Hero of War [NGE]

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Hero of War

Attestation I:

Auld Lang Syne

January 1, 2032

It was a minute after midnight...
Attestation I


Punished Pineapple
Passin' the kouchie 'pon the lef' hand side

Hero of War

Attestation I:

Auld Lang Syne​

January 1, 2032

It was a minute after midnight on the dawn of the new year and it would be just like the sixteen before it. Every year before it on new years eve I'd either be drunk or wishing I was, alone... or wishing I was.

Even in a crowd, at least the kind I attracted, I was alone. I could put on the brave smile or give a little speech and all these years later they still wanted to hear what I had to say, touch my hand, get my autograph, take a picture.

I was sick of it, but nobody would listen. Nobody could really understand and anyone who did, well, they had better places to be.

Even as much as I wanted to be alone I still went out to the bars because I couldn't stand the quiet. Too many thoughts through my head, even now, second guessing myself. After the first few thousand people told me I saved the world I had a hard time remembering what parts were real and what parts were the hero worship bleeding through into my memory.

It always came back to me, because I wasn't allowed to forget.

I tapped the side of my empty glass and the bartender came down the bar to my stool. "Asuka, you know you're the only reason we even keep this on tap, you might wanna slow down a little bit, yeah?"

I loved this bar, as much as I loved anything. The hero worship still came shining through but at least they had enough respect and restraint not to use me to bring in crowds. It was about as private as I could get in public.

"Maybe on another day. I'm not slowing down on new years. Fill It up, keep em coming."

He shook his head at me, judging me. At least someone did. Maybe the veneer was finally flaking off and someone might actually see me for who I was. If I even--

The glass clanked down in front of me, a pint of cheap Japanese pißwasser that no self respecting German would ever drink, so it was lucky that I wasn't. Andreas didn't understand why I drank it, but he didn't have to understand; he just had to pour.

I drank it to remember and to forget. It was memorial and penance, and it served that purpose well.

It wasn't the only time of year and if anyone was left who really cared they'd have told me years ago that I shouldn't spend all my free time at the bar. The bar, 'The Usual Haunt', was definitely mine. I'd had more drinks and more meals in the not-quite-grungy one room tavern than I could reasonably count.

I didn't always eat and drink alone but I always went home that way. I didn't have the stomach or the taste for male company and the hero worship got old ten years ago, maybe even before that.

Andreas was a good man, or at least good to me. He was easily old enough to be my father but was set apart from him in that Andreas actually gave me something I needed.

The glass was empty as quickly as it had been filled and everything was a little more muted than usual. The necessary fog on the world that made it tolerable, palatable, digestable.

Twelve thirty-six. My yearly obligation to show my face in public and accept praise on the anniversary of my 'victory' was over. I made for the door and the few people milling about the bar parted like the red sea.

The heavy wooden door creaked when I pushed on it, as it had every time before. The night air was brisk, a nice chill that was a nice reprieve from the warmth that most to the year brought. It gave me an excuse to wear a scarf and hide my face. Avoid attention just long enough to get home and into bed.

The cobblestones were uneven underfoot and to anyone else who'd consumed as much Japanese malt-water as I had it would have posed a hazard. It was fine for me though. I was a professional. I'd been a professional in more ways than one.

Salvation day, survival day, redemption day. They could call it what they wanted and pin any medal they wanted to my chest and they'd do it all for themselves. It had been too late for me on the day I'd been born and it just took me until then to realize it.

To me, I wasn't a hero. I still wouldn't have done any of it differently. That had always been the problem for him. Knowing I'd do it all again the very same way. He'd never accepted that. And he'd always leave.

There were some things all the drinking in the world couldn't take away from me and the years of paranoia had only sharpened some skills. I knew by the second corner I'd gone around on the way back to my apartment that I was being followed. It had happened enough all those years ago and it had happened enough in all the years in between.

"I don't have anything for you to steal." I called out over my shoulder, but I didn't stop walking, nor did they. Footsteps clicking against pavement, maybe ten meters behind me. A hard soled shoe, not a soft rubber like a sneaker or a running shoe.

Section Two had always used hard soled dress shoes, they were to convey a look more than anything practical. It was an intimidation trick, but they could back it up so there was something behind it too. When I sped up, so did it.

"Listen, go fuck yourself. Whatever you want, I don't care, go away!" I yelled, maybe a little too loudly, but it was bullshit I didn't need. Mugger or pan-handler or hero worshipper, I didn't care.

I stopped near a gap in the buildings and the walking behind me did't. Click, click, clack. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I spun around to backhand the person behind me. The slap of my skin against their face echoed down the road when I pushed them into the alley.

My hand was around their throat and I had them pinned against the wall and I was squeezing down before I realized it was a woman a little younger than me. The part of me that might have cared and given her the benefit of the doubt for those two facts died in a hospital bed in Tokyo-3. "What part of 'Go fuck yourself' was difficult for you to understand? I want to be left alone."

She pushed my hand off her throat and I let her. She rubbed her neck and straightened up her shirt. "Asuka Langley Soryu, right? I've been looking all over for you."

I took a step back and threw my arms up, "Well, you found me. What do you want? An Autograph? Shake my hand? Tell me how much you appreciate what I did? What's it gonna take to get you to fuck off?"

