Heroic Age! RWBY/Saint Seiya elements crossover.

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What happens when a "god" decides that Remnant should start a new era of heroes no matter what the cost or damage this may bring?

Modifying the world stage, bringing more beech things from the dimensional borders and creating heroes and monsters alike.
1: Prometheus.
Heroic Age.

1: Prometheus.

Remnant was a broken world, a twisted parody of what it once was.

There was no hope even when its inhabitants struggled to have it.

With the constant threat over their heads any light that might have appeared dim.

But if there was no hope in Remnant, that just meant they should get it from somewhere else.

Or someone would have to give it to him.

He did not know this world so well, the information he had was scarce at best, but if he knew something was that each world deserved a chance.

I did not know why I was here, nor for what purpose, there was no great Revelation or a great mission.

No one gave him an address or expected him to do anything.

But he would do something, not because he was forced, not because someone asked him.

He would do it because it was the right thing to do.

Because it's never wrong to help others.

And this world needed to be helped.

Maybe that's why he got the knowledge he had now? The boundless power that ran through his veins?

He didn't know and frankly didn't care.

The actions and choices he made were now entirely under his responsibility.

And his choice was clear, he had not yet made a complete plan, he still had things to polish, to use the little knowledge he had about this world would be difficult but nothing worthwhile is easy.

In this broken world where hope was fleeing, he would bring it back, even if he had to bring despair along with it.

Ancient legends, legendary heroes as well as mythical monsters.

They didn't exist in this world so he would create his own.

An outside observer might think he was playing, a chess game where he intended to move each piece to his own convenience.

But he did not do this for him, the power he now possessed could assure him of anything he wanted, whether in this remnant or on other worlds.

No, he wasn't doing this for him, he was doing it for them, to give them a chance.

They might think they were chess pieces but the difference was that on this board every piece was a pawn and they all had the potential to excel.

To become any other piece.

To become anything they wanted as long as they had the conviction and the will.

Maybe at the end of it all they would curse him, but that was fine, big changes require sacrifices and if he wanted this world to return to what it once was then what better sacrifice than himself?

After all if he can't even offer the very thing he will ask of them then he would only be a hypocrite.

Even he who plays with the board should be no different than the pawns on it.

So to better understand this world, before you act you must become part of the board.

Separating a smaller part of himself a body formed, with long dark hair, emerald-like green eyes, a ponytail sticking out of his lower back denoting his ancestry different from human.

The man looked at himself and saw himself through both pairs of eyes.

Nodding with another wave of his hand he dressed the newly formed body.

"Your name is Chiron" saying it was redundant, it wasn't as if there was anyone else besides him in this place, yet he felt he had to say it.

"And yours Prometheus?" The voice came out of his other mouth, an ironic smile on his face, speaking to himself in this way made him let loose a snort.

"Yes, I suppose so" the now named Prometheus nodded and with a wave of his hand a portal opened.

"go and start a new era"

When Chiron's body disappeared Prometheus looked at the void, his connection with Chiron had almost been severed, they were the same being but they should not experience the same thing, at the same time there was still a connection and a communication of course but it was not as before.

Chiron was the best of him, his kindest, most compassionate human side, so he had to snatch many things from him and deny him a certain level of knowledge.

For a moment they were the same thing but when Chiron left, they stopped being so, removing memories of a being that was practically the same left a bad taste in the mouth, but it was a necessary evil.

He needed Chiron to be the spark that ignited the new age and for that reason Chiron would never know what he had taken from him.

Even if he had taken a first step he still had to take a second.

Where there are heroes there are difficulties and where there are difficulties there are monsters.

For a hero to be born, there must be a threat.

Remnant had its own threats, a substantial amount but a quality that left much to be desired.

A true hero could never be forged without a worthy enemy, something that makes him go beyond any limit, to break every shackle that ties his potential and go further than anyone else.

And he didn't just want one hero, he wanted many.

Therefore he needed that which would make them fight for greatness.

With a thought a spot of thick darkness formed, slowly a new being was born of it.

He did not share consciousness with him, he was not part of him, if not a new kind of existence but it would be a lie if he said that he did not put something of himself in this creation, if squeaking was his humanity then this would be the monster within him.

Something he did based on the darkness the Grimms were made of and at the same time adding his own touch, from ancient memories of a life he once lived.

Her pale skin, almost as white as the marble, contrasted with the long dark hair that fell to her lower back.

A white mask, with black and red lines and a pair of menacing horns and a glowing purple pupils.

Half of his lower face looked beautiful but the upper half covered by the demonic-looking mask hid that beauty.

A low and visceral roar came from the new kind of existence a kind of existence this world had never seen.

"your name is Hades, God of the Grimm" as if his words were some sort of law a dark energy stirred in the world.

In the palm of promise a dark sphere of energy formed slowly entering the body of Hades

"God of the underworld" when the energy finished entering the body of the dark god a roar that would have shaken the entire world escaped his jaws.

The raw power was ejected like a burst of dark violet energy shaking the space they were in.

If the Grimms did not have the potential or quality to be useful to him he would only create a new type of Grimm, one so similar and different that it would not clash too much with the worldview but would still be significant enough to bring about change.

"create your own world, create the underworld" with that said, Hades went through a portal, his unknown destiny.

