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Here I go writing again.

A look to a Future - 000

The rain was heavy as I walked.

A look to a Future - 000


Amateur Writer
Here I go writing again.

A look to a Future - 000

The rain was heavy as I walked.

Thick droplets of water hit me again and again as I walked forward, the unnatural storm around me ignored as I kept walking, the person who I was carrying a solitary reminder and a weight. Blood slowly oozed out of the gaping wound in their chest, my chakra doing nothing more than acting as a slight bandage as I tried to move to them the medical tents. I... I couldn't let them die, that simply couldn't happen.

"It's... ok, Taylor," The low rasp made me turn my eyes towards the person whom I carried, a weak grin stretched across their face as they looked up at me. "Me and you... we both know," They were cut off as they started coughing violently, blood seeping out from between their lips as they tried to get their breathing under control. I pushed just a little bit more chakra into her, even as I felt myself fatigue just that bit more. "We both know, I'm not going to make it." They said after a moment.

"No, the medical tents are close-by, if I can just get you to Panacea you'll be—"

"She's busy currently, working on others that got hit by the wave or by Leviathan, by the time you get there it'll probably be too late."

Their words are like daggers, and I feel myself sag a bit at them. They... How could this be possible? What sort of sick, cruel game did life think it was playing?

"I'm sorry, Taylor, this wasn't your fault. If anything it was mine," Another cough racked their form as they started bleed just a bit quicker. "I just had to know, you know? Heh, it seems it's really true that curiosity kills the cat."

"No... stop! Why are you joking like this? Why are you joking like you're going to die!" I scream, my voice hoarse as bloody tears start to stream down my face. "I refuse to let you die! That can't happen! Despite everything that's happened, despite everything you've done, you're still my best friend!"

There's complete stillness as slightly dim green eyes store up at mine, the sounds of battle echoing behind us in the rain.

"You... you're such a dork, Taylor..." Tears streamed down their face as they looked sadly into my eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry for everything that I've put you through, I know I've said it before, but I'm truly sorry. You've always been the strong one out of us Taylor, when your Mom died despite how hard it hit you, despite how you were feeling you managed to tough it out, to not break. In the alley... I can't say the same. I was weak, I broke, and I did such horrible things to you just to prove to myself that I was strong. I can't say it enough, but I'm sorry. I wish it hadn't come to this, I wish that I had come to my senses sooner, I wish that I had more time... but Taylor," Their eyes seemed to dim more and more as they spoke, a gentle smile stretching across their face. "It'll be okay. I believe in you, I believe that you're strong Taylor, so just please... believe in yourself..."

Silence, pure silence as I saw the last of their life drain from them.

"No..." I mutter to myself, as I shake them. "No, wake up. Come on, wake up! Wake up! You can't be dead! Not after this! Not after I just got you back!" My only companion was the rain as I sat there staring mutely at the body clutched in my arms, yelling at them to wake up. It was no use... even pushing chakra into their body, I could see that it was going nowhere, they were gone...

There was silence for a long moment... and then something welled up inside of me.

My best friend was dead, after all that I had went through to get her back... just to lose her to that beast... it was just so, funny! Like a bad joke that you laughed at because of how messed up it was. Of course this would happen, after all, she was Taylor Hebert. The world was determined to make her suffer as much as it possibly could, that was just natural. Well... that was fine.

Lying the corpse of my best friend down on the ground gently, I felt my chakra rage through my body as a pit of pure unbridled hatred welled up inside of me. A prickling sensation formed in my eyes as I stared at Leviathan, the fucking monster not even noticing I was there in favor of fighting against the heroes that were in front of it. It had killed my best friend and I had been helpless to stop it, well things were different now, I could feel incredible power in my eyes. Leviathan would pay for what it had done, I would make it suffer if it was the very last thing that I could do. A power welled up from inside of me, my eyes felt different.

I felt different, I felt more than powerful.

I felt good.

Focusing on Leviathan I drew out the power of my eyes on instinct... and then Leviathan burned.

The rain was eaten away as black flames slowly consumed the Endbringer, even as it flailed doing more damage to its surrounding as it tried to use water to put the flames out, but the black flames never spread. They hungrily burned only the Endbringer, the manifestation of my power even as blood streamed down from my eyes.

