Hero's Journey[Kirby | Fate Crossover]

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To be thrust into something you thought to be fiction is not a pleasant concept. To have a body that is not your own and to fight in a war that you thought was merely fantasy is worse. The only thing that makes it better is that instead of being alone, they have each other, so at least there's that.
Chapter 1
A/n: Before this story begins I'd like to mention that no art featured in this chapter is mine and all credit goes to their respective creators. This just shows a visual representation of scenes and images that go into the plot. Now tell me, what do you get when you take some guys, fuse 'em with characters from a children's game and throw 'em in as a faction in a Holy Grail War? I'll tell you one thing, it's gonna be pretty insane that's for sure.

Of all faces I didn't want to see when I felt my consciousness return to me, this was probably at the tippy top of my list.

"Ah, I see that you're awake." The man in front of me greeted.

In front of me was an old man. He was wearing a dark outfit with white gloves, a cane in his hand. His face seem similar to that one troll from a Fate anime I watched one time before.

"I am Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg" He said. "But I'm sure you already knew that."

The name 'Zelretch' hit a ding and my mind started to repeat Zelretch name over and over. The answer came into my head, 'Zelretch! The Dead Apostle and wielder of 2nd magic, the Kaleidoscope.

"Zelretch the one who trolls and prank people using dimensional magic!" I called out.

"Ah yes, a lot of people who call me troll or a prankster." The now identified Zelretch. "I applaud you for stating the obvious."

"Am I dreaming or something?! I mean you're not real, you're a fictional character from the Fate series!" I exclaimed out loud.

"First take a seat and calm yourself." Zelretch pointed out a chair that wasn't there when I looked their before. "Ther's no need for the hostilities."

I sat down and controlled my breathing into normal levels, well, as normal as they could get when a, until now, fictional character was in front of me.

It's difficult to calm down. Something that comes from a supernatural anime could never happen in real life. Yet here it, or more accurately he, is, Zelretch in flesh and blood, sitting across from me.

"How is this possible?" I asked.

"I think you already know the answer to that young man." He said.

"... Kaleidoscope" I answered my own question.

"Great analysis, Ben." Zelretch said with a simile on his face. "Being a shut-in has it's perks."


"Did I know you name?" He finished with a smirk on his face. "I know much about you, Ben."

"Ignoring how creepy that statement was and what it implies..." I exclaimed, trying to maintain my composure. "Where are we?"

"Where isn't what you should be asking..." The grin seemed to extend further. "But why."


"Yes." He confirmed. "An opportunity like this shouldn't be passed up."

"I-*sigh*, I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Smart." Zelretch noted. "I wonder if the others will be as smart as you are."

"Wait, other-" I was cut off yet again by the troll.

"Best not to think about them for now." He stated in a matter-of-fact way. "Best to think of yourself."

"F-fine." I sighed. "Alright, why am I here?"

"An excellent question!" The old vampire grinned. "A question such as that must be answered with a question of my own!"

'I want nothing more than to stab him.' I thought in poorly concealed anger.

If he picked up on my anger, he either didn't care of took no notice of it.

"How would you like to take part in a Grail War?"

It was a rhetorical question of course, I knew it from the start. After all, I had no choice in the matter, so why fight it at this point.

"Does this have to do with these others?" I questioned.

"Why of course!" Zeltretch smile. "I'm with them right now actually."

"Wait, but you're-"

"Right here?" He interrupted me. "Did you really think that other versions of me wouldn't indulge themselves in a little entertainment?"

I didn't even want to imagine how many versions of Zelretch were present and doing this, for the sole reason of retaining my sanity.

"How many?" I asked with a glare.

"Including yourself?" Zelretch replied. "Seven."

"I swear if you've taken random people to fight each other..." I growled.

I didn't continue my comment but I had a feeling Zelretch knew exactly what my intention was.

I didn't care if he was an almost all-powerful interdimensional traveller, I would kick his ass to kingdom come if he dragged random people, including myself, into a death match for his entertainment.

