Haunting Hour (A Ghost Hunter Quest)

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The town of Ravenwood is shrouded in mystery and fear, as whispers of a dangerous cult spread throughout the community. People are disappearing without a trace, and those who remain live in constant fear of being the next victim. Amidst the chaos, a group of ghost hunters has come to Ravenwood, determined to uncover the truth and put an end to the cult's reign of terror. As they delve deeper into the dark history of the town, they discover that the cult's power reaches far beyond what they ever could have imagined, and that the stakes are higher than they ever could have anticipated.

Will they survive long enough to stop the darkness that threatens to consume Ravenwood? Or will they become its next victim?

Only time will tell in this heart-pounding adventure of ghosts, cults, and the brave souls who fight against them.
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Chapter 1 Update 0
New York
The town of Ravenwood was once a quiet, peaceful place where nothing ever seemed to happen. It was your average, stereotypical suburb. Close enough to the city to give you things to do in your free time but far enough away to not have to deal with the nonstop hustle and bustle of the city. The people who lived here led simple, contented lives, rarely venturing beyond the borders of their little community.

That was until the disappearances started.

People had been vanishing from Ravenwood, seemingly without a trace. At first, it was just one or two people who went missing without a trace. But then the numbers started to climb until it seemed like someone was vanishing every week. The authorities were at a loss, unable and/or unwilling, to explain the strange occurrences. The townsfolk whispered about the supernatural, but no one dared to say it out loud.

As the months went by and the disappearances continued, the town slowly transformed into a place of fear and suspicion. People no longer felt safe walking the streets at night, and many of them began to believe that the only way to protect themselves was to take matters into their own hands.

That's when the rumors began to take shape into something more tangible. People whispered about a cult that was operating in the town, one that was responsible for the disappearances and the terror that had gripped the community. No one knew who these cultists were, or what they wanted, but everyone was sure that they posed a grave threat.

Amidst this chaos, one specific individual in the town has recently developed supernatural abilities, abilities that would set them on a direct collision course with this rumored cult, along with a ragtag team of "ghost hunters". This would lead them down a dangerous path, one that would test their courage, their loyalty, and their very sanity.

This individual will uncover secrets that were meant to stay buried, face enemies they never knew existed, and confront the horrors of the unknown. But if they can survive long enough to unravel the truth, they may just be able to save Ravenwood from the darkness that threatens to consume it.

Or die trying.

The story of Ravenwood's descent into madness has just begun.

Pick your MC!

[]Michael Ramirez
Background: Age 29, A former medical researcher who accidentally exposed himself to a virus, granting him the ability to somewhat manipulate his body on a molecular level. He experimented with his body, pushing the limits of what he could do. Michael's scientific mind is always constantly working, trying to find new ways to utilize his abilities.
Personality: Analytical and reserved, Michael can be socially awkward, but his scientific mind is always working.
Likes: Conducting experiments, research, and analyzing data.
Dislikes: Ignorance, unscientific thinking, and anyone who disregards his findings.
Ability: At the moment Michael can only grow additional limbs (6 max), regenerate at a very slow rate, and harden his skin.

Pros: Michael's scientific mind and ability to control his own body make him a valuable asset in investigating and combating supernatural threats. Michael can learn new things at a rapid pace.

Cons: Michael's reserved nature can make it difficult for him to connect with others and work effectively in a team. His desire for scientific proof can also lead him to dismiss more spiritual or supernatural explanations.

[]Lily Chen
Background: Age 21, A former circus performer who discovered she can stretch her limbs to incredible lengths. Lily's newfound ability allowed her to perform even more impressive stunts, and she quickly became the star of the circus. However, Lily soon grew bored with the circus life and set out to explore the world.
Personality: Energetic and optimistic, Lily's free-spirited nature can sometimes lead her into trouble.
Likes: Performing, practicing her powers, and trying new things.
Dislikes: Confinement, boredom, and people who tell her what to do.
Ability: Lily can stretch her limbs to incredible lengths, making her an expert acrobat and a valuable asset in hard-to-reach locations.

