Vote tally - Henchman for Hire [Custom Superhero world, you are a Mook]

Scheduled vote count started by Gatling45 on Oct 14, 2021 at 9:16 PM, finished with 64 posts and 8 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Henchman for Hire [Custom Superhero world, you are a Mook]
Post #243
Post #306


  • [X] Preperation for Power
    [X]Budgeting usefulness for the next job and the one after.
    [X]Budgeting usefulness for the next job and the one after.
    -[X] Advice and shopping parts
    --[X] Advice? If there's two things even I know about electronic security is that, having a unbreakable password lock is meaningless if it is written on a post it note on the monitor, and that no one reads the license agreement if they are busy with life.
    —-[X]So going over low tech solutions of bypass? Can't jam paper into door lock or otherwise tamper the door open? Can we make a new hole from somewhere or come in through air vents? Is there a possible to trick a cop option, a janitor cleaning ,a "inspector", need to change lightbulbs at odd time (who checks what goes into the office beside lock)? Can't (Trojan Horse) it in there or bribe a cop?
    —-[X] I would say it would be good if getting past the door is just messing with a light switch then asking to be let in with nothing but a disguise and clipboard with generic work order lettering to check lights and computers. But it may just come to death if secrets need to be kept as plan B. (Don't need to know details like how backdoor gets installed, just get past the door and onto the computer.)
    —-[X]Cryo Pistol: $2700.
    —-[X]Gauntlets w/ deployable hard-light shield built-in: $3500.
    —-[X]Mundane weapons: $50 each. Crowbar, Good for putting fear in inter-dimensional head crabs.(or any recommendations fora blunt lock breaker?)
    —-[X]Mundane weapons: $50 each. Hefty Rescue Axe, example?(insulation in case cutting wires?)
    —-[X] Mundane weapons: $50 Hidden Boot knife compartment. allows knives to be carried as if an accessories slot. Spen action to draw but hidden.
    —-[X]C4: $1000 per stick of it. x1
    —-[X]Smoke grenades: $90x3, 270$
    —-[X]Frag Grenade: $300 per grenade. x1
    —[X][Electronics] Look but don't buy? Ask Vincent, "Vinny" for advice to not get scammed.
    —-[X] Phones? How many. $70 per phone. X2, 1personal, 1work
    —-[X] Digital Assistant. A program that helps manage your life and affairs. $500 (if there's a user friendly starter?)
    —-[X]No to Arm Terminal, laptop may be better. Arm slot got the Gauntlets.
    —-[X] Write-in? Music player?, Flash light, Gaming?. got 640$ at end of plan.
    -[X] the new week plans( same as Beastly's)
    --[X][Safehouse 27]
    ---[X] Head to the gym, practice what? Unarmed +
    ---[X] Interact with your fellow co-workers, wouldn't be bad to make friends. +
    ---[X] Head to the command center, maybe you can learn something useful. Can pick two from the choices below. +
    ----[X] Who the other villains in the city are, that could always be useful.
    ----[X] Get a map of the sewer system of the city.
    ---[X] Lookup information online? About what? See what there is online about magic practices +
    —-[X] Work a bit on your awareness, maybe try some blindfolds and working on figuring out more with a sense handicapped?
    [X] Preperation for Power
    -[X][Greg's Plan]
    --[X] Advice? If there's two things even I know about electronic security is that, having a unbreakable password lock is meaningless if it is written on a post it note on the monitor, and that no one reads the license agreement if they are busy with life.
    —-[X]So going over low tech solutions of bypass? Can't jam paper into door lock or otherwise tamper the door open? Can we make a new hole from somewhere or come in through air vents? Is there a possible to trick a cop option, a janitor cleaning ,a "inspector", need to change lightbulbs at odd time (who checks what goes into the office beside lock)? Can't (Trojan Horse) it in there or bribe a cop?
    —-[X] I would say it would be good if getting past the door is just messing with a light switch then asking to be let in with nothing but a disguise and clipboard with generic work order lettering to check lights and computers. But it may just come to death if secrets need to be kept as plan B. (Don't need to know details like how backdoor gets installed, just get past the door and onto the computer.)
    --[X] Powder Firearms [Pistols] $150 (2)
    --[X] Powder Firearms [Snipers] $550 (1)
    --[X] Mundane weapons: $50 each. (Glaive, 1)
    --[X] Gauntlets w/ deployable hard-light shield built-in: $3500. Requires electricity, holdout weapon, and not easily discovered. (1)
    --[X] Smoke grenades: $270 per grenade. (3)
    --[X] Phones? How many. $140 per phone. (2)
    --[X] Electric Gas Mask (1)
    --[X] Drone with Camera (1)
    --[X] Portable Laptop (1)
    --[X] Defribrilator Capacitor, Voltage Limiter, Electrical wires
    -[X][Safehouse 27]
    --[X] Head to the gym, practice what? Melee. + (with new weapons)
    --[X] Head to the command center, maybe you can learn something useful. Can pick two from the choices below. +
    ---[X] Some local places where I can buy goods that would normally require a background check, extra funds to buy them, but no paper trail leading it back to me.
    ---[X] Any plans for local operations, like a heist or espoinage, that someone would accept help for, in exchange for money, materials, or secrets.
    --[X] Look for a master of polearms, offer money to help train.
    --[X] Head to the local library? Study magic, and bring your laptop with you for online help.
    --[X] Head out into the city, buy something: Nightvision goggles, portable flashlight, bleach, handkercheifs (x3), lighters, first-aid kits (x2), compass, portable GPS, whistle, rope, climbing gear, swiss-army knive, pocket-knives (x5), rubbing alcholol (x2), gloves, compass, fire-starters, slip-resistant heavy-duty boots, 3-days worth of non-perishable food, 3-days worth of water, a set of workers tools, a duffel bag, utility jacket, game of chess, a trench coat, pepper spray, bag of marbles
    —-[X]No to Arm Terminal, laptop may be better. Arm slot got the Gauntlets.
    —-[X] Write-in? Music player?, Flash light, Gaming?