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Welcome to Haven Quest, where you play a newbie Super Hero who's recently joined an organization of superhumans dedicated to keeping the peace and protecting people.
Chargen Part 1


Half Dragon, Half Cat, Half Spellbook, All Cute
On Your Lap, Sleeping
It's early October, and as far as you know, the snow is a few weeks off. That said, by the standards of most places, early October in Russia is pretty fucking cold. You shiver and pull your coat around you as The lean, silver-haired man stares over his glasses at you. The Clockmaker Entity isn't known for his patience, but he seems willing to wait as you wonder at the one city in the world that everyone knows the name of. Haven is a marvel, a city built by superhuman hands and superhuman means in the ruins of what was Moscow. In places, the architectural styles clash, but the city thrives. You see casual displays of power as you wander through the marker towards the main center of operations, people transforming into animals or cooking with supernatural skill or producing bursts of elemental power to amuse their audiences. It's true that a large chunk of the popuilation is Powered or Changed in some way, but most don't have the casual strength or control over it these people show off like it's nothing. Clockwork gives you a knowing smile.

"Beautiful,isn't it?" He waves the hand not holding the cane around.

"Y-Yeah. It's like something out of a comic book." You say, in a tone full of reverence and awe. You're talking to one of the most powerful Wyvern-class Entities in Haven, or so you've heard, and as such you're doing your best to be proffesional, but that's a little difficult.

"Let me tell you a secret, young one." His grin turns conspiratorial. "You never quite get over it."

You ponder that as you walk. Such openness with the supernatural is not exactly something you're used to, but you honestly quite like it. It makes you feel safe, and it makes you feel welcome. Clockwork guides you deeper into the city, watching you with amusement and mild concern written on his features as you visibly goggle at the place most calll the City Of Heroes. Eventually, you're guided past a set of ornate if solid gates and into an atrium, where you're presented with forms to sign. You see, Superheroes have legal responsibilities, and an organization of them does best with...external conflicts when it can identify its members and use that information to foresee issues. So, bearing that in mind, who are you?

Lore Document (MUST READ)
Mechanics (Please At Least Skim)

[ ] Write In

[ ] She/Her
[ ] He/Him
[ ] They/Them
{ ] He/They
[ ] She/They


[ }Arachnoids: There are two somewhat distinct varieties of Arachnoids, Spider-People and Scorpion-People. The two have the following traits in common:

Extra Limbs: Arachnoids have an extra set of both arms and eyes, allowing them to dual-wield two handed weapons or quad-wield one-handed ones, though both make the penalty go from a halved dice pool to a quartered one. Additionally, their eyes have half their Passive instead of Passive 0.

Carapace: Every Arachnoid possesses a natural instance of Plating on each of their limbs save eyes with 1 HP. This carapace naturally regenerates every reset regardless of all other damage so long as the limb it would be attached to still exists, but cannot be healed.

Variant Traits: Stingers/Webbing The choice of which of these to use depends on whether one is a Spider or Scorpion Arachnoid.

Webbing allows the user to substitute Constitution for Intelligence when repairing damaged but not destroyed armor, and to do it a number of times equal to their Constitution stat in one Phase without expending actions, but the webbing decays upon next phase

Stingers allow the user to add their Constitution as Additional Dice to Brawling attacks against living creatures, and any living creature damaged by a Brawling attack must make an End check with a DC equal to the user's Con to avoid taking an additional 1 Passive-Ignoring damage.

[ ]Orks: Smaller than most Brutes, Orks are nevertheless considered just as terrifying an opponent due to their ability to grow actively and sometimes vastly stronger during combat. Orks have the following traits:

Dumb As A Brick: Orks are, generally, not the brightest of lightbulbs. An Ork's Intelligence is capped at 1 during CC in addition to the naturally assigned 1 and requires 2x SP to raise naturally.

Barely Tickled: Orks reduce all damage by a flat 1 after passive, which cannot be bypassed under any circumstances.

