Vote tally - [HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Mount. Elements on Jan 19, 2019 at 9:02 PM, finished with 1435 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Mount. Elements
[HALP] me! (WORM quest)
Post #1
Post #1435


  • [X] Plan Don't Do That
    -[X] Send Veronica a dream of her throwing a blast at someone that kills them because it was more powerful than expected.
    --[X] Hopefully, this inspires her to test out her powers safely.
    [X] Stop messing with Charge for now - leave her alone.
    [X] Plan Shift
    -[X] Check in with Shift to make sure things are going well and reassure her that you haven't forgotten her.
    --[X] If she's upset that you didn't contact her yesterday, tell her it's because she's doing such a good job that she's becoming a more capable member of the pack.
    -[X] Trade Shift 50 Master for 50 brute data. We need it to repair our hosts potential brain damage.
    [x] Plan Salvage
    -[x] Stun Prosthetic, see if that wakes it up.
    -[x] If it doesn't, eat it. Be extra careful around the active power - you're gonna want to maintain that, or recreate it as closely as you can if that fails.
    [X] Plan Negotiator
    -[X] Contact Negotiator to let her know that you're currently evaluating the damaged Shards. You're just doing patch jobs for now while you figure out which Shards are salvageable.
    --[X] Let her know that Emote has already been consumed because it was running low on Energy. Prosthetic reacted badly to the Standard Information Packet, but you have a plan!
    [X] Plan "A Start Towards Fixing Taylor"
    -[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Taylor for any anomalies.
    -[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Veronica to see what "peak human" looks like and to get a bonus when researching Basic Host Modification (Human).
    -[X] Don't send Taylor a dream, but stop her nightmares so that she can rest peacefully.
    [X] Offer same deal to Gaea.
    [X] Make sure you got telekinetics (glory girl's shard) looped in.
    [X] Loop shift into the data feed from Verona, to pay it back for looping you into sophia.
    [x] Plan Administrator, Administrate!
    -[x] Order Charge to formate the sentient Shard and then assimilate it.
    -[x] Monitor the situation. If things look like they're going wrong, stun Charge and format the sentient portion.
    [X] Plan Don't Hurt Yourself
    -[X] If we get brute data from shift, start Host Modification.
    -[X] If not, start Stabilize Trigger.
    -[X] Continue researching Focused Research.
    [X] Plan Taylor, Ducats
    -[X] Give Taylor a nice night of sleep, show Taylor nice dreams, beach vacation, Christmas, doing something fun etc.
    -[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Taylor for any anomalies.
    -[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Veronica to see what "peak human" looks like and to get a bonus when researching Basic Host Modification (Human).
    [X] Plan "Support Devices Specialization"
    -[X] Use 160 Tinker info to give Trainwreck Tinker powers with a specialization towards devices that can be used to support people, either by boosting their physical abilities or by limiting them. The devices should have a steampunk theme whenever possible.
    -[X] Use 150 Breaker and 50 Changer info to keep Trainwreck alive.
    [X] Plan "Waking Dream"
    -[X] Eat Prosthetic and give Trainwreck useful Tinker powers as defined in a separate plan.
    -[X] Send Trainwreck a dream where he thinks he's woken up to hear a couple of people nearby talking about going to Faultline's club, the Palanquin. One of them should wonder about the ethics of going to a club run by a mercenary. The other responds that at least her crew doesn't kill people like the gangs do. Plus, she takes in "those weird mutated capes with no memories".
    [x] Plan Slow Your Roll
    -[x] DON'T give Taylor any other dreams just yet.
    --[x] Examine Taylor's psychological state in more detail. Something's up with her.
    [x] Plan Economy Intensifies
    -[x] Use the open research slot to work on Faster Research 2.
    [X] Plan Negotiator + Sense-Sharing
    -[X] Contact Negotiator to let her know that you're currently evaluating the damaged Shards. You're just doing patch jobs for now while you figure out which Shards are salvageable.
    --[X] Let her know that Emote has already been consumed because it was running low on Energy. Prosthetic reacted badly to the Standard Information Packet, but you have a plan!
    --[X] Ask if she wants to share senses.
    [x] Plan "MLG Villains"
    -[x] Eat Prosthetics, give Trainwreck actually useful Tinker Powers to remake himself.
    --[x] Send Dreams to join U&L.
    -[x] Eye Greg as possible Host.
    -[x] "Neeeeeeeeerds"
    [X] Plan My Bad
    -[X] Eat Prosthetic and give Trainwreck useful Tinker powers with a maximum limit of 160 Tinker info, 150 Breaker info, and 50 Changer info and up to 50 more if gathered from Prosthetic.
    -[X] Send Trainwreck dreams to encourage him to join Faultline's Crew.
    [X] Power plan
    -[X] Multitasking.
    -[X] Breaker 150 + Changer 50 + up to Changer 50 provided by eating Prosthetic.
    [X] Tinker 160. Vaguely steampunk style. Allows Trainwreck to build up from pretty much scraps and trash. Interacts with breaker power to integrate tech with his inhuman form.
    [X] Plan Working Towards Trigger Research
    -[X] Slot 1- Continue Focused Research 1
    -[X] Slot 2- Start Faster Research 2
    [X] Plan Try to help the Sapient Chunk
    -[X] Try to diagnose the malfunction of Sapient chunk. Order Charge to produce diagnostics of the Sapient portion.
    -[X] Communicate with the Sapient Chunk, ask what it recalls from its side.
    -[X] If corruption is too severe to be repaired without a reformat, ask the Sapient Chunk to attempt to generate a core memory and personality data dump/backup to you, you'd attempt to clone that over to the normal portion if it can manage that.
    [X] Plan Good things come to those who wait.
    -[X] Eat (Prosthetic)?
    -[X] Rebuild its power after that in a separate plan, we can't come up with that without an updated data budget.
    -[X] If possible, defer the power modification to after you do some data trading.
    -[X] If you can't wait on the power modification, then hold off on eating it until your current Host gets you some data the good way. Nudge Veronica towards searching in the bad parts of town with a small dose of adrenaline to stimulate a growing concern for Amy as the search progresses without result. Even one fight worth of data should be enough to paper over the cracks.
    [X] Plan Psionics research
    -[X] Use the new slot on Basic Psionic Theory 1
    -[X] Otherwise continue previous research