Even Prometheus did not know at all what would happen now that he had left something like this free in the Remnant world.

After all as one more chess piece, it would be too inconsiderate if I knew every move other pieces would make.

Of course to make sure things didn't get too out of hand, he still needed to have some pieces under his direct control.

It was not yet time to become a full pawn.

For that reason he decided to take a third step, aura and semblances, a system of power that lacked the potential that this world needed to go further.

If he wanted this world to have a real future, he needed to unlock real potential.

Aura was just a padlock, a useful one but a padlock at the end.

What is the best way to forge a hero? To let him grow as his will dictates.

How far he can go and how far he can go will depend entirely on himself.

Of his tenacity.

Of his bravery.

Of his will.

So he opened his palm and the cosmos rolled into it.

Something that is born of the will and lies at the root of the human spirit, a source of power that has no limits.

something capable of creating miracles born of conviction and will.

A power even the gods can fear.

And now I was giving it to every living being in Remnant, unlocking the potential so they could go more there.

Of course the cosmos wasn't something you could just use on a whim.

Even if the seed of potential has been planted it still depends on a good farmer cultivating it.

With a thought I send the knowledge of this power source to the two pieces that I had deployed.

one would take that power to bring about the destruction.

the other, his kinder side had the duty to transmit this knowledge to bring salvation.

He assumed that now the name chiron had more weight.

After all who better than the one who forged the great heroes of Greece to make a new era of heroes born in this world?

Of course they were not the same but if they shared the name at least they should live up to that.

And with an underworld god now roaming this world, they definitely needed someone like that.

Thinking about the subject a smile formed on his lips, there was a god, a teacher and future potential heroes.

But if they wanted to defeat Hades they needed more than just aura and Cosmos.

In a flash a metal box appeared in front of Prometheus.

Intricate and detailed engravings reflecting the ancient Greek aesthetic were on its surface.

A fourth step was taken, there was no Athena but it was not necessary.

These knights would serve no god but themselves and what they want to protect.

In a flicker more and more boxes that kept bronze armor formed waiting in the void.

Then a golden box appeared in Prometheus' right palm.

A master must have something better than bronze after all.

The bow and arrow formed in the engravings of the box, the golden armor of Sagittarius waved and was transported to Chiron's hands with a flash of golden light.

then raised his left hand, the darkness rolled up and a dark metal box formed, a cranium surrounded by black roses forming in the engravings of the box.

a god should also have a armor worthy of him.

In the blink of an eye the box was gone.

Beside the boxes containing the bronze armor several different boxes surrounded by darkness formed, spectral armor.

Prometheus looked at the void now divided into two, light and darkness, closed his eyes, had taken the first steps, now it would be up to Remnant and his inhabitants to take the next.

I was hoping you wouldn't let him down.

Note: I did this at a time off, I have been having some stress due to monetary problems and wanted to write something different to Defiant.

This story is influenced by (the huntsman of red)

Just read it again after a while and the first bows still seem incredible but the last bow left me a bitter taste.

The story was very serious and dignified in the first arches and in the intermediate arches.

It felt like there was something bigger.

Then of course Beacon had to come and ruin things.

I honestly do not blame the author for my bitterness, he is telling the story he wants to tell and I understand.

Of course, I was disappointed by the course I took.

Yet I am inspired enough to try something slightly similar but also different.

I'm not going to do something entirely the same or too similar this is influenced, yes, but it won't be a copy and paste to every element of that story, it will probably deviate a lot in some respects.

What happens when a "god" decides that Remnant should start a new era of heroes no matter what the cost or damage this may bring?

Modifying the world stage, bringing more beech things from the dimensional borders and creating heroes and monsters alike.

This story deals less with the point of view of what that "god" does and more of the characters of rwby witnessing and reacting to all the changes that happen and surfing dare of them.

The central point of this is to see how all the changes affect the perception and experiences of rwby characters.

Their struggles, sorrows and victories.

Who will become the heroes and who will become the monsters?

Sometimes the line between the two things is so thin that both can be the same.

I don't have a date to update this, unlike defiant where I have more or less a plan to follow.

but the Lore of rwby is confused in some things, I have to see all the volumes again but I am sure that even so there will be things that are not clear, so I'll have to use my third-rate writing skills to fill in those gaps so this can count as slightly AU but I'll try to be as faithful as possible to the rwby universe, at least as much as I can get.
2: Sagittarius
2: Sagittarius

Legends, stories and myths forged by time.

Humanity, always anxious to safeguard its history, has done so with the desire to tell the stories of those who engraved their name in the minds of many.

Be they heroes, villains or monsters.

All were recorded in history even if over time those stories were reduced to mere tales.

Remnants of his true legend.

But that was inevitable, how can a broken world remember its heroes when it is not even a shadow of itself?

Man born of the dust of ancient glory may have forgotten those legends.

But even if forgotten legends are always born again, regardless of the time, the circumstances or the method.

Humans will always find a way to engrave their name in history.

From humble beginnings to predestined births.

Whether with imposed greatness or won by sweat and tears.

Heroes and monsters always come back.

Even in a remnant legends are born

Whether for better or worse, the fate of the world is always put at stake when a new heroic era is born.
The evening began, the sunlight hiding behind the horizon, the end of the day.

And the beginning of the hunt.

