Vote tally - [HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Adhoc vote count started by ccstat on Jan 29, 2019 at 9:54 AM, finished with 270 posts and 14 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
[HALP] me! (WORM quest)
Post #1779
Post #2048


  • [X] Plan Restrict Frictionless
    -[X] Send Frictionless the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
    -[X] Tell Frictionless to cap the size of objects that Ballistic can accelerate to only 5% bigger than the objects Ballistics currently uses.
    -[X] Set up sense-sharing with Frictionless.
    [X] Plan Restrict Fusion
    -[X] Send Fusion the Standard Information Packet and the command codes so that it must listen to us.
    -[X] Tell Fusion to cap the power output of suns such that it extends that maximum shard lifespan to normal parameters.
    -[X] Set up sense-sharing with Fusion.
    [X] Restrict Twin
    -[X] Twin's Host must spend a period of time between simulations equal to the length of the last simulation before he can start up a new simulation. If the Host attempts to simulate regardless during a cooldown, it is allowed, but a Thinker headache is imposed for the entire cooldown duration and the severity of the headache and duration of the next cooldown is doubled each time this occurs. The headache should be annoying on the first, impairing on the second and incapacitating on the third. Drugs should help with the first and second headaches, but not the third headache.
    [X] How did you know that name?
    -[X] Think about the pros and cons of the various Brockton Bay teams while watching Lilac throughout the day, mulling over their members and resources and how well Lilac would fit in.
    -[X] Have the portion of you doing this watch Lilac's Host data all day, record instances she seems to react to what you're thinking.
    [X] Plan Just Get Stuff Done Already
    -[X] Continue Focused Research 1
    -[X] Start Research Memetic Proxy Filtering 1
    -[X] Start Basic Psionic Theory 1
    -[X] Start Stabilize Trigger (Human)
    -[X] Assign all excess research points after this round's rolls to Focused Research 1
    [X] Plan New Protocol with One-Way Option
    - [X] When setting up the new sense-sharing connections, make them two-way, but create a new protocol that if the Shard senses aberrance in Administrator, it is to report this to Administrator and only Administrator.
    --[X] If the Shard does not accept the new protocol, change the sense-sharing connection so that only Administrator gets the additional info.
    [X] Plan Senses
    - [X] Set up sense-sharing with Audible, Swap, and Twin.
    - [X] Take all Swap and Twin's data.
    [X] Do not trigger Taylor.
    [X]Plan "Red Flags Over Brainmeats"
    -[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind to us in her sleep.
    --[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 1 to autocrit on the attempt to not fuck this up.
    -[X] Purge her Brainmeats of encrypted data everything else, just reformat it to empty.
    --[X] Use PHO 2: Post Harder bonus to autocrit at this, getting rid of this probably dangerous chunk.
    -[X] Transfer Taylor's Mind back into her new, enlarged Brainmeats she has more use of (Maybe with a slight program to make sure she feels proper levels of hunger to maintain it?)
    --[X] Use Rune-Chan bonus 2 to autocrit at this, making sure we do it right.
    [X] Contact Armamentarium
    -[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important
    [X] Charge Data Questions
    -[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
    -[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?
    [X] Contact Equilibrium: Hunt for Hero
    -[X] Check up on the state of Equilibrium
    -[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important
    -[X] Give out the new protocols if needed
    [X] Contact Singular & Security
    -[X] Get them to start sharing data with us.
    --[X] Start spying on Bakuda as soon as she Triggers.
    [X] Contact Hypersparkle: Hunt for Hero 2
    -[X] Check up on the state of Hypersparkle
    -[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important
    -[X] Give out the new protocols if needed
    [X] Plan "Birdbrained Bird-Brain"
    -[X] Investigate whether installing temporary processing speed restrictions on this bird-brain-thing is covered under [Human Biology] and [Basic Host Modification (Human)], or if we'll need [Gaea]/a stronger research ability.
