Harry Potter and the Skittering Spouse

off hand comments about other people, especially if Annette was helping someone trying to get out of an abuseive relationship.
That would do it. I seems like the best way to get kids to remember life lessons years down the road isn't to explain it to them directly, it's to explain to someone else while the kid is nearby doing their own thing slash nosing into the adult conversation.
Had another thought on the housewife thing. Not proud of this one but… well fuck it. Taylor's mom might have specifically warned against it. If a guy had no morals or decency? His wife or girlfriend being financially dependent on him could be a means of controlling her. Could also mean a smaller social circle. Less people to notice warning signs and encourage getting out.

I feel scummy for thinking of it but I kept feeling like I was forgetting or missing something. Didn't click till I remembered… well it's an ADD train of thought that bounced around a lot but ended on a quote that stuck with me from a "support group" for catholic women in abusive marriages that tells women to not leave abusive husbands, but that if he tries to stop them going to church as another form of control they should insist on going to church anyway.

Yes it's disgusting that they call that a support group. Stuck with me because I honestly worry about my only two female little cousins who are being raised by my Uncle that once said straight faced that sex for anything but producing a child is a sin. God I pray those kids rebel once they get out of that house.

But yeah, that uhhh, that hit me this morning and I decided to spread the depression rather than suffer alone
As an ex-Catholic who refused Confirmation (lots of people on these forums have heard my rants about 8th grade, I'm NOT going into it), I am surprised that there is still the attitude of "don't leave your abusive husband" in 2024.
I thought they grudgingly started allowing divorce in the 1980's, although only as a last resort, so I'm surprised they aren't allowing that as an option.

For that matter, the Catholic Church did not have a problem with MARRIED people having sex whenever they wanted in 1993, even for fun, only with most form of birth control except abstinence and the rhythm method aka the Papal Method.
Also extramarital and premarital sex was strictly forbidden, as was masturbation. If you're that horny, find a wife/husband and get married.
So that Uncle is incorrect, it's only premarital and extramarital sex that is a sin to Catholics.

Note two things. I am not a practicing Catholic, and this information is as of the 92/93 school year. I have no idea if they have updated their stance since then. I've had as little to do with the Church as I could, only setting foot in there for weddings and funerals since 1993. I really hate the latter.
As an ex-Catholic who refused Confirmation (lots of people on these forums have heard my rants about 8th grade, I'm NOT going into it), I am surprised that there is still the attitude of "don't leave your abusive husband" in 2024.
I thought they grudgingly started allowing divorce in the 1980's, although only as a last resort, so I'm surprised they aren't allowing that as an option.

For that matter, the Catholic Church did not have a problem with MARRIED people having sex whenever they wanted in 1993, even for fun, only with most form of birth control except abstinence and the rhythm method aka the Papal Method.
Also extramarital and premarital sex was strictly forbidden, as was masturbation. If you're that horny, find a wife/husband and get married.
So that Uncle is incorrect, it's only premarital and extramarital sex that is a sin to Catholics.

Note two things. I am not a practicing Catholic, and this information is as of the 92/93 school year. I have no idea if they have updated their stance since then. I've had as little to do with the Church as I could, only setting foot in there for weddings and funerals since 1993. I really hate the latter.
it was one of those ultra conservative groups maybe catholic maybe not been to long for me to swear on the exact denomination. but in my experience extremists don't exactly care about what the new party line might be when upholding an older or just more stringent standards makes them the "more faithful one" or they convince themselves all of us not holding to older standards are destined for hell. Not that it prevents them from modernizing in other ways and ignoring inconvenient bits of the Old Testament but it's not like they've read the bible cover to cover anyway. Why would they when they live in an echo chamber regurgitating the same bits that convince them they're right….

I'm a faithful person in that I believe. But I'm not religious in that I think they put a lot of rules and qualifiers and bullshit above what should be the core message of being kind and accepting to others.

Honestly, I don't dislike the concept of being a traditional housewife if that's what the woman in question wants to do, but they need to know exactly what they're getting into before going for it and have plans in case things don't work out. There's a shitload of work and skill that goes into really taking care of a household and not just living in a house and occasionally doing maintenance on it, but the experience and skills gained in doing so aren't formally recognized by society as there's no accreditation or proof that such skills have been gained. If the world were fair women should be able to claim experience with many things involved in keeping a household functioning, but nobody will recognize them for doing that because they don't have a piece of paper saying they sat in classes for four extra years to learn how to do those things.

They should get credit for accounting, handling finances when they've spent ten years balancing the household budget to afford things on a less-than-stellar salary their husband brought in.

