Harry And The Shipgirls: Prisoner of Shipping (A HP/KanColle Snippet Collection)

Alright hear me out. How about the landing craft shoes and a borrowed destroyers turret. Add on an appropriate uniform and rigging. That will turn heads.
Just looking at his, or rather her reflection, Harry slowly blinked some as she examined her new appearance. Long, raven black hair fell from his head to about mid-back or so, which was Natsue's actual hair length when she was out and about doing things for Mikuzume, having used magic to make it even longer (down to her ankles) when among the Heien Court. Something that the teen was very thankful for as she knew just how problematic very long hair like that was. Of course, there was a certain messiness to her hair, as to be expected. Thankfully, said messiness was more along the lines of the sort you saw in professional models and the like for a "Sexy" look more than anything.

Of course, one thing that she also noticed was that while her scar was still there, like expected, it was much harder to notice. That fact mainly came down to the fact that her bangs were much longer as well. Which, in turn, meant that her hair did much of the job of hiding the small, pale line of her lightning bolt scar on her forehead.

Briefly pausing, a thought came to the teen and she pulled her lips back from her teeth. After a moment or two, Harry sighed in pure relief, "Thank anyone that is listening that they're not stained black like they were back then… Ugh… that would be horrible…"

Continuing her examination, Harry turned her attention to her body, and took note of her new curves. One thing in particular that she noticed was how much tighter the shirt that she wore was, which made her shake her head, 'Well, I can certainly compare to Hamakaze-Chan… or maybe Ushio-Nee.'

Hum escaping from her, she ran her hands along her sides to her hips before nodding and then turning towards her arms. Lifting up one, the teen did a curl, nodding as her bicep popped out. Her arms were toned, but still covered with a slight layer of feminine fat to soften the look a little bit. Reaching down, Harry grasped the hem of her shirt and pulled it up to just under her breasts, revealing a flat, slightly toned stomach.

Gently placing an open hand against it, the transformed wizard rubbed her hand along it before nodding some and patting it. Letting go of her shirt, she then shucked off her pants and examined them, humming a bit as she took in the toned muscle that covered her now longer legs. Then, pulling her pants back up, Harry turned back to the mirror and chuckled a little at how she looked with her usual pajamas on, "I look like a girl wearing her boyfriend's pajamas."

From inside her mind, she could hear Natsue snort, 'You're definitely taking this well. Most guys would be freaking out from the very beginning.'

With a shrug, Harry shook her head some, 'Maybe… but then, considering my life? This isn't even the weirdest thing that has happened to me.'

Looking at her reflection for several more moments as his previous incarnation laughed and agreed, the teen rubbed her chin some in thought.

Despite looking extremely similar to how Natsue did, Harry's examination did find that there were some differences between the two of them. For example, she was a bit more "Filled out" than her previous incarnation had been at her age. Most likely because unlike said young woman, Harry had better food at least since the age of six. There had been times when Natsue had only eaten one or two meals per day before Mikuzume had taken her to Kyoto. After all, with the taxes from the nobility and the like, food was difficult to come by at times. This was leaving aside the generally easier life as well. So, there was that particular difference between the two of them.

Another difference was that Harry had a definite European cast to some of her features, such as around the eyes and cheekbones. Not to mention, her skin was at least a shade or two paler than Natsue's had been at the end of the winter months when she had spent most of her time inside and out of the cold. Or, at least without makeup anyways.

Rubbing her chin in thought, the teen blinked for a moment before pulling her hand away and examining it. Part of her noted that her nails were of a good length and seemingly trimmed. In fact, Harry was amused to note that said nails were very similar to the fake ones she wore when she cross-dressed. Gently pressing her index finger of her right hand against her thumb, she nodded with a hum as she felt how sharp it could be.

Done with her examination of how she looked, Harry placed her hands against her hips and tilted her head a bit, 'I can guess that my cross-dressing was where she got her idea for her gift to me, but I wonder how she pulled it off?'

Thoughtful hum coming from her, Natsue spoke up, 'Hmm… she also likely noticed your animagus ability and took it from that? At least from off hand.'

Narrowing her eyes, the teen frowned thoughtfully before shaking her head, 'While I can see that… there is the problem in that despite various novels and pieces of fiction? A person becoming an animagus can't change their gender. Someone who is male would become a male animal, and the same with a female. You'd have to do one of the rituals or drink one of the potions to change your human gender to get your animagus one changed as well.'

Part of her was amused by the fact that she then heard sounds as if Natsue was rooting around piles of books while mumbling before she suddenly spoke up, 'Ah-ha! I think that I found it!'

Eyebrow raising in interest, Harry blinked, 'Oh?'

Chuckle coming from her, the manifestation of her previous incarnation nodded, 'While you don't have the ability, there were Metamorphs in your bloodline.'

Frown deepening at that, Harry furrowed his eyebrows, 'Are you saying that I'm a Metamorph? Because that makes no sense.' Crossing her arms, she shook her head, 'Metamorphs can't become Animagi because of how mutable their bodies are already. Those that try and push it… well… to say that it does not end well is putting it extremely mildly, same with stating that it is slightly messy. It is also why Metamorphs can't become werewolves, there's some kind of incompatibility between Metamorphic abilities and other forms of transformation. Not to mention, even the highest ranked of Metamorphmagi can't change their gender, not really. A male Metamorph of the highest ability can make themselves appear female, but they still have that, if extremely shrunken.'

Very slowly nodding, Natsue chuckled a bit, 'You know quite a bit about it.'

With a shrug, the teen shook her head, 'Sure, I remembered that haircut that… er… huh, calling her Aunt Petunia would get confusing. Right, that hair cut my biological aunt gave me when she shaved my entire head except for a bit to cover my scar when I was still living with her and Vernon. Next day, my hair was back to normal, so I looked it up after going to Hogwarts and thought that I could be a Metamorph, but it was just accidental magic. Still, read into it at the time just the same.'

Lightly chuckling, Natsue gave him a mental shake of the head, 'Right, but in this case, I think that she… that I…' Trailing off, she gave another shake of the head, 'Now I know… I basically took the heritage you had and mixed it with the Animagus ability alongside the fact that I was present to let you take my form. I used the magic of the Winter Solstice to pull it off since it lent itself towards transformation magic. However, it needed time to, ah, set... as it were before it could be used.'

Surprised, Harry raised her eyebrows, 'Wait, you actually remember?'

