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The Pacific Ocean
October 24, 2024

It was another normal day for the crew of USS Lexington...
Rex, NC, USA
The Pacific Ocean
October 24, 2024

It was another normal day for the crew of USS Lexington, CVN-75. The crew was conducting normal training exercises just north of the Mariana Islands.

They had no idea what was brewing beneath the surface


It is cold. It is dark. She is alone.

For eight decades, she has lied awake at the bottom, seething.

She remembered it all. Akagi and Ryuujou were the first to go-the enemy planes had pounced on them in a cowardly night attack when they were incapable of fighting back. Then, she had met her. She had managed to claim Zuihou and Myoko. However, she and her sister had managed to get rid of her. Or so they thought. But no, she had resurfaced. Kaga, Soruyuu, and Hiryuu had all fallen to her planes. Not satisfied with that, she had claimed Nagara in their next encounter. It was only in the next battle that they finally managed to put her down for good.

But no, she had resurfaced yet again. First, she had claimed Katori and Maikaze. Then, when they met again, she had claimed Taihou and Samidare before seemingly being vanquished once more. She could've celebrated-had she not been sunk by an American submarine with a serious case of beginner's luck.

From beyond the grave, she had watched her sister fall to the Americans. Then, in one last cruel twist, she had resurfaced yet again-twice-with her friends in tow. Kongou. Nagato. Mutsu. All had fallen to the planes of her and her comrades.

For the last 80 years she could do nothing but nurse her rage while she went on to have a long and fruitful career. But now, she had been given the power to strike back.

Slowly, she rose to the surface. Her pilots prepared for takeoff.

There is no sign of her anywhere, but that's okay. Because first she must take care of her sister's murderers.

"Zuikaku" she said. "I will avenge you." And with that her planes were off.

S̴̟ho̢͈̰̜ù̻̩̱k͔̗a͚̰͉̺̩k͎͙͍̦̤̖̺ú̫̞'s aircraft plunged on Lexington's battle group without warning. The American fighters did their best to defend their ships, only to find their missiles mysteriously failing to hit. The strange orb-shaped aircraft ripped through the modern jet fighters like paper and descended on Lexington and her escorts. The Americans tried to defend themselves with surface-to-air missiles, but those too failed to hit, instead dropping harmlessly into the water.

The destroyer USS McCampell was the first to fall, followed by USS Halsey. Lexington herself took two torpedoes and three bombs.

S̴̟ho̢͈̰̜ù̻̩̱k͔̗a͚̰͉̺̩k͎͙͍̦̤̖̺ú̫̞ smiled. She sent off a second wave, intending to finish off Lexington.

But, as the aircraft made their way to their target. something felt wrong for S̴̟ho̢͈̰̜ù̻̩̱k͔̗a͚̰͉̺̩k͎͙͍̦̤̖̺ú̫̞.

Sure enough, as her aircraft approached the struggling Lexington, one of her sailors pointed in the opposite direction. "Are those Hurricanes?" he asked.

Indeed, seemingly out of nowhere, 25 Hawker Sea Hurricanes bearing Royal Navy roundels flew into view. The antiquated aircraft tore into S̴̟ho̢͈̰̜ù̻̩̱k͔̗a͚̰͉̺̩k͎͙͍̦̤̖̺ú̫̞'s planes, and unlike the ill-fated jets, actually managed to shoot down several of the flying orbs in exchange for 10 of their own. The sailors of Lexington could only look on in amazement as the massive dogfight unfolded. Finally, the remaining enemy aircraft broke off.

No, no NO S̴̟ho̢͈̰̜ù̻̩̱k͔̗a͚̰͉̺̩k͎͙͍̦̤̖̺ú̫̞ thought as she watched her surviving planes come in. From the reports of her pilots, S̴̟ho̢͈̰̜ù̻̩̱k͔̗a͚̰͉̺̩k͎͙͍̦̤̖̺ú̫̞ knew it was her. The name that terrified pilots and made destroyers check under their beds at night. She knew there was no chance of beating her alone. Her only chance was to retreat and get backup. And with that, she departed.

Meanwhile, the pilots of Lexington looked for the source of the mystery Hurricanes. What they came upon would turn their world upside down.

A trio of girls appeared to be simply standing on the water. They looked to be middle school-aged and wore what appeared to be British schoolgirl uniforms. Most bizarrely, they had machinery on their backs and wielded what looked like miniaturized naval guns. But what caught the sailors' attention most was what appeared to be the girls' ringleader. She appeared to be a young woman in her late teens, with red hair and purple eyes. She wore an aviator's jacket over a white blouse with a pleated skirt and black stockings. Her shoes appeared to have miniaturized ship rudders on the heels. On her right arm was what looked a miniaturized aircraft carrier flight deck. In her hands she carried a longbow.