The world flashed before me, the man garbed in the strange attire with eyes just like mine flashed me a look as he walked into the darkness, the man in the light looking at me sadly as I followed after the other younger man.

I followed, because now...

These eyes of mine could see the darkness clearly.
Hatchling - 001
Hatchling - 001

I felt off.

Opening my eyes, immediately I could tell something was wrong. Mainly the fact that I was certain that I hadn't fell asleep in some strange inky darkness.

Moving around it was almost as if I was swimming under water, a tide constantly trying to pull me in this way and that as the weight of the water pushed down on me. It was murky, and it felt like I was sinking more and more as I looked around. I kicked and flailed, my arms thrashing ineffectually against the blackness surrounding me until I sunk further and further down, my thrashing becoming more and more obscured as my body seemed to fade into the darkness.

It was only when I was moments from giving up, that a piercing light struck through the darkness, my heart beating a thousand miles per minute as I stared at the sudden contrast before me.

There were two people, their backs towards me as they stared into the endless expanse before them. One standing in the light, the other in the dark.

One had a rather bright, almost obnoxiously so, yellow hair and an orange and black tracksuit that I was sure would look tacky on practically anybody else. There was a immense, almost overbearing warmth coming from him. He just seemed to radiate an aura of optimism and positivity that I wish I had, if I had to compare him to anything it would probably be the sun. Blurry figures seemed to stand side-by-side, their forms just blurry enough that I couldn't make out any real details about them.

The other figure... was completely different. Indra


"Agh!" I shot up from my bed, my blood still pounding even as I came back to reality. I could only let out a groan as I tried to calm my now rapidly beating heart, the memories from whatever I had been dreaming vague enough I couldn't remember their specifics but the impression they left on me enough to wake me up and have me in this panicked state. I could only be grateful that Dad had went to sleep an... looking over at my clock that read 5:27 AM told me it had been at least several hours since he had went to sleep. Itching at the area around my eyes, the scars around them reminded me that this had started soon after that had happened.

Waking up in the middle of the night from vague memories of a dream that made my heart race, certainly not my ideal way of waking the hell up, but apparently this was just one of those things that the world wanted to thrust upon my downtrodden shoulders. Taking deep breaths, I felt myself gradually calm, but by now I was painfully awake and it was Saturday to make it even worse. Who wanted to be awake early on a Saturday?

Getting up from my bad, I stretched, the popping noises from my spine a welcome sound to take my mind off how shitty this day had just started.

Dad didn't have to work today, as far as I knew, though seeing as his schedule did change sometimes to accommodate whatever was happening I wouldn't be that surprised if he was getting up soon. Anyways, I had my own shit to do, the little aches and pains in my body a reminder of the strict workout process I had followed for the past couple months. I couldn't help the smile that came to my face when I thought about the fact that I had abs now. A mixture of a large amount of crunches, push-ups, squats, jogging, and dedication was all it took, my appearance reflecting it.

I had went from tall, scraggly, and a bit out of shape to some sort of trained athlete, physically speaking. The fact that I no longer looked rail-thin was a plus.

The fact that with only a couple of months of mild physical exercise that I had somehow gotten this far reminded me of the fact that I wasn't exactly normal anymore, those bitches being the reasoning behind it.

Throwing on some sweatpants and a sports bra, I decided to eat something simple before working out. The bit of research that I had done told me that not doing so could actually eat away at muscle, something that I definitely didn't want. So putting a piece of bread in the toaster, I started to put on my sneakers. They were lightly beat up, with stains here and there from when the trio decided that making a mess of my clothes was the objective for the day. They irked me like nothing else, the abuse I'd put up with for the past year or so and no-one wanting to stand up for me nor even trying to reprimand them because they spin some cute fucking story and... and it was only the reminders of Mom that kept me from really trying to hurt them. It stung worst knowing that my best friend was my main antagonist.

"Hey, Taylor," Dad's voice came from the steps, a yawn interrupting his sentence as I turned to look at him, "You about to go on your run?"

"Yeah." I tried to keep the bitterness that had seeped into my voice to a minimum as I finished lacing my sneakers, though the slight crease of concern on Dad's face told me that I hadn't been completely successful.

"Well, okay. You got your pepper spr-" I held it up in my hand, cutting him off.

