Hear the Squeaking, Fear the Words(Changeling the Lost)

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The swarm within
Will seek the sin
That rots it's kin
To save it's skin

"The city is in ruin...

Ellimist system

Newly cracked system full of traumatized yahoos.
Floating on a rock with my headmates.
The swarm within
Will seek the sin
That rots it's kin
To save it's skin

"The city is in ruin and the people are lost." Red as fire burned to cinders with horns of ebon stone, the beast of dreams speaks to his gathered fiends," Within the night we will hold the heart within our hands and break it in to slivers." He roars, his arms held high above his head and his claws outstretched toward the bloody moon; his fiends answer. "Now go, do the good work. Pillage and take, this town is ours," The beast says and he watches his minions pour from the square. Beasts of burden turned to rage, beast from human suffrage, fiends of fire, animals cowed, all empty in to town.

She does stay though, Rattikins. Coffee fir that mixed with cream, she holds her clawed hands together and lets them kneed at each other in anxiety. She has news for the master, the fey that calls itself a beast. She steps forward, the swarm of little rats following their mother and giving her strength to do the job she was gifted.

"Sir. Umm, I, umm, have news of some threats within the fiends. I really need to, umm, tell you about them," She says as she cleans her whiskers. She scoops up one of the rats from the hundreds milling about her feet. "Parsivold overheard one of the skitter cats talking about trying to escape. Being such a good rat he told me that, umm, Farquad skitter cat found a way out to the hedge. Apparently the cat found a doorway in the unexplored sewer tunnels running under the castle." Rattikins looked up, expecting to ether be yelled at or be praised for the information she'd discovered.

"Deal with it Rat, I haven't time for this tonight." The fay waves a skeleton's hand toward her, his eyes never leaving the fires burning in the distance. "Tonight is too bloody to worry about some escaping worm." The beast began walking through the streets, reaching in to a house every now and then to scoop out some poor child who'd hidden inside.

Rattikins, left alone and not contracted to fight, decides to see if the cat was right about the way out of this nightmare. She scoopes up a few of her most prized pets and sends the others to keep an eye on the master. With him distracted, a once in a red moon happening, tonight might be the night that She might be able to wiggle out of this contract she'd signed.

She'd heard of those who'd escaped. Information gathering for her was second nature, something she'd traded her soul for in fact. Through the tails of her rat network, she'd heard of some changelings managing to escape the fay and establish safe havens back in reality. The beast kept a good eye on his minions usually, using Rattikins as secret police in capturing the wayward souls. Tonight was different though, tonight the master wasn't focused on her and she knew of an open gate in to the hedge.

She wades in to the sewers, the muck clinging to her fir in clumps and making progress slow. She blanches at the thought of how long the stink of the sludge would stick to her after this, she didn't know when the next time she'd manage to find a bath would be and didn't look forward to what she'd have to do if there was no other way to clean. Her babies cling to her back, she felt their fear of the water below and disgust ripple through them.

Above her, Rattikens heard screaming. The beast and his minions were slaughtering innocents by the mouth full, each person more fire to their bonfire of violence. She shivers at the thought of what she knows is going on up there.

Ahead she sees a light, something shimmery and defiantly not of this rotting world. She sequels and hurries toward the next bend, sure that soon she'd be out of this hell. Then something rippled inside of her, fear blossoming in her belly and her whiskers tingling. One of her rats, Panpell, had seen the master opening a sewer grate not far from where she was. His face had looked angry, so red that he glowed. She scrabbles through the black water, no longer caring about the smell and only worried about escape.

"Rattikins, come back. I own you." The beast of dreams roared, his voice bouncing around the tunnel and making her jump. She claws against the brick of the walls, using every bit of strength she has to just move faster.

And there it is, the light. Green like the spring she hasn't seen in years and full of life. Her squeak of glee is almost drowned out by the thundering footsteps of her keeper as he rounds the bend behind her. She pushes through the opening, the rats on her back clinging to her so tight that she begins to bleed as she falls in to the thorns in front of her.

For a moment she rests. The air of the trod she'd found smelled of grass and lavender, the sun drying her soaking body, and the joy of her little ones as they experienced pleasing smells for the first time in their lives. She giggles to herself and smiles.

"Rattikins! Come back here." The beast says, his horned face feet from the open doorway. Rattikins squeaks and places her hand on the side of the gate, glamour long hoarded flowing through her as she forces the opening closed.