The strange woman looked up at the sailors on the rails and waved before saluting. "Pleased to meet you" she said. "HMS Indomitable at your service."
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Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
October 24, 2024

Admiral Stephen McCarty could scarcely believe his ears as the strange girl told her tale. "So let me get this straight" he said. "You are the HMS Indomitable, the Royal Navy carrier that served in the Pacific Theater of World War?" The girl smiled and nodded. "Indeed I am!" she said. "I am the spirit of Indomitable given human form."

"So why are you here in this form?" asked McCarty.

"Indomitable" took a deep breath, looked McCarty in the eye, and said "Because they are here."

"Who-or what-is this 'they'?" McCarty asked.

"They" said Indomitable "are like me, except twisted and malevolent. I don't know why they are here. All I know is that they must be stopped."
I love anything to do with the Royal Navy especially alternate universe.
Honesty for a minute there I was expecting HMS Victorious to save the day since she use to sail with the US navy which could have alternate possibilities.
Surprise that you gave the Abyssal a name, might back you in a corner there.
It's 9,000 miles back to you
I still feel like home is in your arms

"9,000 Miles"-Pendulum

Portsmouth, United Kingdom
October 24, 2024

70 years. That was how long she had laid dormant. She had more than earned her rest.

It was true her career had started inauspiciously. She had been the one to accompany HMS Hood at Denmark Strait, and ended up bearing witness to the death of the Royal Navy's most beloved capital ship. But she had rebounded. She found a new purpose in the Far East-her. For three and a half years, she had stood beside the carrier, providing AA cover to the best of her abilities.

During their time together, the two had formed an unbreakable bound. She was determined to protect her, determined to prevent her from meeting the same fate as Hood on that terrible day. She had clung to her side right up till to the final victory over Japan.

When she was sold to Australia in 1953, she found it a bittersweet occasion. On one hand, she had been given a new lease on life. On the other hand, it ensured the two ships would most likely be permanently separated.

In the meantime, an association of former crew members and concerned citizens had taken her off the British government's hands and gotten her preserved in Portsmouth, next to HMS Victory and HMS Warrior. Being close to such legendary ships filled her with awe, but in the end, nothing could replace her. She had visited at least twice during her 30-year career with the Royal Australian Navy. Both times the two ships enjoyed their time together, no matter how brief it may have been. Then, she had been retired for good in 1988 and permanently docked in Perth. At that point, she had to come to grips with the facts that they would never meet again, kept apart by 9.000 miles.

But now, she was needed once more. They were rising from the depths, threatening all of humanity. But most importantly, she needed her help again.

Indomitable needed her help again.

As she made her final preparations, she uttered the words that began her journey.

"HMS Prince of Wales, weigh anchor!"
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The North Sea
October 24, 2024

"What in God's name is that thing?" shouted a sailor as HMS Midway was straddled by several shell splashes. The guided-missile cruiser had been returning from routine exercises when she had accosted by what looked like a massive grey-skinned beast covered in cannons. The monster was accompanied by several smaller fish-shaped beasts, all bearing smaller cannons. Midway and the rest of her battle group had tried to fend off the uninvited guests, but their weapons seemed to have no effect. The same could not be said for the enemy's weapons, as Midway was struck by several shells, knocking out her Aegis Combat System and damaging her turbines.

What really caught the eye of the sailors was what appeared to be controlling the creatures. Standing in front of the largest monster was what looked like a woman in a black dress with chalk-white skin and black hair that was nearly as long as her body. She seemed to control the beasts with gestures.

Another shell slammed into her forward 6.5-inch turret, ripping it open like a tin can. The magazine was quickly flooded to prevent an explosion.

Suddenly, the large beast shuddered as several shells struck it from behind. Everyone stared at the source of the shells.

It was a young woman, with long snow-white hair and blue eyes, dressed in a vintage Women's Royal Naval Service Uniform. On her back was a rigging that supported the unmistakable quad 14-inch guns of the King George V-class battleships from WW2. She let loose another salvo from the guns, striking the grey behemoth again.

The mystery saviour was not alone. Behind her was another young woman, with brown hair and green eyes, wearing the same uniform and rigging. Accompanying the women were four preteen girls wielding weapons and machinery broadly identical to those on WW2 destroyers. All were moving on the ocean surface as if they were skating on ice.

Their assailants, apparently realizing they were outmatched, quickly turned and beat a hasty retreat.

"I don't know who-or what-you are, but you saved our asses!" shouted a sailor.

The woman with the white hair turned her eyes on the astonished crew of Midway. "You're welcome" she said. She put a hand on her chest. "I am HMS Prince of Wales. This is my sister, HMS Duke of York."
There sure is a lot of RN shipgirls saving them in a nick of time. Feel like everything going swimmingly.
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
October 24, 2024

For the past eight decades she had known peace.