"No worries Benny boy," He smiled, holding his hand across his chest. "I would think of doing no such thing!"

"You better not." I sneered.

"After all, why could teammates fight each other?"

Now that caught me off guard. Teammates?

"Hold on..." I spoke up. "Are you going to make us a faction in some sort of Apocrypha-like fashion?"

"Nope." He smirked. "What gave you that idea?"

'Eh?' I thought in confusion.

If he wasn't making us masters then-No. No no no.

"You don't mean-"

"Being right in the heat of the action battling heroes of the distant past?" Zelretch answered, cutting my question off. "You really do have a sharp mind."

"You really know to fuck with people, don't you?" I sighed in depression.

"It's what I do." Zelretch chuckled.

"How do you plan on making us able to fight?" I questioned. "Class cards?"

"Well, as much entertainment that would bring, no." Zelretch responded.

"No?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Then how the hell are you gonna be able to make us on the level of Servants."

"Fusing your body with a super powered being from another universe seems acceptable." Zelretch mused. "Converting you guys to act like Servants on a power basis is just a bonus."

"Wait wait wait." I halted his speech. "You are taking and fusing us with a being with a different universe and having the powers we get act like those of a Servant's? A-am I hearing this right."

"Of course." Zeltretch smiled cheekily, causing me to grit my teeth.

I didn't focus on his very punch-able face and instead thought back on the conversation, making a small realisation along the way.

"W-what class am I being put in?" I asked suddenly.

Unfortunately, Zelretch's smile turned into a shit-eating grin. God I could just punch his face right now.

"Sharp mind indeed." He muttered. "I know just the one to fuse you with."

"That doesn't answer my question." I growled.

"No respect for their elders, I swear." I could hear Zelretch mumble. "If you really want to know, I'll tell you."

He proceeded to stare at me silently for the next few seconds.


"Let's just say that they could be all but one, yet the one I chose for you is Saber." Zelretch smiled.

I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at that. As much as I hate the man in front of me, I knew just how intelligent he was and, with him being a troll, I need to look out for any hidden meaning behind what he's saying.

'They could be all but one?' I thought. 'Not a lot to go on, but with Saber I can see the advantages.'

If what Zelretch was saying was right about the whole class scenario, then the class skills that came with it would come in handy. [Magic Resistance] was a bonus, but I wasn't sure how [Riding] would fit into it. Weird. Maybe it'll be low or something, which doesn't matter in my eyes. [Magic Resistance], no matter how low it was, was still a bonus in every sense, except when it was a -, cause that meant he wouldn't have any. That would suck.

'Ugh, I hate how I'm already getting used to this.' I cursed internally.

"Already theorising in that little head of yours I presume?" Zelretch taunted, cutting my out of my thoughts. "Good, because it's time to send you and your new companions to your new home."

"Wait, wha-"


And like that my consciousness left me and fell into the land of dreams.

Just before that though, I could've sworn I heard a childish cheer.


A/n: How do you like this first little chapter? From every chapter onwards I'll present each and every one of the main character's stats with everything concealed except what you would already know from that class, for example with Saber and the [Magic Resistance] and [Riding] skill. Here they are.

True Name: Ben | ?
Height: ???
Class: Saber
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Archer
Class Skills:
-Independent Action(?)
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Lancer
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Rider
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Caster
Class Skills:
-Item Construction(?)
-Territory Creation(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Assassin
Class Skills:
-Presence Concealment(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Berserker
Class Skills:
-Mad Enhancement(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):
Saber Class, and Kirby Crossover, let me guess Meta Knight
Chapter 2
A/n: Before this story begins I'd like to mention that no art featured in this chapter is mine and all credit goes to their respective creators. This just shows a visual representation of scenes and images that go into the plot.

When I felt my consciousness wade back into being, my body ached all over.

It was like he had been hit with a truck driving 50mph and then had suddenly slept for a year.

Fair to say, it felt awful.