"Just a few minutes of your time, actually. My name is Carolina Curtiss and I'm taking a film crew into Tokyo-3. I want you to be there." She answered with a smile that made me want to throw hands. Like I'd ever want to go back there.

"Why in the hell would you want to do something stupid like that? There's a reason we've never been back, and nothing you can offer me that'll make me go back there. If you're done pissing up a rope I've got a bed and a bottle of sleeping pills to get back to," I hissed at her as I turned away. A herd of wild horses and an act of parliament wouldn't get me back into what was left of that city.

"We're prepared to pay you a... well a ludicrous amount of money for it. If that's not compelling enough, perhaps you'd do it for Misa--"

I had my hand back on her throat and squeezing down before I really realized what I was doing, my teeth were bared and my heart was beating in my ears. "Don't even finish that thought," I hissed dangerously.

"I'll keep quiet then. We'll see you at the train station tomorrow."

She had me over a barrel and she knew it, and I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't know how she knew, but just knowing that she did was enough.

I didn't say anything back to her, she'd won and she knew it. The rest of the walk back to my apartment was... colder. I was used to dealing with people, at least far enough so that I didn't have to keep dealing with them but it had been years since someone had rattled me like that.

She shouldn't have known that name, there was no reason for her to know that name. The records had been sealed, destroyed! As far as the world was concerned she really never existed at all.

I kicked my door open and the knob buried itself in a hole in the drywall that had been getting deeper for years. It wasn't the first time I'd kicked the door open and I knew it wouldn't be the last. There were phone calls I should probably have made but instead I fell onto my bed and passed out.


December 31, 2015

Nothing could stop me, not ever again. Momma was with me and though these men might stand in my way, they wouldn't stand for long. Every bullet and cannon shell and missile that hit me just strengthened my resolve and I kept swinging.

A pair of rocket VTOL craft hovered off to my left and started to fire and with a single flick of the wrist my AT field deployed and stopped every shot in its tracks, but I didn't stop there. I pushed on it, harder and harder and started to walk towards them with the field as strong as it had ever been before.

The soldiers on the ground and in their tanks and trucks were flattened as I pushed forward, a great shield, or maybe a plow of light and energy stripped them from the Earth because I would not lose. I'd never lose again!

The aircraft tried to escape me but with a scream I lunged towards them and smashed them into oblivion between my AT field and the geofront wall. More kept coming, they would keep doing it until they were all dead, so I would kill them.

I switched on my external speakers and roared out at the array of tanks that was rolling towards me in their futile effort to stop me. "Stop holding back! I'll take you all on! Every single one of you at once!"

They took my challenge because they had to, because their pride and their fear demanded it, but so did mine. They fired their cannons and I kicked their tanks into the sky and they fired their missiles and I swatted their aircraft into the ground.

Men on foot tried to climb my legs and I stomped them flat. Nothing they could do could even slow me down. It was a futile effort to even try, to even think about trying.

Overhead, nine winged forms circled and I knew what they were, and I knew we'd fight. "The Eva series?"

There was a tense moment as they circled, descending slowly towards the field of battle. I sat in my entry plug, slowly breathing in the LCL. The Evas folded their wings in and dropped towards the ground.

I ran to meet them.


January 2, 2032

The train car was a private one, along with the rest of the train. It was a luxury extravagance that I'd been used to before, but it held no sway over me and hardly made up for the implicit threat that had gotten me here in the first place.

"Asuka, I'm glad you could make it. We're really excited to film this documentary and having the Hero of Tokyo-3 with us for this occasion is really going to make this something for the history books," Carolina gushed at me. The audacity of this woman was mindblowing. If she was a day over twenty I'd be surprised and yet she had guile of... a few other people I'd known.

She'd found what she'd found, which meant she had connections deep enough to scare me, and that was probably how she'd managed to put this whole thing together in the first place.

"I guess I can do anything if there's a gun to my head. Do I need to actually do anything for this documentary or is just having me in frame going to be good enough?" I muttered out while I sipped on the overpriced sparkling water they'd seen fit to stock the suite with.

"Well," She started with a smile that made me want to choke her again, "You lived there during the war, we're hoping you can serve as our guide as we explore the ruins. Show us the sights, that kind of thing."

I rolled my eyes and took another long drag off the bottle, wishing instead that it was a cigarette and that there was bottle of something flammable to drink in my other hand. "Carolina, you do realize they bombed the city into a crater right? There's a big hole in the ground, there's nothing for me to guide you through."

"You could guide us through the battle itself, show us where and how everything happened. It'll go with what our other guide can tell us about what happened in the base itself during that final battle." She continued, ignoring my objection completely. She probably did that to people a lot. I never had any respect for that kind of thing, at least when it happened to me.

"What other guide? Did you get Ibuki? Aoba?"

"Shinji Ikari."

I smashed the bottle flat in my hand and sprayed the water all over the front of my shirt. She'd found him? And he'd agreed to it? Of course he would, with that threat over his head. I wasn't ready to see him again. I was never ready to see him again any of the times that I did see him. "We don't do well together. You shouldn't have brought him."

"He said the same thing. I don't suppose you could shed light on why that is?" She asked me with that damn smile again. I couldn't tell if she was actively malicious or clueless as to what was really going on.

But I had to calm myself.