Ghaz's Echoes: Every round of combat, an Ork gains +1 to all stats, including Intelligence. This stacks a number of times equal to the Ork's Constitution unmodified by this ability. This ability lasts for 2d2 rounds after hostilities finish.

Up Close And Personal: Every ranged weapon an Ork uses has 1/5th the range it normally does, as they find it incredibly hard to focus on faraway enemies without giving into the urge to get in fightin' range.

[ ]Humans: Despite their lack of visible advantages, humans are a frustratingly adaptable bunch that have managed to keep themselves as pretty integral to every civilization through little other than sheer chutzpah.

I'll Figure It Out: Humans gain 1.5x SP from all sources.

{ ]Halfling: Short, a little scrawny, and yet somehow still surviving in spite of both of those things. Halflings are probably the single most well-liked race on average throughout the whole planet. Halflings have the following traits:

Diminutive: Halflings have halved move speed and their Strength at Character Creation out cannot be higher than 1, along with requiring them to spend quadruple SP to raise it. Their Dexterity requires half SP to raise, however, and their small size grants them 3 Dice to Active Defense per point of Dexterity rather than two.

Squishy: Halfling Passive caps at 3 barring powers, and they bleed out twice as fast as other races.

Better To Be Lucky Than Good: Halflings can reroll all 1s on a given check a number of times equal to their Charisma every phase.

[ ] Minotaurs: Take the rage of Orks and the size of Saurians, and toss it into one very angry, very powerful package. Behold, Minotaurs:

Bloodbath: Minotaurs gain +1 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, and each of them requires 1/2 SP cost to raise further. Additionally, all SP gained by Minotaurs from combat is considered free-floating.

Seeing Red: Should a combat continue for more rounds than the Minotaur has points of Willpower they go berserk, and their targets start getting picked randomly from friends and foes both.

Not Done Yet: Minotaurs double their End dice for purposes of resisting incapacitation, unconsciousness, and death. While rolling End, Minotaurs automatically return to sanity until they fall unconscious, begin bleeding out, or die.

[ ] Saurian: Otherwise known as Lizardfolk, Scalemen, or Reptids, these people are widely known for their agility and durability. Despite their cold blood, they are not strictly logical beings, being as emotional as the other races, if not moreso. Due to their natural proclivity to consume large amounts of meat, Saurians tend to produce some of the best chefs. Where they came from isn't clear exactly, but these humanoid reptiles are a welcome sight to those besieged by horrors of flesh.

Scaled Hide: Saurians possess thick, durable scales to protect themselves, granting them +3 natural Passive against kinetic attacks but -3 Natural Passive against Energy Based attacks

Dinokin: Saurians are a hardy bunch and possess a +1 to Str and Con along with a +2 to Dex and immunity to most conventional diseases and poisons, this comes at a cost of rolling Endurance every round to stay conscious in areas that are 50 Fahrenheit or lower with a starting DC of 5.

Oversized Geckos: Saurians possess a fast metabolism and a certain regenerative capacity more similar to an axolotl than a lizard, and as such possess a natural regeneration of 1HP a round and may expend a full round action to consume a corpse, healing an amount of HP equal to ¾ that creature's Maximum HP. Naturally, using this on anything that can think or talk without its consent is frowned upon. Additionally, they cannot consume more HP than their own maximum unless they are currently at negative health, and sufficiently damaged corpses grant less or no HP.

[ ]Dalmani: No one is really sure how these balls of sentient tendrils came to be, but they have quickly proven themselves to be skilled diplomats and scholars. Despite their vaguely unnatural mien, eccentric personalities and strange bodies, Dalmani are well liked by most factions due to their extremely cheerful and friendly natures. Angering a Dalmani should be done with care, however, as they are not pushovers and do not forgive slights directed at them or their friends.