Pros: Lily's energetic nature and free-spirited attitude make her a fun and positive addition to any team. Her acrobatic skills and ability to stretch her limbs can also come in handy during investigations.

Cons: Lily's impulsive nature can lead her to make reckless decisions or put herself in danger. Her lack of experience in dealing with conflict can also be a liability.

[]Jack Murphy
Background: Age 38, Jack is a former Navy SEAL who left the military after being injured in combat. He struggled with PTSD and turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism. After a near-death experience during a drunken bender, he decided to turn his life around and use his combat skills to fight against supernatural threats.
Personality: Blunt, stoic, serious
Likes: Working out, beer, action movies, his therapy dog.
Dislikes: Authority, expressing his feelings, ghosts
Ability: Jack has the ability of Ghostly Touch - the ability to touch and interact with ghosts as if they were physical objects.

Pros: Jack's combat skills make him a formidable opponent, and his fearlessness helps him tackle dangerous situations head-on. Jack also has access to advanced ghost-hunting technology, courtesy of his NAVY seal connections.

Cons: His lack of intelligence and charm can make it difficult for him to plan ahead or communicate effectively with others. He also suffers from occasional flashbacks to his time in the military, which can impair his judgment. Jack is a recovering alcoholic, which can be a liability in certain situations.

[]Caleb Reed:
Background: Age 25, A young and ambitious journalist who is always on the lookout for his next big story. Caleb is smart and resourceful, and his writing skills are top-notch. However, his desire to get to the bottom of things can sometimes lead him to take risks that put him in danger. He is also a chronic cigarette smoker.
Personality: Ambitious, sarcastic, flirty
Likes: Uncovering the truth, flirting with women, challenges.
Dislikes: Liars, not getting his way, sticklers.
Ability: Caleb can materialize his body into smoke, allowing him to pass through solid objects and move undetected.

Pros: Caleb's journalistic skills and ability to move undetected can make him a valuable asset in investigating supernatural threats. His charm and wit can also be useful for gathering information and convincing others to help.

Cons: Caleb's smoking habit can be a liability in certain situations. His tendency to take risks can also put him and his team in danger. His lust for women can also lead him astray at times.
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Jack Murphy, Male, Age 38
6'0 200 lbs
Middle-aged Caucasian man with a buzz cut. Black hair and brown eyes. In very good physical shape.
Blunt, stoic, serious
Likes: Working out, beer, action movies, his therapy dog Max
Dislikes: Authority, expressing his feelings, ghosts

Current Life Count: 3

Strength: 15.5
Dexterity: 12
Endurance: 13
Intelligence: 5.5
Wisdom: 4
Charisma: .5
Combat: 11
Constitution: 7.5
Power: 6.5

Minimal: 0-4
Competent: 5-9
Proficient: 10-14
Expert: 15-19
Mastery: 20+

Strength: measures physical power and ability to perform physical tasks
Dexterity: measures agility, speed, and reflexes
Endurance: measures the ability to withstand damage and recover from injuries, HP
Intelligence: measures analytical and problem-solving skill
Wisdom: measures intuition, perception, and ability to read situations
Charisma: measures social skills and ability to influence others
Combat: measures combat IQ and your hand to hand combat skill.
Constitution: Essentially Mana for supernatural abilities
Power: measures skill at using supernatural ability if said character possesses one.

Ethereal Embrace: Using Ghostly Touch, the user can embrace a ghostly opponent and absorb some of their spectral energy, using it to temporarily increase their strength and agility.
Cost: High.
Proficiency Points: 2/10 PP

Spectral Sight - The ability to see ghosts that are normally invisible to the naked eye.
Cost: Minimal
Proficiency Points: 3/10 PP

Ethereal Push - Use a burst of energy to push ghosts away from the user or an object.
Cost: Medium
Proficiency Points: 3/10 PP

Holographic Decoy: This device projects a holographic image of a human or animal that can distract or lure ghostly entities away from the ghost hunters. The device has multiple settings for image type, size, and movement, and can be controlled remotely for maximum effectiveness.