Hum escaping from her, she gave a mental nod, 'As a matter of fact? I do remember now. Was inspired by how you cross-dressed and everything.'

Nodding at that, Harry hummed a little bit as she crossed her arms under her bust, 'Like I said, I figured that it was... and honestly, that is the type of thing that I would have done in her place if the roles were switched.' Then, she frowned a little bit, '... Just to make sure though, I can change back, right? Turn back into being a guy and all that?'

A snort escaping from her, Natsue gave her current incarnation the mental equivalent of a teasing smile, 'Not worried about that, are you?'

Upon hearing that, a snort escaped from the teen alongside a slight frown, 'Kind of? I mean... it would mean that I would be in a different body permanently and such, with all the changes that would come along with that.'

Tone softening, Natsue simply nodded mentally, 'Understandable... and the answer is no, you're not stuck like that. To turn back, simply use the same method that you would to switch between your Animagus form and your human one.'

Relieved to hear that, Harry sighed some and smiled before she concentrated. It felt a little bit odd, but as she watched, her hair shortened back to its normal length, her chest shrunk, and so forth. Within two minutes, where once there was a young woman, was now a young man breathing out a sigh of relief.

Grabbing his waistband, Harry then pulled it away from him and looked down before nodding, "Yup, I'm a guy once more."

Not able to help herself, Natsue simply laughed at that, 'Yes, I do suppose that was proof that you are once more a male.' She then hummed a little bit and tilted her head mentally, 'Feel off or anything?'

Due to not having expected the question, the fourteen-year-old wizard blinked before he considered it and then frowned a bit in thought, 'Hmm... not really? I just feel normal...' Then, he narrowed his eyes and transformed back into his, or her now, female form and frowned, '... And I don't really feel off either, this also feels natural.' Considering things, Harry then tilted his head, 'I think that maybe due to having the Animagus bit, it is kind of like that.'

Intrigued, Natsue's voice filled with interest, 'Oh? What do you mean by that, Harry-Kun?'

Looking at the mirror and her reflection, Harry shook her head, 'Simple... you would think that such a radical transformation such as a human into, say, a winged fox? Or a stag, or even a bug would feel off and weird. Yet, everything mentioned about Animagi is that they're just as comfortable in their animal forms as they are their human ones. If it is like that? Then, it really is not too surprising that I feel normal and natural in either form.'

Simply observing as Harry transformed back and forth, with it becoming both easier and quicker each time until it took only seconds, his previous incarnation gave him the mental image of shaking her head before speaking up, 'I will admit, Harry-Kun, and I hope that this does not sound narcissistic considering things... but you do make for a rather beautiful woman.'

Only lightly snorting, the wizard shook her head at that, 'Not really, and I'll agree since you are a beautiful woman and I look at you.' He got the feeling of both being slightly embarrassed, amused, and flattered from her, 'Poi?'

Mentally waving it off, Natsue giggled as he transformed back into his male form, 'It's nothing, Harry-Kun.' Then, she mentally frowned a little bit and waited until he was finished his morning business and had gone back to the kitchen to make breakfast, 'What are you going to do now?'

Thoughtful, Harry hummed a bit as he went about getting his breakfast ready, 'Not sure... give me a couple of minutes.' Getting a mental nod back, he quietly went about his morning as Natsue gave him the privacy he had asked for. It was only after the teen was done with his breakfast and having washed that he gave a nod, 'Well, first things first, I'm going to head over to the Administration building and inform Mum about this as well as Goto-Oji.'

Raising an eyebrow in her section of the mind space, his female counterpart frowned, 'Not that I am against it, since your Okaa-San will find out eventually, but why Goto-San?'

Just grimacing a bit, Harry shook his head, 'Mainly because it will need to be put into my file. Secondly? I am going to be needing to have new identification run up with my female form on it, just in case. Don't need to have to call Mum and such to bail me out if a new MP, not knowing who I was as a female, threw me into the Brig.'

Briefly wincing, Natsue cleared her throat, 'Hai, that would be a very good reason for doing that then.'

With a nod as he nursed his mug of tea, the green-eyed boy hummed, 'Next... I'm going to dig through the various trunks and chests I have and pick out one to hold some clothes in until I either get a dresser or have one of those wardrobe chests I had made for Sigrid-Chan and the others built for myself.'

Puzzled, Natsue raised a mental eyebrow at that, 'And why would you be needing one of those, Harry-Kun?'

Another snort escaping from him, Harry shook his head, 'Mainly because among other things, I am going to be needing a female wardrobe? And while the clothes that I wear when crossplaying and such do work pretty well for me right now? I know for a fact that they won't be perfect fits considering how I look. Especially in things such as support.'

Considering that for a moment, she then gave a nod, 'Makes sense, and honestly? This era is so very much better for things like that than it was when I was alive.'

Taking a sip of his tea, Harry nodded, 'Hai... which will mean a trip to Gladrags as I refused to not have proper fitting clothing.'

A grimace crossed his face at some unfortunate memories that bubbled up right then. One of the few aspects that had stuck with him from the Dursleys and had barely subsided was with regards to clothes, or rather their fit. Having to wear Dudley's massively oversized hand-me-downs for so long had left an effect on him where, if he bought clothes, they needed to fit and be the proper sizes. A bit silly, but it was there.

Understanding without being told why, Natsue then gave him a mental smile, 'Well then, that does sound like an interesting trip. And, if you hide your scar, you definitely look more than different enough that no one would be able to tell it was you.'

Right when he was about to say something, Harry paused and became thoughtful, 'Hmm... that... is a very good point. And gives me an idea.'

Very slowly raising an eyebrow at that, his previous incarnation frowned, 'An idea, Harry-Kun? What sort of idea did it give you?'

His lips twitching, Harry slowly shook his head with a chuckle, 'Well... I had been more than a little worried about how I was going to be able to date Ren-Chan before. But, as you point out, no one would know that I was, well, me. Especially if I wear clothing that show that my breasts are real, and it isn't like people are bothered by same-sex relationships in the magical side of things. And this is something that I am definitely going to be keeping a secret back at Hogwarts as it gives me an unexpected edge over my enemies. They won't know that I can actually transform into, well, you, because it is seemingly impossible to do that.'

From his mind, he could feel Natsue chuckled a little bit, 'Well, their fault for not remembering that impossible is only a word. One whose definition is, apparently, something that a Potter has not gotten around to doing quite yet.'

