Hemitheos (Percy Jackson/Asura’s Wrath crossover)

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In the quest of the lightning thief, percy Jackson would have faced Ares and made the god bleed. In this universe, it didn't happen and on the verge of death, percy called for power and Mantra answered. A percy Jackson/Asura's Wrath crossover
Chapter1: I punch my inbred cousin in the face
Wrote it while listening to this:

View: https://youtu.be/XMYQ7jjMa6k

Thanks to Cam Katarn for helping me with the grammar

Little advice to everyone reading this, Percy thought, never fight a god.

Percy had discovered that the god that had turned, that was involved in the disappearance of the Master Bolt was none other than Ares, the God of War himself.

Apparently, in the idiot's head, provoking a war between the Sky, the Ocean, and the Underworld would be the best thing since the discovery of slice bread.

Percy had challenged the god, something foolish he knew but he was tired of being seen as a pawn to be manipulated by gods like Zeus, Poseidon or Ares.

The fight against Ares so far has been what Percy would call in polite word tense. He knew that Ares was toying with him, not taking him seriously, dragging the fight for longer just to see Percy struggle against him.

Ares may have been infinitely stronger and more skilled than Percy but there was one area thing Percy beat him and that was intelligence.

If pure strength or almost perfect skill couldn't win, what could help him make his victory a reality was his mind.

The god's sword clashed against Riptide making Percy's bones shake and sent him flying away. He dived immediately to the right. The emplacement where he had fallen in the sand was now pierced by the God of War's blade.

Luke had taught him to never stay still, and always keep moving. Stillness for a demigod meant death. The back of Percy was facing the ocean. He could feel the rhythm of the sea, the waves growing larger as the tide rolled in, and suddenly he had an idea. Little waves, percy thought. And the water behind him seemed to recede. He was holding back the tide by force of will, but tension was building, like carbonation behind a cork.

The ocean didn't like to be restrained. They had been taught something so primal in school that even Percy had remembered. The world searched for equilibrium, the world searched for balance.

He was going against the way things were supposed to be which meant that when Percy will free the ride from his iron grip, it'll come back with vengeance. Strong enough to help make a difference.

Ares came toward, grinning confidently. Percy lowered his blade as if he were too exhausted to go on. "Wait for it", he thought to the sea. The pressure now was almost lifting Percy off his feet.

Ares raised his sword and the son of Poseidon released the tide and jumped, rocketing straight over Ares on a wave. A six-foot wall of water smashed him full in the face, leaving him cursing and sputtering with a mouth full of seaweed.

He landed behind the god of war with a splash and feinted toward his head, as he had done before. Ares turned in time to raise his sword, but this time he was disoriented, he didn't anticipate the trick.

Percy changed direction, lunged to the side, and stabbed Riptide straight down into the water, sending the point through the god's heel or it's what should have happened.

For a moment, it felt as if time slowed down. Ares who had been on the back foot and that seemed unable to dodge jumped over Percy's strike before trying to skewer him with his sword.

Percy survived by taking a step back but he knew that he was in the range of the following strike of Ares. He wouldn't be able to dodge or block because his arms felt like gelly.

He saw in crystal clarity the strike coming toward him ready to cleave him. He could see not far away the despair etched on Annabeth's and Grover's faces. He would die having failed to save his mom. He would die being the cause of the death of billions because he, Percy wasn't good enough.

The sword was now 8 centimeters away from entering in contact with his skin. It was like a morbid recording where he could see his demise but could do nothing to stop it.

From deep inside, deep and hot anger erupted from inside him. He moved his arm toward the sword of Ares as if to stop it. It was foolish, percy should have resigned himself to die but honestly fuck all of that. Pushed by the power of anger and despair inside him, Percy punched toward the sword of Ares.

Flesh met steel and stayed firm. The ground fractured and exploded outward launching sand all around the two fighters. The sea receded as if pushed by a tornado.

Percy could see the lips of the god of war slurring in slow motion" What the f-?".

He didn't let himself be distracted. It was becoming hard to think. It was as if he was boiling. He brought Riptide in a vertical slash.