Ion Cannon: This weapon fires ionized particles that can disrupt ghostly energy fields and weaken or destroy them. The cannon is mounted on a tripod and can be aimed and fired remotely, making it a safe and effective tool for ghost hunting.

UV Light Scanner: This tool emits ultraviolet (UV) light and is used to locate ghostly residues or evidence that is not visible to the naked eye. The scanner has a digital display that shows the UV intensity and can be used to take photographs or video of the evidence.

Sonic Disruptor - This device emits a focused burst of high-frequency sound waves that can disorient and disrupt ghostly entities, making them easier to capture. The disruptor is compact and easy to carry, and can be used in a variety of different environments.

Plasma Cutter: A handheld cutting tool that uses a super-heated plasma beam to slice through solid objects, making it useful for cutting through barriers and obstructions created by ghostly manifestations.

Dimensional Anchor: A device that creates a localized field that prevents ghosts from moving or teleporting out of a specific area, allowing ghost hunters to trap or capture them.

Ionized Gas Grenade: The Ionized Gas Grenade emits a cloud of ionized gas that disrupts the energy fields of ghosts and weakens their paranormal abilities. The grenade has a timed fuse and can be thrown or launched from a device.

Ghost Net Launcher: A gun-like device that shoots a web of energy that can trap a ghost, immobilizing it and preventing it from escaping. The net is made of a special alloy that is resistant to ghostly energy, ensuring that the ghost cannot simply pass through it.

Spectral Analyzer: A device that can detect and analyze the composition of ghostly energy. The analyzer is equipped with a screen that displays a visual representation of the energy readings, allowing ghost hunters to identify the type of ghost they are dealing with and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Anti-Ghost Baton: A baton that is made of a special conductive material that can deliver a powerful electric shock to ghostly entities. It can be used to temporarily immobilize ghosts, allowing the ghost hunters to capture or banish them.
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All stats are out of 20

Competent: 5
Proficient: 10
Expert: 15
Mastery: 20+

Strength: measures physical power and ability to perform physical tasks
Dexterity: measures agility, speed, and reflexes
Endurance: measures the ability to withstand damage and recover from injuries, HP
Intelligence: measures analytical and problem-solving skills
Wisdom: measures intuition, perception, and ability to read situations
Charisma: measures social skills and ability to influence others
Combat: measures combat IQ and your hand to hand combat skill.
Constitution: Essentially Mana for supernatural abilities
Power: measures skill at using supernatural ability if said character possesses one.


When performing an action with risk of failure, I will roll 2d20 and compare the results to relevant stats (if any), plus or minus any relevant modifiers.

If neither result is below your stat level - you fail easily.
If one result is above and one below your skill level, whichever one is larger determines if you succeed/fail with difficulty. In the case of a tie I will roll again.
If both results are below your stat level - you succeed easily
Doubles (when both dice come up the same number) cause a complication - in your favor if you succeeded, or against you if you failed.

If the dice roll is unrelated to any relevant stat then using the same system above it will be compared to the dice chance of the roll.

If both results are below DC - you fail easily.
If one is above and one below DC, whichever one is larger - you succeed/fail with difficulty.
If both are above DC - you succeed easily.
Doubles (when both dice come up the same number) cause a complication - in your favor if you succeeded, or against you if you failed.

Constitution Cost:

All of your moves have a constitution cost. The cost of a move can vary from; Minimal, Low, Medium, High, Massive, and Colossal.

For a broad barometer, minimal costs are moves you can spam nonstop with a minuscule impact on your constitution. Low costs are move you can spam but slowly drain your constitution. Medium costs are moves you can use repeatedly but take a toll on you, High costs are moves you can typically use 2-4 times within a day, maybe more depending on your constitution stat. Massive costs are moves you can use once or twice max. Colossal costs represents moves that completely use all of your constitution and have the ability to render you unconscious, severely injured, or even kill you.

Proficiency Points:

For every move you learn there is a max of 10 Proficiency Points or PP to put into it.