I could hear a voice, but couldn't make out what it was saying as my eyes felt glued shut. It was still trying to process what the hell was going on before the knowledge of prior events struck my mind.

'Oh yeah, Zelretch.' I groaned internally. The muffled voice said something again, but it still felt like is was blurred and I tried to open my eyes.

God it felt like I was running up a mountain with skis.

After a few seconds of this uphill climb, my eyes finally began to make out blurred colour once more and the voice became clearer and clear. It felt slow, horrendously slow, but what else could I do but power through it.

"Look like ya finally woke up." I finally heard the voice say.

Feeling myself lying down, I looked to my left to see the owner of the voice, to see who was there with me.

Fair to say I was quite shocked.

(Ignore the Japanese)

"W-who are you?" I asked tiredly as I sat up.

"Well, my true name is Maxie Phocall, but in this body I guess I should say Marx." They smiled, their heterochronic eyes staring into mine.

"Marx?" I questioned. "I-isn't that from-"

"Yeah, it is." He nodded. "Shocked the hell outta me when I woke up with no arms, but I got used to it...Kid of."

"Wait, how long was I out?" I asked.

"About a day or so." Maxie, or Marx, answered. "We all woke up around the same time, except you of course."

"Did you wanna punch the old man too?" I asked with curiosity present in my tone.

I wanna know if it was just me who wanted to punch his face in.

"Trust me, we all did." He smirked. "Takin' us from our families was bad enough, but throwin' us in a God damn Grail War? That's just fucked up."

I was a bit too tired at the moment to think upon his choice of ords, so I was thankful I guess when someone did.

"Mind your language Marx." A deep voice laced in a light Mexican accent exclaimed.

Looking around I found exactly who spoke standing in a doorway with the door opened.

(Again, ignore the Japanese)

Dark clothing? Check. Purple cape? Check. Mask? Check. This could only be-

"Aw c'mon Meta Knight." Marx whined. "No need to be so uptight!"

"Someone has to keep an eye on you." The now identified Meta Knight replied coolly. "I see you've woken up."

"Yeah, I guess I have." I smiled slightly. "My name is Ben, but err, who am I?"

It was a massively stupid question considering I just introduced myself, but when you've been told by Zelretch himself that you've fused with being from another universe it was a perfectly okay question. My voice was higher and more childlike than I remember, but I can't exactly look at myself without a mirror, so I'd have to rely on Marx and Meta Knight.

"Dude, you're Kirby." Marx answered for him. "The guy who eats 'n' shit."

"Language." Meta Knight scolded.


I guess that made sense considering how childlike my voice sounded. O only played the games once or twice, so while I knew the characters in a sense, the lore and such wasn't something I really paid attention to.

It was a children's game after all, so the lore couldn't be that deep, could it?

"Yes, Marx is right." Meta Knight nodded. "Before I was interrupted, i was about to say that my name before al this mess was Raphael Sullivan."

"Nice to meet you." I replied with a smile. "Just a question, but where are we?"

"Just wait 'n' see mate." Marx smirked. "It's gonna blow your mind."

"What he means to see is that it will surprise you." Meta Knight, or Raphael, added. "Now that you are awake though, we should be able to begin our first meeting."

Before I could question it however, it seems like he moved his cape, twirling quickly before suddenly disappearing. It was like what Meta Knight would do in Smash Bros.

"What's this meeting thing he talked about Marx?" I asked.

"We decided that we'd all introduce ourselves officially an' all that." Marx replied with a wink. "We were waitin' for you to wake up before we got it started."

"Do you know where to go then?" I asked curiously.

"Sure do." Marx nodded. "Let's get up an' at 'em, 'cause it's time to blow this popsicle stand!"

He practically jumped out of the chair he was sitting on and hopped on and rather large red, white and blue striped ball, seeming to balance on it perfectly.

"Pretty cool, right?" Marx commented, knocking me out of my thoughts. " Didn't even know I could do until a couple hours ago. Turns out I'm a pro at it."