Snort escaping from him at that, the teenage wizard shook his head some, 'Exactly, Natsue-Chan.

Getting the impression that she was rubbing her chin in thought, Harry waited for Natsue to speak up, which she did after nearly a minute of thought, 'While I am certain that you will be telling Natsumi-Chan alongside Mikuzume-Chan, Huixing-Chan and the others such as Shinano-San... Are you going to be revealing it to anyone else?'

Not saying anything right away as he understood what she was asking, Harry leaned back in his chair and thought about it for a time before slowly shaking his head, 'Ron, Hermione, and Neville I trust and will be telling them about this. Can't imagine not telling them if I am completely honest with both myself and you, Natsue-Chan. But if you mean Ehren, Draco, and some of the others...?' Sucking his teeth, he then shook his head some with a soft sigh, 'I... can't. This is something that could very easily provide me with an edge. And while we are fighting against the same foes now, Draco and myself have entirely different methods of doing so. He'd probably agree with me keeping some hands close to my chest, even from him. Likely would be impressed as well since I was supposed to be in Slytherin. And with Ehren? I trust her implicitly and know that she would do everything to not violate that trust. But... it would bother her to keep something from Draco.'

Deciding to be the Devil's Advocate, his previous incarnation spoke up, 'He'll most likely figure it out on his own, however.'

With a very slow nod, Harry chuckled a bit, 'Oh, I got no doubt at all he might figure it out. But, on the other hand? Like I said, this type of thing is supposed to be completely impossible. So while he might guess, he'd be unable to figure out both how as well as it remaining just a guess for as long as I don't confirm it.'

That just got him a nod from Natsue of agreement as the two continued to talk.
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After a moment or two, Harry sighed in pure relief, "Thank anyone that is listening that they're not stained black like they were back then… Ugh… that would be horrible…"
Among the worst beauty fashion ideas ever.
Continuing her examination, Harry turned her attention to her body, and took note of her new curves. One thing in particular that she noticed was how much tighter the shirt that she wore was, which made her shake her head, 'Well, I can certainly compare to Hamakaze-Chan… or maybe Ushio-Nee.'
Kek! Now that's a compliment Harry.
From inside her mind, she could hear Natsue snort, 'You're definitely taking this well. Most guys would be freaking out from the very beginning.'
Eh it's actually pretty tame compared to the other stuff he's experienced.
With a shrug, Harry shook her head some, 'Maybe… but then, considering my life? This isn't even the weirdest thing that has happened to me.'
See? Harry agrees with me.
Gently pressing her index finger of her right hand against her thumb, she nodded with a hum as she felt how sharp it could be.
Sharp enough to slit throats?
Now I know… I basically took the heritage you had and mixed it with the Animagus ability alongside the fact that I was present to let you take my form. I used the magic of the Winter Solestice to pull it off since it lent itself towards transformation magic. However, it needed time to, ah, set... as it were before it could be used.'
Magic. Ain't got to explain shit.
Grabbing his waistband, Harry then pulled it away from him and looked down before nodding, "Yup, I'm a guy once more."
Heh! I'd check too if it were me. :D
Just grimacing a bit, Harry shook his head, 'Mainly because it will need to be put into my file. Secondly? I am going to be needing to have new identification run up with my female form on it, just in case. Don't need to have to call Mum and such to bail me out if a new MP, not knowing who I was as a female, threw me into the Brig.'
Yeah that would be inconvenient and a tad embarrassing.
Right when he was about to say something, Harry paused and became thoughtful, 'Hmm... that... is a very good point. And gives me an idea.'
Harry has an idea!

And this is something that I am definitely going to be keeping a secret back at Hogwarts as it gives me an unexpected edge over my enemies. They won't know that I can actually transform into, well, you, because it is seemingly impossible to do that.'
It certainly would make for a nice ace in the hole.
But if you mean Ehren, Draco, and some of the others...?' Sucking his teeth, he then shook his head some with a soft sigh, 'I... can't. This is something that could very easily provide me with an edge. And while we are fighting against the same foes now, Draco and myself have entirely different methods of doing so. He'd probably agree with me keeping some hands close to my chest, even from him.
Draco wouldn't mind at all. He would approve of Harry keeping it secret from him and Ehren as a sort of reserve trick to be used in a emergency.
I used the magic of the Winter Solestice to pull it off since it lent itself towards transformation magic.
Yet, every thing mentioned about Animagi is that they're just as comfortable in their animal forms as they are their human ones.
'I will admit, Harry-Kun, and I hope that this does not sound narcesistic considering things... but you do make for a rather beautiful woman.'

I think Argalia and Melissia will be impressed. Harry already made a very effective woman when crossplaying, but Harriet will be able to pull it off even better.
Deciding to be the Devil's Advocate, his previous incarnation spoke up, 'He'll most likely figure it out on his own, however.'

With a very slow nod, Harry chuckled a bit, 'Oh, I got no doubt at all he might figure it out. But, on the other hand? Like I said, this type of thing is supposed to be completely impossible. So while he might guess, he'd be unable to figure out both how as well as it remaining just a guess for as long as I don't confirm it.'

Also, it would only help Draco if he isn't told. That way, if he is under verasitum truth potion, he can be honest.

Need to know and all that.

Furthermore, the USN girls are plotting a major raid on Ladies Lingerie in MACUSA's answer to Macy's. If Harry is going to be in the country at the time, he would be invaluable, for intelligence if nothing else.
So will Harry be roping his Faculty Advisor Bad Idea Fairy Dragon into getting mini-biker gang outfits for Hoppou et. al.? Because I'd definitiely belive Jin would do that for free just to see the looks on people's faces.
Jin would totally be into doing that because she would find endless amounts of amusement in it.
A bored Hoppou chan is indeed as scary as a bored Harry chan. Now imagine if they got bored at the same time and....collaborated.
Both have indeed worked together to relieve their bordom with obvious results...
Akashi: *faraway look* Nagato nearly comatosed that day. Her boiler was full of caramelized sugar.
Seems about right, and it wouldn't have been just hers either.
Too cute to imagine honestly.
For you, maybe.
*Cackles* Radical Seiko when?
Once Hoppou gets her a skateboard of her own.
They do? Never really noticed.
Actually, a relatively high number of Fighter pilots also drive motorcycles. Apparently, it is very similar.
Enterprise: *Wears shades and smugs*
I mean, this is perfectly in character for her, so...
Enterprise is just...built different.
Kawa: *Slaps Enterprise's ass, getting a yelp* But the way she is built, mmm...
Heh! Harry liked seeing Denryuu wearing leather pants did he? :D
I mean... considering female motorcycle gear...
We all knew this was coming but not when. Time for Harry/Harriet to troll people again. :D
Well. Schild will be coming back to a very interesting time.
Very, very interesting time.
Minor note here Harry it's 50cc or lower that might just be in the US because when I was around eight or nine, I went dirt biking with a 50cc dirtbike in California. Now this was in the 2000s so this might've changed.
To be honest, I remember them in Canada. Japan is... more difficult to be honest, but from my reading, it can vary...
Not to mention her aunts.

