Vote tally - [HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Parzival95 on Jan 15, 2019 at 3:29 PM, finished with 243 posts and 13 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
[HALP] me! (WORM quest)
Post #865
Post #1107


  • [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] When Taylor comes to, she will find herself in a car in motion. From her side, she will hear a familiar voice and familiar words. When she looks, she will find Emma talking on the phone with Taylor.
    -[X] After a bit, the car will stop. When Taylor looks for the reason, she will find that the road is blocked. Out of the alleyways come armed gangsters in green and red.
    -[X] When they get to the car, Alan tries to negotiate with them, but they are not interested. One of the gangsters open the car door at Emma's side, grabs her, and drags her outside the car. They take her phone and toss it away. Alan begs them to not hurt his daughter, but his pleas meet deaf ears once again.
    -[X] While this is happening, the gangster that took Emma says they will take one thing from her and she gets to choose if it is her mouth, nose, or an eye. As Emma hears this, she begins to struggle and lash out with all of her meagre strength. It is of limited use, but it is enough to anger the gangster.
    -[X] As the gangster is about to take their anger out on Emma, he is hit by a dark shadow and knocked clean out. The shadow is there for a moment before it moves on and takes care of the other gangsters. After the gangsters have been taken care of, Alan thanks them and calls the police.
    -[X] While he is doing that, the shadow returns to find Emma shivering while hugging herself. The shadow leans down to Emma and tells her that she is strong, that her fighting back proves that she is a survivor. The dream fades as the shadow tells Emma that they will find her later.
    [X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan Behavioral Tinker
    [X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
    -[X] Continue Current Research
    -[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research
    [X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    -[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    -[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    -[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] Plan "Save the Data"
    -[X] Grab all data currency from Prosthetic, Twin, and Swap.
    -[X] Have Prosthetic, Twin, and Swap stream sense to you for more data collection.
    -[X] Have Prosthetic, Twin, and Swap send you the data they collect daily.
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] West? Hi there North America! (cover)
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    -[X] Multitasking
    --[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    -[x] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    --[x] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    --[x] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    --[x] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!
    [X] Don't steal data from shards.
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] Legend Lite, Rainbow Brite
    -[X] Mover 80 Rating 4 flight, rainbow trail
    -[X] Brute 40 + Changer 40 + Breaker 40 Defensive power, energy state/force fields if possible with shifting rainbow tye-dye hue. possibly combine with Mover?
    -[X] Blaster 100 + Master 80 + Trump 60 Rainbow multi colored emotional blasts. Different color for different emotional/power effects. BEAM SPAM in all directions.
    -[X] Thinker 100 jack up emotional aura reading range and precision. increased understanding.
    -[X] Multitasking to everything. so he can float up in the middle of a fight, be aware of everyone around him, and go rapid fire rainbow disco ball.