocks is where it's at! (200 Lien)
    -[X] Cook's Kit- one wok, one collapsible frame to set it on, and a spatula. Because everybody needs a hot meal sometimes. (400 Lien)
    -[X] Ration Bars- a pack of 8 ration bars, each one 800 calories. Four bars meet the average Huntsman's daily caloric intake, eight'll keep him on his feet after a fight. (150 Lien)
    -[X] Ursa Bag- Simple, but effective- put stuff in the bag, throw a rope over a branch, loop rope around stake until the bag is suspended in the air. Keeps any inquisitive animals out of your stuff until you need it. (250 Lien)
    [X] Plan Survival Knight
    -[X] Healing Supplies- All Hunters are trained in basic first-aid, but supplies are essential if you want that first aid to actually be effective.
    --[X] Medicine Bag- A fairly comprehensive doctor's kit in a roll-up case, containing bandages, slings, antiseptic in the form of a small bottle of iodine, surgical suture and needles, and two syringes of epinephrine. (500 Lien)
    --[X] Bleedstop- An admittedly unimaginative name for a very useful product- a thick paste that, when applied to any kind of bleeding wound, will form a thin, gummy barrier, sealing it shut and keeping it safe from infection. (250 Lien)
    -[X] Camp Supplies- Hunters can be out in the field for weeks at a time. Might as well try and make it comfy.
    --[X] Hammock- Bedrolls are alright, but they have their problems- getting damp, laying on rocks, the odd Aranae deciding to crawl in with you for the night- nope, hammocks is where it's at! (200 Lien)
    --[X] Cook's Kit- one wok, one collapsible frame to set it on, and a spatula. Because everybody needs a hot meal sometimes. (400 Lien)
    --[X] Ration Bars- a pack of 8 ration bars, each one 800 calories. Four bars meet the average Huntsman's daily caloric intake, eight'll keep him on his feet after a fight. (150 Lien)
    --[X] Ursa Bag- Simple, but effective- put stuff in the bag, throw a rope over a branch, loop rope around stake until the bag is suspended in the air. Keeps any inquisitive animals out of your stuff until you need it. (250 Lien)
    -[X] Leather- Relatively comfortable to wear, no real hit to mobility, but not as durable as any kind of metal. (+5/-1) (750 Lien)
    --[X] Head- Your thinkmeats, as prone to self-scrambling as they are, are pretty important. Get something for that noggin of yours. (+5) (500 Lien)
    --[X] Arms- You're not rich enough for prosthetics. (+10) (750 Lien)
    --[X] Legs- People bounce back from losing an arm here, but a leg? Not happening. Protect 'em, love 'em, they'll save your life someday. (+10) (750 Lien)