EDIT: Even after a few visits, they haven't even begin to scratch the surface of how much they don't know about nephew/niece.
Yeah... her new aunts are definitely in for a surprise next time that they meet her... or him.
Should be itch- as in an itch to scratch
So what's the top speed of the bike?

restricted 45kph (28mph), highest 96kph (60mph), comfortable 65kph (40mph)
Probably around 45kph really.
Wondered when this would kick in :D :drevil::D:rofl:
And so it did... I was waiting to do it.
Ah, the long-awaited gender-bender power. Let the trolling commence! And love how the pronouns are drifting around in this part.
To be honest, I sort of wanted to give a hint as to what was happening without saying what it was.
Once they control it, I feel that once of the first pranks Harry will do is to time the transformation with being splashed by cold/hot water.

Maybe the first prank they do to Mei Long.

Good old Ranma 1/2 style shenanigans.:D Might want to invite Ren for this given in fic she ended up being the inspiration for Ranma Saotome.
Harry was raised in Japan after all...
I wonder if there are official shipgirl crossing points across frequently used straits.

A small parkingspace, a nice ramp in to the water, maybe a food stall able to serve shipgirl portions. Might get quite popular.

They could also be used as rally points for travelling Shipgirls in case of emergency.
Meet up there and then deploy
Not impossible... but not exactly likely considering things.
A bored Hoppou is truly terrifying thing to witness.
Can she build it? Yes she can!
And love every damn moment of it.
That's a pretty cute image.
Tell me about it...
Jin's Biker Daycare?
... So, who would be the first one to name it that?
Truly, a most dangerous Hoppou. She's too cool!
Radically cool!
Yes, a weapon of mass moe!
Unfortunately, they have not signed the treaties regarding Weapons of Mass Moe...
Hehe, just the two of you, the road and the wind~
Believe me, that is definitely one of the things that they are thinking about, both of them.
Actually? Turns out to be relatively common among fighter pilots.
Enterprise: *Puts on shades* Trade secret.
I can just see her use this too.
It's most certainly not because a certain maid working for Ron Weasley makes good tea and crumpets.
Jean Bart: Non, have you seen the traffic in the Chunnel?
At least you don't transform every time you get splashed with cold water. Of course, nothing stopping you from pretending that's what triggers it~
You just know that Harry will do this at times...
And look at it this way, you can now go to the other bathroom if the men's room is occupied.
Well, issue there is transforming with a full bladder or, um... yeah...
Someone has been generously blessed. And his future daughters can't only blame their mums for the fuel bunkerage.
Nope, they also blame him from time to time.
How many spine chillings went off?
A lot.
Also Harry may need to balance his chi if he is going to begin changing genders, male and female balance point should be different.
Actually, Harry does have an idea or two considering he did Polyjuice himself into Isokaze.
There's also the fact that he was good at crossdressing before. Now that he actually can turn into a girl...
Lots of fun~
Saki and Jin: "My adorable students!"
Okay, this is just plain hilarious.
Gender Bender shenanigans in 3...2...1...
Yes, yes it is.
Word salad is heavily tossed.
Rogue L.

You thought Harry's crossplay was mindbreaking before? This will blow past incidents out of the water.
I'm suprised the potter luck didn't have it happen the first day back at Hogwarts.
Nah, I am not that mean... plus, this gives me the opening for an amusing scene a bit down the road.
The experience of living in Woman-heavy environment plus Natsue's memories will give him much easier time than most will get.
Pretty much, yeah.
Hmm, weren't there a series of snippets about someone accusing Harry of not understanding of what the girls have to go through just on day-to-day basis, and he one ups them in the following snippets?
That was Fleur as a matter of fact.
The Hogwarts staff had no idea why they got a sudden sense of impending Doom™, but given the circumstances, it was almost certainly Potter Shenanigans™ beginning.
Maybe a little bit...
Actually, I can think of 4 people who'se reaction is going to be interesting too.

  1. Huixing
  2. Ren
  3. Kagegiri
  4. Tamamo-no-Echo.
Well, Taiyang's reaction is likely to be amusing too, but that is most likely to be mostly "how the fuck...?"
Oh, their reaction would definitely be something to see... Natsumi's, on the other hand...

Natsumi: What the hell, Harry-Chan?! Even you have a bigger set of boobs than me?!
Multiple vixens even!
Well, that one's going to be a wave motion gun blast to the Feelz for sure.
Oh, it would be...
Alright hear me out. How about the landing craft shoes and a borrowed destroyers turret. Add on an appropriate uniform and rigging. That will turn heads.
Yup, Harry could make people very much think that he was a shipgirl.
Thankfully, peanut butter will snap them out of it.

I can see it now. Harry sends Natsumi a text to visit with Huixing ASAP. They arrive...and Echomamo and Huixing both have a mental crash, because that's their past lover standing in front of them.
Solstice does not have an e in the middle


is the correct spelling
"Hoppou no longer good Hoppou. Hopppu now rebel, and was born to be wild."

*starts playing Panama on her speakers*

Okay, that is very definitely hilarious.

Also, she's riding a Honda Z series, maybe a Honda Z50A or Z50J.
Denryuu snarkily challenges Harry to a race on her new bike. He chooses his own....bicycle.

Cue the epic....

View: https://youtu.be/bSxwC8Jl2-g?si=eeajAza87fjt-Tlt

Do it @Harry Leferts we know you want to.

I could just see Harry pulling it off, too...
Among the worst beauty fashion ideas ever.
Though it did protect teeth...
Kek! Now that's a compliment Harry.
*Looks at pictures used as a basis* But a very apt one as well.
Eh it's actually pretty tame compared to the other stuff he's experienced.