"It's very personal and I don't want to get into it." I answered as calmly as I was able, even though my fingernails were poking holes in what was left of the water bottle. It was rare that someone could make my piss boil so completely and so quickly, but she seemed to know exactly which buttons to push.

"Fair enough, I suppose we can come around to that part of the production later. For now, try to... enjoy the trip. We'll be at the airport by late afternoon tomorrow and we'll be in Tokyo-3 by the day after that. If you need anything, just call for an attendant."


Call for an attendant, what a joke. I found my way towards a dining car with an open bar. I wasn't going to ask for a drink when I could take them from the source and get refills. The bar tender was an older guy who reminded me a bit of Andreas. I wondered if maybe they had a warehouse full of these guys.

They didn't have my cheap Japanese beer, but they did have gin, and sometimes gin was enough. Gin and tonic. Gin and vermouth. Gin and Gin. I was three highballs deep when the stool next to mine squeaked and someone sat down.

I didn't need to look to know who it was. "Hi Asuka."

I felt my heart skip a beat and I took a long drag off my fourth glass before I could bear to turn and face him. If I was going to survive this trip I was going to need to drink until I couldn't feel feelings anymore.

I swallowed hard and turned just enough to catch him in the corner of my eye. "Hi Shinji. It's been a while."

He hesitated, in so many ways still the little boy, long after I'd made him a man. But in so many other ways, he wasn't just that little boy. "I've missed you."

This was how it always started, every time. This is why I tried to avoid him, because I felt what only he could say. "Well, we're both here now, so I guess you don't have to. You want a drink? I'll buy," I offered.

He slid his chair stool closer to mine and I took the invitation to lean against him. His arm went around my shoulders and I didn't stop him. He never needed to ask my permission to hold me. He was the one who always wanted to leave and I was always the one who wanted him to come back.

I would take what I could get.

"Yeah, I think I'll have a drink too, Asuka."

And so he joined me on my gin journey. His five to my nine, and he was still feeling it more than I was, but I had a lot more practice. By the end of the night we'd ended up in the same suite and I wondered if Carolina had planned for that to happen, since she seemed to know everything else private about us.

But I stopped worrying about that almost just as quickly as I'd started. I had far more pressing distractions to take care of before we arrived at the airport, and they would require my full and undivided attention.
What if Third Impact was stopped, What if Asuka didn't lose her last stand?

What if after all that, it wasn't the happily ever after story?

I'm sensing a sweet post 3i story though.

Still the deathray of an awakened Unit01 feels like the only appropriate course of action towards the reporter.
Imagine it in super slow motion. A person being cooked on the front by the energy, that then slowly crawls through the body making the skeleton visible, followed by the complete evaporation of the person.

Digging the fic so far thou.
He slid his chair stool closer to mine and I took the invitation to lean against him. His arm went around my shoulders and I didn't stop him. He never needed to ask my permission to hold me. He was the one who always wanted to leave and I was always the one who wanted him to come back
This was really sweet. This whole section made me somes. I like the whole story so far, but this part is just squeeee
Misato must be so proud both Asuka and Shinji learned how to drink just like her.

Truly, there could be no better testament to her memory.
The glass clanked down in front of me, a pint of cheap Japanese pißwasser that no self respecting German would ever drink, so it was lucky that I wasn't.
That's your hint, bartender. She's not. So stop asking. You're not the one she wants to talk to.
To me, I wasn't a hero. I still wouldn't have done any of it differently. That had always been the problem for him. Knowing I'd do it all again the very same way. He'd never accepted that. And he'd always leave.
Ah, Asuka, and her bottomless ability for self-delusion. If you think you did it all right, and wouldn't change anything, it wouldn't be messing you up this bad. On some level, you do realize you did things wrong, but they're so wrong you can't admit or face them. And Shinji knows all that, which is why you keep screaming at each other about it. He's trying to help you with your pain, you don't want to pull off that scab, but he won't stop trying. As a result, eternal, repeat screaming matches and breakups.

God damn, you two...
She shouldn't have known that name, there was no reason for her to know that name. The records had been sealed, destroyed! As far as the world was concerned she really never existed at all.
They vanished Misato from the record? WTF? Well... though she started to say 'Misato', the description feels like it might more fit Rei Ayanami, who's legal existence always was... kind of tenuous.
It was rare that someone could make my piss boil so completely and so quickly, but she seemed to know exactly which buttons to push.
This lady knows you and Shinji way too well. She's studied you both, if she knows how to press buttons this hard and accurately. I hope there's a good reason why... That doesn't involve SEELE leftovers or other ugly parties...
I felt my heart skip a beat and I took a long drag off my fourth glass before I could bear to turn and face him. If I was going to survive this trip I was going to need to drink until I couldn't feel feelings anymore.
Ouch. This might be the most painful line of the chapter. She feels it, wants it, needs it, needs him... but can't, they keep screwing it up, it hurts every time the do, so she's learned to try numbing it away to avoid the cycle.
He hesitated, in so many ways still the little boy, long after I'd made him a man. But in so many other ways, he wasn't just that little boy. "I've missed you."