Riptide met the sword of the war god. The world broke again and Ares was sent launching away from him. Percy didn't let him have any respite. He pushed from his heel and plunges toward Ares. The god met his strike this time ready. Embers and sparks were being produced by the contact of the two divine swords.

"I thought that killing you would have been a boring affair but it isn't. Entertain me, Percy Jackson!" the god screamed with glee in his bloodthirsty eyes.

"Shut the hell up" Percy screamed back. He went for another strike, and Ares was there to meet him again. He went for another that the god of war answered to. He needed to be faster, stronger. He felt as if he was both dying and living for the first time.

He striker each time against Ares stronger, faster. His slashes were now leaving gouges in the sand as if a giant industrial saw was being used on the beach.

Ares responded the same way. He has begun to take a little bit more seriously their fight. Ares tried to bisect Percy in half. Percy used Riptide to block. The strength of the strike sent him flying from the beach to the city.

Percy pirouetted in the air like a gymnast to get back his feet on the ground. He planted his feet on the asphalt to stop himself and in doing this gouged it out.

Mortals were screaming now everywhere and running around as headless chickens. He didn't have time to think again before the god was pressing against him with a downward strike.

Percy deflected the strike on the side. The now red shimmering sword touched the broken road and pulverized it. Percy used the opportunity to use his other hand to punch the god upward from his neck.

The god went flying 30 meters before stopping his uncontrolled flight by having black vulture wings burst from his back. "Yes this rage, yes, this anger. That is what is truly war" Ares shouted while laughing maniacally.

Percy tensed his knees and jumped toward the god. Ares met Percy in the middle. They clashed sword against the sword in the air. A shockwave erupted from it. Glass shards all around them exploded because of their strength.

The god was the one to win the contest and sent the son of Poseidon falling toward the ground like a star.

The son of Poseidon's back crashed into a building before crashing against another and crashing against another one again. The buildings began to fall full of screaming mortals on the way to Hades's realm.

People were dying because of Ares. His Anger grew stronger. All the aches that he had felt from his clashes so far with the god seemed non-existent now.

Percy busted forward, Riptide shining angrily in his hand. He crossed the first 5 meters with a step, ten with another, and 35 with another. The next step teleported him to the war god.

The god tried to use his sword to block Riptide. Riptide cut through it like butter and would have done the same for the Olympian if he hadn't summoned a shield at the last moment. The shield cracked but held firm. Percy attacked, trying to make bleed the god but was thwarted by a flawless defence.

The clash of the grandchildren of Kronos created a shockwave. All the mortals around them that had been lucky to survive had their lives blown out like candles.

The god took a step back. Percy let him do it. Percy didn't have an infinite endurance like the god so every moment of respite would only benefit him.

"You know that since we began to truly fight, it hasn't been more than two minutes. Survive this fight and I'll make sure that you'll turn into an immortal." the god grinned" Imagine, us fighting like that for eternity."

Percy said nothing. He raised his sword and took a stance.

"I like the way you think kid. No talking, just violence" the god said. "Let's take it up a notch cousin". Into the hand of the god materialized a giant great sword. Around him, an armour finely crafted appeared."

Percy did nothing else than rush toward the god. They clashed, Riptide against his demonic-looking sword, a god against a mortal, the image of an adult against the one of a child and with it, the world screamed.

Ares blocked Riptide with his word and tried to use his shield to bash Percy's head. Percy reacted by punching the shield with his free hand.

A metallic melody resonated endlessly in all the city of Los Angeles. They disengaged and clashed, again and again, harder than each precedent one.

Each of their strike when connected send flying the other creating destruction. Each strike dodge created carnage on the environment around them.

They were blurs of blue and red clashing like stars all around the city and leaving devastation in their wake.

"Let's make things even more fun" the god of war screamed at his cousin. The god of war raised his sword toward the sky. The bladed part of his sword extended in the air past the clouds, past the Earth's Atmosphere. The sword lit up with Plasma.