For example a fireball move with 2/10 PP might just be a generic fireball. Upgrading to 4/10 could be a much larger size fireball. 5/10 PP could reduce the constitution cost of the fireball from medium to low. 6/10 could make them a barrage of fireballs instead of just a singular one and 10/10 could make them hone in on their target. I'm just floating random examples here but my point is that all moves have potential to improve with PP put into them.


The ranking system for Ghost Hunters is as follows

Novice: A beginner ghost hunter who is just starting out and has minimal experience with the paranormal.

Amateur: A ghost hunter with some experience and basic knowledge of ghost hunting techniques and equipment.

Adept: A skilled ghost hunter with significant experience and knowledge of advanced ghost hunting techniques and equipment.

Veteran: A highly experienced ghost hunter with a deep understanding of the paranormal and exceptional skills in investigating and dealing with ghosts.

Elite: A top-tier ghost hunter with exceptional skills, knowledge, and experience, who is respected and recognized as one of the best in the field.

Master: An expert ghost hunter who has achieved a high level of mastery in the field, with unparalleled skills and knowledge.

Grandmaster: A legendary ghost hunter who has achieved the highest level of mastery in the field and is revered as a true expert and leader in the ghost hunting community.

Sage: A ghost hunter who has transcended the physical realm and has gained profound spiritual insight and wisdom, with the ability to communicate with ghosts on a deep and profound level.

Ascended: A ghost hunter who has transcended mortal limitations and has achieved a higher state of being, with god-like powers and the ability to control and manipulate the paranormal.

Divine: A ghost hunter who has achieved ultimate enlightenment and has become one with the universe, with complete control over all aspects of the paranormal and the power to shape reality itself.

The ranking system for ghosts is as follows

Apparition - A weak and minor ghost that can barely manifest physically. They have limited abilities and are easy to defeat.

Poltergeist - A stronger ghost that can move objects, create disturbances, and cause physical harm. They have some level of intelligence and can be more difficult to banish.

Specter - A ghost with moderate power and intelligence that can manifest in a more solid form. They may have a specific goal or mission and can be difficult to defeat without proper preparation.

Wraith - A powerful and dangerous ghost with the ability to possess and control living beings. They can cause significant harm and require advanced techniques to defeat.

Shadow - A ghost that can move quickly and stealthily, often appearing as a dark humanoid shape. They have the ability to drain energy and can be challenging to detect and banish.

Revenant - A vengeful and powerful ghost that often seeks revenge against those who wronged them in life. They have strong psychic abilities and can be difficult to banish.

Polterknight - A ghost that often manifests as a knight or warrior and has significant physical strength and combat skills. They are often bound to a specific location and require specialized weapons or equipment to defeat.

Phantom - A powerful ghost with the ability to manipulate reality and create illusions. They are often associated with haunted objects or locations and require advanced knowledge and techniques to banish.

Archghost - The most powerful and elusive ghosts, often with unknown origins and abilities. They are capable of immense destruction and require a team of highly skilled ghost hunters to defeat.

Mission Level:

The Mission Levels for Ghost Hunters are as followed

Routine Investigations: These are the easiest missions that pose little to no threat. They usually involve basic information gathering or investigation of minor paranormal occurrences.

Small monetary compensation
Access to additional information about the ghost world
Increased reputation within the ghost hunting community

Low-Level Hauntings: These missions involve a more active presence of ghosts but are still manageable with standard equipment and tactics.

Moderate monetary compensation
Specialized equipment upgrades
Access to exclusive ghost hunting locations

Medium-Level Hauntings: These missions involve a stronger ghost presence and require more specialized equipment and tactics. The potential danger to the hunter is higher, but the mission is still manageable.

High monetary compensation
Advanced equipment upgrades
Access to powerful ghost hunting allies

High-Level Hauntings: These missions involve very powerful ghosts and require advanced equipment and tactics. The danger to the hunter is significant, and the mission may require additional backup.