This was how it always started, every time. This is why I tried to avoid him, because I felt what only he could say.
Ouch x2. No, this one wins. Ten years, and she still can't say it, they can't stay near each other, and it keeps hurting no matter what they do. ;_;

And then this documentary crew starts poking things...
Attestation II

Attestation II:

All Lost Souls​

August 17, 2020

"If you're that concerned about her and if you care that little about how I feel then why don't you just go fuck Rei and the three of you can be a happy fucking family without me!" I screamed at him as I threw the phone at him. It wasn't our first fight but it felt like it might be our last.

The handset hit him in the head and bounced off into the wall, he took a step towards me and shook his head. "You know it's not that simple! I can't know how you feel if you'll never tell me!"

"And you'd really give a shit, would you?" I yelled back and shoved him away from me again. "You're just like your father, you don't care what other people feel, you're just in this for what you want, aren't you?"

Too far, I'd gone too far and I knew it before I said it. I knew I'd pushed too hard, pulled at the wrong thread, and now it would all unravel. His hand was around my throat and squeezing, my back was against the wall before I even saw him move. I could see the hate on his face but I couldn't bring myself to meet his eyes.

But I'd seen the snarl before, when there was an Angel to kill. I'd made myself into his enemy in my anger and he'd probably kill me the same as he had killed him. Just keep squeezing until it was all over.

I reached up and touched his cheek as the edges of my vision started blacking out and his grip relaxed. He threw me down to the floor and by the time I caught my breath the door had already slammed shut behind him.

Alone, again, just like I deserved.


January 4, 2032

I was surprised by how much of the city was still standing. I hadn't seen the surface since I'd last been inside Unit-02 and I'd just assumed that the bomb that opened the city up had destroyed it all. Instead, multi-story buildings along the rim of the blast zone were still, somehow, intact. No signs of life, but who wanted to live so close to what I'd done?

The helicopter that carried us over the rim shook as it descended into the geofront itself. The pyramid still stood, but not like it had once been. Time had finished the job that the battle had started and the rust colored wreckage was testament to that.

The hole in the side of the building was a painful reminder of what had gone down that day, but not as painful as the pools of blood and flesh that still persisted sixteen years later. Fractured plates of white armor with parts of what had once worn it still attached. Nobody could say I hadn't been thorough about it.

The weapons they'd brought with them were still scattered around the battlefield, some stuck in the ground, some stuck into chests. The tanks and planes littered the landscape, but the true story of how they got that way was lost to spin and political posturing. I was the hero, not the villain, after all.

Carolina poked me in the arm and pointed down at one of the more intact mass production units, the core was torn out and shattered on the ground next to it. "What can you tell us about what happened here?"

I didn't like to talk about it in front of Shinji. He didn't like hearing about it, didn't like thinking about it. But, Carolina had us both at her mercy.

I looked to Shinji and he nodded his permission to me. If he was willing to tolerate it, I could go over it, once again.


December 31, 2015

The first one hit the ground in front of me and I didn't slow down. A tap on the control stick ejected the knife from my shoulder pylon and I caught it out of the air. That big toothy smile on the white Evangelion's face wouldn't be there for long.

I jumped into the air at the last second and spun around, knife out and under me to catch it in the top of the head. The blade bit into the rubbery flesh and split the beast from upper lip all the way down to the entry plug socket.

I let go of the handle and turned around once I'd put my feet back on the ground. Blood was pouring from the wound, but I wanted my knife back. I snatched the handle and jerked it down through the entry plug and out through the lower right quadrant of the Evangelion. If it had a liver, I'd have cut it in half.

What was left of the entry plug slid out of the shattered plug socket and hit the ground on fire. Pilots or Dummy plugs, I didn't know and I didn't care. They were no friends of mine. I stomped the red cylinder and grabbed the disabled Eva and held it over my head before throwing it at the second unit to hit the ground.

It tried to catch it's fallen brother but that only took it off balance. I snatched the heavy blade it had dropped and rushed number two, swinging the heavy blade in a mighty arc. There was no reason to hold back any longer; I would show them everything I was capable of.


January 4, 2032

The helicopter bounced as we hit an updraft and I fell out of my seat and into Shinji's lap. There were worse places to end up. Out the window I saw the hole I'd torn in the side of the pyramid. We were landing.

I turned to Carolina and narrowed my eyes at her. "Are you going inside?"

"Yes, we're all going inside. That's what this is all about. We're cataloging the secrets of Nerv, isn't that exciting?" She gushed with a tone that made me want to throttle the bitch.

"Not particularly exciting, no." Shinji answered for me with a shake of his head.

"I guess you're entitled to your opinions, still, it should be informative for everyone!" She cheered as the wheels on the helicopter touched down on the pavement in front of what was left of the main entrance.

I rolled my eyes as hard as I was capable of and pushed myself off of Shinji's lap. He helped me to the open door and I slid out onto my feet. I was a little shorter the last time I'd been at head quarters, but I'd been a lot higher off the ground.

The air was thick with the taste of LCL. I knew what it really was, but I couldn't quite bring myself to think of it like that, not now. I took the first steps towards the door and Carolina and Shinji followed behind. A fourth person, a man with a camera, followed along behind us.

Someone had to be willing to lead the way and it was just as well that it was me. The walk up was a familiar one at least. If you ignored the pools of blood and chunks of gore. The sidewalks had held up better than I'd expected, both from time and from the battle itself.

It didn't take long to reach the gate, which had been forced open sixteen years ago. The hallways were lit up by a handful of still-working light bulbs and emergency lighting. Somehow there was still at least some power even after so many years.