They should get credit for being a seamstress, knowing how to sew and repair clothes and even make new clothes from scratch.

They should get credit for being a handywoman, knowing how to roof and paint a house, caulk and solder, do plumbing and electrical work, and maybe even weld or woodwork.

They should get credit for being a chef, knowing how to make a meal and get it to the table warm and fresh.

They should get credit for many, many other skills... but they don't.

If anything goes wrong for a traditional housewife, their only options are to A) live off the money their husband left behind (assuming there was any), B) marry again, or C) start a new career, potentially from scratch.

They better be prepared for that, and if they're not then they're not really ready to be a traditional housewife.
I assume that a lot of Taylor's problem with Molly stems from the fact that she's trying to be an authority figure to Taylor without having any authority to back it up.

Given the issues that Taylor has with authority in the first place, Molly's attitude would drive her completely insane.

I'm honestly surprised that Molly doesn't have a bad case of lice or other infestations.

Skitter's being nice.

To be honest if I was Taylor, when miss queen of the world bitch Molly started that shit, I'd have told her in no uncertain terms to fuck off and get out of my life. She's not my mother, she's not my mother-in-law; she is nothing to me or my husband.
I think it was mentioned on earlier chapters that the reason Molly didn't end up like you describe was due to Harry asking her to give Molly several chances, and Harry is conflict avoidant where the Weasleys are concerned.
I think it was mentioned on earlier chapters that the reason Molly didn't end up like you describe was due to Harry asking her to give Molly several chances, and Harry is conflict avoidant where the Weasleys are concerned.
Taylor gave her chances; and she just keeps acting like she's the mother of either or both of them. At some point Taylor is not going to listen to Harry anymore and she's going to solve the problem.

One way or another.
I think it was mentioned on earlier chapters that the reason Molly didn't end up like you describe was due to Harry asking her to give Molly several chances, and Harry is conflict avoidant where the Weasleys are concerned.

Taylor gave her chances; and she just keeps acting like she's the mother of either or both of them. At some point Taylor is not going to listen to Harry anymore and she's going to solve the problem.

One way or another.
It's worth noting that Harry's lenience isn't just because he's conflict avoidant and she's not acting like a mother towards him just because she's bossy. For a long time, she was the closest thing he had to a maternal figure and the Weasleys were, more or less, his surrogate family (with the Dursley's being his main point of comparison). Her behavior is very problematic, but it's not coming out of nowhere.
It's worth noting that Harry's lenience isn't just because he's conflict avoidant and she's not acting like a mother towards him just because she's bossy. For a long time, she was the closest thing he had to a maternal figure and the Weasleys were, more or less, his surrogate family (with the Dursley's being his main point of comparison). Her behavior is very problematic, but it's not coming out of nowhere.

True enough, but those are Harry's reasons. Taylor on the other hand, doesn't have any affection for the woman and has had nothing but issues and problems with her from day one.

Harry's feelings have saved Molly so far; but Taylor is not the kind of person to allow somebody else's emotions to govern her behavior forever.
Taylor gave her chances; and she just keeps acting like she's the mother of either or both of them.
I disagree. She's not acting like Taylors' mother, she's acting like a Karen who thinks she knows everything about everyone around her without actually learning about them. A mother would be crying and trying their best to help Taylor deal with being suddenly married to a strange man she doesn't love, or trying to tell Harry how to treat Taylor to make her happier with the situation while warning him about traps and pitfalls of marriage to someone he doesn't really know... depending on whos' mother she was.

Her behavior is very problematic, but it's not coming out of nowhere.
This is so, but then again she's always struck me as a harridan so I can't really judge whether she's in-character and just dialed up a few notches or if she's not in-character to most people.
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She's not acting like Taylors' mother, she's acting like a Karen who thinks she knows everything about everyone around her without actually learning about them. A mother would be crying and trying their best to help Taylor deal with being suddenly married to a strange man she doesn't love, or trying to tell Harry how to treat Taylor to make her happier with the situation while warning him about traps and pitfalls of marriage to someone he doesn't really know... depending on whos' mother she was.
Very few mothers I know would be happy to know or very accepting of their 15 year old daughter being married to a 15 year old boy who just happens to be the target of murderous National terrorists. Good ones would not be acting like Molly, granted, but very few mothers would be accepting of this.

But then again, it's the Potter universe and maybe magicals are just weird enough to be: "Oh, you got married by magic? Okay then."
For being seen as his adoptive mother, Harry's been around her for like...4 months of his life? 1 month of 2nd year summer, 1 month of 4th year summer, 1 month of 5th year summer, and we can generously round up the present year alongside the one vacation Harry was around her for. They're well-acquainted but she latched on too hard and he was too desperate for affection to be distant in any way.

