[Hard SF] Children of a Dead World

[X] Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.

People are going to be grande expresso depresso when we go around raiding Earth+its orbitals and see all the people die slow and painful deaths. Unfortunate, but ultimately necessary to prevent human capital self-destruction long enough to ensure species survival. Additional menials and technology can sourced from ruins of Earth, but it is imperative that skilled expertise continues to function in short and long term. In event that such luxuries are unneeded for survival, they can be shifted or traded with survivors and contribute to mental stability elsewhere.

Damn, VSNKh Quest really prepared me for these sorts of things.
Number must go up, whether fulfilling a Five Year Plan or ensuring species survival.
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[X]Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.
[X] Ellie Stewart
[X] Female
[X]Personnel: While this will mean more short term supply loss and more rationing until the Venerian supply ships come in, Titan is in the main self sufficient for foodstuffs and basic needs – the issue is more feedstock than basics. Skilled personnel in the meantime will allow more flexibility later on, as they adapt to life in the colony. Allows more options for technical skill development later on, supply crunch worsens early on.

Going with this to give us a greater long term technical advantage, of course in the Short term we'll have to handle the supply crash and morale issues but I'm confident we can handle them.

Also @mouli honest question here but why wasn't Mars colonized? It'd be an ideal long term planet to hold human life or do you have future plans for said world that required it not being colonized.
Also @mouli honest question here but why wasn't Mars colonized? It'd be an ideal long term planet to hold human life or do you have future plans for said world that required it not being colonized.
Mars is not ideal as it does not have a magnetosphere and requires core ignition to avoid (1) the terraformed atmosphere being stripped off by solar winds and (2) not having the colonists be irradiated. While domes are possible, the gravity well is steep enough that domes are far more expensive than Venerian habitation even per ton of supply - and they need far more supply. Venus is the easier target.
Mars is not ideal as it does not have a magnetosphere and requires core ignition to avoid (1) the terraformed atmosphere being stripped off by solar winds and (2) not having the colonists be irradiated. While domes are possible, the gravity well is steep enough that domes are far more expensive than Venerian habitation even per ton of supply - and they need far more supply. Venus is the easier target.
Huh I did not know that! You learn something new everyday, can I still guess that we could use Mars in the future if we can get pass simply surviving and start trying to thrive on Titan and the rest of the solar system?
[X] Basira Khouri
[X] Female
[X]Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.
Huh I did not know that! You learn something new everyday, can I still guess that we could use Mars in the future if we can get pass simply surviving and start trying to thrive on Titan and the rest of the solar system?
Mars has the issue of being a deeply suboptimal world for most tasks as it has a decently steep gravity well, it's dusty complicating suit design/airlocks, has low atmospheric pressure, is cold, has issues with nitrogen/volatile accumulation. It's not really a planet to put a long-term civilization or outpost on. Resources that are there can be obtained far more easily from the nearby(in delta-V sense) asteroid belt and that can be done without a large number of the factors that make it so hard to do it on mars.
Mars has the issue of being a deeply suboptimal world for most tasks as it has a decently steep gravity well, it's dusty complicating suit design/airlocks, has low atmospheric pressure, is cold, has issues with nitrogen/volatile accumulation. It's not really a planet to put a long-term civilization or outpost on. Resources that are there can be obtained far more easily from the nearby(in delta-V sense) asteroid belt and that can be done without a large number of the factors that make it so hard to do it on mars.
Are you saying all the Sci-Fi Movies have lied to me!!! I can't believe it how could they!!:p

So on a more serious note the worlds and I use that word loosely here where the best bet for us and we'll have to build up with what we got.
It would probably be easier to colonize the Moon than Mars.

[X]Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.
[X]Name: Blaike Faulknen
[X]Gender: Male

[X]Morale Boosters:
Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.
First, there is tragedy. (Forever, there is tragedy.)


Then. Is there a future for humanity? Let's see if we can make it so.

[X] Basira Khouri
[X] Nonbinary
[X]Morale Boosters:
Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times.
Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.
[X] Ellie Stewart
[X] Female
[X]Personnel: While this will mean more short term supply loss and more rationing until the Venerian supply ships come in, Titan is in the main self sufficient for foodstuffs and basic needs – the issue is more feedstock than basics. Skilled personnel in the meantime will allow more flexibility later on, as they adapt to life in the colony. Allows more options for technical skill development later on, supply crunch worsens early on.

We need to think long-term, the expanded expertise can help us further situate our own population and make us more efficient in terms of our environment and resource usage.
Oh, a note for @mouli: can you format the votes with a space between the brackets and the words after it? So instead of []Morale Boosters, it's [] Morale Boosters. It looks nicer and it stops people from splitting the vote due to minor typographical differences.
[X]Name: Blaike Faulknen
[X]Gender: Male

[X]Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.
[X] Basira Khouri
[X] Female
[X]Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.
[X]Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.

if we were on our own id say the complex machines. but were still part of a trade network, even if its one thats far flung so i think keeping our people from taking a stroll out the airlock will pay more dividends right now.
Oh, a note for @mouli: can you format the votes with a space between the brackets and the words after it? So instead of []Morale Boosters, it's [] Morale Boosters. It looks nicer and it stops people from splitting the vote due to minor typographical differences.
Will do from the next update.
Pretty sure tgat's a bit further...
A tad, yes, but braking thrusters are slow and there are enough bodies scattering off the Belt that Ganymede is functionally a Belt outpost.
[X]Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.

Because otherwise it will be the worst time of their lives.
It's not often that your mother dies.
[X] Basira Khouri
[X] Female

As for what the last shipment was.... shit we need everything. It would be nice to get some bulk agricultural/industrial biologicals or a thorough genebank but morale boosters are probably the best thing. Keeping everyone's head screwed on straight-ish is likely going to be the most important factor. Humans can do a surprising amount if they're unified and working together, psych cases that hate each other are going to fail no matter how many nerds or machines they have. And in corollary, people who are willing to knuckle down and get through it because they get to have a beer once a week and occasionally pet a cat can get through some really lean times together.

[X]Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.
[X]Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.

I will be honest a good 10% of why I chose this is I wanta base cat like Ganymede had. Other than that though this update made it clear that moral is at rock bottom. rebuilding it at all will curb a lot of issues in both the short and long term.
[X] Basira Khouri
[X] Female
[X]Morale Boosters: Things like genebanks for pets – allowing a few animals to be grown and turned loose as a morale boost. Other things like a few bottles of vanilla and seeds for the plants, allowing some more diet variation. Some religious paraphernalia, funded by a wide swathe of organizations on Old Earth before the bombs fell. All of this will help people keep an even keel in these times. Greater psychological stability for colonists, allows rationing of luxuries.

Dang it, missed the first vote. How do people find these quests so quickly? The specialist option is reaaaaaally tempting, and I was very close to picking it, but in the end I think that these luxuries will be the only thing standing in the way of us not facing mass morale breakdown on our stations. Plus, if we don't have luxuries all we have to motivate the people is fanaticism and that never ends well.
btw how bland will the food on titan be on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being actually decent and 1 being less flavorful than cardboard