The blood spatters and pockmarks from stray bullets still riddled the hallways but the bodies were gone, just shell casings and stains remained.

Carolina had mercifully shut the fuck up during the journey to the first T junction in the hallway. "We'll turn right here to get to central dogma." I announced simply as I started around the corner.

"The sign says that central dogma is to the left." The cameraman answered with confusion in his voice. He could read Japanese after all.

"Used to be," I replied, "but I tore that hallway out with Unit Two when I came down to rescue the command crew. This is the long way around."

Carolina interrupted me next, "Wait, what?"

I sighed and turned around, "Where do you think that big hole in the side of the pyramid came from? What is it that you think happened down here? You think nine 'rogue' Evangelions came down here and sprayed the hallways down in gunfire?"

"Asuka!" Shinji yelled at me in a warning tone.

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter, Carolina. Just follow me and I'll get us to the command deck."

She ran up ahead of me and turned around to face me with a grin, one I wanted to wipe off her face. "Oh really? What's there that's so important to you?"

I tried not to snarl at her and I managed to keep it to a simply frown. "You wanted me to guide you, didn't you? That's why you brought me, that's why you brought Shinji right? Well, the command deck is where I 'saved' the world."


December 31, 2015

I felt like I might die from the feedback of what had happened, but I'd still won. Nine down for the count, but Ibuki had been screaming for help. Lifts were out of the question, I came in through the wall. As powerful as I felt and as powerful as I was I could tear through the pyramid like a tin can and ride the central shaft into dogma in a minute or less.

Plenty of time to save Ibuki from the soldiers.

Would have been easier if Shinji was anywhere to be found, but it looked like I was going to be the one playing hero, not him! I could just imagine the look on Misato's face when I was the one who saved everyone.

I did a flip into the main shaft and kicked off the opposite wall to burst through the bulkhead into the command deck. Shinji had pulled this trick during the fourteenth, and so while it wasn't my own original move, I planned to exceed his performance.

I came through the wall head first and arrested my forward motion with a punch into the rear wall and then a slap through the walkway below, both to crush the enemy soldiers already on it and to deny them a path to Ibuki and the rest of the surviving bridge crew.

Tracer fire started streaking towards my head to no effect. Tracers worked both ways, though, so it told me where the soldiers were and I just started punching out sections of walkway, chewing down the command tower as each blow knocked concrete out of the way.

The highest tier of the command tower was at eye level to Unit Two and I saw him, the one who'd kept momma from me, who'd never told me about her and had taken her away from me, cast me aside. I could never forgive him and there was no way I'd let him get away with it.

I swung my left fist into that highest level of the command tower and took it completely apart, and with it I removed the Commander of Nerv from existence. I pulled back my blood stained hand and then took a step back. The soldiers had finally stopped firing. They were either all dead, or had lost the will to fight.

I turned to look down at the lower tier, where Ibuki and Aoba and Hyuga were still standing. They were not alone, with them, Shinji Ikari. His eyes seemed to stare into my soul, because he knew what I'd done. He'd seen it.

Ibuki's voice cracked, she was crying. "Asuka... What did you do?"


January 4, 2032

Standing on the command deck brought back all the memories I didn't want to relieve, and I knew for Shinji it was the same. He had that look in his eyes, that fear and hate that he couldn't let go of every time he was forced to remember.

I'd given him my virginity and taken his not even two days after I'd done what I'd done, and I thought that it might fix it, might make things better if I could pay him back with my body. That seemed to be the only thing I could offer him.

That seemed to be the only thing that made him stay for as long as he did, for the periods that he did stay, but even that gift was not forever. Eventually he'd look at me this way again and he'd leave again. As I deserved.

But as I thought back on the other night, and what we'd done after our drinks... I realized this was the fastest we'd ever reached the point where he wanted to leave again.

If I could just say it, even if I couldn't mean it, if I could just get the words out, maybe it would help him. Wouldn't fix him, wouldn't fix me or fix us, but maybe.

Carolina was busy moving debris and taking pictures of consoles, pictures of damage and pictures of blood stains, she wouldn't get in my way, nor would her camera man. I took the five steps it took me to reach Shinji.

His hand was clenching and relaxing, over and over. I imagined my neck within its grip. I put my hand on his arm and squeezed. He lifted his gaze from the floor and our eyes met. I could say it, I could mean it.

Not for what I'd done, but for what it had done to him. "I'm sorry."
...wondering how the timelines mesh, because by the point the Nine attacked in the movie, Gendo had already gone down to Terminal Dogma, right?

Was that actually the true Commander of Nerv?
...wondering how the timelines mesh, because by the point the Nine attacked in the movie, Gendo had already gone down to Terminal Dogma, right?

Was that actually the true Commander of Nerv?
Certain things had to change to make what has come to pass here a reality. Gendo being delayed in leaving central dogma is one of those things.
I can't believe Asuka would stoop so low as to steal Shinji's chance to kill his dad right out from under him.

I mean, that's just cruel.
Otherwise it would be just like the end of the manga Evangelion: Shinji screams and Unit-01 breaks free of the bakelite, Shinji and Unit-01 go out and help Asuka fight off the MP-Evas, and...