For the Huntsman that is, protectors of humanity, forged warriors willing to give their lives for the safety of many others.

In a twisted sense each of them capable of being legend by themselves but held back by limits they cannot overcome and a broken world they cannot remember.

In remnant even those who gave their all are forgotten as easily as the dust in the wind.

The light of this world is so dim against the darkness.

Chiron looked sadly at the corpse at his feet.

Shattered, mutilated, torn apart.

There were many words to describe it but Chiron did not use any, seeing the body of a potential hero saddened the faun.

He looked at the broken weapon and stained with blood and sigh, with slow and respectful movements he collected the remains of what was once a living being and gave it a dignified burial.

He didn't know his name, didn't know his story or his dreams or goals.

But someone who dedicated his life to protecting others did not deserve to die without a proper burial.

Or as suitable as Chiron could give at this time.

After almost an hour the faun cut a simple stone from a nearby rock.

"Here lies the one who gave his life for others, the one who defended those who could not defend themselves until the end, a Huntsman" had no name because he did not know it, but even if there was no name it could still be remembered by its title.

It was a somewhat bitter beginning for the faun of another world.

To be received in this way only put into perspective his mission, the reason why he had come to this world.

His memories were vague, there were things he could not remember properly, it was disconcerting.

But there were other things that were as clear as crystal water.

He came to this world because this world was about to be destroyed.

And he had to avoid it, not on his own, that was impossible, even if he knew he was strong enough not to face the mysterious threat of which he had little knowledge but of his divine origin.

A god was born and remnant would be destroyed if he did nothing.

Maybe that's why Prometheus had brought him into this world?

He didn't remember much about Prometheus, but if the name didn't lie that would be the god or Titan who stole the fire of the gods for mankind.

The old legends he knew may not be entirely accurate or correct but he did not believe that the promise he knew was too different.

After all, how could anyone else steal the power of the cosmos for the humanity of this world?

There was no god who was brave and kind enough, there was no other willing to offend all and all to give mankind a chance to survive.

The cosmos was the fire of the gods, the power to overcome any limit regardless of the obstacle.

This world should not have it but now it had it, any living being could access it with adequate knowledge and training.

But above all else, Prometheus had decided to steal more than just the fire of the gods.

Chiron looked at the necklace on his palm, a golden metal plate engraved with Greek symbols and a bow and date.

The golden armor of sagittarius.

A sacred armor forged to be worn by a champion of the gods.

Only a god could offer his blessing so that a worthy elect could possess it.

And that chosen one would always serve that god until his death.

But in this world this was not so.

The sacred armor of a golden saint was free of any god who would impose his dominion over her.

This armor was free to be worn by whoever the armor chose and that person would have no restrictions.

It would only serve itself and those it chooses to protect.

An armor that enhanced the power of its wearer to the point that even a god would have to think twice before facing it.

But even possessing something so chiron was not relaxed.

Hades... god of the underworld.

How could a simple golden knight defeat such a being?

Even if the twelve golden saints were together it was not a fight they wanted to wager on winning.

No, he needed more than just golden saints.

He needed heroes.

And that's why he came into this world.

Or at least that's what he firmly believed, all these thoughts were made based on the belief that the Hades of this world possessed at least half the power of the hades it knew.

He was imagining in a more difficult scenario and until he could correctly measure the power of the god of the underworld he would keep it.

But even thinking about the power of the cosmos and the right to wear a sacred armor was not something that could be given carelessly.

Choosing the wrong person could bring a disaster that would lead this already fragile world to its destruction much faster.

Fortunately Chiron was in no hurry at this time.

Probably one of the only good things he had in his favor was that he and the god of the underworld had arrived at the same time.

That gave him time, time to build his forces, find those worthy to wear the sacred armor and face the disaster to come.

Of course the grimm god also had that time, he would definitely use it to prepare his plans, to build his underworld.

It was inevitable, even with the force he chiron possessed he did not have the confidence to face hades on his own and defeat him before he managed to spread his influence.

Unless the god prometheus himself decided to intervene, more than he had already done.

But Chiron didn't think it was possible, most likely the god was now having a lot of trouble doing what he did.

Or at least that's what the chiron himself believed.

That just left him.

Looking at the dark sky and the broken moon, over it, the faun could not help but sigh for the uncertain future, but the will in it did not fluctuate, there was no hesitation had a mission to fulfill and a world to save.

Even if it ended with their destruction.
Hate, resentment, fear, anger, helplessness, despair, sadness.

So many negative emotions permeated the world, Hades took a deep breath, savoring each one of them and feeding himself.

Every negative emotion in the air made his emotion body tremble, he absorbed the negative energy in them and felt his power increase slightly.

He was a god, born of humanity's fear and despair towards the grimm.

He took form and embodied the concept of "evil" born from darkness and his power would always grow as long as any living thinking being existed and feared him.

This is what he knew of his existence.

But of course he knew there was something more, he could feel it, its existence was not as simple as it seemed at first glance.

There were questions but they didn't matter for now, he was hungry and although there was a lot of negative energy in the air it was barely enough for him.

He needed some fresh food.

His hand was raised and a thick mud covered in black miasma fell out, quickly taking shape.

In less than a minute, a figure more than 3 meters high formed in front of him.

His skin was black with purple tones, red lines covered the surface of him like throbbing veins.