Very high monetary compensation
Advanced equipment upgrades and customization
Access to powerful and rare ghost hunting artifacts

Extremely Dangerous Hauntings: These missions involve the most dangerous and powerful ghosts. The hunter's life is at serious risk, and the mission may require extensive planning and preparation.

Enormous monetary compensation
Access to top-level backup and support
Access to forbidden and powerful ghost hunting artifacts

Otherworldly Threats: These missions involve supernatural entities that are not necessarily ghosts but still pose a grave threat to the hunter. These entities may come from other dimensions or planes of existence.

Potentially life-changing rewards such as magical abilities or supernatural powers
Access to otherworldly knowledge and artifacts
Membership in exclusive supernatural organizations

Apocalyptic Threats: These missions involve the highest level of danger and threat to not only the hunter but potentially the entire world. These are the most challenging and potentially deadly missions that require all of the hunter's skills and resources to overcome.

The ultimate reward is saving the world from annihilation
Access to forbidden and ancient knowledge
Recognition and status as one of the greatest ghost hunters in history


All social interactions the MC has with other characters can either increase or decrease his reputation with them. Rep in this quest is out of 50, so the max you can have is 50 rep and the lowest you can have is -50. For a barometer -50 is hate, -25 strong dislike, -10 dislike, 0 indifference, 10 like, 25 friendship, and 50 is love. You can increase rep either through quest rewards or through social interactions with other characters. The amount of rep gained or lost is based on either the dice roll or the action that caused the change in rep. (Ex; Telling a girl she looks pretty will earn you less rep than saving her life.)

Life and Death:

You are given 3 lives at the start of every arc (normally 3-5 chapters in length). If you finish a chapter or arc with 0 or more lives you will receive rewards as normal.

If you finish a chapter or arc with a negative amount of lives you receive no rewards for that chapter or arc. In addition to that you will suffer a penalty for every life you have in the negative.

The consequence vary on how bad you did. -1 lives could result in losing points in stats, while -3 lives could result in one of the MC's allies or close friends dying. -6 lives.... well let's hope we don't reach that point.
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Character List
Maya Nguyen, Female, Age 28
5'2 120 lbs
Tan, peanut-butter skin. Long, wavy black hair and almond-brown eyes. Petite build
Empathetic, Intuitive, Kind.
Likes: Outdoors, Reading, Cooking
Dislikes: Unnecessary conflict, Horror movies, Injustice
Supernatural Ability: Currently Unknown

Marie LeBlanc, Female, Age 36
5'6 170 lbs.
Pale white skin. Medium-length, curly hair that is dyed in various shades of pink, purple, and blue. Blue eyes. Curvy build.
Flamboyant, Outspoken, Stubborn.
Likes: Conflict, Helping others, Proving people wrong
Dislikes: Disrespect, Liars, Hypocrites
Supernatural Ability: Currently Unknown

Stella Sanchez, Female, Age 29
5'8 140 lbs.
Tan, caramel skin. Long, curly black hair and emerald green eyes. Several tattoos and piercing across her body. Slender but curvy build.
Confident, Flirty, Mysterious
Likes: Attention, Flirting, Reality TV
Dislikes: Boring people, Closed-mindedness, Being ignored
Supernatural Ability: Currently Unknown

Jake Masters, Male, Age 23
6'0 175 lbs.
Tan, beige skin. Short-cropped sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes. Fit and muscular build.
Fearless, Impulsive, Thrill-Seeking
Likes: Adventure, Adrenaline, Getting into trouble
Dislikes: Boredom, Cowards, Authority
Supernatural Ability: Currently Unknown

Edgar "Eddie" Poe, Male, 33
5'9 120 lbs.
Very pale skin. Slicked back, black hair and brown eyes. Dark circles around his eyes. Very slender build.
Introspective, Reserved, Absent-minded
Likes: Black clothing, morbid poetry, Wine
Dislikes: Large social gatherings, Being the center of attention, Noisy people
Supernatural Ability: Currently Unknown
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Chapter 1 Update 1
[X]Jack Murphy

"Jack you gotta get up, we don't have any time!" Eddy yelled.