...Gendo tells Rei to initiate Third Impact.
Sixteen years huh. Wow, well that is longer then she was alive when third impact happened, or rather didn't happen. I can't imagine what has happened in the intervening years but it seems bleak.
Heh very Asuka. The whole section is. It very much fits with the horrible and yet wonderful horror of that scene in EOE. The happiness at seeing a character we loved and watched fall apart rise again triumphant... juxtaposed with deaths of what must have been hundreds of soldiers. Soldiers who were shooting at her but were also ignorant of any of the greater reasons why they were there since they were tricked by SEELE.
"We're prepared to pay you a... well a ludicrous amount of money for it. If that's not compelling enough, perhaps you'd do it for Misa--"
This raises nothing but questions. Firstly since she is some big war hero did Asuka get any compensation from her time with NERV. I imagine a million or two so she would shut up and not sue them would be rather pocket change.
Oh hello you. Well I can't imagine you two have have a good relationship in the years hence. You barely functioned around each other at the best of times. Still they would be drawn to each other as the only people in the world who would really understand.
I wondered if maybe they had a warehouse full of these guys.
This made me laugh. They do tend to come in one flavor huh? The old grizzled man behind the bar always willing to listen to your story or give one of his own...
He slid his chair stool closer to mine and I took the invitation to lean against him. His arm went around my shoulders and I didn't stop him. He never needed to ask my permission to hold me. He was the one who always wanted to leave and I was always the one who wanted him to come back.
But I'd seen the snarl before, when there was an Angel to kill. I'd made myself into his enemy in my anger and he'd probably kill me the same as he had killed him. Just keep squeezing until it was all over.
Ouch. Well its definitely in character, even if its a part of his character the fandom prefers to ignore. When pushed past the breaking point he gets violent. Am I crazy for finding this both deeply sad but also slightly hopeful at this? That even after he did this that Asuka still cares for him the way she does. I have said before that basically all Evangelion ships require a nudge or two from the author to work. That they would all fail in one way or another since they are all broken people on some level and they all cut and grate each other in ways I don't think can ever be truly fixed. Still, the idea that some parts of her still love him even after seeing the absolute worst of him? It has a morose sweetness to it.
The hole in the side of the building was a painful reminder of what had gone down that day, but not as painful as the pools of blood and flesh that still persisted sixteen years later. Fractured plates of white armor with parts of what had once worn it still attached. Nobody could say I hadn't been thorough about it.
Hmm its been 16 years. I expect stains but the blood and gore still being there? Between evaporation and birds (look how fast a beached whale carcass gets stripped) I am not sure why these are still around except perhaps the idea that they have preservative qualities.
She gushed with a tone that made me want to throttle the bitch.
Ask Shinji, that seems to be more up his alley. (darkest joke I have made this week)
I swung my left fist into that highest level of the command tower and took it completely apart, and with it I removed the Commander of Nerv from existence. I pulled back my blood stained hand and then took a step back. The soldiers had finally stopped firing. They were either all dead, or had lost the will to fight.
Ouch, of all the ways he saw his scenario going south, angry redhead back from deaths door with a 1000 tone robot and a grudge was most likely not one of them.
Not for what I'd done, but for what it had done to him. "I'm sorry."
Eh? Like I get that Asuka and Shinji would have plenty to fight over and hate each other for but I am not sure this would be one of them. Shinji's feelings for his father where deep mixed and complicated with him oscillating between hate and desire for love but I am not sure Asuka killing him would be any kind of definitive nail in the coffin of their relationship. Thats just me though, I am sure you have more planned.
Eh? Like I get that Asuka and Shinji would have plenty to fight over and hate each other for but I am not sure this would be one of them. Shinji's feelings for his father where deep mixed and complicated with him oscillating between hate and desire for love but I am not sure Asuka killing him would be any kind of definitive nail in the coffin of their relationship. Thats just me though, I am sure you have more planned.
Part of Shinji always wanted his father to love him, and it's possible that Gendo may have held some love for him, even if it was not shown.

Asuka killing the man directly in front of him is not the nail in their coffin, but it is something he can never truly let go of because she has robbed him of closure, of any kind of finality he might have gotten from his father.

Shinji's fault is hope, hope that one day his father would love him.

And that hope was destroyed. It'll always hurt him.
"I'm sorry, Shinji." Yeah, Gendo still felt something for Shinji. For all that it's worth - it sure didn't change what he did to him.

And this Shinji didn't even get that much. All that's left is a woman he can't stay away from, who has never apologized because she's never felt the slightest bit of guilt. That he's seen, anyway. And if guilt is wanting to change the past, he's right, but the only reason she's never apologized for what it did to him is because she never managed to get the courage to spit out the words.