White bone armor covered his vital parts and a helmet resembling a bull's skull covered his face.

His horns pointed towards the sky and black lines extended from the opening of his eyes, glowing red eyes.

His long spiked tail swung behind him, who knelt in front of Hades.

The grimm god looked at his creation in front of him and nodded satisfied, he could feel the power inside him, a fragment of the cosmos burning in the grimm's body.

That should be impossible, the cosmos only exists in living beings and grimm are soulless beings, constructions of dark energy.

No longer, the god Grimm as a divine being had a heavenly right over what he ruled.

The grimm that he created would not be the same as any other grimm, using his power he had given it life, now this dark being had a body of flesh and blood, with dark energy running through its veins and a spark of cosmos burning in its inside.

"Let's call your kind... Minotaur" Hades' voice was cold and distorted.

The minotaur nodded accepting the name that had been given to him, even if he was a living being his level of intelligence was still restricted due to his recent birth, Hades had only implanted basic knowledge into his mind.

After all the minotaur was just a small test, he was a living grimm but only that.

Hades' goal was to create his ghosts, this knowledge had come with his birth, the ghosts would be his greatest soldiers and those who would give him the world.

But in order to create them he first needed to create his underworld.

Or at least a part of it.

The souls in this world did not have the joy of eternal rest, he could see it, there was no heaven or hell, their souls with no place to go had permeated the soil of the world.

He could feel them, like currents of elemental energy passing through the world.

That had to be corrected, even if he was the god of the grimm he was also the god of the underworld.

Granting eternal rest was his right, and he could already taste all the suffering that would be generated in the underworld.

After all, no one said that eternal rest had to be pleasant.

With a wave of his hand the minotaur stood up.

"Bring me food" the enormous monster nodded and in a blurry movement took off towards the distant horizon.

To create at least a fragment of his underworld he needed a substantial amount of mortal souls, mortal souls that died giving off negative emotions.

With a quick calculation he knew that at a minimum he would need at least ten thousand of them.

With a thought he sensed the existence of all the grimm, no normal grimm wouldn't do.

They were just hollow shells without souls, they couldn't collect the souls of those who killed them, it seemed like he would have to do it the slow way, his hand stretched out again and the same thick mud and black miasma came out.

A new form of life was created, with mostly dark fur with purple tones, red lines covering his body and a mane as white as the moon.

The body of a three-meter-tall grimm lion formed in front of Hades.

"Nemean lion" the name was easily given.

A low roar of recognition escaped the beast.

"bring me food" and in a blur similar to that of the minotaur, the Nemean lion took off.

Hades sensed his reserves of negative energy, the main source for creating his grimm, had spent more than half of it on his two recent creations.

After all he had only absorbed the remains left behind in time of those dark emotions.

If he wanted more he had to obtain them from a fresh source, for that reason he had created the two grimm.

They would bring the negative emotions and souls of those they killed to feed him and increase his strength.

He could have done it himself, gone to a populated place and claimed their souls and suffering as was his divine right.

But his sixth sense warned him that doing this was not a good idea, the grimm god looked at the horizon, almost in the distance he could feel it, a golden light that illuminated the world.

A cosmos that burned as bright as gold.
Something had changed, in the depths of the dark lands infested with grimm, the queen of them all felt the change.

Her eyes opened and she looked at the destroyed moon, a cold sweat ran down her back and for the first time in thousands of years a feeling she thought she had lost was born inside her once again.

That was fear.

Her fists clenched, and her teeth clenched so much that tar-black blood leaked across her lips.

She felt the grimm under her control stir away from her, that should be impossible.

The grimm just bowed to her!

But right now, the grimm no longer seemed willing to kneel in front of her, at least not so easily anymore.

She exerted pressure on those closest to her, regaining control but knew without a doubt that she had lost control of those furthest away.

She had lost control of half of the world's grimm in an instant.

"God," a word was spat from her lips with contempt, hatred and fear beyond measure.

A god was in remnant.

Her already dead heart began to beat nervously again.

The world would change once again and the grimm queen was caught completely off guard by this.

But as if in response to the dark energy that began to cover the world, a golden flash was present, causing the darkness to recede slightly.

Another god?! No, although the energy was strong it did not reek of divinity.

The queen looked with interest into the distance.


In a tall tower a man once called a wizard looked at the sky with fear in his eyes.

He could feel it, a pulse of dark energy coursing through the world, like a black hole threatening to engulf the world.

He squeezed the staff in his hand so tightly that his aura threatened to break.

Had the dark god descended? That day had he finally arrived? But the war was not over yet, the relics were still separated.

His thoughts were interrupted when a golden light seemed to shine on the horizon, clearing the darkness.

The god of light!

No, Ozpin felt it, this was not a god.

It was something different, yet the golden light pushed back the darkness and in the blink of an eye it was as if nothing had happened.

Her eyebrows furrowed tightly.

He felt uncertainty.

What was happening?
On a moonlit hill, Chiron smiled, a white cloak billowing in the air and golden armor shimmering in the light of the broken moon.

His hands rose, a bow and arrow in them that glowed with golden starlight.

His cosmos burned with full force creating a storm around him, the air stirred and thunder flashed in the distance.

"I found you" Chiron's smile grew bigger, then with all his concentration he shot Sagittarius' golden arrow.