"Alright, well... make sure to be safe then. Since it's Saturday I thought I could make some bacon and eggs, and since you already have the bread out I can make sandwiches." There was a bit of pep in his voice, ever since the incident before I had come back to school he'd been trying to be a bit more there. I appreciated it, but a part of me couldn't help but ask why the hell it had taken him so long to get his act together, it was a thought that made me feel a bit shitty to be honest.

"Yeah, Dad," The smile on my face coming naturally as I grabbed the piece of toast that I had put in earlier, "That'd be nice. Just make sure you don't burn the place down." I teased as proceeded to eat my toast.

"Hey, your old man's not that bad." He said with mock offense.

Finishing up my toast, I headed out with one last "Be safe!" shout from Dad.

First thing up was my run, keeping along the Boardwalk and hitting roughly a mile or so before I came back. With only a brief break before running back, I got a workout that was overall good cardio and was important to me for more than a few reasons. The most important reason of course being the energy that I could feel flowing all throughout my body as I ran, the energy that was the sign of my power.

Closing my eyes and focusing I could feel it sitting underneath my skin, pathways that traveled all throughout my body pumped the energy that was subtly reinforcing me making me just a bit more and somehow allowing me to make gains much quicker. I was sure that if I kept pushing myself that I'd go even further beyond where I was currently, but as it stood, I felt like I was making somewhat decent progress. If I had tried this workout normally, I'm sure I'd still be somewhat fit, at least to the point where I'd just look thin, but the extra parts might've been a bit too tough.

As it was, I had heard some whispers behind my back in school about my new figure and well... being called a "lesbo amazon" certainly was new. Better than the lesbo dyke comments, but weird nonetheless.

Heck, it still felt weird to me that I was sure that I could feel people staring at my ass when I was looking.

Anyways, my powers, yeah they were a thing. While it seemed to make me more healthy, and get more gains from working out, and just a bit tougher overall, there were a few more things that I had managed to figure out through trial an error. I could pump a bit of the energy into my hands or feet and make it stick to things, while something like walking on water was out of my reach, I had managed to piece together how to move on walls, albeit a bit slowly. Secondly, I could also pump more of it into my hands or feet for a minor boost to my strength or speed, but that felt like something was off. Like, I wasn't getting it completely right. My powers hadn't come with instinctive knowledge, which made it an oddity as far as my week or so of research had turned up.

I had gotten feelings here and there when I was using my power, usually when I was experimenting, but nothing concrete. It was odd, but I could make do.

I'd have to, if I was going to be a hero than I'd have to work hard. Even though my powers weren't the most flashy or the strongest, I was sure that I could do something, even it was simply help with rescuing people or stopping muggers or something. I let out a bitter chuckle at the thought, younger me would probably be ashamed in me for aiming so low, but this was cruelty of reality. I wasn't Alexandria, nor was I Glory Girl, I was just Taylor Hebert. Slightly better, but not to the point where I could do much, and I wasn't sure if I'd reach that point at all. The best I could hope for as of now was to just train enough until I could figure something out, maybe be Independent until I could join the actual PRT.

Taking a deep breath I resolved to think about this later, I had a run to finish. Thinking about this more would just bum me out.

It was as I reached the apex of my run that I noticed something.

There was kid out in the street, bouncing and kicking a ball as he moved back and forth. Obviously, not very safe, but his mom, or at least I assumed she was the kid's mother as they looked similar and seemed to be watching the child with his ball.

"Tommy, get out of the middle of the road! It's not safe to play in the middle of the street!" She said with an exasperated shout, it sounded like this was a regular thing.

A frown came to my face at the scene, but I decided it wasn't up to me to intervene. I didn't know either the kid nor the mother, so regardless of what I wanted to say it wasn't my business.

Turning away to finish up my run, the sound of screeching tires made my head whip back around.

A car was zooming down the street, swerving left and right as it raced towards the light. A light that I quickly noted was red. I could hear the mother yelling for her child to move, and my eyes watched as the kid turned his head to the sudden noise, unable to react quick enough. Before I could even process it, my body started moving fast, faster than I thought that I could move. My vision shaded red as I leapt as hard as I could.

