[X] Fight
-[X] Mixed style*
--[X] Try to outdo the attackers with your maneuvers to capture some of them (1/2 melee skill check + 1/2 arcane skill check against trivial challenge (11), 1/2 defense check + 1/2 arcane skill check against very easy challenge (14), supernatural exposure)
[X] Try to scare the hell out of the attackers or at least destroy their focus to assist the guards
-[X] With magic and wings (1/2 intimidation + 1/4 arcane skill + 1/4 wings skill check against very easy challenge (14), supernatural and wings exposure)
[X] Fight -[X] Magic style* --[X] Ward yourself and those dear with thaumaturgy (1/2 arcane skill check against elementary challenge (11), arcane skill check against very easy challenge (14), lots of supernatural exposure)