The shock wave from the shot destroyed the hill he was on.

Going faster than light the arrow pierced the distant sky leaving behind it a trail of golden light.

In every remnant every living being looked up looking at the sky in amazement, it was as if time stopped for an instant..
Hades opened his eyes in amazement, his cosmos burned with all its strength and his body tried to move but it was too late.

Almost instantly the Sagittarius arrow arrived in front of him, its golden energy sweeping away all darkness.

"Damned!" A scream of rage echoed through the place, the grimm shook in anguish.

In a sudden movement the god Grimm managed to move his body a few centimeters, even so the golden arrow hit his body, piercing his chest.

Just a few centimeters from his heart.

Tar-black blood came out of his mouth and the dark god retreated dozens of kilometers, destroying everything in his path.

He held the arrow with his hands trying to prevent it from piercing him completely.

And only after being dragged to the ends of the world did he stop.

The dark god gasped, looking with unmeasured anger toward the distant horizon.

"Sagittarius!" A word was spat in burning rage from his mouth.

A distant memory flashed for a brief moment in his mind giving him the name of the one who dared to attack him.

A shocking roar escaped his mouth, creating an earthquake in the area where he was standing.

Agitated he looked at the arrow in his chest, tried to pull it out but an unparalleled pain invaded him when he made the attempt.

He could feel it, the golden cosmos inside the arrow wreaking havoc on his body, making it harder to move and use his power.

He couldn't get her out now, not without more force.

In an instant he had been wounded and weakened.

The roar of rage that came out of his mouth shook the entire world.




What did you think? I know I told you there wouldn't be an update schedule so I hope it's a pleasant surprise.

I still eat sugar with water instead of cake like denji but that won't stop me from writing from time to time.

A warning to any new readers who haven't read my other story.

I don't speak English, I write mainly in my native language and then I translate and try to edit to make it more readable.

This of course brings with it grammatical errors that I try to fix but that are difficult to see for someone who does not speak English.

So if you see any I apologize in advance, I will try to edit it but with my current situation I don't promise much until I get out of this difficult situation.

Leaving those dark topics aside, give me your opinions!

I want to know what you think so far.
3: Fire of Gods.
3: Fire of Gods.

Qrow branwen wasn't having a good day, night? He had probably been having alcohol-induced hallucinations but he swore he saw the sky light up gold for a second.

That had messed up his internal clock, was it day and it had become night or was it night and what had it become during the day?

He looked at the now empty metal container as if it had betrayed him.

The alcohol was gone and with aura speeding up his metabolism he would be sober very soon, that sucked.

With irritation he stood up from the public bench where he had been lying, rubbing his head and looked at the starry sky with half-closed eyes.

So it was night and I just hallucinated that it was day or something like that.

Maybe he should stop drinking so much? Who the hell was he trying to fool of course he would keep drinking.

It's not like he can do anything else these days.

Depressing thoughts came to his mind and he quickly dismissed them. He tried to stand up but a piece of fruit peel he hadn't seen made him slip and his butt hit the bench again.

If he didn't have an aura that would have hurt.

Scratch that, if I didn't have an aura that probably wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Stupid Semblance.

While he was lamenting, he heard unsteady footsteps coming from a somewhat darkened path. The park where he had decided to spend the night was somewhat old, a medium-sized town almost on the outskirts of Mistral's territory, a poor place that couldn't afford anything better. that good lighting was not a viable option.

He looked and saw a tall man with long dark hair covered in a brown robe walking slowly and in a somewhat unsteady manner.

The guy put a hand on his face and sweat seemed to run down his cheeks.

Absently he noticed a ponytail swinging behind her lower back, a faun then.

He approached the bench where he was standing and looked for a moment before speaking.

"Do you mind if I sit down for a second?" His voice was clear and firm but with a clear hint of exhaustion.

"They are public domain you can sit wherever you want" Qrow said waving his hand.

"Besides, you really seem to need to rest a little." The man wasted no time and simply sat down. He was quite tall and well built, Qrow realized just by being next to him that he was built.

He didn't see a gun but I wouldn't rule out him being a hunter.

"Yes, I…may have gone a little overboard recently," the man said with a slight smile.

"Heh! If you want to talk about excesses, believe me, I can tell you a lot about them" Qrow took out his spare drink, another canteen hidden in his back pocket.

He took a long drink before offering some to the faunus next to him.

The man looked at it for a second before taking it and taking a long drink.

"This tastes better than I expected," the man admitted with some amazement as he handed the drink back to Qrow.

"of course! My alcohol always comes from the best place" was probably one of the few good things I had.

And so his hand suddenly stopped holding the canteen, causing it to fall to the ground, spilling its contents.

"Shit" Qrow looked dejectedly at the last of his personal reserves.

"You are a very unfortunate man, aren't you?" The faun's voice made him look away from the spilled alcohol, his eyebrows furrowing.

"You have no idea"

The now less wobbly man bent down and picked up the container, he held it in his hand and a faint golden light glowed.

"Despite that, you continue to fight for what you believe is right, even if you are broken." The voice had a kind of melancholy and his gaze seemed to be looking at something distant.

Qrow looked at the man in Confusion before realizing that he had placed the canteen back in his hands, feeling the weight on it he opened his eyes slightly before taking a drink.