It was as if a second sun had been created. Buildings that still stood proudly began to melt. All moisture evaporated. Weak mortals that looked at it were turned blind and those that didn't were felt a burning sensation as if they were being put on a stove at a low temperature.

The god slashed downward toward the son of Poseidon faster than a lightning bolt. Percy met his strike and the world began to crumble. Percy pushed his feet into the broken concrete to not lose his footing. He stood proud holding at bay the cataclysmic strike. He would not lose, he would not bow down. Percy would win.

Red and blue flames erupted around him and sheathed Riptide. Percy slashed upward with all the strength he could muster. The sky was torn In two. The second sun that had been created by the god of war was felled. The shockwave of Percy's attack destroyed everything around him to nothing and has been disintegrated. The god of war hadn't been untouched. For the first time since the beginning of their fight, he bled ichor. He had partially dodged Percy's strike but hadn't been able to avoid any damage even with his armour.

Percy was laying on his back on debris. He felt utterly spent as if he had the worst workout of his life. He tried to move but was unable to The last act had depleted him. If the god had decided to continue to fight, he would surely die and probably he should he thought watching all the devastation and misery created by the god and him.

The god touched his own blood as if surprised by the possibility of him ever bleeding.

"First blood hmm". The god whispered. The god hunched over and began laughing as if madness had taken control of his mind.

"You win child. I give up" the god of war said.

The god descended from the sky onto the ground on Percy's side. The god put his hand on Percy's shoulder and they reappeared on the beach of Santa Monica which looked now like a scene from an apocalyptic movie.

"Percy" he heard somebody scream his name. He turned toward the voice. It had been Annabeth's voice and at her side running towards him was Grover.

They placed themselves before him as if to protect him from the god. Their eyes widened when they saw their ichor dropping from Ares and what it meant.

The god of war threw the helmet and the bolt at the laying sound of Poseidon. " Rest and become stronger little cousin so Next time it'll be fun and don't worry about mortals". The god snapped two of his fingers against each other." they will think that all has happened because of a natural catastrophe, see you later Perseus" and the god disappeared in a burst of light leaving the demigods alone on the beach.

Grover and Annabeth had laid on the sand on both of his sides. "I got so many questions Annabeth," said "like how were you able to do this, why did you hair turn whit-"

"My hair turned white? Mom will kill me! Percy shouted.

"I don't think that you would have to worry about that soon," Grover said in a sad voice.

"Oh... I forgot that she was gone" Percy whispered. And you shall fail to save what matters most had the oracle told him. He had failed to save his mom. Tears began to blur his vision and rain began to envelop him in its mantle all of the destroyed city and its surroundings.

Neither Grover nor Annabeth said anything. They held their hands together laying in the rain.

He heard bat wings. Over them were the kindly ones circling like vultures. We saw the whole thing. We saw the destruction that was brought by the war god and you, we saw him give you the symbols of powers." Alecto hissed.

"So ... it truly was not you?" I tossed her the helmet, which she caught in surprise.

"Return that to Lord Hades," I said. "Tell him the truth. Tell him to call off the war."

She hesitated, then ran a forked tongue over her green, leathery lips. "You are more than I thought Percy Jackson. It saddens me to think that I would probably never have you in my clutches again. I see through my eyes guilt, I see despair in you child. Don't let it consume and never stop to go forward. That's the only thing you can do. I'll make you the first and only favour I would ever do to you. The fury drew in the air with her claw a flame portal. It's a way to Olympus. Go through or don't. It's your choice. Goodbye, Percy Jackson." She said Then she and her sisters rose on their bats' wings, fluttered into the smoke-filled sky and disappeared.

Percy tried to stand alone but tripped and almost fell. He was saved by Grover and Annabeth that had both held him by his shoulders.

"You're not alone seaweed Brain," Annabeth told him. He turned toward Grover that nodded. Supported by both of them, they crossed the portal leaving behind them a scenery of misery and tragedy.
Ok 1) Holy shit that spacing man, get rid of all those extra newlines.
2) Paragraphs are your friend and a single sentence is not one.
I'm going to assume that something fucked your formatting here.