Hacking To The Gate (Anime Quest)

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EDIT: The following is a piece if shit by a bored and tired guy. There's a reason we have the...
And he becomes special.


Too lazy to leave the house
I wish I could stay

EDIT: The following is a piece if shit by a bored and tired guy. There's a reason we have the Deader then Dead tag.

What is anime?

This is the question that comes to your mind as you awaken. What comes to your vision are balls of light fall from the sky like tears on this peaceful field. The grass swaying in the wind with no clouds in the sky.

It feels... peaceful. Like nothing could harm you no matter how hard it tried. But the question still rings out into your mind. It comes to you in a dawning realization that it isn't you that is asking this question.

Is it scifi? Romance? Comedy? Is it just an animation from Japan or is it something... more? Well, that's for you to find out.

I'm here to make you something greater than what you currently are. Somebody, unique and special. Why? I have my reasons, but let's look at you.

Generic, bland, normal. Everything that's part of your existence is a blank slate so that other people can put themselves in your place. Let's change that shall we? Go ahead, pick a trait. Make yourself you.

[] Alone - You have views on the world that you standby no matter what. You don't need friends, and you can see past all the world's evil. You wouldn't care if humanity rotted in hell.

[] Music - Your heart beats in rhythm with your soul. Music is your life and you wouldn't give it up for anything. You can jump into the beat of any situation. But in this one-beat world, can you shine?

[] Lies - What makes a man? A filthy pile of lies. You can lie convincingly to anyone including yourself. You're human after all...

[] Determination - No matter what's in your way, you will never give up. Even if the floor came out from underneath you and the sky was falling you'd still press forward. Once you make up your mind you won't quit. But is that a good thing?

Good good. Well, it's time for me to get going, and time for you to wake up. I hOpe YoU HaVe A nIce DAY...

Blackness envelops you as you fall into a peaceful slumber...


You awaken to the sound of a girl's voice. Your eyes snap open to see that she's standing up on a stage giving a speech of sorts. Everyone around you seems to be focusing directly on her, not even moving an inch.

It's odd.. They give off this kind of lifeless arua.

How did you get here?


You don't know. You don't know.

All you can remember is that field and even that is hazy. Everything else is blank. Not even your name. Just that one trait you chose for yourself.

What do you do?!

[] Freak out.
[] Calmly evaluate the situation.
[] You're going back to sleep...
Heh, just something to kick my muse. No idea on the update schedule. I hope you guys are ready.

It's showtime.
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Even so, the world is already in motion
You shake yourself to full consciousness and decide to evaluate the situation.

"I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME STUDENT-" The girl spews out from the stage. The rubbish comes out from her mouth as she gives false praise to everybody else.

Disgusting. She means none of it, probably just stole it from a book or something. You can barley even stand to listen to it.

You have better things to do then listen to this shit.

The question is, how did you get here? From the words that the bitch is saying this appears to be a ceremony to announce a student council president.

Why are you here? Who could you be? A student? What school? How could everybody else listen to this? These questions bounce around your head.


You give a closer look to the person to your left. Brown hair and eyes that seem to be giving their full attention to the pink haired girl on stage. Seem to being the key words. Just like the girl those eyes are lying, you can tell they don't really care about it.

Eyes are the window to the soul? Phe, what a load of shit.

A closer look to the girl to your right gives the same response.

They're like fillers, only there to fill space.

You give a quick shake to one of they're shoulders. Fillers they may be but they could provide some info.

"Hey." You say forcefully. "Hey!"

Nobody seems to react. The pink haired bitch is still spouting out her lies, everybody taking it in like puppets, and with only you knowing how wrong everything is.

You've had enough. Screw this place to hell!

You stand up and quickly walk to the exit...

...Only for you to hit your head on something as your center of gravity is suddenly shifted.

"The hell?" You mutter.

"HEY HEY!" A blue haired girl says, meeting your eyes. "YOU ALRIGHT?"

[] Panic.
[] "Alright, who the fuck are you?"
[] Ignore her and try to leave.