Nonstandard Existence: Due to the Dalmani's lack of limbs or organs aside from a single eye, (No one is quite sure how they hear, taste,or smell but they do it well enough) they are completely and utterly immune to any and all called shots and take halved damage from single target attacks as their writhing mass shifts around the damage. Additionally they regenerate twice the amount of HP a phase than the baseline and cannot be killed by physical means aside from complete disintegration or other methods of absolutely destroying a body, as they always eventually regenerate from even the smallest bit of flesh, though this takes longer the more destroyed they are.

Scholarly Orbs: Being a sentient ball of tendrils has its upsides and downsides, like the benefits of legs, arms, and complex organ systems. There are also benefits to this, like most of your body being your brain. As such, they possess a -1 to Str, Dex and Con but gain +1 in Int, Will and Chr and have halved SP costs for increasing Will due to their strong minds and stronger souls.

Writhing Mass: Any and all attacks done by a Dalmani possesses Unpredictable 2 as their form stretches and changes erratically to unleash attacks from a variety of different angles. This, however, renders them unable to wear most standard varieties of armor, and even if they can, wearing armor not specifically produced by certain types of power negates the unpredictable effect.

[ ]Gorekin: Body horror galore! These unsettling humanoids are born from the hubris of a conclave of powerful Biokinetics. They take a great many different forms but are always noticeably Gorekin due to their unnatural shapes and general bloody aesthetic. It is believed they were human, once, or at least humans were used as a base to develop them. They are not sociable, they are not friendly, but Gorekin are universally compassionate and caring.

Sons and Daughters of Flesh: Gorekin possess +2 Will and Con and may reduce their Max HP or MP by 2 to add a single stat point to any stat, this may be done as many times as the Gorekin wishes, but can only be undone with a standard phase action.

Masters of Mending: Gorekin, born of and shaped by biokinetic influence, are innately aware of how the body functions and gain +4 dice to any Medicine checks. Additionally as an action they may expend 1 HP to roll Surgery on any non-Gorekin target as they inject their flesh into them, shifting and warping their gifted biomass to replace what was lost.

Horrors of Man: Gorekin are utterly horrifying, start with their Charisma at 1 and when interacting with any non Gorekin, no matter their Charisma it is treated as either 1 or 0 for the purpose of social skills due to their terrifying visage, additionally it takes twice as much SP to raise any social skill as they find social graces difficult.

The Children of Nature: Enigmatic and quite rare even compared to Minotaurs and other fairly solitary races, The Children each embody a part of the natural world. They have the following traits:

Favored: There are five types of Children, each of which gains +2 to a stat and a single bonus relating to their affinity with their element.

Earth: +2 Strength, they may use Strength to calculate movement while on stone or dirt.

Water: +2 Constitution, they may instantly restore half the damage they took from a single physical attack once per reset as their flesh flows over a wound.

Air: +2 Perception, they may ignore stealth bonuses granted by terrain so long as they are within the same atmosphere as a foe.

Fire: +2 Willpower, they may burn 2 MP to add Willpower to a single non-attack roll check once per round during combat.

Light: +2 Dexterity, they may choose to teleport anywhere they can see within their normal movement range rather than move normally at will, so long as both where they start and where they end is well lit.

[ ]Survivalist: You lived in a village outside the relative safety of any of the walled cities. Unfortunately, your self-sufficiency wasn't enough to stop what destroyed that village, and heroes from Haven had to rescue you. You took the opportunity to become one of your saviors, out of gratitude, a sense of duty, and perhaps, to protect others like you.

Skilled: You have 15 Skill Ranks at CC rather than 12.

Rugged: You may increase Endurance to 4 instead of 3 at base during CC.

[ ]You Too Can Be A Hero: All your life, you trained for this. You were a child during the Graveyard War, and by the time you were old enough to really think or decide things for yourself, Haven was a shining beacon of heroism. It called to you like nothing else, and so you honed yourself into as heroic a person as you could be.