I chuckled(not giggled!)slightly as I slowly made my way off the bed quickly glancing to a mirror behind me stuck to a marble white wall to glance at my reflection.

Well, I'm gonna be honest, I never thought I'd stand at a tiny 105cm(3ft 5inch)height ever again. I was by all means tiny and, as I stepped onto the floor of what I now knew was the Medical Wing by how white it was, I strained my head up just to see Marx.

Marx on his own was 150cm tall, way taller than I was, and with the beach ball being around 30cm in diameter, he stood at 180cm. Not as tall as Meta Knight, who I could tell stood and an impressive 195cm tall, but it was still way taller than I was, as I already mentioned before.

Ah, it doesn't matter, I'm used to looking up to people anyway.

"Should we get going?" I asked.

"Better now than never." Marx winked.

I wanted to point out that the phrasing was wrong, but I got the feeling that he didn't exactly care.

A/n: How do you like the second chapter? Good? Bad? Great? Shit? In any case, I feel that I should mention that below I won't update any names and such other than Ben's since we don't know what class they are, so I don't want to spoil it. Any information revealed in the story will update the sheets, so anything that you figure out from basic common sense and the internet won't be included. For example, for Ben/Kirby you would know that one of their aliases would be 'Hero of Dreamland', but since that hasn't been figured out/stated in the story just yet, it won't be put into the character sheets.

Their class will be revealed in the next chapter, along with the other characters, so be patient.

True Name: Ben | Kirby
Height: 105cm/3ft 5in
Class: Saber
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Archer
Class Skills:
-Independent Action(?)
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Lancer
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Rider
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Caster
Class Skills:
-Item Construction(?)
-Territory Creation(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Assassin
Class Skills:
-Presence Concealment(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: ? | ?
Height: ???
Class: Berserker
Class Skills:
-Mad Enhancement(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):
Chapter 3
A/n: Before this story begins I'd like to mention that no art featured in this chapter is mine and all credit goes to their respective creators. This just shows a visual representation of scenes and images that go into the plot.

"Wow, guess we're the first one's here." Marx exclaimed in a small bout of surprise. I only now just noticed that his voice seemed like that of Bill Cipher from gravity falls, only less echoed. Huh.

The trip their hadn't been too long, but it was enough to know that the place I was in had a lot of metal, since the wall and ceiling were made of what looked like reinforced steel. If I didn't know any better I'd say that we were in a fortress of some kind.

The room me an Marx were in now looked to be a war room of some kind. There was this large main table that looked like one you'd see in an office. It was rectangular with semi-circle edges and, while on the outside it looked like wood, upon further inspection(aka tapping it)I noticed that the inside was also made of some kind of metal.

Seriously, what was up with this place and it's fetish for metal?

At least the chairs were comfy.

Speaking of which, along the table lay 6 comfy looking and large, dark maroon chairs with armrests that were bolted to the floor, with three on each side. At the end of the room was a massive rectangular whiteboard on the wall with the semi-circular part of the table having the same maroon chair as the others.

In the middle of the table was a strange metallic cylinder embedded into the table with a strange luminescent turquoise circle, but I paid it no main for now.

"Well then, let's go pick our seats then, shall we?" Marx smirked, hopping off his ball.

"I guess I'll choose this one." I noted as I strolled towards the seat nearest to the head seat(on the right). I went to sit on it, but found a problem, a rather big one.

My head barely went past the desk of the table.

Marx couldn't help but snicker at that. Can't blame the guy, I would've done it to if I were in his shoes.

"Guess I'll sit next ta you then." Marx exclaimed with a grin as he sat by the seat next to mine.

"Can't help but laugh at my pain, eh?" I asked in a sarcastic tone, barely supressing a smile.

"Yup." He answered with a smirk. I guess he would've given my a thumbs up if he had any arms, but I guess those claw things on his wings did it for him, somehow.

"Not the first here I see!" A loud, Southern Texas accented voice bellowed by the doorway.