See? Harry agrees with me.
Yeah, this is not even that much up there...
Sharp enough to slit throats?
Well, considering Natsue's training from Tamamo with magic and Qi...
Magic. Ain't got to explain shit.
Pretty much.
Heh! I'd check too if it were me. :D
Yeah, I don't think that anyone would mind.
Yeah that would be inconvenient and a tad embarrassing.
Definitely would to be honest, and he likely would not hear the end of it for some time.
Yes, yes he does.
It certainly would make for a nice ace in the hole.
It most definitely would.
Draco wouldn't mind at all. He would approve of Harry keeping it secret from him and Ehren as a sort of reserve trick to be used in a emergency.
Despite how frustrating it might be at first for them trying to figure it out.
I think Argalia and Melissia will be impressed. Harry already made a very effective woman when crossplaying, but Harriet will be able to pull it off even better.
Yeah... but then there's Kogitsune...
Also, it would only help Draco if he isn't told. That way, if he is under verasitum truth potion, he can be honest.

Need to know and all that.
Furthermore, the USN girls are plotting a major raid on Ladies Lingerie in MACUSA's answer to Macy's. If Harry is going to be in the country at the time, he would be invaluable, for intelligence if nothing else.
Okay, this did make me laugh.
A. N. -- Discussion of unimaginative dog naming, accusations of evil schemes to turn someone Bavarian (shock, horror!), and then plans for future married life as the scattered members of Team Malfoy continue to congregate. Happy Ehren is the best Ehren, fite me IRL. Prior snip here. Prior relevant snip here.

A Return To Hogwarts (III)

Schloss Silberzwergburg, Teufelsmühle Mountain, Black Forest near Gernsbach, State of Baden-Württemberg, South Germany

Saturday Morning, 11th April 2015

'And if travel is like love, it is, in the end, mostly because it's a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end.' -- Pico Lyer

MUSIC -- A Very Romantic Malfoy Morning

On the last full day of his Fourth Year Easter Break, Draco Malfoy woke up first.

His eyes cracked open, and he yawned, then just lay there listening to the idling machinery sounds of Niobe, who was draped over his right side in a riot of long loose silver hair, soft curves & creamy skin, the elegant & quite attractive purple negligee that she had modeled for him last night, and disordered bedsheets. Then he glanced over to his left and surveyed the snoring form of Ehren who was in turn her own rumpled glorious mess composed of her black and white nightgown, lightly tanned skin, unbound and messy blonde hair, the odd murmured German word or phrase between her steady snores -- all part of the overwhelming girl-ness that made up 'Ehren asleep'.

Draco sighed and relaxed, just passively enjoying the sights, sounds, scents... really just all the multitude of sensations... of his two German fiancees asleep in bed with him.

Finally, while early morning sunbeams crawled across the floor from the window and birds sang in the distance, Niobe began to stir.

As she sleepily stretched and opened her eyes, a stray thought hit him and he did his best to stifle his chuckles.

Niobe focused on him with a sweetly happy smile as she fully awakened. Then she whispered her question out of courtesy for die schnarchende Preußin (the snoring Prussian) 'sawing wood' on the other side of the bed. "Was ist so lustig, mein geliebter Flottenadmiral? {What's so funny, my beloved fleet admiral?}"

He chuckled and then gestured at the oblivious Ehren. "Nur dies. Die Erinnerungen an die Zeit, die ich an dich und Ehren gekuschelt im Bett verbracht habe, reichen aus, um meinen Patronus Cu ein Leben lang zu beschwören. Und doch bekomme ich einen ersten Vorgeschmack auf das, was mich in meinem Eheleben erwartet, zwischen dem Kuscheln mit Jay und Cleo in Walt Disney World, mit allen vier meiner Verlobten in Ehrens Bett und jetzt mit dir und Ehren in unserem Urlaub in Deutschland. Und ich werde das für den Rest meines Lebens genießen, wenn du und sie zu mir nach Hogwarts kommen, als Teil eurer 'Malfoy Ehepflichten', zu denen ihr jetzt eingeteilt seid. {Just this. The memories of spending time snuggled up to you and Ehren in bed are enough to summon my patronus Cu for a lifetime. And yet, I'm getting the first taste of what to expect in my married life between cuddling with Jay and Cleo at Walt Disney World, with all four of my fiancees in Ehren's bed, and now with you and Ehren on our vacation in Germany. And I'll be enjoying this for the rest of my life when you and she join me in Hogwarts as part of your 'Malfoy Marital Duties' that you're assigned to now}"

Niobe giggled as quietly as she could, then kissed his cheek and responded. "Ach ja, das ist lustig. Du hast gesagt, dein Patronus Wolfshund heißt Cu? Ist das nicht... Irisch für "Hund"? Das ist... fantasielos.... {Oh yes, that is funny, You said your Patronus wolfhound is named Cu? Isn't that... Irish for 'dog?' That's... unimaginative....}"

Draco's grin grew (while Ehren muttered something about 'heroic weaponsmiths putting her on the anvil' in German as she dreamed) as he answered Niobe. "Gebst du Ehren die Schuld für seinen fantasielosen Namen. Sie hat darauf bestanden, als ich ihn das erste Mal für sie beschworen habe, und ich war nicht geneigt, ihr zu widersprechen. Zumal es ihr psychisch nicht gut ging, weil sie aus Polen eine Nachricht über eine Angelegenheit erhielt, die ihre Mutter für sie erledigt hatte. Daher trägt er den Namen Cu, egal wie fantasielos und praktisch er ist! {Blame Ehren for his unimaginative name. She insisted on it when I summoned him for her the first time, and I wasn't inclined to argue. Especially since she was in bad psychological shape thanks to some news from Poland about a matter her mother handled for her. Hence, he's stuck with the name of 'Cu', no matter how unimaginative and practical it is!}"