The canteen was completely full again.

"what the fuck?" Qrow looked at the container dumbfounded.

"The world is about to change, that's why you shouldn't stop fighting, I really wish I could explain everything to you but the time to relax is over." As if he responded to the words, distant roars began to be heard from him, the Grimm seemed agitated.

"For now I hope this improves your luck, until we meet again" the faun's voice reached his ears but when he looked in his direction again he noticed that there was no one there.

Qrow looked around dumbfounded, before returning his gaze to the container of alcohol.

Now he seriously doubted whether he should continue drinking, for just a second, then he took another drink.

Immediately afterward he stood up and ran towards the distant roars.

"Do you think they'll let us get bunk beds? Or maybe we each have our own private room!" Sitting in a discreet place, two young figures of no more than 14 years old were protecting themselves from the rain.

The one who spoke was a young girl with short orange hair, a big radiant smile on her face.

"Nora, keep your voice down, they might hear us," the boy, with black hair and pink eyes, quickly calmed his friend down.

He stuck his head out looking around for a second before coming back and sighing.

"Looks like we lost them."

"Boring, I could have broken their legs on my own." Nora made a face that showed her reluctance to hide.

"And that would get us in trouble with the director." At the mention of the woman, Nora hesitated for a second.

"We shouldn't have left the school" Lie Ren sighed, really neither of us should be outside the Kuchinashi combat school.

They still had two years left before graduating, leaving the school's sphere of influence was not a good idea, that idea seemed increasingly worse when you took into account the kind of place kuchinashi was.

They had only been out for less than three hours and had already encountered multiple problems with muggers being the last one they were hiding for.

"but Ren! There have been no pancakes in the dining room for two weeks! If I don't get something now I'll die!" And that was the reason why they went out secretly…

Ren actually had to take a deep breath before nodding.

"We will find your pancakes, but first we have to ensure our safety" he patted Nora's head, although now they had some problems the matter had already reached this point, if they couldn't get those pancakes it would be a disgrace.

"I promise you Nora, I'll get those pancakes for you." A bright smile spread across the girl's features.

"You are the best Ren!" The hug might have caught someone else off guard, but Ren had long since gotten used to his friend's explosive displays of affection.

So he just wobbled a little.

"Okay, let's get going before Director Takaya realizes we're gone."

Taking Nora's hand, he checked the surroundings one last time before deciding it was safe and they began to leave, truly a city like Kuchinashi was a difficult place to navigate.

Its streets similar to an endless maze did not make it easy to navigate, since they arrived here Ren wondered if it would have been a better idea to go to Sanctum to study.

He dismissed that thought easily as he had done so many other times.

Only the kuchinashi combat academy would have accepted two orphans with no money and no background like them.

Any other option was not an option.

And although the city was called a concentration of criminals and vermin, and it certainly was, if you looked further than that it was still a city protected from the Grimm.

Of course there were dangers beyond the Grimm and that was the reason why they shouldn't be outside the academy in the first place.

As they walked through its intricate streets, a strange Sensation reached Ren's core.

It was as if something dark and twisted was filling the air around him.

"Maybe we can get a castle! Can you hear me Ren un-? "
Ren's hand shot up to cover Nora's mouth, cold sweat running down her back.

Nora wrinkled her eyebrows with a protest on the tip of her tongue, a protest that never came when she too began to feel the strange atmosphere.

They both quickly found a high place from which to observe the city.

The distant mountain peaks seemed more twisted and the fog accentuated the darkness, the moon just rotating to illuminate the wolf-like cliffs.

The ominous feeling that something was not right seemed to not be just Ren or Nora, many of the city's inhabitants began to close their homes, the shops and businesses were the same, those thieves and bandits began to gather and the criminal syndicate started moving.

The city's hunters were not far behind.

"We must go back to the academy" this time Nora did not protest.

Ren could feel her trembling as he took her arm.

The black haired boy gulped, his lips were dry, he forced his emotions to calm down now he had to take Nora to the academy where the teachers and other students were, it would definitely be a safe place if something really bad was happening. .

Of course his intentions remained intentions when a distant but piercing roar filled the area and echoed throughout.

Ren felt his body freeze and when he forced his gaze up he saw a piercing darkness arrive from the horizon.

Black wings filled his vision as he realized thousands of nevermores were flying towards the city.

The ground shook and when he looked into the abyss of the cliffs his heart sank, from the depths crawling inch by inch thousands of red eyes looked towards the city.

By heaven and earth Kuchinashi was surrounded by Grimm.


There was a wailing cry and then thick black smoke, the Grimm's body disappearing having been cut in half.

Qrow looked at the Grimm flooded sky, looking at the direction such a massive horde was heading he couldn't help but curse.

He looked at the small town behind him, although some Grimm had attacked the number had been manageable, there were many more attacking distant places but Qrow had concentrated on protecting the place where he had decided to spend the night.

Now that the local hunters could hold the fort Qrow looked towards where the massive wave of Grimm was heading clearly being guided by something.

This wasn't normal, Grimm don't usually ignore other places easily and the only explanation he could come up with at the moment was that something or someone was leading a large amount of Grimm towards the city of Kuchinashi.

He had to investigate it, he had to find out what was happening and tell Ozpin.

This could be very bad.

With a leap his body was lifted into the sky and soon a crow flew towards the distant city.