Snapping my attention towards the voice, I couldn't help but gape at how massive this guy was. In a tall way.

(He doesn't have the hammer on him)
"Woah." I couldn't help but gasp. "You're tall."

Standing at a massive 225cm, a mere 30cm off of the ceiling and 5cm of the top of the archway of the door, his red cloak fluttered as he walked inside with a bright grin upon his face.

"You don't say." Marx chuckled.

"Seem the little fella's awake I see." The tall teen exclaimed. "T' introduce myself, I'm none other than the great King Dedede!"

"Call him Pingu." Marx whispered. "It pisses him off."

"I heard that ya armless jester!" Dedede glared.

"Yeah yeah." Marx waved him off. "You do you Pingu."

Dedede, or as Marx referred to him, 'Pingu', merely growled in frustration and walked to the opposite side of where I sat and sat down, glaring dagger into Marx's skull in the process. Either Marx didn't notice or he didn't care, but in any case it had no effect on him.

"Being serious though..." Dedede began. "My true name's Mark Castle. Call me Dedede though, it sound cooler."

"Alright then Ma-Dedede." I nodded. At this point I took to standing on the chair to get higher up. "I'm Ben Coal, but you can call me Kirby, since that's who the old vampire fused my with."

"Did he say-" Dedede started, looking at Marx before he was cut off by him, already knowing the question.

"Yeah Pingu." Marx said, ignoring the low growl afterwards. "He wanted to punch the shithead too."

"Language." The voice of Meta Knight called out from being him.

"Jesus!" Marx almost screamed, nearly lifting right off of the seat he was comfortably sat on. "Sometimes I wonder why you aren't an Assassin."

"Doing nothing but train on that technique did wonders." Meta Knight replied with a calm expression.

I couldn't help but feel though that Meta Knight rather liked scaring Marx, but I couldn't place my finger on why.

Sitting at the head seat, Meta Knight's glanced stopped Dedede's laughter from Marx's little scare.

"Oh that was too funny." Dedede laughed, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Shut yer face Pingu." Marx grumbled with a tick mark on his forehead.

"Hey Meta Knight?" I asked.

"Yes Kirby?"

"I don't mean to be rude, but I think my seat might need to be raised." I noted. Yeah, I already claimed this seat as my own, what about it?

"I see." Meta Knight replied. "I look into it for next time."


It was about that time actually when three others entered the room.

(Focus on the left image)

(Ignore the Japanese)

It was the first being, the one dressed in blue who spoke.

"Sorry that we're late." They apologised. "We came here as soon as we got the message."

"It's not trouble." Meta Knight responded. "We have some introductions to make before we get to business."

I guess that was my cue.

"Hello." I greeted with a smile. "My name's Ben, but I uh, I guess I'm Kirby now."

"Hello." The blue clothed one replied. "My name is Magolor, but it was Rei Lilian before the whole Zelretch incident."

"She's a female." Marx whispered, loud enough for Magolor to hear him.

"Why do you insist on calling me a female?" Magolor asked, looking towards the jester.

"'cause you look like one." Marx replied with no hesitation.

Magalor just mumbled under his breathe before taking a seat beside Dedede.

It was their the blue skinned person wit horns stepped forward.

"Hey there." They waved. "H-Hyness is my name, but I was T-Tom Claydol beforehand."

He seemed ever so slightly shy by the way he talked, but I can pretty much assume it's because of how different he looks. From the way he stood to how he seemed to unconsciously put his cloaked arms up near his face, the signs were there.

The took a seat by Marx and said nothing more. Marx didn't make a comment, but I had a feeling I knew exactly why.

Last but not least was the one fully deck out in pink and white armour with wings sprouting from their back.

"My name is Galacta Knight." A genderless voice commented from the armour. "But I before that I was Adrien Taylor."

"You gonna take that armour off pink lightnin'?" Marx exclaimed with a smirk.

