Vote tally - [HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Parzival95 on Jan 14, 2019 at 8:27 PM, finished with 205 posts and 3 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
[HALP] me! (WORM quest)
Post #865
Post #1069


  • [X] Manton Decree
    -[X] Trump 50: The host's body is immune to direct shard based effects that are not allowed by the host (Ballistic can shoot him with degree, but he can't shoot the host into degree with his power). The host can designate which parahumans that are able to affect the hosts (Mostly here to negate being knocked out and then being incapable of being healed).
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan Void Stalker
    [X] Plan Behavioral Tinker
    [X] From Zero to Hero: Peak Humanity
    -[X] Trump 60 (I take 3 as absolute best humanity may possibly reach, but I think 40 would work as well): With this template hosts body slowly improves with each action commited by a host and maximize potential income of energy, proteins, etc. to make it as efficient as possible. Host simply doesn't waste anything with this template and reaches absolute peak of potential improvement standard human is capable of, both physically and mentally. Host with this template improves faster then it should be possible, but nothing on superhuman level and potential maximum which is possible by normal human standards would be considered 'genius level'.
    [X] West? Hi there North America! (cover)