"left!" Ren shouted warning Nora who dodged easily thanks to her warning.

His Hammer, his weapon not yet fully finished, crashed into the head of a nevermore, causing the Grimm to fly out and crash into a structure.

For his part, Ren dealt with two other beowolves who tried to ambush him from behind, their knives cutting through their bodies easily.

The attack on the city had been much faster than they expected, like a pincer strategy the Grimm had decided to flood from the sky and the ground at the same time leaving no time to prepare.

Ren and Nora had been attacked instantly and with no time to hide they were forced to fight.

Fortunately they had brought their weapons with them, although not completely finished they were still weapons.

Now they were fighting to get to the academy, which was not being so easy.

It was like being in kuroyuri again, the mere thought of this made Ren freeze briefly, something he almost struggled with.

"CAREFUL!" Nora's warning saved Ren from a blow that would have shattered his aura, the young man jumping dodging hundreds of feathers from a giant nevermore.

Each feather impacting with enough force to embed itself deep into the concrete and stone.

No! It wasn't like kuroyuri, Ren reassured himself, now he could fight, he wasn't defenseless.

Both young men quickly gathered back to back looking at the red eyes surrounding them everywhere.

The sound of gunshots and fighting could be heard throughout the city.

Ren watched, looking for an opportunity to sneak away and use his semblance to make an easy path for him and Nora.

The search for him was interrupted when a body flew faster than the human eye could track, the body crashed a few meters away from them, creating a deep crater.

The shock wave of the impact caused both young men to almost stumble.

They stood back and looked, recognizing the body as one of the best hunters in the city.

Now his ribcage was sunken and open, the mangled organs hung from three large openings and blood stained his entire body.

His weapon was broken into pieces and the life had gone from his body, Ren felt his heart tremble uncontrollably, his gaze went towards the direction where the body had come from and pure terror flooded his body.

Slowly approaching, a huge feline body looked at them.

His skin, unlike that of any other Grimm, had a purple tone, black and red lines covering his body, his white mane swayed with the wind and his eyes looked at them with obvious intelligence.

Perhaps the biggest impossibility and the reason why Ren felt so afraid was the purple aura with dark undertones that surrounded the monster.

Almost like an aura.

That should have been impossible, Grimm has no aura, but for Ren in this moment that impossibility was shattered by the sight in front of him.

A low growl escaped his maw and all the Grimm around moved away leaving an obvious path between the beast and them.

Without thinking, Ren brought Nora behind him and as an act of desperation he activated her semblance, hoping that by some miracle the Grimm would stop watching them.

Their bodies seemed to lose color and Ren almost thought it had worked, until something resembling a mocking smile appeared on the monster's face.

Faster than the human eye could follow, faster than even an aura-enhanced hunter could perceive.

Ren didn't even blink and the monster's claw was already in front of him.

Instinct, fear, adrenaline, and a lot of absurd luck were the only reason why Ren was able to throw his and Nora's bodies back at the last moment.

Despite that Ren felt fresh blood coming out of his face, three red lines marked on his skin.

The monster hadn't broken his aura, his claws had simply passed by as if there was nothing there in the first place.

"ugh!" His hand shot out towards his face feeling the burning pain.

Luckily for him none of his eyes had been damaged but the pain he felt was beyond description.

"Ren!" Nora took longer to react and when she realized it Ren was half kneeling on the ground bleeding deeply.

The huge lion did not attack again, it simply looked at them with something resembling amusement in its eyes.


"Nora NO!" Ren tried to grab Nora but it was too late, the orange haired girl had already shot towards the Grimm.

Her aura boosted her strength, causing her body to easily rise several meters, reaching the head of the lion Grimm.

The hammer swung with all its force, a shock wave spread from where it hit and the strong winds sent debris flying.

Any Grimm would have been killed if not seriously injured by such an attack.

It was not enough.

The hammer did not even move the lion's huge body an inch.

His red eyes seemed to look mockingly at the little girl in front of him.

The lion's huge front paw stretched out faster than Nora could react and its claws closed over her body.

Ren opened his eyes in horror, his body burning with the light of the Aura and he hurriedly got up running without thinking.

His mind blank he could only stare at the sight in front of him.

But his passage was interrupted when dozens of beowolves lunged at his, holding him to the ground preventing his movement.

His body tried to rise but the Grimm were ferocious.

The lion watched this with clear amusement, the negative emotions reaching his body being greedily devoured, his god would be pleased.

He looked at the horror and fear of the young human with satisfaction.

His enormous mouth opened on the young woman he held in his claws, she struggled, tried to free herself.

"Ren! H-help me"
the desperate cry reached the young man's ears, his aura shone more intensely, his body began to rise despite being pressured by dozens of Grimm.

But the apostle of the dark god did not hesitate, a great suction force began to be generated from his mouth, the girl screamed in pain when her aura turned on but instead of protecting her, the aura began to be torn from her body.

Quickly the energy that covered her being was swallowed up.

Her soul being devoured.

"Nora!" Ren watched in despair as something began to detach from Nora's body, a version made of energy from her friend seemed to be torn from her body and he could do nothing but watch.

He had to stop it, he had to save her, he couldn't let Nora die, he wouldn't allow it again.

He wouldn't lose anyone again.