"Fine." They sighed. In a bright flash of light the armour I once saw was gone an in it's place somethnig new, but still very pink.

(Ignore the shield and lance(if they had it equipped, then think of the shield in the previous image))

"The only female among us." They noted. "Maybe."

"Maybe?" Marx questioned.

"What gender is Kirby?" She replied with a question of her own.

I was about to respond with a definite male, but then I thought about it. In the English version, Kirby was Male but the Japanese version, it was unknown. Was about to check in front of everyone? Heck no!

"Can we move onto another topic please?" Dedede exclaimed with a yawn. "This is getting boring."

Galacta Knight simply sat down and beside Magolor as Meta Knight began to speak.

"Now that we are all here, we can begin." He stated. "Let's start off with each other's class, shall we?"

"Guess I'll start." Marx spoke. "I'm the sneaky guy; Assassin."

"I'll go next." Dedede said, raising his hand. "Berserker."

"I'm Archer." Magolor spoke next.

"Lancer." Galacta explained.

"Caster" Hyness answered.

"I am Rider." Meta Knight proclaimed. "Which must mean that you Kirby, are-"

"Saber." I finished. "What's next to talk about?"

"About our next move." Meta Knight answered cooly.

A/n: How'd you like chapter 3? We've got their names and classes revealed everyone! What do you think about the character choices, eh? Their pretty unique, I'll say that much.
True Name: Ben | Kirby
Height: 105cm/3ft 5in
Class: Saber
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: Rei Lilian | Magolor
Height: 166cm/5ft 5in
Class: Archer
Class Skills:
-Independent Action(?)
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: Adrien Tayler| Galacta Knight
Height: 200cm/6ft 7in
Class: Lancer
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: Raphael Sullivan | Meta Knight
Height: 195cm/6ft 5in
Class: Rider
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: Tom Claydol| Hyness
Height: 170cm/5ft 7in
Class: Caster
Class Skills:
-Item Construction(?)
-Territory Creation(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: Maxie Phocall| Marx
Height: 150m/4ft 11in
Class: Assassin
Class Skills:
-Presence Concealment(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: Mark Castle| King Dedede
Height: 225cm/7ft 5in
Class: Berserker
Class Skills:
-Mad Enhancement(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):
It was a children's game after all, so the lore couldn't be that deep, could it?
Bwahaha! not deep, the latest game has so many callbacks, such as the fact that the Master Crown may be connected to the Jambala Cultists, with the lor star cutter likely having been created by them, Void Termina being connected to Dark Matter, the Butterfly of Paradise potentially killing Galactica Knight, All of Void Termina's info screens hinting to the possibility of him being connected to Kirby, with his last one hinting to a possible time loop or fragmenting,
Bwahaha! not deep, the latest game has so many callbacks, such as the fact that the Master Crown may be connected to the Jambala Cultists, with the lor star cutter likely having been created by them, Void Termina being connected to Dark Matter, the Butterfly of Paradise potentially killing Galactica Knight, All of Void Termina's info screens hinting to the possibility of him being connected to Kirby, with his last one hinting to a possible time loop or fragmenting,
He has no idea what he truly is :)
You know it would be hilarious if Kirby had some characteristics of the Foreigner Class, after all he IS the most adorable alien destroyer, but just Saber fit him better and Foreigner Servants usually bring even more trouble
Last edited:
Chapter 4
A/n: Before this story begins I'd like to mention that no art featured in this chapter is mine and all credit goes to their respective creators. This just shows a visual representation of scenes and images that go into the plot.

"Our next move?" Magolor questioned.

"Yes." Meta Knight nodded. "I assume we all know exactly what universe we are in?"

We all nodded.

"Then we need to be careful about what we do next." Meta Knight explained. "We need to decipher which Grail War we've been thrown into, if Zelretch's little titbits of information are correct."

I guess it made sense. Knowledge is power, especially in the Fate universe, so any advantage we can get would be crucial.

"We must also take into consideration what other things Zelretch may have done." Galacta Knight pointed out. "For all we know, he could have put information out for the enemy to find."