"Jack you hear me, you-"



You shot up out of bed, sitting up straight. No matter how many times you had the same nightmare, you'd never really got used to it

I'm not there anymore. You reminded yourself. I'm here. I'm safe.

Max was already standing near your bedside, sensing your distress. He whined and licked your hand eagerly. You gave him a scratch behind the ears, grateful for his presence. The large German Shepherd always managed to lift your spirits.

You took a deep breath, as you tried to settle your racing thoughts.

I came here for a reason. Just gotta stay focused on that and stop thinking about the bullshit.

That's right. Today was your first day in Ravenwood since you moved in. The small condo wasn't anything special but for a low-maintenance person like you, it got the job done. The stories about the mysterious disappearances of civilians in Ravenwood were enough to draw you here. The other rumors about cults and paranormal activity were just icing on the cake.

The skeptics would say the claims of ghosts and paranormal activity were folktales and nothing to be taken seriously.

You knew from first-hand experience that there were few things you should take more seriously.

As you got out of bed, and headed to the bathroom you glanced at Max, who was staring at you intently, as if trying to tell you something.

"What's up, boy?" You asked him. He barked once as in response. You chuckled and patted his head.

"Yeah, I know. We've got work to do."

Speaking of work, who are you working for?

[]The Society of Occult Research (SOR)
A society of scholars, researchers, and occultists who dedicate their lives to uncovering the mysteries of the supernatural. They are well-funded, well-connected, and have a wealth of knowledge at their disposal.

++ The SOR has access to a vast library of occult knowledge and has connections in the supernatural community that could prove useful in future missions. They are also well-funded and can provide their employees with top-of-the-line equipment and resources.

-- The SOR can be secretive and has a reputation for being somewhat elitist. They are also known to keep their employees on a tight leash, which can be frustrating for those who prefer to work independently.

[]The Department of Paranormal Defense (DPD)
A government agency that specializes in paranormal defense. They have access to advanced technology and resources that are not available to the public.

++ The DPD has access to advanced technology and resources that could prove invaluable in fighting supernatural threats. They also have a vast network of contacts and a decent amount of information at their disposal.

-- The DPD can be bureaucratic and always prioritizes the interests of the government over the well-being of its employees. They also have a reputation for being somewhat heavy-handed in their methods.

[]The Order of the Silver Star (OSS)
A secret organization dedicated to protecting society from supernatural threats. They have a long and storied history, dating back centuries. The Order is known for its strict code of ethics and its willingness to do whatever it takes to protect humanity.

++ The Order of the Silver Star is a highly skilled and well-equipped organization with a long history of dealing with supernatural threats. They have a strict code of ethics and are dedicated to protecting humanity at all costs.

-- The Order is secretive and may be difficult to work with. They may also have their own agenda and priorities that may not align with the needs of the people of Ravenwood.

[]The Paranormal Seeker Society (PSS)
This local group of ghost hunters takes a more laid-back approach to investigating the supernatural. They believe that the best way to capture evidence of ghosts and other paranormal activity is to approach the investigation with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. They don't rely on high-tech gadgets or equipment but instead rely on their intuition and their ability to connect with spirits.

++ The society has a lot of experience with supernatural investigations, and they have a fair amount of connections in the community. The relaxed and non-judgmental atmosphere of the group helps keep its members happy.

-- Don't have access to a lot of the high-tech equipment or technology that some of the other groups may have. Some of the members can be a bit wild, making them difficult to work with.

Going solo and taking ghost-hunting jobs as a freelancer is also an option.

++This option would give you complete control over your work and allow you to set your own rules.

--You would have to find your own clients, which could be difficult in a competitive market. You may struggle to build a reputation for yourself without the backing of a well-known organization. You also don't have the same connections that a larger organization may have.
[X]The Department of Paranormal Defense (DPD)

I like the idea that in a world where the supernatural exists the government becomes somewhat capable of handling them. Although I do like the narrative that OSS brings to the table.