Echo had finished recovering. He was a bit scarred up, but he was okay. I made sure to give him lots of cuddles of course, and treats. I wasn't gonna let him just suffer. Brendan ran into me just as I was preparing to go back to Petalberg Woods and start looking for shroomish again. There was no way I was moving on before I saw some, their grumpy faces are too charming. Brendan immediately asked how I was doing on the Dex Survey, and started bragging about all the pokemon he had recorded traveling around.
I was not going to stand for that, of course. I can be just as good a researcher! Surveyor. Whatever. I dove right back into Petalberg Woods. It wasn't just a matter of wanting to see shroomish now, it was a matter of honor. I faced a slakoth that knew night slash, and a taillow swarm lead by a taillow on the brink of evolution. They targeted Icarus for some reason, but Bi De drove them off with his flames. Deeper into the woods, and I did it. I located a cluster of shroomish. I immediately took a scan and photo for the Dex Survey. I had done it! I got to watch the shroomish murmur to each other, and occasionally bump into each other in what I think was affection. I left Petalberg Woods with my head held high.
A rich guy I'd battled before challenged me to battle again. I sent out Echo, and he completely thrashed the rich guy's pokemon. I'm so proud of him, he's growing so quickly. He'll go all the way to the top with me, I just know it. I headed down to the dock and talked to Mr Briney. He was more than happy to give me a ride over to Dewford Island. It was a great trip. I got to watch how Peeko helped navigate the wind currents and call them out to Mr Briney, and take in the spray of the water. I let out my entire team to enjoy it with me. It was so fun! I need more boat rides in my life.
I got a fishing rod from one of the fishermen in Dewford. He was more than happy to spend some time talking with me about how to properly cast a rod to lure in water pokemon. I also ran into someone else that had a pet zigzagoon. I immediately released Rowen so they could spend time together. Both zigzagoons were so cuddly and happy, and we got to watch them run around and play together. Occasionally Rowen would come over to use me as an obstacle, or just for cuddles. He's such a sweetheart.
Of course, I had to face the gym here in Dewford. I had come all the way here after all. The gym was actually set up in an exercise gym, with room in the back to face Brawly. Not as cool as the rock gym in my opinion, but it was a fighting gym. Putting that on display would be fairly hard. Brawly started with his machop, which Icarus took down with grace, and Bi De took on his makuhita. I'm not a big fan of the makuhita line, but Brawly definitely knows what he's doing with his pokemon. It really knew how to fight!
With that I claimed my badge, and turned to spend time fishing. Yes I had a letter to deliver to Steven, who was apparently off checking out the caves on the island. I could find him after I spent some time fishing, I wasn't in any big hurry. I caught a magikarp with a surprisingly serious demeanor. I named him Fathom. One day he will be large enough to be one of the great sea dragons of the depths. I just need to raise him and care for him until then. I got to pet him, and while it wasn't as comforting and soft and amazing as cuddling with Rowen, it was pretty cool. If you have never pet an aquatic pokemon before, you have to do it. And he was so happy with the attention too!
I met an amateur fisherman who asked me to watch his line for him while he went to the bathroom. He was so convinced his big catch was right around the corner he was refusing to move from his post. I absolutely laughed at him. How exactly did he think he was going to successfully catch anything when his brain was full of needing to pee?
I met another fisherman that had magikarp he was training up as well, so of course I had to show off Fathom and brag about how he was the superior magikarp. Yes Fathom spent the entire time sleeping while I was demonstrating his awesomeness, but I'm sure some of his coolness came through.
I finally headed down into the caves that Steven is supposed to be exploring. A local gave me a light for the tunnels, and I headed down there. It turns out there's a shrine to Kyogre set down there, with a giant mural depicting Kyogre creating a flood that devastated the island way back when. Steven was studying it, and mentioned that the depiction of Kyogre in this mural was different from others. The markings had altered. He accepted the letter then before heading off to wherever the letter summoned him to, leaving me to study the cave and add zubat and makuhita to my Dex Survey.