I Trained For This!: You worked hard, training with your abilities. If your power unlocks or boosts a skill, you may invest up to 4 skill ranks in that power at character creation

Woah, you're X!: When rolling Knowledge rolls related to Entities,you have 2 Additional Dice and if the Entity is particularly well known, this bonus increases.

The X Entity Did That!: You idolize a hero with a similar power to yourself, and as such shape your power growth similarly. The GM will occasionally give you hints, when buying abilities, in terms of what the hero you idolized chose. Please understand that following these hints isn't necessarily guaranteed to be optimal, but is always guaranteed to be interesting.

[ ] Normal Person: You were just kind of a normal person before either you achieved something impossible where you should have died or you suffered some horribly traumatic circumstance and you gained power. You then decided you may as well do the right thing... and you lost your job. So you decided to become a Superhero.

Did Not Train For This:You may not invest more than 2 skill ranks into any combat (weapon or power), however, you may invest 4 points in any social skill, craft skill, or knowledge skills other than the base knowledge/craft skills themselves (this is because base craft/knowledge cap out at 5 and can't be raised past 3 until you've raised all their tier 2 specialization skills to 2.)

Everyman: You have 2 Additional Dice to Insight, Convince and Lie checks when interacting with everyday citizens or the otherwise unpowered, as you navigate those social structures more than most people with powers. Additionally, the GM will roll behind the scenes for how well connected you are.

[ ]Youthful Veteran: For years you were in the military, fighting monsters, men, and Entities as part of your unit.
Live By The Gun: You unlock the Rifle Skill Variant Volley at character creation, as you have a lot of experience fighting in a firing line or small squad.

Focused: At character creation, when you assign your stats, you have 2 3s, 3 2s, and 2 1s to distribute instead of the standard 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1.

[ ] Dreamer, Dream: Many consider what you have to be a power. The way you pick up martial skills at unnatural rates, the strange, earnest charisma that surrounds you like the warmth of a comforting hearth, and the flashes of baseless intuition correct far more than they ought to be. Enough people considered it that you were accepted amongst the hallowed halls of Haven, even. You know better. Each night you walk in the shoes of a better man, and all your gains are but the least of what he had simply by being. You are unworthy, now, but each night you get one, shuddering step closer. Something calls you in your sleep, to the wastes outside your new home. You are not ready yet. You will be. ( A note: choosing this one with Dalmani is probably a bad idea. The man you dream about was definitely not a shoggoth.)

[ ] No Shadow Without Light: The darkness was always a comforting home to you. Where others feared imaginary monsters lurking in its depths, you knew that you would be hidden better from anything within them than they would be from you. As you grew older inky shadows draped around you like a warm cloak, and though many balk at the sinister nature of the power you wield, you know better. There is no better place to hunt the monsters of the world than the abyss in which they hide.

[ ]Like Clay, Shaped: Part of you pities near enough everyone you've ever met. Their bodies are prisons. Static, unchanging, finite. Even those you meet with powers alike to your own have but a few more degrees of freedom, bound as they are to a single creature or a single aspect of their beings. You are infinite. You close your eyes at night and think of soaring wings, ravening maws, grasping tendrils, scales and fur and chitin, and all of it is yours. You are clay, and you shall not settle for being a single sculpture when you can be every statue ever made.

[ ]Flickering Candles: There is a light inside you. You don't know what it is, truly, though you doubt anyone knows their own power well enough to answer that question save the greatest of the Dragons anyway. That light has been slowly growing since you discovered it, though as of yet it seems frustratingly difficult to use. You are not here in Haven because of what you can already do, but because what your power means. The last to have powers described like this were both Dragons. Uber became capable of whatever he believed he should be, and Amaterasu grew a little more unstoppable every sunrise, until it seemed more that the sun announced her than the other way around. You stand in hallowed company, though part of you wonders if you deserve to so much as exist upon the shoulders of these giants. (edited)

