Honestly, I don't dislike the concept of being a traditional housewife if that's what the woman in question wants to do, but they need to know exactly what they're getting into before going for it and have plans in case things don't work out. There's a shitload of work and skill that goes into
really taking care of a household and not just living in a house and occasionally doing maintenance on it, but the experience and skills gained in doing so aren't formally recognized by society as there's no accreditation or proof that such skills have been gained. If the world were fair women
should be able to claim experience with many things involved in keeping a household functioning, but nobody will recognize them for doing that because they don't have a piece of paper saying they sat in classes for four extra years to learn how to do those things.
They should get credit for accounting, handling finances when they've spent ten years balancing the household budget to afford things on a less-than-stellar salary their husband brought in.
They should get credit for being a seamstress, knowing how to sew and repair clothes and even make new clothes from scratch.
They should get credit for being a handywoman, knowing how to roof and paint a house, caulk and solder, do plumbing and electrical work, and maybe even weld or woodwork.
They should get credit for being a chef, knowing how to make a meal and get it to the table warm and fresh.
They should get credit for many, many other skills... but they don't.
If anything goes wrong for a traditional housewife, their only options are to A) live off the money their husband left behind (assuming there was any), B) marry again, or C) start a new career, potentially from scratch.
They better be prepared for that, and if they're not then they're not really ready to be a traditional housewife.