Hidden Hero (A LitRPG/Henshin Hero Story)

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Matthew baker is an innkeepers son, a nobody, who has spent his life working in his fathers inn and wishing for a class orb. Now he has it, he might be just a smidge in over his head.
I did always wonder what it would be like to find myself in possession of a class orb. It would certainly help me in my current circumstances, if nothing else. Those circumstances being, of course, the fact I was at the bottom of a hole with two badly broken legs and no light. I did have a torch, but it wasn't lit, on account of the fact that it was daytime when I fell in here. I'd been out in the forest, allegedly foraging but mostly just walking around the place, when I misjudged the stability of a piece of ground and fell into a hole that, honestly, seemed too big to have been where it was.

That probably meant I was in a newly formed dungeon, didn't it? Weird holes into places that shouldn't fit where they were seemed pretty dungeon-ey, at least to me. That'd mean I was rich, assuming I didn't die of course. That prospect was getting increasingly unlikely the longer I stayed down here, but I was gonna try and be optimistic to stave off the panic. It's either working or the blood loss was getting to me, but again, optimism. I wonder if a Warrior could have survived that fall uninjured. Probably, right? They're the physical ones. I bet a Mage would be just as fucked though. There's probably some weird rare class that'd let you, like, fly out of here. Probably called something dramatic like Skysong or some shit.

Whoo! Blood loss really getting to me now. I wonder where the monsters are, if this is a dungeon. There should be monsters, right? That's a thing dungeons have. Although, I think dungeons are usually more ornate than a hole in the ground, so maybe it's really, really new and just doesn't have any yet. That sounds like something that could be true. Joy. I get to die slowly rather than be killed relatively quickly by a monster. Maybe the dungeon is sadistic and wants to watch me bleed out. Can dungeons be sadistic? Are they intelligent enough for that? I mean, they were created by the God of Darkness, so maybe? But who knows, maybe it's not a dungeon and is, in fact, just a weird hole in the ground. If that's the case then I don't even have the pleasure of dying theoretically rich, I just get to die in a hole. But hey! At least I already have a grave.

Above me, floating in the murky blackness of the vaguely defined hole to maybe-outside, there was a sudden glow. Bright enough to illuminate the walls of the hole around me, but simultaneously somehow dim enough to not blind me, it was a sort of greenish, blueish colour, almost turquoise but darker and as I looked up at it - shielding my eyes - it seemed to condense into itself, swirling and twisting into a sphere. Which promptly crystallized and fell on my head. It bounced and settled between my legs with a sort of dull thud, like stone on soft earth.

You have found an orb for the Hidden Hero class! Absorb?

Huh, I wonder if that's a hallucination, y'know, from the blood loss? Can blood loss do that? Fuck it, yes.

Congratulations! You are now a Hidden Hero! Gained abilities Transformation and Talisman Creation. For further information on these abilities, think status.
Now, Go forth in the Light of the Goddess, Hero

Well, shit. I have a class. I have something literally everyone I know would do anything to get, and all it took was almost dying in a hole. Never heard of Hidden Hero though. I think I know most of the more common classes - what fucker lives in a city with a guild and doesn't - so it might be rare. I wonder if whoever had it last had died, like, five minutes ago. If that's the case, thanks for your sacrifice! Goddess rest your soul, and all. Hope I'm not next! Now then, status.

Class: Hidden Hero
Activate to transform into an armoured form, with an all round boost to physical abilities and a weapon. This form possesses no special abilities
Talisman Creation
This ability allows you to turn a powerful defeated enemy into a talisman. These talismans allow you to utilise the transformation ability to turn into a form with abilities based on the defeated enemy.

Huh. Can't quite see a way that those abilities help me get out of a hole in the ground, but they seem potentially versatile anyway. Transformation. There was a flash and then I could see and stand and felt like I could do anything.
"That's definitely a rush. I guess night vision is an unlisted benefit of the transformation. Also magically unbroken legs. Nice. Wonder if they'll unfix themselves when I end the skill?"
Glancing around the room I could see that the shaft above me extended upward, fading into blackness after about ten feet.
"I guess that confirms that this is a dungeon. Or that the night vision only goes 10 feet."
The room was roughly cylindrical, about 6 feet across, and had a vaguely door shaped hole on one side leading into a similarly rough hallway, extending about 5 feet before curving away, and taller than me.
"Now, I'm told I have a weapon. Where is it?"
I looked about myself, taking the chance to see what my transformed form looked like. It was composed of a black undersuit with plates of a vaguely silvery metallic material placed on my arms, down my legs, around my chest, and, presumably, my head as well. As I did so I spotted what looked like a sheath hanging from my hip, with what seemed to be a hilt sticking out of it. Well, that's a rather obvious clue. I grabbed the sheath and drew the weapon, revealing a thin rod, shaped like a rapier that was a little too thick, made from what looked to be the same material as my armour, sharp on one side and about two and a half feet long.
"Huh. Seems a little impractical, but I guess I'll find out when I have to use it."
I returned the…sword? To its sheath before leveraging myself off the wall to my feet. So, I have two abilities - which I think is less than the average, but they seem much more versatile than most. No weapon abilities though. Hope I can actually use the thing without hurting myself. But what do I know about abilities? I work in an inn. My closest interaction with the classed is serving them ale, for Goddess' sake! Whoo, got away from myself there. I should probably try and leave before I go properly mad.

I can't see any way to climb out of here, so I'm going to have to risk exiting the dungeon the "intended" way. Maybe there won't be anything in the path between me and the exit. Optimism, remember. I rolled and set my shoulders, drew my ambiguously maybe-sword, held it in a grip I hoped was correct, and started to head through the tunnel to wherever it headed. As I rounded the roughly 90 degree bend in the tunnel, I saw an ominous red glow from the chamber ahead. Wonderful. Can nothing be easy? As I enter the room I can see a tree, with reddish-brown bark the colour of old blood, clearly the cause of the red glow because of the veins of glowing energy - red, obviously - that writhe beneath the surface. Before I can go any further I see a familiar screen appear before my face, remaining for a few seconds before vanishing.

Warning, Hero!
You face the Bloodwood Guardian
Champion of the Bleeding Forest dungeon
Conquer the challenge and grow, Hero

As the words were fading from my view I heard a cracking noise, like wood being ripped to splinters with brute force. Then, once the words had vanished completely, I saw the tree - or rather the "Bloodwood Guardian" - twisting into a more humanoid form.
AN/ Corrections welcome etc.
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