[ ]Fragments and Pieces: I am Legion, for we are many. It started with voices, and in truth you were more inclined to think yourself insane than blessed with a power. You hid them from everyone close to you for as long as you could, even as they grew louder and more insistent, until something changed. The first time your life was threatened you felt their speaking shift, the cacophony growing quiet until a single voice, somehow tinted gold, told you to grab something inside yourself and tear. Thus was born the Valiant, courage and honor personified, a knight in shining armor to stand between you and the world until either he breaks or it does. The next was the Mourning, a gentle hand upon your shoulder, a friend grieving for the innocence you'd lost and promising to stand beside you until the both of you are but dust and bones. These were the first, the rest simply await your order to drag themselves from your mind into the world. Part of you wonders what you lost, in making them. The rest of you knows what you gained, and wonders if what you lost even matters.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to my new quest, set in an original Superhero setting during what's basically the Golden Age Of Heroics! I hope you have fun! X-Posted from SB. Approval voting preferred.
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[X] [Gender/Pronouns] She/Her
[X] [Race] Dalmani
[X] [Background] Survivalist
[X] [Power] Flickering Candles

Coming up with names is beyond me.
I will still have to read the lore documents fully, but this quest seems like it as potential.

As for a name for a scholarly tentacle creature.

Scholarly -> library -> Liberin

[X][Name] Liberin of Olm deep.

[X] [Gender/Pronouns] She/Her
[X] [Race] Dalmani
[X] [Background] Survivalist
[X] [Power] Flickering Candles
[X]Plan Of Flesh and Hidden Faces
-[X] He/They
-[X] Like Clay, Shaped
-[X] Normal Person
-[X] Humans
-[X] Amine Mare

As a shapshifter, Amine could use a lot of skills, so human makes more sense since it gives more experience.
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ah sorry forgot to close vote!

Most of the votes were on SB, so
Fire Child, Flickering Candles and You Too Can Be A Hero won! i'll post the next update as soon as I can, and i won't forget to add SV into the tally next time >->
That's right, you know who you are. Your name is Shana Bartolomeo, and your bright red hair seems to flicker and move, and your amber eyes seem to blaze with an inner fire.As far as you can remember, you were born during the Graveyard War and fell into a strange coma not long before it ended. Your adoptive father, Bartholmew Bartolomeo, found you in the ruins of a blasted-out village somewhere in the Empire Of The Rising Sun, one of the last villages to fall in the campaign against Harvest. You woke up in a hospital some time after the destruction of your vilage, and once you learned the news and were shown the remnants of your home, you felt strange, somewhat disconnected from life. Like you weren't sure of anything anymore,even your identity.

You agreed to let Papa be your new parent, and he took you home. You were a bit listless, and he wasn't sure what to do about it. So he told you stories. Stories about the war, about the day of The Ritual. Stories of brave men and women fighting together against the undead tides. Stories about the time before the Graveyard War. How even as many of the powerful chose to become strategic weapons for their countries, others suited up in colorful uniforms and decided to fight for Peace, Justice, and a Better Tommorow instead of for any country. These were the first Heroes, though this approach would not prove truly popular until after the Graveyard War ended and the various Entities refused to serve the ambitions of their homelands as Haven formed in the ashes of Moscow. Your father smiled whenever he spoke of Heroes. and how proud he was to be considered one of them. Despite his fierce draconic visage,people considered your father a hero.

He spoke at length of friends he made in the war.Beacon, the man who shone with emerald light, clad in the strength of his will. The Engineer, one of the most powerful and versatile Sparks in exiistence. C, the Speedster,, the Fastest Man Alive.. Amaterasu, the woman who shined like the sun that caused her power to grow. Yes, people called him the Heretic Entity, so named because he resembled a demonic dragon in his fullly transformed state, but you called him Papa. And when he told his stories, he smiled. As you got older, you and Papa traveled the world, showing up in spots where villainous influences or dangerous beasts had cropped up. You watched your father save people, watched as he fought for people who couldn't defend themselves. Rarely did he use more than his claws and perhaps his breath weapon. The people Papa saved smiled, the same way Papa did when he told you his stories, and that made you want to be like him. You wanted to be a hero who could make people smile. Your power eventually came in, and so you decided that you would be. When you confidently informed your father of your decision, he sat you down, and you talked about it.

