Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)

Scene 1-1: The Binding Lab

We Just Write

Blatantly Plural
New England
Link to OOC thread

In a large warehouse in the southern quarter of Port Ferrous, an eldritch machine was starting up. Large enough to fill the entire room, the device was built around a large blue-glowing crystal, encased in a spire of brass protruding through the roof of the building.

As his assistants go about preparing the machine for activation, the one whose idea this was greets his latest batch of test subjects through the door of the warehouse, asking the eleven volunteers "Well ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to make history?"

There is a brief conversation, before one by one the test subjects are loaded into the pods surrounding the massive device; there is one pod left unfilled, as the device was designed to handle up to twelve test subjects.

The group of eleven test subjects is told to relax, as anaesthetic gas is pumped through a facemask they donned before the pods were closed. Slowly, each one of them falls to Unconsciousness, as Doctor William Hematite called out to his assistants "Alright! Initiate the dimensional tuning procedure!"

A hum build up throughout the massive warehouse as the Binding Device spun up to full power, ready to open a gap in reality and invite beings beyond all existence to link with these mortal hosts. The focusing crystal began sending pulses of power up the dimensional tuning spire, 'loosening' the fabric of reality.

The crystal continues to spin faster and faster, even as Doctor Hematite calls out "What's the charge status on the breach inducer?"

One of the dozens of lab assistants calls out in surprise when they read the display "It's at eighty gigajoules Doctor!"

Doctor Hematite shouts out "That's no good, it'll fry the test subjects for sure! Try and ground the charge!"

The lab assistant at the readout says "I'm already doing that, and the charge is still growing! We need to dump the charge NOW, or we'll all be blown to bits!"

The Doctor simply nods, whispering a brief "I'm sorry." under his breath before he pulls the lever that will activate the breach inducer. Energy surges through the Tuning Spire in immense quantities, continuing upwards into the sky in a manner that greatly resembles lightning in reverse.

For the briefest of moments, the very integrity of reality itself over Port Ferrous is rent asunder, a violet gash in reality opening for only a few milliseconds before just as suddenly slamming shut.

Inside the warehouse, Doctor Hematite calls out "Alright, open up the pods. We might as well find out just how badly charred the subjects are this time." A scowl adorns the Doctor's face as the thought of having pointlessly fried even more test subjects echoes around in his mind.

A few minutes pass before the head assistant informs Doctor Hematite "Sir, the test subjects are still alive. We've checked respiration and pulse for all subjects, and they've come back positive, save for a few abnormalities."

At this, the Doctor asks "Abnormalities? What exactly do you mean by that?"

To this, the head assistant replies "They have to do with Subject 104, Mina Lankins. She is continuing to make the movements associated with respiration, but there is no actual air passing through her airway, and she does not currently have a pulse."

Doctor Hematite's brow furrows, and he notes "That is very odd indeed. Please, allow me to check her over myself."

The pair of men walk over to Mina's pod, and the Doctor begins scanning her with the Liquid Arts, aiming to get an idea of what was going on with her. He quickly finds the reason, noting "The binding seems to have severely altered Subject 104's biology. She is still alive, but possesses no form of internal structure whatsoever, being composed of amorphous tissue. The anaesthetic is still present in her system, but is being flushed at an accelerated rate. I estimate we have about five minutes before she wakes up."

At this, the head assistant asks "Should I administer the counteragent for the anaesthetic to the rest of the subjects?"

Doctor Hematite nods, saying "Yes, that would be a good idea. Having them all wake up at roughly the same time would be good for avoiding the need to explain things multiple times."

A few minutes later, you each awake to a lab assistant standing over you, saying "Good news, the binding was a success! Doctor Hematite would like to see you in the break room in a few minutes so he can explain things."

The room you are in is large and rectangular, with the binding machine in the exact geometrical center. There are dozens of laboratory assistants scuttling about busily shutting down the machine, and there are several tables covered with diagrams, books of eldritch lore (only about half of it is the real deal; the rest is particularly creative rantings of mad authors), and miscellaneous debris.

