[x] Attend Karl. Luckily, his state did not degrade, making this the best time to solve this problem(An event sequence will be started. Lucy's proficiency and Karl's state guarantee success)
[x] "After Seph revealed to me her story, I can guarantee that her unforeseen companionship tonight translates as "I have nothing and no one except for you, so I want to be helpful." Doubt she would say it out loud anytime soon, but it does not change the fact she really cares for us. I see how you are sticking to the promise of not antagonizing her, but would it be too much of me to also ask you to show her at least a little appreciation? Perhaps, something even tiny or symbolic, just so she would know that she isn't alone and we care about her, too."
[X] "In front of others, you can pretend to be an impenetrable wall all you want, but I see how nervous you are about our involvement with kherees, the reveal we've just got, and this whole expedition in general. And if this wasn't enough trouble, I swear you feel somewhat regretful around Hjorn, not even mentioning other things you hold inside from before we met. You told me that I'm the reason you altered your course in the past. Should this be how you really feel, it would only be fair for me to hear your concerns and help however I can. If you believe I can be of your help, that is..."