"True." Meta Knight added. "For now, we cannot make a proper move if we do not know exactly what we are dealing with."

"My bets on it bein' in Apocrypha." Marx spoke up. "If this is all about factions, then I say we're in Apocrypha."

"You sure?" Dedede asked seriously.

"No, but it's the most likely option considering." Marx replied.

"It would be the most likely out of where we have been sent." Magolor pointed out. "This is faction warfare, so what better timeline to put us in then what started it all."

"I think that if we f-find out where we are, we might g-get an idea." Hyness suggested.

"An interesting idea." Meta Knight responded. "Kirby and Marx?"



"Are you up for a little trip?" Meta Knight smiled.

"Really?" I asked curiously. "Why us?"

"Kirby, I believe you can create a Warp Star." Meta Knight explained. "Marx can provide assistance with more deliquiate matters thanks to his Presence Concealment."

"Okay." I nodded. "How do I summon a Warp Star."

"I'd say we need to find a more open space first." Meta Knight chuckled as he stood from his seat. "Kirby? Can you keep Marx under control while I'm gone."

"Eh?" Marx gasped in faux shock. "Do you not trust me?"

"No." Meta Knight replied coolly.

"Eh, I tried." Marx mumbled.

"If you can stand, then we can get going." Meta Knight stated. "Kirby, I will need you to be on the ground for this."

"Oh, okay." I nodded as I leaped over the arm rest and landed dutifully on the floor.

"Hold onto me, alright?" Meta Knight asked.

It seemed Marx knew what Meta Knight was doing because as I grabbed his wrist, Marx place a hand atop my shoulder.

"Are you ready?" Meta Knight questioned.

I nodded, but it seemed Marx had something to say.

"You mind's gonna be blow sky high." He chuckled.

Before I could question his choice of words, my vision seemed to change as instead of the war room we were in earlier, I found myself looking at the beautiful, starry night sky with the moon nearing it's peak.

"How did you-"

"Magic." Marx interrupted with a smile.

Should've guessed.

"Now Kirby, close your eyes." Meta Knight instructed. "Look deep inside of yourself and try to bring it out."

Doing what he asked, I closed my eyes and found nothing but darkness. It felt like an endless abyss where I found nothing but the cold encroachment of the void.

'I want the Warp Star.' I thought to myself. 'I need the Warp Star.'

Like that, I felt a drain on myself as the small flicker of light appeared in the abyss, a star in the light of darkness.

"Damn Kirby, did it on your first try." Marx voice cut my out of my thoughts.

Snapping my eyes open, I couldn't help but think that the ground felt different somehow. Looking down I found the answer.

It glowed brightly as I sat upon it. It felt warm and full of life.

"Woah." I gasped.

"Woah indeed." Marx smiled.

"Are you getting on?" I smiled back. Oh this was so cool! I was on the Warp Star!

I was levitating low enough to the ground, which was some wooden planks(at least it ain't metal), to where he could easily hop onto the rather large star as he sat beside my, cross-legged. "Let's get goin', shall we?"

ONe problem Marx, I don't know how to move this-HOLY CRAP WE'RE MOVING!!!

I let out a strangled scream and instinctually grabbed onto Marx as we both soared forward at incredible speed.

"This is amazing!" Marx cheered. "Also terrifying!"

Glad we have something we agree on.

Now that I'm getting used to the movement, I could feel myself relax as we blasted through the sky.

"You wanna know what should blow your mind sky high?" Mar smirked.

"What?" I asked.

"Look behind you."

when he said that it would blow my mind sky high, he meant it in a figurative and literal sense.

Floating through thy sky and armed to the teeth was a monstrous battleship with bat-like wings that emitted an epic and dangerous aura.

It was the mother fucking Halberd, Meta Knight's personal flying Warship.

"How do ya like his Noble Phantasm?" Marx questioned with a massive grin. "It's what we woke up on, so you can thank Meta Knight for that, I think."