    [X]Plan: Stop and think
    -[X] Don't do anything with Taylor's brainmeats until we get a better scan from Veronica or Amy
    [X] Contact Singular & Surveillance
    -[X] Get them to start sharing data with us.
    --[X] Start spying on Bakuda as soon as she Triggers.
    [X] Plan Researching the Essentials
    -[X] Continue Research Focused Research 1
    -[X] Assign 186 free research to Focused Research 1
    -[X] Start Research Memetic Proxy Filtering 1 125/125, 275 Tinker Information
    -[X] Start Research Stabilize Trigger (Human) 250/850
    [X] Pay attention to Amy, let's see what unholy abomination she's come up with.
    [X] Give Twin the standard data packet with updates if we didn't do that already.
    [X] Plan Charge
    -[X] Don't mess with Charge.
    [X] What's Tattletale up to
    [X] Inform Negotiator of the new restrictions. Ask her if she wants Dream Master, she seems like she already has human bio and modification.
    [X] Don't contact any new Shards.
    [X] Plan Senses 2
    - [X] Set up sense-sharing with Audible, Swap, and Twin.
    - [X] Take half of their data.
    [X] If Red Flags works, tell Gaea what we tried and ask her to give it look over just n case anyway. She's the bio expert.
    -[X] If we contact Gaea, advise her toward subtlety with Dream Master. Her host appears to be mentally unstable, which while useful in moderation, can result in death or imprisonment if pushed too far.
    [X] Plan Data
    -[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
    -[X] Under what circumstances can aberrance be detected?
    -[X] Are there any drawbacks or unexpected side-effects to sense-sharing?
    -[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?
    -[X] Ask whether Charge is sense-sharing, friends, or allies with any other Shards?
    [X] Plan Thinker-Tinker Taylor
    -[X] Trigger Taylor
    [X] Plan Senses
    - [X] Set up sense-sharing with Audible, Swap, and Twin.
    [X] Plan Taylor Wait
    [X] Do not restric Twin right now.
    [X] Contact Escalation
    -[X] Get to know if it's friendly and/or sapient
    --[X] Try to get a feel about how it'd feel nudging his Host to destroy something (Winsllow).
    [X] Contact Realm
    -[X] Get the adress of her Shards, specificaly ask about Burnscar's Shard.
    --[X] If succesfull, contact Bunscar's Shard and get her Shard's adresses.
    ---[X] If succesfull, try to contact The Siberian's Shard and ask for Hero adress (in case we didn't have it previously).
    [X] Contact Shift
    -[X] Get to know if Shopia is starting to form a Gang.
    [X] Contact Gaea
    -[X] Tell her the criteria for being integrated at the end of the Cycle if we got it from Charge.
    [X] Charge Data Questions
    -[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
    --[X] Did anyone else, to your knowledge, get these updated command codes? If so, who?
    -[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?
    -[X] Did any non-Zion Shards get OCP data from Zion's Administrator?
    [X] Contact High Priest: Hunt for Hero 3
    -[X] Check up on the state of High Priest
    --[X] If non-sapient, too broken to be harmful, or agreeable to us, ask for data on the Conflict Engines.
    -[X] Ask for shard addresses, Hero's shard is the most important
    -[X] Give out the new protocols if needed
    [X] Plan Data
    -[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
    -[X] Under what circumstances can aberrance be detected?
    -[X] Are there any drawbacks or unexpected side-effects to sense-sharing?
    -[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?
    [X] Charge Data Questions
    -[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
    -[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?
    -[X] Under what circumstances can aberrance be detected?
    -[X] Did anyone else, to your knowledge, get these updated command codes? If so, who?
    -[X] Did any non-Zion Shards get OCP data from Zion's Administrator?
    [X] Charge Data Questions
    -[X] What are the updated command codes that the original Administrator sent Charge?
    -[X] Does Charge know the addresses for any other Shards that were contacted by the original Administrator when Eden died?
    -[X] Does Charge knows the criteria for being integrated at the end of the Cycle.
    -[X] Why she hasn't contacted Zion and told him about Eden's state.