Niobe giggled again, then pressed against his back to hug him from behind. The silver-haired shipgirl whispered lovingly in his ear: "Ach ja, das ist Ehren, ganz recht. Sie ist ein sehr praktisches preußisches Mädchen, und wir lieben sie dafür. Sollen wir uns darauf vorbereiten, sie mit einem Frühstück im Bett zu überraschen? Ich könnte ein paar meiner Köche vorbeischicken, die es für uns zubereiten, während wir kuscheln und darauf warten, dass sie mit ihrem Schnarchen das Holzsägen beendet. Zusammen mit einer großen Kanne frischen Kaffees, um den preußischen Koffein-Zombie zu vertreiben! {Oh yes, that's Ehren all right. She's a very practical Prussian girl, and we love her for it. Shall we prepare to surprise her with breakfast in bed? I can drop off a few of my cooks to prepare it for us while we cuddle and wait for her to finish sawing wood with those snores. Along with a big pot of fresh coffee to exorcise the Prussian caffeine zombie!}"

"Das ist ein sehr praktischer, böser Plan, meine geliebte Schiffssekretärin. Lass es uns tun, um ihr ein kleines Geschenk zu machen! {Now that's a very practical evil plan, my beloved secretary ship. Let's do it to give her a little present!}"


Ehren stifled her yawn with another big bite of her Bauernomlett (complete with a topping of grated Emmentaler cheese from Switzerland) then she gave Niobe a smug grin as she pointed her fork at the other component (in the place of her normal sweet pickles) of the breakfast that the cruiser had cooked and surprised her with. "Irgendwie habe ich den Verdacht, dass du versuchst, mich zu korrumpieren, damit ich eine Bayerin werde, Blümchen. Erst lässt du mich ein Dirndl kaufen, damit mich die Einheimischen hier im Schwarzwald für eine Touristin aus München halten, und jetzt, wo ich unterhalb des Weißwurst-Äquators bin, fütterst du mich mit Weißwurst. Was kommt als Nächstes, eine Entführung, um mich auf dem Oktoberfest in einem Bierpavillon bis zum Umfallen zu betrinken -- zumal ich schon Paulaner Doppelbock liebe? {Somehow I suspect you're trying to corrupt me into becoming a Bavarian, Flower. First you let me buy a dirndl so I'm mistaken as a tourist from Munich by the locals here in the Black Forest, and now that I'm below the White Sausage Equator, you're feeding me white breakfast sausage. What's next, a kidnapping to get me drunk off my hilt at Oktoberfest in a beer pavilion -- especially since I already love Paulaner Doppelbock?}"

Niobe giggled and took a bite of her white sausage then responded to the teasing accusation with a twinkle in her eyes and a saucy smile. "Das würde ich nie tun, da ich meine Hufflepuff-Bienchen lieber Preußin mag. Es heißt eher: "Wenn du in Süddeutschland bist, tu so, als wärst du ein Einheimischer", also werden wir uns überlegen, wie wir Draco in Lederhosen dazu bringen können, mit uns einen Schuhplattler zu tanzen. Sich auf dem Oktoberfest zu betrinken, kann ein anderes Mal passieren, denn wir müssen zurück nach England und uns mit den anderen treffen. Was sind deine Reisepläne für diesen Avatar? {I'd never do that since I prefer my Hufflepuff Bees to be Prussian. It's more 'when in south Germany, pretend to be a local' so we'll be scheming to get Draco into lederhosen to dance a Schuhplattler with us. Getting drunk at Oktoberfest can come another day, since we'll need to head back to England and link up with the others. What are your travel plans for this avatar?}"

Ehren gave Draco a considering stare, clearly visualizing how he might fill out the traditional South German garb (and liking what she was imagining if the spreading rosy blush and stifled naughty giggles were any indication!), then responded around a bite of Weißwurst veal sausage once she regained her composure.

"Ich brauche diesen Avatar, um mein Auto bei dir abzuholen und zurück nach Preußen zu fahren, um nach dem Anwesen meiner Vorfahren zu sehen und die ersten Arbeiten daran in Angriff zu nehmen, Schätzchen. Aber es ist genauso einfach, von London aus dorthin zu fahren wie von Baden-Württemberg aus, ehrlich gesagt, zumal wir tief im Schwarzwald und nicht auf einer Autobahn sind. Was mich daran erinnert, dass ich immer noch in der Planungsphase bin, was ich tun soll, um meinen Landsitz in Ordnung zu bringen, und ich hätte gerne eine Liste von... nun ja... euren bevorzugten Fantasie-Einstellungen und Themen für einige Zimmer und so weiter, damit ihr zwei euch daran erfreuen könnt, wenn wir dorthin fahren, um zu entspannen. Was haltet ihr außerdem davon, wenn das Haus eine Gemeinschaftssauna hätte, in der wir im Urlaub Schwitzbäder nehmen könnten? {I'll need to have this avatar to retrieve my car from you and drive back to Prussia to check on my ancestral estate and get the first amount of work started on it, sweetheart. But it's just as easy to drive back there from London as from Baden-Württemberg, honestly, especially since we're deep in the Black Forest and not on an autobahn. Which reminds me since I'm still in the planning stage of what to do to fix up my country estate, I'd like a list of... well... your preferred fantasy settings and themes for some rooms and so on for you two to enjoy when we go there to relax. Also, what do you think about the house having a communal sauna so we can enjoy sweat baths there while on vacation?}"

Draco grew a goofy grin and blush of his own as he thought about the clear subtext in Ehren's offer, then responded after washing down the last of his breakfast with some of the gourmet coffee that he had stolen from the pot that Niobe had brewed for Ehren's wake-up needs. "Die Idee einer Gemeinschaftssauna in dem Ferienhaus, das du für uns baust, gefällt mir sehr gut, Ehren. Ich gebe zu, die Vorstellung, dass ihr Mädels nur ein Handtuch tragt, während wir den Dampf einatmen, ist unglaublich attraktiv. Und mir gefällt der Vorschlag, euer Anwesen zu unserer eigenen privaten "Fantasie-Insel" zu machen, auf der wir unsere Masken ablegen können, während wir uns entspannen. {I really like the idea of a communal sauna at that vacation home that you are building for us, Ehren. I confess the idea of you girls wearing just a towel as we take in the steam is incredibly attractive. And I love the proposal to make your estate our own private 'fantasy island' hideaway to take our masks down as we relax.}"