Off in the corner is the door to the break room.
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A few minutes later, you each awake to a lab assistant standing over you, saying "Good news, the binding was a success! Doctor Hematite would like to see you in the break room in a few minutes so he can explain things."

The room you are in is large and rectangular, with the binding machine in the exact geometrical center. There are dozens of laboratory assistants scuttling about busily shutting down the machine, and there are several tables covered with diagrams, books of eldritch lore (only about half of it is the real deal; the rest is particularly creative rantings of mad authors), and miscellaneous debris.

Off in the corner is the door to the break room.
"Huh. I thought for sure that I'd die in that tube. Well..." Remi looks at the lab assistant. "Son, where's the break room? Might as well visit the man who might have tied me to an elder god."
A few minutes later, you each awake to a lab assistant standing over you, saying "Good news, the binding was a success! Doctor Hematite would like to see you in the break room in a few minutes so he can explain things."

The room you are in is large and rectangular, with the binding machine in the exact geometrical center. There are dozens of laboratory assistants scuttling about busily shutting down the machine, and there are several tables covered with diagrams, books of eldritch lore (only about half of it is the real deal; the rest is particularly creative rantings of mad authors), and miscellaneous debris.

Off in the corner is the door to the break room.
Valiard blinks awake.

"Well, I'm not dead, so that's a good sign."

He brought himself up, looking around.

OOC: Does the Killer Rabbit pop up now or later?
"Hello everyone!"
"No, wait, was that supposed to be OOC. ****. Oh nice the curseword filter made it across. Jericho's gonna pitch a fit when he finds out he can't curse."
"Hello everyone, I'm an elder god named Pionoplayer. Jericho will be here shortly, I'm just busy balancing the balance score so I don't get rejected by the host right out of the gate."
"Meta knowledge is fun."

Jericho suddenly seems to have his face shift. "I already don't like having an elder god in my head."
"Too bad, you're stuck with me now buddy. You get a sweet hammer out of the deal though. Hey Just do you think I can justify an innate knowledge of how hammerspace works or should I stop confusing the crap out of people."

Anyways, Jericho gets out of the pod, and doesn't demonstrate knowledge of the hammer yet because that would break things a bit more than I want at the moment.

Jericho looks at the lab assistant. "What the **** did I do to deserve this. Wait, the ****? Why the **** can't I... **** **** ***** ***************************************."
"That's enough Jerry. My bleeper only has so many presses before it'll break, and then I'll have to pretend to get a new one and these meta jokes are gonna get old fast."
Elizabeth stares down at herself, momentarily disquieted, then carefully gets up. Feeling no real difference in herself or her surrounding, she distracts herself, by casually wandering over to pick up an promising-looking eldritch tome.

Movement from the other experimental subjects catches her eye and she stands like a statue, not wanting to seem distracted before suspicious unknowns.

Edit: The confused rantings do nothing to change her mind.
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"Hello everyone!"
"No, wait, was that supposed to be OOC. ****. Oh nice the curseword filter made it across. Jericho's gonna pitch a fit when he finds out he can't curse."
"Hello everyone, I'm an elder god named Pionoplayer. Jericho will be here shortly, I'm just busy balancing the balance score so I don't get rejected by the host right out of the gate."
"Meta knowledge is fun."

Jericho suddenly seems to have his face shift. "I already don't like having an elder god in my head."
"Too bad, you're stuck with me now buddy. You get a sweet hammer out of the deal though. Hey Just do you think I can justify an innate knowledge of how hammerspace works or should I stop confusing the crap out of people."

Anyways, Jericho gets out of the pod, and doesn't demonstrate knowledge of the hammer yet because that would break things a bit more than I want at the moment.

Jericho looks at the lab assistant. "What the **** did I do to deserve this. Wait, the ****? Why the **** can't I... **** **** ***** ***************************************."
"That's enough Jerry. My bleeper only has so many presses before it'll break, and then I'll have to pretend to get a new one and these meta jokes are gonna get old fast."
"Hey, might want to get that mental disorder looked at. Also, that beeping had better be an unfortunate side effect of the procedure, or I'm going to have to have to ask where you got a bomb." Remi looks askance at the moving subjects.
As you get up, something falls from the rafters and hits your head. As it bounces off and lands on the floor, you can see that it's a rabbit.