Seconds seemed to tick by as I closed the gap, the car getting closer and closer in my peripherals.

Damn it, faster! I had to move faster!

I felt my arms encircle around the child as the screeching of tires boomed loud in my ears and then suddenly, slight pain blossomed across my body as I landed just past the car, child in my grasp.

Everything seemed to be still for a moment, before suddenly a cacophony of sounds assaulted my ears. The sounds of wailing and crying, the sounds of panicked relief, and the ever present sound of the honk of the horn as the car crashed into a pole.

I could only let out a groan as I untangled myself from the pile I was in, setting the kid down and watched as he ran to his mother, them both crying as they hugged each other.

Sitting there on the ground, my heart racing as I processed the fact that I had managed to save someone. A bright warmth radiated in my chest at the thought that this was something that I had done, something that a hero would do. Yeah, while this wasn't something like fighting a villain or stopping some people from robbing a bank, this was a start. This was something tangible that I had done.

Yeah, I could do this.

I could be a hero.

But first, I should probably wait until my hands stopped shaking.

Who'd have expected my Saturday to start like this?
As a fan of both Emma redemption stories and powerful, impactful character deaths that mean something, that first chapter got me hooked. I look forward to seeing how this goes.
Assuming that was, in fact, Emma. Sure.

Taylor kept using 'they', so I'm not sure what's going on.
Assuming that was, in fact, Emma. Sure.

Taylor kept using 'they', so I'm not sure what's going on.

It's pretty clear. Taylor's power set is that of a naruto ninja, more specifically based off sasuke. The flash forward is of her unlocking the magenkyo sharingan, which requires the death of a best friend, in this case a redeemed Emma.
Ah yes, excellent start. Does she have Uchiha blood that unlocked or was it magical shenanigans that gave her the Sharingan?
Ah yes, excellent start. Does she have Uchiha blood that unlocked or was it magical shenanigans that gave her the Sharingan?
A bit of column A and a bit of column B.
As a fan of both Emma redemption stories and powerful, impactful character deaths that mean something, that first chapter got me hooked. I look forward to seeing how this goes.
I hope not to disappoint then, we have quite the journey to get there. Unless I Gurren Lagann things, but eh.
A bit of column A and a bit of column B.

I hope not to disappoint then, we have quite the journey to get there. Unless I Gurren Lagann things, but eh.
I'm assuming either Danny or Annette were child of probably Sasuke on his cross-dimensional travels, or at least related to him or some other Uchiha. That's my guess at least.
The second chapter started with Taylor getting a vision of Naruto and it's hinted that Sauske was there too, so I'm wondering if the Naruto cast or parts of it will play a major roll in the story. I hope not. I don't mind them being background, maybe a idol for Taylor to strive towards, but for some reason I find that Worm Crossover Alt!Powers are usually better if they just take the power and don't include the characters from the other source.
The second chapter started with Taylor getting a vision of Naruto and it's hinted that Sasuke was there too, so I'm wondering if the Naruto cast or parts of it will play a major roll in the story. I hope not. I don't mind them being background, maybe a idol for Taylor to strive towards, but for some reason I find that Worm Crossover Alt!Powers are usually better if they just take the power and don't include the characters from the other source.
I can at least confirm that the Naruto cast as a whole won't be playing a major roll in the story, whilst I'm sure someone could do that justice, it's a bit out of my league and wouldn't fit the story I'm trying to tell.
I can at least confirm that the Naruto cast as a whole won't be playing a major roll in the story, whilst I'm sure someone could do that justice, it's a bit out of my league and wouldn't fit the story I'm trying to tell.
I appreciate that, some stories suffer from character bloat and it's hard to keep track with what's going on each chapter.
Hatchling - 002
Hatchling - 002

Sitting there waiting for the police was a bit awkward.

It was especially all sorts of awkward once the kid and his parent, Tommy and Ms. Smith I learned shortly after, came up to me and hugged me. It was weird, but sorta nice, even though I was pretty sure I now had a bit of snot on my sweatpants.

Looking over to the car wreckage, I had contemplated trying to at least see if whoever in the car was still alive, but I held myself back for a couple reasons. The most important being that I didn't want to mess with the scene of what could potentially be a crime, and the other being that I wasn't sure if going and possibly trying to help whoever in the car would actually be helpful. I didn't have any actual first-aid knowledge besides what they teach in health class, and being up close on what was probably a mangled body... I'd rather not if I could help it. The sting of guilt that piled up in my stomach at the thought that the person in the car might be dead because I didn't go and help them was shitty.