Then he focused on Ehren while Niobe gave him a dewy-eyed look, blushed, and nodded in turn and continued. "Was spezielle Fantasieräume für mich angeht, muss ich darüber nachdenken, aber ich hätte gerne eine Kopie des Slytherin-Schulleiterzimmers und meines Schlafzimmers im Malfoy Manor -- erinnerst du mich daran, dir das irgendwann in den Sommerferien zu zeigen, Ehren. Ich gebe zu, die Vorstellung, Zeit mit Schülerinnen aus den verschiedenen Häusern zu verbringen -- insbesondere mit einer gewissen Hufflepuff-Cousine von mir -- ist ziemlich verlockend. Johnston wäre ein perfekter Gryffindor, so dass Ravenclaw und Slytherin für dich und Cleopatra übrig bleiben, Niobe. Obwohl Ehren auch ein toller Schlangenmädchen wäre, und ich bin sicher, dass ich dich überreden kann, eine Mädchenschuluniform in Silber und Grün zu besorgen, oder? {As for special fantasy rooms for me, I'll have to think about it, but I'd like a copy of the Slytherin Head Boy's room and my bedroom at Malfoy Manor -- remind me to show you it sometime over the summer holiday, Ehren. I confess the idea of me spending time with schoolgirls from the various Houses -- especially a certain Hufflepuff cousin of mine -- is quite enticing. Johnston would make a perfect Gryffindor, which leaves Ravenclaw and Slytherin for you and Cleopatra, Niobe. Although Ehren would make for a killer Serpent too, and I'm sure I can talk you into picking up a girl's school uniform in silver and green, no?}"

Ehren grinned smugly and rapidly nodded, blushing quite prettily at the thought of dressing up for her future husband's enjoyment as she secretly lived her private guilty schoolgirl wish to be Sorted to Slytherin alongside Draco Malfoy serving as her 'student mentor' -- which she knew that Draco knew....

Then, Ehren glanced over to Niobe who had been visibly mulling her question over. Finally the silver haired shipgirl answered her. "Hmm, darauf muss ich zurückkommen, Ehren. Abgesehen davon habe ich ein paar Feen an Bord, die Tischler und dergleichen waren, so dass ich dir ihre Dienste leihen kann, um dein preußisches Landgut so einzurichten, wie es war, als der Eiserne Kanzler Deutschland verwaltete. Ich bin sicher, das ist das allgemeine Thema, das du wiederherstellen wollst. {Hmm, I'll have to get back to you on that score, Ehren. That said, I have a few faeries on board who were carpenters and the like so I can loan you their services to set up your Prussian Estate the way it was when the Iron Chancellor was managing Germany. I'm certain that's the overall theme that you want to restore it to.}"

Ehren nodded with a dreamy sigh as she thought about how her ancestral home would have looked at the dawn of the twentieth century. "Ja, das wäre ein wahr gewordener Traum für mich.... {Yes, that would be a dream come true for me....}"

Draco in turn smiled happily at the shyly happy look on Ehren's face as he privately resolved to help her satisfy this fantasy of hers in turn as best he could.

Niobe clapped her hands for attention and gave Draco and Ehren a firm look as she declared: "Aber genug der Träumerei! Wenn wir hier bei den Resten unseres Frühstücks plaudern, können wir uns nicht anziehen, um unsere Schulfreunde zu treffen. Außerdem muss ich Johnston, Cleopatra, Vince, Elspeth und all unseren anderen Freunden wie den Carrow-Zwillingen meinen neuen Verlobungsring zeigen. Da sie jetzt zu unserem inneren Kreis des Vertrauens gehören, verdienen sie es, von Graf Malfoys Absichten zu erfahren, seine Weserprinzessin zu einer ehrlichen Frau und Ehefrau zu machen! {But, enough woolgathering! Chattering here over the remains of our breakfast won't get us dressed so we can meet our friends for school. Besides, I need to show my new engagement ring to Johnston, Cleopatra, Vince, Elspeth, and all our other friends like the Carrow twins. Since they're now in our inner circle of trust, they deserve to know about Earl Malfoy's intentions to make his Weser Princess a honest woman and wife!}"
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Niobe giggled as quietly as she could, then kissed his cheek and responded. "Ach ja, das ist lustig. Du hast gesagt, dein Patronus Wolfshund heißt Cu? Ist das nicht... Irisch für "Hund"? Das ist... fantasielos.... {Oh yes, that is funny, You said your Patronus wolfhound is named Cu? Isn't that... Irish for 'dog?' That's... unimaginative....}"
Ah, but one of Ireland's greatest heroes is known as Cu. In fact, he's the man who inducted Draco into being the Celtic Champion, so it's a fitting tribute.
You know this might involve with Harry with intelligence even more. Like it's probably not gonna be his main focus, but harry probably is some extent involved with the intelligence section (海上作戦情報部, Kaijō Sakusen Jōhōbu).
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You know this might involve with Harry with intelligence even more. Like it's probably not gonna be his main focus, but harry probably is some extent involved with the intelligence section (海上作戦情報部, Kaijō Sakusen Jōhōbu).

I am now imagining a grown up Harry in a very nice suit.

"My name is Potter. Harry Potter." And backing him up are his family and friends (which seems to be nearly every shipgirl and allied abyssal in the Far East).

Random Villain : "I do believe I have erred..."
Villain's minions : "Run away!"
I am now imagining a grown up Harry in a very nice suit.

"My name is Potter. Harry Potter." And backing him up are his family and friends (which seems to be nearly every shipgirl and allied abyssal in the Far East).

Random Villain : "I do believe I have erred..."
Villain's minions : "Run away!"

And quite a fair number of them outside of there, as well.

Why do I now see a bunch of shipgirls doing the 'peasant rail gun' with a torpedo on Harry's command?
Well, here we go. This is a weird one.

Oh, the Humanities​


The thirteen-year-old supergenius mumbled to himself semicoherently, hunched over the base of the electronic pillar that dominated the center of the room.


"Just a minute," he said more clearly, tracing a wire deeper into the device's superstructure.


"Mein Gott, I've almost got this!"

Daisy shook her head, walked over to the window, and threw the curtain open. Malfoy shrieked like a dying ghoul, recoiling as the evening sun streamed in the window at the precise angle to bypass his safety glasses and hit him directly in the eye.


"We're done for the day." Daisy gestured at the yellow-orange sky.

Malfoy grimaced, but nodded. "Just this last adjustment. I've finally got it."

Daisy didn't say anything, but she kept a careful eye on him as he soldered the wire into place. Done was supposed to mean done, but if there was one thing she'd learned in her two-point-four years in Durmstrang, it was that an improperly finished magitech device could spell problems. And while she needed to get Malfoy moving onto bed, losing his train of thought made it hard for him to get back into it without moving onto other projects and leaving one potentially dangerous one unfinished.