"..... The hell?"

He looked at it, baffled.

The small furry white creature stared up at him with glaring eyes full of hate. It made an adorable snarl, exposing it's razor-sharp tiny teeth.
"Hey, might want to get that mental disorder looked at. Also, that beeping had better be an unfortunate side effect of the procedure, or I'm going to have to have to ask where you got a bomb." Remi looks askance at the moving subjects.
Jericho seems disgruntled. "Are you making fun of me?"
"Not quite. I think he's making fun of ME."
"Oh, gee thanks. Now everyone's going to think I'm crazy."
"Your world's crazy, you'll fit right in."
Jericho's fists tighten.
"Before you say anything stupid, why don't you go greet the others."
Jericho growls and decides to opt out of greeting the others, and just sort of nonchalantly leans against the pod he was in.

OOC: I really hope I don't wind up burning out Jericho's mind right off the bat with these shenanigans, I really wanna be able to do the OOC/IC arguing schtick for Jericho.
Geoff steps out of the test tube and scowls, studying his body "Intriguing. This body seems interesting enough."
He then blinks, before returning to scowling "Hhmph. Guess I should introduce myself."
He turns to the others "Hello. My name is Geoff. We share a common goal, and that is all you really need to know."
Mina opens her eyes. No, wait . . . not like that. Where did her eyelids go? Ah, there they are. "Hwagh?" She steps out of the pod, but it feels wrong: not quite like normal muscles. Something whispers in her mind--havethepowerIwishIhad--before she properly notices the other around her.

"I'm Mina Lankin. Hi." She starts heading for the break room. "I hope there's something to eat around here, I'm famished."
Jericho seems disgruntled. "Are you making fun of me?"
"Not quite. I think he's making fun of ME."
"Oh, gee thanks. Now everyone's going to think I'm crazy."
"Your world's crazy, you'll fit right in."
Jericho's fists tighten.
"Before you say anything stupid, why don't you go greet the others."
Jericho growls and decides to opt out of greeting the others, and just sort of nonchalantly leans against the pod he was in.
"No, I'm saying you should get help. Looking at the rest of us, none of us are talking to ourselves. I'm going to assume that you're crazy." He turns towards the newly awakened Geoff and Mina.
Geoff steps out of the test tube and scowls, studying his body "Intriguing. This body seems interesting enough."
He then blinks, before returning to scowling "Hhmph. Guess I should introduce myself."
He turns to the others "Hello. My name is Geoff. We share a common goal, and that is all you really need to know."
Mina opens her eyes. No, wait . . . not like that. Where did her eyelids go? Ah, there they are. "Hwagh?" She steps out of the pod, but it feels wrong: not quite like normal muscles. Something whispers in her mind--havethepowerIwishIhad--before she properly notices the other around her.

"I'm Mina Lankin. Hi." She starts heading for the break room. "I hope there's something to eat around here, I'm famished."
He nods to the man and woman. "Nice to meet some people with a modicum of politeness and sanity among us subjects. I'm Remi."
"I'm fairly sure that sanity is simply the form of delusion shared by the most people, but thanks." She opens the break room door and looks around. "So, will there be any donuts at this meeting?"
"Actually my sanity is a facade to... I probably shouldn't say this." Geoff nonetheless nods to Remi to return the politeness, then follows into the break room. "I could use some donuts myself"
"I'm fairly sure that sanity is simply the form of delusion shared by the most people, but thanks." She opens the break room door and looks around. "So, will there be any donuts at this meeting?"
"Actually my sanity is a facade to... I probably shouldn't say this." Geoff nonetheless nods to Remi to return the politeness, then follows into the break room. "I could use some donuts myself"
"Iteresting observations. Probably no donuts, though." He heads for the break room.
Mina pouts a bit. She'd been on one of her reading binges when she got called in, which involved her forgetting to eat since the morning before. Maybe that was why her body felt so strange?
Jericho glowers at Remi. He's not certain he's not insane, but he resents being called such anyways.
"Fine, I'll talk to the doc. I'm not too terribly happy about having... whatever this is in my head anyways."
"Well that's rude. I have a name."
Jericho opts to ignore the eldritch abomination taking over his tongue. He makes his way over to the break room with the others.
"There better be something to eat, I'm hungry."
Jericho glowers at Remi. He's not certain he's not insane, but he resents being called such anyways.
"Fine, I'll talk to the doc. I'm not too terribly happy about having... whatever this is in my head anyways."
"Well that's rude. I have a name."
Jericho opts to ignore the eldritch abomination taking over his tongue. He makes his way over to the break room with the others.
"There better be something to eat, I'm hungry."
"Hey, we're all alive. Voice in my head is all 'obviously' about it, though." Albert said, shaking off a dazed feel.

