[X] "Emelda was too wounded and the matter was too urgent to wait." You don't like leaving matters half-finished. An expedition without the report is only half the task. You like to complete the whole task. It's more elegant that way.
[X] "I'm incorrigibly curious." Oh sure you don't really care about the city or its people per se, but you've enjoyed the process of investigating more than you've enjoyed anything for a while. You still have much you don't know, hopefully you can spend more time outside of swamps, but you want to follow the clues.
[X] "Honestly I'm just horrifically bored." It's generally not your way to admit any kind of weakness but the Archon seems to have a certain amount of the information anyways- perhaps equivocation would be unwise. Besides maybe he will have a suggestion for something more interesting you could do-something that involves far less swamps.