She had never expected to get to this place. She was the pride of the Nihon Kaigun, their penultimate weapon, meant to be deployed in the decisive battle and smash the enemy to dust.

But it had not played out that way. Instead she had sat on the sidelines and watched as her comrades fell one by one. She wanted so badly to intervene, but her masters had demurred, insisting that the "decisive battle" was still ahead. Finally, she had been allowed to sortie when things were truly desperate. But instead of fighting the glorious battle she was expecting, she ended up running shamefully from a lesser foe.

After that, it was back to watching helplessly as her friends were decimated. The worst part was seeing her sister go on that suicide mission, being unable to do anything as she was crushed beneath the big blue blanket.

When it was finally over, she had found herself in American hands. For her, it was the ultimate disgrace, to fall into the hands of the enemy. She wished for death badly.

And yet, her captors had treated graciously. They were obviously in awe of her, quite unlike she had expected. She had even gotten to know the ships her comrades had once fought against. Slowly, she began to feel comfortable in American hands. In due time, she had been joined by four American battleships.

But today, her peaceful existence was coming to an end.

"Do you feel it?" she asked.

"Feel what?" replied West Virginia.

"Them" she replied. "The wraiths. The embodiments of hate and despair. They're coming straight for us."

"What should we do?" asked a panicked Nevada.

"Follow me" replied Yamato.
The Norwegian Sea
October 24, 2024

She had been too late. By the time she got there the destroyer was already foundering. A group of the fiends surrounded the ship, their cannons blazing away.

"Cease this nonsense!" she shouted as she opened fire on the creatures, sinking two and driving the rest away.

Looks like I still have it thought Warspite as she watched the enemy flee before turning to help the crew of the unfortunate destroyer.
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Vancouver, British Columbia
October 24, 2024

It was a busy day in Vancouver. All potential visitors were at work or school, leaving her alone with her thoughts and memories.

"And what is your name, little girl?"

"I'm USS Lexington, CV-16!"


"What about it?"

"That was the name of my elder sister."

"Was she strong?"

"Yes, very strong."

"I hope I can be as strong!"

Memories of happy times and victory...

"We made the Japs turn tail and run! You should've been there!"

"Very good, you're certainly growing in strength."

"Big sis, we finally put down the last of the carriers that struck us at Pearl Harbor!"

"Very good."

"Sara, Sara, I just helped sink one of those huge Jap battleships! I'm so strong!"

"You certainly did well, little Lex."

"We did it Sara! The Japanese have surrendered!"

"Finally, this war is over. You did good, Lexington."

..and of bereavement and despair.

"What are you gonna do know?"

"Look at me, Lex, I'm clapped out. The Navy has no more need for me anymore."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm off to perform my last duty for my country. Goodbye Lexington."

"Wait, what are you doing? Stop!"



"How could you do such a thing! She served with pride! She was my sister!"


For the next seven years, she was left to stew in her bitterness and grief. Some of her sisters were called back into duty while she remained in mothballs. Then..

"Have you heard? The Canadians are looking to get an aircraft carrier."


"Yep, and it looks like you've been chosen."

And so after being given the requisite modernization, she said goodbye to a homeland she was quite frankly glad to leave.

"You are now HMCS Falaise. Welcome to the fleet."

"Did you see the looks on the Turk's faces? We certainly showed them!"

"You certainly did us proud, Falaise."

"Those South Africans didn't stand a chance. White supremacy my ass!"

"You never cease to amaze us, Falaise."

Finally, after three and a half decades of service, she had been retired and given a permanent home here in Vancouver.

But now, that home was in danger. She could feel them coming, rising up from the darkest depths.

She would not let them harm her homeland.

"HMCS Falaise, heading out!"
Barrow-in-Furness, United Kingdom
November 10, 1937

Winston Churchill took a puff from his cigar as he watched the ship take shape.

In spite of the 1935 treaty, the Kriegsmarine had been engaging in an alarming buildup. Of particular concern was the two aircraft carriers. Although the German government swore that they were adhering to the 35,000-ton limit imposed by the treaty, Churchill was sure that they were being economical with the truth, to say the least.

The Admiralty had apparently shared Churchill's concerns, for they had ordered two modified Illustrious-class carriers, one of which was being laid down in Barrow-in-Furness right now. These ships had a second hangar deck for extra aircraft capacity. Churchill knew, however, that a higher capacity meant nothing if the planes couldn't stand up to the latest fighter aircraft. While the Royal Air Force was introducing new and advanced designs, the Royal Navy was stuck with aircraft that would not look out of place in the Great War. Therefore, Churchill had advocated for bringing the Fleet Air Arm back under the control of the Admiralty so that they could develop more modern designs.

Churchill turned his attention back to the keel in the yard. He didn't know why, but he was sure that ship was destined for greatness.