I caught a ferry from Dewford to Slateport that wasn't nearly as pleasant as Mr Briney's boat ride. Probably because it had more people on it, and was a lot bigger. I didn't feel as close with the ocean, it was more just a form of transport than an experience. Slateport was a really big city, and more than that, it turned out to be huge in import/export for shipping companies. There were a ton of sailors around that were off on leave. I battled one and was faced with a sound defeat, but I came back and beat him the second time.
I went to look at the lighthouse Slateport has. It's a beautiful building. It's also a lot louder than I expected it to be. I guess that's necessary, considering it acts as a warning to sailors that there's land ahead, but it still surprised me to hear the horn going off. I headed to Slateport's farmer's market next. It had so much stuff! Accessories for your pokemon, fresh fruit and vegetables, baked goods, barbecued meat. I walked out of there stuffed and out a lot of money!
I visited the pokemon fan club the next day. I know they have a reputation of being people that don't really do anything but brag about their pokemon, but honestly, I get it. Sometimes you don't want to compete with your pokemon, you just want to spend time with them, and have other people you can talk to about them with. The club I went to was nice. I absolutely laughed at the portrait of a pikachu stuffed in a suit for a photo. That pikachu clearly loved their human a lot to tolerate those shenanigans.
They had areas set up for dressing up your pokemon, and other areas to just lounge around and let your pokemon out. I talked to several of them there about my pokemon. All of them cooed over my team when I showed them off. Even Briar Rose, with her penchant for causing trouble. I got bombarbed with a fair amount of advice on how to handle more mischievous pokemon and tales of their own pokemon getting into trouble. It was a lot of fun, and they even gave me a bell to take with me when I left, telling me to come back anytime. They were such nice people.
I poked around the docks some and ran into a ship building company. They're working on a pokemon friendly submarine that won't upset the pokemon in the depths. People can dive with pokemon, and there are submarines that can go down for short times, but nothing has been made yet that can go down long term without really upsetting pokemon, so this is exciting. What could be discovered once people can truly explore the depths? A man there suggested that if I was seeking adventure to go to Sea Mauville. Odd advice to tell someone, but I think I will. I'm really curious what I will find there now.
I swung up to the Contest Hall and got to watch one of the performances. One day Rowen will be on that stage and outshine them all. I headed down to the local ocean museum after that. Museums are always enjoyable to poke around, you can learn so many things there. Oddly, there was what looked like a pirate gang in the museum. In fact, there was that thief that I'd run into before! He took one look at me and ditched the others. I didn't care for what that implied this group might be up to. On the upper level I found two of these pirates threatening an older man to hand something over. Of course I wasn't going to abide for that, and quickly stepped in.
One thrashing later and they were worrying about how their boss would respond. The captain himself turned up then, Archie. He looked at me, and told me that humans were wasting the ocean, destroying it. That they were going to reclaim the sea for pokemon, and destroy humans. He left then, willing to bide his time. I was left feeling shaky. I knew that eco terrorism was a thing, but facing maniacs like that up close was something else altogether. What kind of person hates their own species so much they want to wipe them out?
It turned out the man they were threatening was Captain Stern, the head of the ship company working on building the pokemon friendly submarine. They must have been furious that humans were working to press further into the depths of the ocean. He thanked me for helping him and returned to his research, leaving me to take the time to recover. I had less of a taste for the museum after that.
I decided to spend time just training my pokemon and soaking in their presence after that. Bi De's cheer about the world, Rowen's cuddles, and Echo's slow exploration of wherever I place him is soothing. I worked on training with Briar Rose and Fathom, Briar Rose for once being easier to train. Fathom means well, but he is at the end of the day currently a magikarp. There's only so much to work with.
It came as a surprise when first Echo, and then Icarus, evolved. I should have realized with how much Icarus has grown that he was ready to evolve. He's almost big enough to carry me now. Echo seems thrilled by his new ability to make even louder noises than before, though he's still deaf. I can only assume something changed about the vibrations he's able to make. That or he doesn't realize just how loud evolving has made him, which is equally possible.
I threw a party for them evolving, giving them tons of treats and cuddles. They deserved the world after all. I felt a lot better after that too. My team was growing stronger, the next time I ran into bad people I would be more prepared. Perhaps I might even be ready to face Archie himself one day.