[X] Plan Shell Game, Modified
-[X] Manuel and Kleisthenes only, Manuel heading a western Prong, Kleisthenes Southern.
--[X] There are two advantages we have in terms of force obfuscation. The first is the spear, hard earned and only brought about by Jin Muyi's sacrifice. The Second is Kleisthenes. I will attack from the west, challenging Junjie and his daughter implicitly, daring them to face me. Junjie now has a choice. On the one hand, this may be a bluff, and I may be obfuscating another nascent or stalling him. But Lady Yao will be seen elsewhere in our core territories, and Kleisthenes' tribulation was barely a nascent tribulation at all, fitting more with a Core Formation, or a Single Pillar 'King', of which we now have several. On the other hand, this may be me hiding a new secret weapon, a single use treasure to kill a nascent perhaps, or something else. The benefit of a competent opponent is that you can predict them, at least slightly, and Junjie is definitely competent. But this time, I don't need to predict him. Either he sees that this is a bluff, moves to protect the south, and I run rampant over his best defenses, or he sees that this is me bluffing of a different sort, attacks me, and I spear him through the chest. Either way, once one 'bluff' is revealed, he will be blinded to the other.
-[X] Feint Manuel's presence in both prongs, Manuel obscures himself while cracking open and salvaging the contents of the Forts.
--[X] Of course, why settle for merely one layer of obfuscation? A wise old man once said to 'look underneath the underneath', both in war and in peace. That wise old man was me, and I said it for the first time just now. Hopefully, without a Dao of secrets such as mine, Junjie won't have the same wisdom. If one force is moving into his territory without a Nascent, Junjie will rightly assume that there's a deeper trick in play. But he will make that assumption no matter what, so I'll have him assume that a different trick is in play. I will be in both assaults at the same time, or at least, I'll pretend to be. Of course, with mere misinformation, Junjie will easily notice the trick, so I must do something more. I have dozens, if not hundreds of treasures and arts and one use techniques, and more than a few of them can serve my purposes perfectly. Obviously, I'll be using all of them, because what's the point in not giving something your all? And to further complicate matters, some of my obfuscation techniques will be used on Kleisthenes as well as a few random cores. With any luck, she'll be mistaken for one of my clones
-[X] Swift operational Tempo spearheaded by Nascents to bait out Nascent Soul engagements. Wound and drive off Jingshen. Kill Jiao and other Nascents that may appear.
--[X] The heart of this war is Nascent battle, and we have the initiative. We hold the advantage right now, but given time and impetus Old Jingshen will equalise the balance in a heartbeat. Therefore, my strategem is henceforth: We will proceed with a two-pronged assault, one from the west and one from the south. Their objectives are irrelevant; their role is to be bait, dangerous enough to threaten the Jingshen Clan but not too important that their deaths will cripple us. Your roles will not be to win the war, but to tempt the Jingshen Nascents into action. Once done, Second Elder Kleisthenes and I will manage the rest. As long as the first blow is true and Old Jingshen is crippled, we will win this war in good order.