I tempered it with the thought that whoever had crashed had almost killed an innocent kid by their reckless actions.

Shifting around a bit, I winced a bit as the scrapes and bruises from ungraceful grab made themselves known.

"Honey, are you alright?" Ms. Smith's concerned voice let me know that my wince hadn't went unnoticed.

She was a rather thin woman, probably as thin as I was a month or two ago, with a rather soft face and thin-rimmed glasses. She had dyed blue and green hair, and had an expression that was a mixture of really relaxed but focused. Garbed in a jean jacket and dress combo, Ms. Smith cut a rather... floaty figure? Like, Ms. Smith seemed like the type of person that seemed to live as things came, one of those artsy types, very relaxed spreading positivity or something.

An amusing thought struck me at that, she looked like what I imagined a slightly more modern hippy would look like, something that I couldn't help but inwardly chuckle about to myself. Anyways, she seemed nice enough, and despite the fact I was sure I'd be fine in a couple hours max, if not sooner, I didn't see any harm in telling the truth.

"Yeah, I got a couple nasty scrapes, but I should be fine until I get home. I think I just need to bandage up a couple of them, and just clean the others and I'll be good." I said, examining a few small scrapes on my arms and legs. They weren't bleeding much, and even now I think I could see the blood starting to stop. I wasn't completely sure if that was a matter of my powers helping me heal a tiny bit faster, or if I was just tough enough to not take any real damage from the tumble. Something to think about later, I thought.

"Well, in that case I can at least help you bandage up. You're not so bad off that our little first aid kit won't be enough to get you cleaned up, honey."

"No, no, I'm fin-"

"I insist," Turning to her child she gestured at him to get his attention, "Tommy could you go and get the first aid kit from the bathroom? It's the white box with red cross on it."

"Uh huh, okay!" Tommy said with a bright smile, seemingly ignorant of the danger he had been in. Somehow he had managed to go uninjured during my grab and subsequent tumble, I didn't know if it was my power's doing or just plain luck, but regardless it was a good thing.

Running off as quick as he could, Tommy ran into the house that Ms. Smith had been standing in front of earlier.

It was better than me and Dad's house, a part of me noted. It was a dark mahogany that blended well with the slightly brighter reds and browns on the house, and it certainly looked pretty well kept. It had a small trimmed lawn, and a white fence around it. It kind of looked like one of those stereotypical houses you'd see in one of those American dream type movies, it was kind of surreal to see that in a shithole like Brockton Bay.

"Well, Tommy should be back in a minute or two." She said watching Tommy run into their house. Turning to me with a curious expression on her face she continued. "Anyways, what had you out so early, young miss? The sun's barely risen after all."

"Um, I was out running, and my name is Taylor." I responded after a moment, though with her statement, a thought came to me. "What about you and your son Ms. Smith? You're both up rather early too."

"Oh, well Tommy is a rather active child, he gets up really early and always wants to do something so I've kinda gotten used to getting up with him," She was caught off as she let out a loud yawn, covering her mouth on reflex, "Excuse me, I'm still a bit tired since I didn't get enough sleep last night. Anyways, yeah you're very fit for a girl your age, you probably do some sorta sport right? If I had to take a guess, maybe boxing? Or maybe some sorta martial art thing instead?"

"Well actually-"

The sound of feet pounding against the ground made me turn my head, as Tommy came running up with their first-aid kit clutched to his chest, a beaming smile on his face.

"Here ya go Mommy! First-aid stuff for Big Sis!"

"Huh?" I muttered out, did he just call me big sis?

The sound of a siren made me turn my head, as the flashing blue and red lights of an ambulance seemed to pop up in the distance, I couldn't help but let out a sigh. Dad was probably going to be worried sick about me, the only concession being the fact that it wasn't a school day at the very least. If that had been the case, I could only imagine how this might go from annoying to the world making my life even worse for no fucking reason. The scars around my eyes just being a sometimes painful reminder of that fact.