"Anyway, it's something we should celebrate, after we talk with Doc." He added.
"Oh, hey, there is food!" Mina goes to get some, then is extremely startled when her tongue turns into a snake and lunges for it.
A voice whispers inside the head of Remi, silently, unlike the other Ess'Vees. "Remi. You know the truth, do you not?" Remi replies by thinking "Yes. Now, what is it? I assume you have something to tell me, or else you wouldn't be revealing yourself so early." The voice replies with a "Yes. You're smart, friend. Now, here's a small...tidbit of knowledge. Something to help you along the way. Evidence has been planted to falsely indicate the good Doctor as a member of the Order. You're a lawyer. You know what to do."
"This.... is no ordinary rabbit."

Valiard spoke as he stared at the Avatar of Murder sitting in his hands, trembling with restrained carnage.

"That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!"

It twitched. Murderously.

"Look! That Rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!"

Valiard shook his head.

"..... wait, why did I say that?"
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St.JohnsWortandRowanwoodandcold,cold iron. Mina frowns and shakes herself. She can turn into things, apparently, and not just things that actually exist. That could be very useful indeed . . .

There is a plot to shroud our Cold Iron friend in thy color. The lawyer knows of it as of a few seconds ago your time. Whether he will seek to free our friend from the trap or snap it shut about him I do not know, for even the wise cannot see all ends.

Mina nods minutely, then is amused to hear the voice continue with Did that sound enough like a mysterious godly being? It's fun to do.
A few minutes later, you each awake to a lab assistant standing over you, saying "Good news, the binding was a success! Doctor Hematite would like to see you in the break room in a few minutes so he can explain things."

The room you are in is large and rectangular, with the binding machine in the exact geometrical center. There are dozens of laboratory assistants scuttling about busily shutting down the machine, and there are several tables covered with diagrams, books of eldritch lore (only about half of it is the real deal; the rest is particularly creative rantings of mad authors), and miscellaneous debris.

Off in the corner is the door to the break room.
Mana groaned, lightly swatting out with a hand at the offending noise. She didn't feel good, and she didn't want to get up. She knew that she would have to, but a few moments of pretending never hurt her before an-


The girl flinched, a hand flying to her head and hissing in pain and the sudden thunderous sound echoing in her mind.


Stumbling up to her feet, the girl glanced around, trying to get her bearings.

She wasn't dead. She was not dead.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said quickly to the man who awoke her. "I was... a little distracted. What were you saying?"
Mana groaned, lightly swatting out with a hand at the offending noise. She didn't feel good, and she didn't want to get up. She knew that she would have to, but a few moments of pretending never hurt her before an-


The girl flinched, a hand flying to her head and hissing in pain and the sudden thunderous sound echoing in her mind.


Stumbling up to her feet, the girl glanced around, trying to get her bearings.

She wasn't dead. She was not dead.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said quickly to the man who awoke her. "I was... a little distracted. What were you saying?"
"You're alive! As I was saying, we'll meet the Doctor, and then celebrate being alive." Albert repeated.

"Should get a goood look around and some food, though, first." He said.