I wasn't really listening, only gaping at the awe inspiring sight before me as we circled the marvellous ship.

A/n: How'd you like chapter 4? Did you like the reveal of one of Rider's/Meta Knight's Noble Phantasms? I think Ben's/Kirby's Warp Star would count as a Noble Phantasm too because of what it can do and what it can allow Ben/Kirby to do.
True Name: Ben | Kirby
Height: 105cm/3ft 5in
Class: Saber
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):
-[Warp Star](?) --{Description/Abilities: ???}

True Name: Rei Lilian | Magolor
Height: 166cm/5ft 5in
Class: Archer
Class Skills:
-Independent Action(?)
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: Adrien Tayler| Galacta Knight
Height: 200cm/6ft 7in
Class: Lancer
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: Raphael Sullivan | Meta Knight
Height: 195cm/6ft 5in
Class: Rider
Class Skills:
-Magic Resistance(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):
-[Halberd: Starship of the Greatest Warrior](?) --{Description/Abilities: ???}

True Name: Tom Claydol| Hyness
Height: 170cm/5ft 7in
Class: Caster
Class Skills:
-Item Construction(?)
-Territory Creation(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: Maxie Phocall| Marx
Height: 150m/4ft 11in
Class: Assassin
Class Skills:
-Presence Concealment(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):

True Name: Mark Castle| King Dedede
Height: 225cm/7ft 5in
Class: Berserker
Class Skills:
-Mad Enhancement(?)
Personal Skills:
Noble Phantasm(s):
How the hell is zeltrach ever able to do anything to Kirby, dude is magnitudes stronger than him.
But besides that good story.
Considering the fact that Kirby can throw a monster and a frying pan into orbit (Both being 10 times bigger than him but its the Anime so 🤷‍♂️ ) Strength needs to be very high, also the fact everyone can survive Wormholes unassisted they have EX endurance (Star Allies and how Marx is a living black hole). Agility I can't measure, but the Warp Star is FTL (Smash:WoL). Luck is Luck (Defy fate), so managing to beat over 10 eldritch abominations with nothing but friendship and determination should make it high. Mana is a thing but I don't think he can match True Magic so A+ maximum. NP possibilities: Warp Star would grant Agility EX because FTL, Copy Abilities/Inhale could work as both conversion of matter to food or stars, and the ability to mimic someone's skills by consuming them. Inhale should also be able to Copy skills without destroying people (Smash)

But they all are stuck in class containers so all powers are likely vastly weakened

Also RIP Lor Starcutter, Magolor is an Archer.
Considering the fact that Kirby can throw a monster and a frying pan into orbit (Both being 10 times bigger than him but its the Anime so 🤷‍♂️ ) Strength needs to be very high, also the fact everyone can survive Wormholes unassisted they have EX endurance (Star Allies and how Marx is a living black hole). Agility I can't measure, but the Warp Star is FTL (Smash:WoL). Luck is Luck (Defy fate), so managing to beat over 10 eldritch abominations with nothing but friendship and determination should make it high. Mana is a thing but I don't think he can match True Magic so A+ maximum. NP possibilities: Warp Star would grant Agility EX because FTL, Copy Abilities/Inhale could work as both conversion of matter to food or stars, and the ability to mimic someone's skills by consuming them. Inhale should also be able to Copy skills without destroying people (Smash)

But they all are stuck in class containers so all powers are likely vastly weakened

Also RIP Lor Starcutter, Magolor is an Archer.
A lot of them could be Riders to be honest. Kirby has his Warp Star, Magolor has the Lor Starcutter, Meta Knight has the Halberd, heck even Hyness has the Jambastion, but I chose Meta Knight to be the Rider above all others.

I guess it was just my personal bias though.
Meta Knight probably has all the Meta-Knights as well as the crew of the Halberd from games like 'Nightmare in Dreamland' as part of his Noble phantasm.
Wonder if it's as broken as a certain other rider's ace?