She's a good mom, but she's overbearing due to her trauma and it's part of why all her kids moved out immediately when able. Taylor not respecting her, not appreciating her concerns, and seeming to be a "bad influence" on Harry would get her riled up in what she's certain is his defense for the exact same reason she loathed Hermione for a while thanks to the tabloids. (There's also probably an aspect of "my daughter has a gigantic crush on him and he's broken her heart for good now, but it's Taylor's fault because he's a sweet, wonderful boy" there too.)
A thought occurs. Annette's parents effectively abandoned Taylor and her family because they disapproved of Danny. Molly, for all intents and purposes, is the closest thing Taylor has to a mother in law (from hell). How much of Taylor's restraint with Molly is not just Molly being the closest thing Harry has to a caring maternal figure, but also her subconscious fear of Molly becoming Gram 2.0 and abandoning him because she disapproves of Taylor. Her treating Molly with relative kids gloves might be part of her own unresolved family trauma.
Taylor gave her chances; and she just keeps acting like she's the mother of either or both of them. At some point Taylor is not going to listen to Harry anymore and she's going to solve the problem.

One way or another.
To be fair, she acted like a mother to Harry when he was 11 going on 12 after his first year, and he really needed it at that point. The problem was that he was almost a teenager even then, and she hasn't cottoned on to the fact that Harry isn't a preteen anymore and doesn't want to be treated like he's still a second year.
That's a strange way to spell "awful."
I was going to say, there is very little in the books which show she's a good mother. She's awful to Fred and George effectively every time they are on screen together, and even when they succeed in their business she still makes negative comment, she's awful to Fleur and Bill and tells Fleur to her face after Bill gets torn up by Greyback that she'll leave him because he's 'no longer handsome', she's so bad to Percy it causes him to literally chose the falling Ministry over them, and while we never see Charlie on screen, one of the times he is mentioned it's Ron saying that Molly and Arthur are going to Romania to visit him but that they haven't told Charlie they're coming because Ron know's he'd make excuses why they can't come.

Frankly, if every single one of your kids at some point or another barring the one Daughter you consider your favorite, because yeah Ginny is specifically mentioned to be her favorite, has left the house as soon as is legally and physically possible and some even cut contact I don't think you can be anything short of a awful mother.
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Okay dude, you can make a lot of arguments for the undersiders, even for wrecking for Sophia's life, but molesting a teenage girl is not an appropriate or defensible response.

He flat out briefly forgets why he's doing it to enjoy the sensation. That is not a trustworthy guy, school bully or no
I'm not entirely sure why you're focusing on the "teenage" bit at all. Regent is also a teenager, so it's not like he's an adult perving on a minor or anything. Also, he wasn't even really aiming to molest her, he was reveling in the feelings he got from a strong body and the endorphins after running, feeling her muscles and abs (and breasts, but he didn't focus on them at all)--he even said he almost forgot she was there until she shuddered in revulsion. At no point during the interlude did he do anything to her aiming to be sexual, he was enjoying the feeling of being able to feel. There's plenty of other fucked up stuff he actually did do to her, ruining her social life and pretending to make her commit suicide, but what you're insinuating is wrong.
he even said he almost forgot she was there until she shuddered in revulsion.

She shuddered in revulsion because he was feeling up her chest. Like, explicitly that was what he was doing, getting a feel for what the 16-year-old girls chest felt like. That's when he remembered she was there. It's not an ambiguous situation, reread the chapter. He is a multiple time rapist and not all of it was involuntary, esp. with what he did post-leviathan with the "Slaves" Taylor avoided thinking about.
She shuddered in revulsion because he was feeling up her chest. Like, explicitly that was what he was doing, getting a feel for what the 16-year-old girls chest felt like. That's when he remembered she was there. It's not an ambiguous situation, reread the chapter. He is a multiple time rapist and not all of it was involuntary, esp. with what he did post-leviathan with the "Slaves" Taylor avoided thinking about.
I did check the chapter before posting the first time. Maybe you should check it yourself. Let me quote it directly:
He could feel the endorphins being pumped into her body from the hard exercise, and he was all the more aware of it because he had his other body to compare to. She was an athlete.

He ran her hands down her chest, felt her breasts, the muscles of her stomach. Stretching once more, he clenched her hands, felt the muscles in her arms flex. He felt her shudder in revulsion.