But now she has.
"If you're that concerned about her and if you care that little about how I feel then why don't you just go fuck Rei and the three of you can be a happy fucking family without me!" I screamed at him as I threw the phone at him. It wasn't our first fight but it felt like it might be our last.
Ouch. I can hear the 'please don't leave me' under the pain, hear the fear... And 'three'? Uh oh. At least this sort of confirms Rei made it.
Alone, again, just like I deserved.
Goddamn, that self-loathing is a bitch, Asuka...
We're cataloging the secrets of Nerv, isn't that exciting?" She gushed with a tone that made me want to throttle the bitch.
Listen to that urge...
Ibuki's voice cracked, she was crying. "Asuka... What did you do
Nothing Shinji wasn't 30 seconds away from doing himself on more than one occasion?
But she did rob him of the closure of either doing it himself or choosing not to, so...
If I could just say it, even if I couldn't mean it, if I could just get the words out, maybe it would help him. Wouldn't fix him, wouldn't fix me or fix us, but maybe.
That pretty much summarizes your entire relationship from the very start, really. You two need each other so bad, but just can't communicate because it's scary and hard.
Not for what I'd done, but for what it had done to him. "I'm sorry."
...goddamn, again. Bravo, Asuka. I think he can hear and understand just how much it took for you to say that.
Attestation III

Attestation III:

Syntax Incompatibility​

January 1, 2022

"I haven't seen you in a while. I was beginning to think we weren't friends anymore."

The park bench was sitting under a tree but even that did little to quell the heat. Even in January, southern Japan was still hotter than blazes. I'd accepted the invitation to attend the victory celebration, against my better judgement, because he might be there and--

"I did not know that we had ever been friends, Soryu. You've never said that we are, before."

I leaned back on the bench and turned towards Rei. She'd grown into a stunning woman, but she'd never been bad looking, and maybe that was part of my jealousy, but anymore it wasn't like I had anything to compete with her about.

"There are two living people in the world that I trust, Rei. You're one of them. I would have thought it went without saying that we're friends."

She turned to stare at me in a way that used as little facial movement as possible to tell me exactly how stupid she thought that statement was. I should have known better and I would have if I'd been Shinji, but I hadn't given a damn about Rei until long after the first one I'd met had died.

I rolled my shoulders back and stared up at the tree, "I guess you're right. But I've said it now. You know they tried to get me to tell them where Unit-02 is again? As if digging that up is going to solve any of the world's problems."

"There are still potential threats that could require the deployment of Evangelion. You know this, don't you?" She asked me with that same expression. There was sadness in her voice, but it was hard to spot. I must have been spending too much time with her after all, if I was learning to speak Rei.

"That's why I didn't self destruct. Well... That's one reason." Mother...

"I see. As for our other arrangement, that which has been entrusted to me is still safe," Rei explained and put a hand on my shoulder. She must have picked that up from someone else, it didn't seem like a social gesture she'd normally have made. Or maybe she was still growing?

"You can talk to Shinji about that. Forgetting is the only way I get to sleep at night."

"Do you sleep at night?"



January 5, 2032

The smell of machine oil and LCL was still faint on the air even after all the time that had passed. The cages were almost completely untouched, aside from the bakelite that seemed to cake half the surfaces in the cavernous chamber.

Once it was obvious that the Evangelions were either deployed or immobilized there was no reason to stick around, and so most of the fighting never made it down this far. That which had, hadn't lasted long.

It was... different, seeing it from ground level. I'd had never had any reason to be down here and so looking up towards the gantries that I had walked on made them look terrifyingly high. The one reserved for Unit-02 was empty. The one reserved for Unit-01 was not.

Locked in place and encased in bakelite up to the neck, it stood as silent defender to all that used to be, and all that had been lost. If we'd had warning, if Unit One could have deployed alongside me... well, I couldn't say it would have gone any different.

It might have been the less cruel fate that things ended the way they did instead of letting him climb aboard Evangelion one last time. In all the ways Evangelion gave me worth, Evangelion made him feel worthless and I understood why, far too late.


January 5, 2016

It had been two days since we'd done that and he was still avoiding me, at least as much as he could. The one surviving Evangelion Air Carrier was spacious, but not so much that we didn't see each other, he just ran every time we did.

There'd been no time to wash the blood off of Unit-02. I'd broken us out of head quarters and we'd hijacked the carrier and ran like the devil himself was after us, and he probably was. Enough weapons and ammo to equip an army and enough rations to feed it.

But there hadn't been time to wash off the blood, and even days later, flying seemingly without and with nowhere to go, blood would still drip off of the armor. It was a bizarre thing to see, like a red fuel leak dripping behind us as we cut through the air.

She'd saved me when I couldn't save myself. She'd saved me but it felt like all of that blood was on me instead.

Three adults, three children. Others might have survived, but we were the only ones who made it out. Maya Ibuki, Shigeru Aoba, Makoto Hyuga, Asuka Soryu, Shinji Ikari, Rei Ayanmi. The six survivors of Nerv, on the run with an Evangelion in a nuclear powered airplane.

A motley crew were we.

Maya tapped me on the shoulder while I was staring out the window at Unit-02 for what felt like the hundredth hour in a row. "Asuka? We're getting a call over the radio. They say they know you, and they said they have a safe place for us to land."

I turned towards her with a confused look on my face. "Everyone's dead. Who could possibly have a safe place for us?"

"She said her name was Kirishima."


January 5, 2032

"So this is where they were made?" Carolina asked with that saccharine wonder in her voice that drove me just so far out of my mind. Behind her, the stripped spinal columns of failed Evangelion units hung from armored skulls into a pool of LCL.

The electric cart we were riding on was still in working condition, having escaped the horrors of the invasion and having been left plugged in in a base that was somehow still powered. It was better when things still worked.

I shook my head, "no, these are failed attempts. This is a dumping ground. Nothing ever came of these."