Speaking of my eyes, I clenched my fist unconsciously at the thought of that shade of red the world had been tinted for those few seconds whilst I had moved to rescue Tommy. I still didn't know what exactly the trigger for it was, but it had happened once before... and I had the feeling that it was the main component of my power. It made things slow down... or maybe it made me speed up? Regardless, when it activated, the feeling that overtook my body made me feel... powerful. No, that didn't really describe it either, it was hard to describe seeing as it had happened only a couple of times now. It was like I was more... me, or something. I frowned a bit at the thought.

"Taylor, honey, are you alright?" Ms. Smith's concerned voice cut through my errant thoughts making me realize that she had been applying some anti-septic to the scrapes on my knees, I noted that I couldn't even feel any sort of pain as she did so.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about some things."

"Well they have to be pretty heavy then if their weighing down on you so much," She said as she took out a couple Band-Aids and put them over the small cuts. "I mean your lips are starting to sag, soon you'll be unable to do anything more than frown." Letting out a faux-tired sigh, she did an over-exaggerated frown that made me chuckle. "Think positive and you'll feel yourself become a bit more positive, I say."

As the sounds of the siren got closer and closer, I decided that I'd think more about what that odd feeling with my eyes was later. Right now it wasn't too important to me, I was concerned by it yeah, but unless I could figure out how to activate it on my own I wouldn't worry too much about for now. Worrying about it, I was sure that I'd just get myself worked up over it, something I didn't need right now.

Looking over to the wreckage, I noted something odd.

The driver-side door was open, with a distinct lack of blood leading away or a body.

"Huh?" I said, vocalizing my confusion as I stared at the car, with the suspicion creeping into me that this wasn't as simple as it seemed.

"Something else on your mind, Taylor?"

"Yeah, though nothing unhappy, just worrying about whether or not the first-responders are gonna take up too much time. I know my Dad might have to go to work, and I want to get back before he leaves." The half-truth came easily to me as I put up a fake worried expression.

"Hmm, okay, if you say so. Your all bandaged up, I'm a bit surprised that you didn't come off with more injuries, but I suppose the world works in mysterious ways like that."

"Yeah..." I muttered, my mind drifting to thoughts of the absent driver.

Something wasn't right, and I was going to get to the bottom of it. A random car accident isn't that big of a deal, relatively speaking, but having the driver of the crash walk away, presumably unharmed, after going what had to be 15-20 miles faster than the speed limit? That couldn't just be some sort of coincidence, right? At the very least, my gut was telling me that there was more at play than what I was seeing. But, did I really need to get involved?

"Hey! You okay, Big Sis?"

I jumped back a little bit as Tommy's voice startled me from my thoughts, I really needed to stop having this happen.

He was standing right next to me, wide-eyed, seeming to be fascinated by me as he looked at me. Tommy looked like your average kid, fair skin, green eyes, messy brown-red curls for hair, with a slightly wide mouth. He striked me as being a very happy kid, though a bit scatterbrained or at least not the most thoughtful. I mean, playing in the street isn't exactly the most safest thing to do even if there's very little traffic, but he was a child, so I guess it was understandable.

"Yeah, I'm just doing a bit of thinking, Tommy." I replied, trying to ignore the repeated Big Sis comment from him.

"About what?" He said rocking back and forth on his heels, a genuinely interested look on his face.

"Hero stuff." I said jokingly, a light smile stretching across my face.

"Woah! Really? Big Sis really is the coolest!" The elated and nearly starstruck look in his eyes as his voice got louder made me blush a bit embarrasedly.

"No... not really, I'm just plain ol' Taylor."

"Nu uh, you're Super Taylor! Strongest Big Sis of them all! You're all muscly like Dad so you're tough and nice!" Striking a pose witch he thought was heroic, I couldn't help but giggle.

Yeah, if I could protect such innocence, the very least I could was figure out who had almost ran over an innocent kid.

If I was going to be a hero, someone better than those bitches, this was something I had to do.

The scars around my eyes itched at that thought, as the ambulance pulled up finally.
We know at the very least that Taylor gets the normal Mangekyo Sharingan.

what we need to know is if she will get the Eternal Mangekyo, the Rinnegan, or Sasuke's Sharinnegan.

Also what set of Mangekyo powers she could wind up with.