And this one did have the potential to be dangerous.

After accidentally opening a gateway into the internet itself and releasing spirits of data into the school, Malfoy had become curious as to the potential applications of his accident. The machine he was working on right now was a pocket dimension projector that he had heavily modified to suit his own purposes. The objective had been intended as, at different times, an emulator to simulate different environments and settings, a portal into the realm of information, and a sort of projector that created physical objects from data. Now, it was a hodge-podge of all four functions that she could only operate by asking herself where Malfoy's stream of consciousness had taken him while working on it.

Not the sort of thing you wanted breaking down in the middle of the night.

"There," Malfoy said, standing and adjusting his pickelhaube. "That should fix the cooling issue."

"Homework?" Daisy had gotten used to making sure, especially when Malfoy got this absorbed in his projects.

"Done," Malfoy confirmed.


"Paper's written, ready for proofreading, with time to spare."


"You saw the drivel on the worksheets. You need to ask?"

"Book report?"


Daisy looked him in the eye. She turned, and looked at the large book resting on a nearby counter, that would have cost anyone who wasn't a Malfoy an arm, a leg, and an eye. "Malfoy."

"There's still time!" He babbled desperately. "I've got a week left, right?"

"To finish a report on Les Mis?" Daisy clapped a hand over her brow. "How much have you read, at least?"


Daisy drew her hand down her face, looking at him through her fingers. "Malfoy. How much of the book have you read."

"The diction, it's like swimming through concrete, I can't—"

"Professor Marche said you could take a different book! You're the one who insisted you could do it!"

"I miscalculated!" Malfoy whined. "There's no way I'm going to…"

He paused, and glanced between the book and the pillar.

He picked up the expensive block of paper, carried it back to the machine, and slipped it into an open slot.

Daisy smacked his hand away from the lever that he was reaching toward.


"The only way to get through the whole book in time to write a report is to experience it in a way that no one has ever before!"

"But you still miss out on the narrative," she snapped back. "There's a… a language to the medium, it's how the writer gets the point across. You can't experience the book properly to write a report about it by using a holodeck, Malfoy!"

She broke off her tirade. Malfoy was staring at her with a panicked gaze. This wasn't the first time he'd bitten off more than he could chew, counting on his intellect to see him through a problem that he didn't actually know how to deal with. It was, however, rather more spectacular than most.

"Look," she sighed. "I'll go through it with you, I'll help. Just… there's a reason the teachers ask you to do things a certain way, right?"

Malfoy pouted, accepting the offered structure grudgingly and the offered aid with relief. "Tomorrow's the weekend. I… I guess I could put the next day or so aside to work through it."

Daisy nodded. "Okay. Let's do that." She glanced out the window. "In the morning. Not enough time with curfew." This particular project had gotten to a large enough size that Malfoy's dorm room couldn't practically hold it. They'd moved it into one of the older, less frequently used science classrooms with the headmaster's permission.

Malfoy lifted his helmet from his head. "Okay."

He was going to be grumpy about this, Daisy concluded. On the bright side, though, he was a quick reader, and with the absence of other projects to distract him, she had no doubt that he would make his way through the admittedly massive book within the time he'd suggested.

She was going to have to explain some of the themes to him, but once he had a good enough idea of what was going on, he would have things in hand.

That, or find a way to enter the book to punt the Thenardiers through a wall and offer a power-armored hand on the barricade. That front she was willing to help out on as well.

She waited as Malfoy collected his notes into his binder (a personal favorite, given that it was gray and Doctor Doom-green), and they walked out of the room. Daisy paused a moment to lock the door, and faced toward her dorms. It was late, and she and Malfoy needed to be in bed five minutes ago.


The nice thing about being headmaster, thought Karl Bronson, was that all of the security was built around who he wanted to let in and out.

The door clicked open, and he walked into the classroom. The massive cylinder of metal plating and exposed wiring stood before him, exposed like a massive secret as he turned the lights on. The open window showed a starless night sky. He stepped over quickly and drew it closed.

He'd considered turning the position of headmaster down when offered it. His own work had hit a slump, and he'd wanted to focus on it to get things moving again. Then he'd been informed who was attending, and realized that there was a shortcut.

Karl was no fool to enter the lair of a mad scientist unprepared, but then Bastian Malfoy and his assistant had come to him with a request that solved his every problem. A pocket universe generator, half a generation ahead of the version of the device that leading scientists had only cracked the secret to last year. And with so many additions, including a device that could open one of the doorways that the boy had foolishly cracked open at the beginning of the year.

He could feel the weight of the awards in his hands.

Now, if Malfoy was half the genius he'd been described as, he shouldn't have messed with the controls too much. Karl walked over to the cluster of keyboards and monitors that dominated one of the worktables that had been shoved out of the center of the room. He switched it on, waited the several seconds it needed to boot, and began typing commands.

Fortunately, the proper commands seemed to remain in place… If that was the case, then…

Karl frowned. Where were the commands for the portal?

He tapped the "back" button frantically. No, no… it had to be around here somewhere!


He looked up.

The lights were beginning to flicker. A spark ran across the generator.

What? He hadn't input the commands yet! What was going on—


He squinted.

Why did those kids shove a book in there—


Daisy woke to a loud crash of falling furniture. She sat straight up in bed, looking around. Had Ramos jostled something before going to bed? It happened some… times…

A haggard young woman in a dirty dress was pressing herself into a corner, eyes wide and frantic. She glanced at Daisy, then at the other girls who were flailing out from under their covers, and began shouting in… in something that might have been French. She wasn't sure.

Outside the room, a man's voice was calling out in rather more recognizable French. Shouting for… for someone named… Cosette… And there was the alarm going off, and oh God why?

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, stalking towards the door. This was not happening, not this early in the morning.

Daisy had a pretty good idea of what had happened. She didn't bother to wonder which characters from Les Miserables had appeared. With her luck, it would be a question of who hadn't appeared.

"Stupid. Malfoy!"


So, there was a vtuber who did a themed karaoke, and then the musical turned out to be in town (don't think I'll be able to watch, unfortunately, tickets are impossibly expensive), and simply put I've been on a bit of a Les Mis kick lately.

Can't quite say where I got the idea to add "a" to "y," as it were. Oh well, I had fun writing it.

Well, what do you think sirs?
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