I'd never been here before, but Shinji had. He'd spoken to me of it, now and then. In the times between our self imposed exiles from one another. He'd always had a far off look in his eyes when he'd spoken of it and I felt guilty for letting him continue, but I couldn't ever bring myself to stop him.

"We should turn back," Shinji said suddenly as we approached a half-open blast door at the end of the causeway. The LCL plant, at least according to the portions of the paint that hadn't faded.

I'd never been quite this deep into the facility. I'd never needed to be. I'd never wanted to be.

Shinji was shaking in his seat but Carolina either didn't notice or didn't care. "Continue on, we're getting good footage here." She commanded her assistant, who was driving.

I wanted to knock her on her ass but the implicit threat she'd made hung over my head and I bit my tongue and kept my hands in my pockets. This expedition deep into the base had only taken a token effort at anything else so far, so why was she so willing to push on this?

Shinji grabbed my hand and squeezed hard enough I thought my fingers might break. He knew what was behind that door and he was terrified. He'd held me like this only once before and--

I wouldn't be as heartless as I'd been then.

My hand squeezed onto his to let him know I was there, that he wasn't going to be alone. I looked up to meet his eyes and he shook his head at me. It was... different than I'd expected.

I started to wonder if it was himself that he was truly worried about.

The gap in the door ahead was wide enough for us to fit through and so Carolina's assistant didn't slow down as he took us through into the other room. The lights came on after we'd passed through and took a moment to warm up, and as the darkness was pushed back by the light, my body froze in place.

In the center of the absolutely gigantic chamber was a massive steel cross and nailed to it... We'd killed them all hadn't we? Was it all for nothing? The Angels were not all gone and we didn't have anything to kill it with!

I'd have screamed if terror hadn't frozen me in place. This is what he never told me, what I'd never knew. If he'd told me about this I would have taken Unit-02 and come down here and--

"Oh my god!" Carolina screamed as the cart screeched to a stop. "There's still one left!? You've got to kill it! G-get your Eva and kill it!"

Yes I'd get--

She was screaming, but her body language felt off, and I wasn't the only one to notice it. Shinji was staring at her with confusion and mistrust on his face. This didn't feel right. She'd been completely calm when I was about to choke her to death and she turned directly into a scared little girl at the sight of an Angel that wasn't moving?

Sure, I'd been scared stiff but I knew what these monsters could do, she'd never seen it, she couldn't have been older than five or six when it had all happened. The way she'd been acting about the husks of the Evangelions on the surface was like it was all a game.

Her assistant hadn't made a sound, either. He was sitting calmly in the driver's seat, holding the wheel.

"I can't do that. I don't know where Unit-02 is." I lied to her.

"W-well, you know someone who knows where it is, right!? Right!?" She faux panicked at me.

This was all wrong. So very wrong. The power was on, the light bulbs were lit, the reveal was perfect, wasn't it? The whole base wasn't exactly cleaned up but there were no bodies, no guns. The whole place had been sealed after we'd left, nobody was allowed in here, even to recover bodies! There'd been protests and riots about it.

The power was on.

The cart worked flawlessly, it didn't even look all that old--

"I'm sorry, I can't." I told her as calmly as I could manage as I eased myself off the seat and onto the ground. I'd been too caught up in what it used to be like I didn't think of what I should be. There were no tracks in the dust where we'd driven. There was no dust.

The door was cracked open just wide enough for us, and the assistant knew that. The blood stains were still everywhere but the lights worked and there was no dirt. The air wasn't stale, not down here.

Shinji's feet clicked onto the steel flooring next to me and Carolina's assistant started to move.

"Well, I had to give it a shot. We only really needed Shinji but if I could have had Unit-02 as well? That was worth the effort." Carolina had dropped the act, but she wasn't as clever as she thought she was, I'd figured it out before she'd given it away and that gave me the element of surprise. I'd had assholes lying to me for years, I'd gotten adept at spotting bullshit, I'd only let my emotions cloud me this time.

I spun on my right heel and jammed my closed fist into the assistant's windpipe as hard as I could and felt the crack against my knuckles. He fell forward holding his throat and I kicked him over into Carolina's legs, knocking them both down.

Shinji grabbed me by the wrist and just about pulled me off my feet as he took off running deeper into the chamber. He'd been here before, I followed after him as fast as my legs could carry me.

"It was a trap!?"

"She know which levers to pull, I should have been smarter." Shinji answered back as he lead me forward. "There's an elevator that leads directly to the commander's office. They probably don't know about it."

I shook my head at him, "I should have been smarter. What the hell are they trying to do here?"

I heard the gunshots before I heard the bullets skip off the floor. A half meter to our side was a cutout in the rock wall of the chamber and Shinji dragged me into it. The elevator door was already open for us.

Shinji punched the button and the door slid closed on us, and then we started to ascend. "Nothing good."
Looks like somebody wants Evangelion for themselves.

That can't be it. Unit-01 is still there. All they have to do is chip it out of the bakelite and they've got an Evangelion. No, there's something else they want, and it sounded like getting the location of Unit-02 was just a bonus. She said they needed Shinji... Third Impact? Impossible. Unit-01 is Lilithian so just Unit-01 + Lilith = No Impact. They'd need Adam to properly trigger Third Impact, and it's either destroyed or the item Rei mentioned keeping safe in the flashback.
What exactly happened to Adam as Gendo died?
Rei would be able to keep that safe.