[X] Speak with Vertigo. -[X] Ask about the structure of the order and its members' strengths and weaknesses. -[X] Ask him a personal question (Write-In): Would there be the chance to gather silver weaponry of any sorts? Given the lack of holy grimoires, leaves this one of the better options to facing the Drajophus.
[X] Speak with Vertigo. -[X] Ask about the structure of the order and its members' strengths and weaknesses. -[X] Ask him about what the Order of the Black Book actually does. What kind of oppositions of the magical world do they face?
[X] Speak with Vertigo. -[X] Ask about the structure of the order and its members' strengths and weaknesses. -[x] Ask him a personal question: is there a source of silver we could obtain to help combat the drajophus.