"The burden of a Hero is heavy, kiddo. You sure you want to do that?"

"Mhhm. I can do it, Papa. I can be like you." You said, your english still heavily accented by the Japanese. that had been your first language.

"Alright, then. Seems like we're going to be training you from now on, then. If you're going to be a hero, you had best be ready for it."

And so, in your travels you trained. Your father taught you to fight, among the other skills you would need as a hero. Granted, he couldn't exactly teach you to fight like him, you didn't grow claws or breathe unholy fire, but it did help. Eventually, you would come to Haven a few short weeks before your 20th birthday. Your father released you into clockwork's custody, flapped his leathery wings, and flew away.

Prounouns: They/Them
Child Of Fire: +2 Willpower, the user may burn 2 MP to add Willpower to a single non-attack roll check once per round during combat.

Flickering Candles
Passive Bonuses: None?

The Flame Burns: ??/??? Closer...closer...your flame burns every higher, readying itself.

You Too Can Be A Hero: All your life, you trained for this. You were a child during the Graveyard War, and by the time you were old enough to really think or decide things for yourself, Haven was a shining beacon of heroism. It called to you like nothing else, and so you honed yourself into as heroic a person as you could be.
I Trained For This!: You worked hard, training with your abilities. If your power unlocks or boosts a skill, you may invest up to 4 skill ranks in that power at character creation Gain one Gm Help Token since your power doesn't unlock any skills, sorry! A GM Help Token is something you can burn when things are desperate or when you're unsure what to do, and i'll tell you the best option of the ones available to you. Treasure this.

Woah, you're X!: When rolling Knowledge rolls related to Entities,you have 2 Additional Dice and if the Entity is particularly well known, this bonus increases.

The X Entity Did That!: You idolize another hero, and want to be like them. The GM will occasionally give you hints, when buying abilities, in terms of what the hero you idolized chose. Please understand that following these hints isn't necessarily guaranteed to be optimal, but is always guaranteed to be interesting.

You have 12 skill ranks to distribute between your skills, and no skill may be increased above 3 at character creation.
Additionally, you have 1 3, 5 2s, and a 1 to distribute stat-wise.

Your stats are:

HP: 2 Points per Constution Point
MP: 2 Points Per MP Point
Physical Passive Defense: 1 Point per Constitution
Mental Passive Defense: 1 Per Willpower
Movement: 10 Feet/ 2 Grid Squares Per Dexterity

Willpower: (+2 from Race)

The skill options are listed in the mechanics document.

Please Plan Vote your skil/stat distrubution plans. Ask me any questions you like.
I'm a little confused at how you'll handle cross-site voting. It feels like it inherently makes things harder for people to convince others to their vote because trying to advocate their plan on another site could be seen as brigading
Cross-site quests can be a bit annoying, because any plans on the less populous website will be automatically outvoted.
Something like Heartworm where the QM had a moratorium followed by a post summarizing the plans from both sites can help alleviate some of that annoyance.
I'm a little confused at how you'll handle cross-site voting. It feels like it inherently makes things harder for people to convince others to their vote because trying to advocate their plan on another site could be seen as brigading have a point. i think im gonna give up cross-site posting this. have a point. i think im gonna give up cross-site posting this.
I don't think you need to give up. Implementing a two-part voting section like WallFlower described would not only make cross site voting easier, it also lets people resist their priorities if they know their plan isn't going to win, giving a clearer picture of what people actually want. By giving voters time to reasses their votes, the end result is more accurate to what the voterbase wants
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Voting is open