Her teeth clenched as her aura glowed more intensely. Her fingers dug hard into the concrete. Her body began to rise.

More!, he needed more, he had to get up.

He had to save her.

Tears began to fall from his eyes, blood mixing with them, but he ignored the pain.

It didn't matter anymore, the pain, the fear, the despair didn't matter anymore.

Nothing mattered if he couldn't save her.

Inside him, deep inside him, the memories of his childhood came, his town destroyed, his parents murdered.

He had sworn to himself that he would never lose anything again.

He had sworn that he would always protect Nora.

That he would become the hunter who hunts the monsters that flooded his nightmares.

That they would always be together.

"Ahhhh!!" A scream of pain and fury left his mouth, for a moment his vision flickered black, his aura broke and his bones seemed about to break.

But that pain didn't matter, no more, he wouldn't run away again, he wouldn't lose anything again.

Within him, deep within his soul, a fire was lit, a spark burned brighter than the stars in the sky.

His body seemed energized, his mind ignoring anything other than saving Nora.

His will did not waver, the Grimm above him began to burn, their bodies burning as a flare of powerful energy ignited from Ren's body.

With an explosion all those Grimm were turned into ashes.

Ren didn't wonder how, he didn't question why or think about anything else.

His foot stomped and his body moved faster than ever.

The ground beneath collapsed instantly and his figure arrived in front of the lion Grimm with lightning speed.

His fist clenched, that fire inside him burning with all his might, just one punch, just one punch.

His mind, still aware of it, told him, his instincts warned him and his body also gave him that signal.

Every fiber of his being screamed in pain but that pain fueled his will.

He only had one hit so he focused everything he had on it, every part of him, every cell of him.

Every atom that made up his existence seemed to respond to this.

The fire burned and his fist shone with starlight.

The lion opened his eyes wide at the abrupt change and did not have time to retreat, his mouth still open let out a roar of fear.

Ren's fist slammed into his jaw, forcing his jaws shut and breaking all of his teeth.

His head shot back with purple blood pouring from his nose.

His entire body was sent flying dozens of meters into the air.

Ren forced his body that was burning with extreme pain and caught Nora falling from the sky.

He looked at her only friend, her family, traces of aura still in her but no longer shining like before.

Whatever had happened to her had left her unconscious.

Ren wanted to help her, check her condition but her body refused to follow her orders anymore.

Falling to his knees he barely prevented Nora's body from leaving his hands.

A piercing roar of fury and pain caught her attention immediately.

The lion Grimm recomposed himself as he landed on the roof of a house, shaking his head in pain.

His jaw is broken and his teeth are shattered.

The purple blood fell like a river.

His red eyes glared at him with burning fury, promising untold suffering and pain.

Ren spat out blood and slowly, very slowly stood up, leaving Nora behind him and taking the combat pose that had become his favorite.

His aura was Broken, every part of his body burned with extreme pain.

His hand, the one with which he had hit the Grimm, now had its bones shattered.

Everything in him screamed in pain.

But his eyes burned with will.

Even if it was the last thing he did, even if his body was torn apart and his life was taken.

He would save Nora, he would kill the beast in front of him no matter what.

The fire burned again inside him.

His will fueling the embers of him causing a fire to start again.

His broken fist that shouldn't be able to move anymore clenched.

The Nemean lion growled in disgust, no negative emotion was present in the human in front of him now.

Yet his soul shone brighter than any he had encountered before.

It would be a perfect gift for his god.

Just when the lion was about to attack he felt it, something that made his body tremble.

He looked towards the horizon, stopping paying attention to the prey in front of him.

Ren noticed the change in his behavior and looked out of the corner of his eye.

A golden light shot out from the horizon.

The lion screamed, he didn't roar, he screamed.

The clear fear in him.

In one swift movement his figure retreated dozens of meters and his shout caused the Grimm flooding the area to go into an uproar, running towards the golden light with abandon.

Ren looked in disbelief at the strongest Grimm he had ever seen, stronger than the one that destroyed his home village even, running away like a scared child.

Then the golden light shined onto his body and his tension seemed to disappear.

Ren felt a strange calm.

He looked towards the horizon, the golden light crossed the sky like a shooting star sweeping away any Grimm that approached and turning them into ashes.

Soon the light fell in front of him and a tall man with long black hair looked at him.

"Sorry, I'm too late."

He laughed without amusement, he felt the burning fire of the man in front of him and for some reason he knew that everything would be okay now.

The strength left him and his body fell to the ground, losing consciousness.



So a new update! What do you think so far? Ren and Nora's past is very difficult to describe so I had to do a lot of research and I still didn't find what I wanted so I had to make deductions with the information on the wiki.

This may or may not be correct so don't lynch me if in the future the information differs or something.

I think I'll stop paying too much attention to geographical locations in this story because Rwby's world certainly isn't very clear on a lot of those things.

This chapter should have been easier to write but all the research just to get an idea of where Ren and Nora should be at 14 years old screwed up the pace a bit hahaha.

I tried to be faithful but from now on I will say that this is an AU of rwby because honestly I will have to invent a lot of information that is not clear in the program.

Leaving my complaints aside, I want to know what you think so far and if you have any suggestions.

As I said in previous notes, this story does not have a great plan yet so there are still many things that can be implemented or removed depending on what happens in the future.