"Almost forgot you were in there,"
That one sentence, mentioning running his hands across her body as he revels in the endorphins and sensations from her body after running, is literally the entirety of what you're building a "molestation" accusation around. He wasn't even feeling her breasts when she finally shuddered in revulsion, he was stretching and clenching her hands.

Yes, he's a multiple time rapist and did terrible shit in the past and maybe the future. He didn't here. Also, again, Alec was 15, so mentioning that Sophia was 16 doesn't seem relevant at all. It seems like you're implying it somehow have been better if Regent had done this to an older woman?
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Why are we arguing about Alec when he's currently off sipping Mai Tais on a beach in Aleph with the rest of the Undersiders, exactly?
Good point, it's off-topic. This discussion started from arguments about the quality of Taylor's character judgement (somewhat relevant for the fic, so not entirely off-topic), and people who said that her trusting the Undersiders showed that her character judgement is poor. The argument about Alec branched off of comments that Taylor trusting him in particular showed poor character judgement.
Very few mothers I know would be happy to know or very accepting of their 15 year old daughter being married to a 15 year old boy who just happens to be the target of murderous National terrorists. Good ones would not be acting like Molly, granted, but very few mothers would be accepting of this.

But then again, it's the Potter universe and maybe magicals are just weird enough to be: "Oh, you got married by magic? Okay then."
There is being unhappy and unaccepting, and there is slinging shit and hurling blame and insults almost every interaction. She's not in any way treating Taylor as a daughter caught up in a forced marriage as she is treating Taylor as a cancer that needs to be purged.

Seriously if what we've seen is Molly trying to be motherly towards Taylor then CPS should be called out of concern for her actual children.
There is being unhappy and unaccepting, and there is slinging shit and hurling blame and insults almost every interaction. She's not in any way treating Taylor as a daughter caught up in a forced marriage as she is treating Taylor as a cancer that needs to be purged.

Seriously if what we've seen is Molly trying to be motherly towards Taylor then CPS should be called out of concern for her actual children.

She's not trying to be motherly towards Taylor, but she also doesn't see Taylor as just some random girl who got forced into a marriage with Harry. I forget how much she knows, but she's stuck on the fact that Taylor is Skitter, a literal terrorist supervillain who has demonstrated a tendency for extreme violence and who fought the US government and took over a small city. From that perspective, it almost sounds like Harry got hitched to American Belatrix and she's just supposed to be OK with that fact.
There is being unhappy and unaccepting, and there is slinging shit and hurling blame and insults almost every interaction. She's not in any way treating Taylor as a daughter caught up in a forced marriage as she is treating Taylor as a cancer that needs to be purged.

Seriously if what we've seen is Molly trying to be motherly towards Taylor then CPS should be called out of concern for her actual children.

Well, yeah. Note that all of her children moved the freak out as soon as they could; that despite being targets in a war, she resisted them learning anything that could help them, that she thought it OK to insult Bill's wife before and after the marriage, that after five previous children, she couldn't install manners, courtesy or discipline in Ron, and she thinks it's OK to come into someone else's home, and give them orders, berate them and generally be a bitch.

If the WW had CPS, they should be checking on her.

She's not trying to be motherly towards Taylor, but she also doesn't see Taylor as just some random girl who got forced into a marriage with Harry. I forget how much she knows, but she's stuck on the fact that Taylor is Skitter, a literal terrorist supervillain who has demonstrated a tendency for extreme violence and who fought the US government and took over a small city. From that perspective, it almost sounds like Harry got hitched to American Belatrix and she's just supposed to be OK with that fact.
First question: what freaking right does she have to jump Taylor's shit? Taylor didn't force Harry to marry her; and since the WW is stupid enough to allow minors to do a magical binding, nothing can be done about it now; what good does screaming do anyone at this point? Harry can't change it, Taylor can't change it; all she's doing is causing stress to Harry(who really doesn't need more stress with moldishorts trying to kill him) pissing Taylor off, and getting closer to having a permanent case of pubic lice and or crabs.

Molly is a loudmouthed bitch. In her own way, she's worse than the death eaters; at least them you can stun and send to Azkaban.
First question: what freaking right does she have to jump Taylor's shit? Taylor didn't force Harry to marry her; and since the WW is stupid enough to allow minors to do a magical binding, nothing can be done about it now; what good does screaming do anyone at this point?
Yeah, the fact that Molly appears to be treating Taylor as one of the perpetrators rather than one of the victims in that situation is a big factor in why both Taylor and a lot of the audience are offended at Molly. Not that it's unusual to blame one of the victims, and Molly is rather judgemental in canon, but that just means we don't blame the author for writing her in-character.