Gundam: Titan Rising (No SV, the Universal Century is trying to kill you...)

[X]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy.
[X]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy.

Considering that the OYW is just around the corner having someone who's willing to fight Zeon leading Othrys is a good idea, I am slightly worried that he may jump the gun though.

You know it would be hilarious if Zeon collapsed due to poor dice rolls before the One Year War started.
[X]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy.
[X]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy.
[]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy.
Seems like that he will push for involvement from the beginning, which is probably the best choice, if not the most popular. Strategically the best choice, but may not be the best due to the importance of public perception.
[]Damos Smith: The Everyman candidate, the safe one, the one everyone knows and can keep the ship of state running. Has no opinion on the war.
Seems to leave the decision up to others, presumably the advisors. Might be the best because of the value of perception, as we would be free to act, and pressure them to drag us fully into the war in a similar fashion as Roosevelt in IRL.
[]Richard Decker: The Guy who sees the war...and wants nothing to do with it at all, "Let Federation sons die in a federation war, no Orthys boys will die for them."
Would prefer us to not get involved until we get provoked.
[]Ryan Harlow: He thinks that containing Zeon to Earth and the belt is a good idea, no direct action, but diplomatic...he hates war fully.
Pretty much avoid war at all costs type it seems, who could easily be manipulated by Zeon, much like what happened between Hitler and the allies IRL. Officially states they should be contained from the outer system, but I question whenever he would actually enforce it when Zeon inevitably expands out of the "containment zone".
Seems like that he will push for involvement from the beginning, which is probably the best choice, if not the most popular. Strategically the best choice, but may not be the best due to the importance of public perception.
War is dangerous and expensive, children grew up in the ashes of the Civil War, its a bad taste in the mouth. A Churchill if you will.
Seems to leave the decision up to others, presumably the advisors. Might be the best because of the value of perception, as we would be free to act, and pressure them to drag us fully into the war in a similar fashion as Roosevelt in IRL.
Solidly wants to Cash and Carry the Team, give them the Guns and let them do the fighting. Classic FDR Pre Pearl Harbor.
Would prefer us to not get involved until we get provoked.
So every isolationist in the Game.
Pretty much avoid war at all costs type it seems, who could easily be manipulated by Zeon, much like what happened between Hitler and the allies IRL. Officially states they should be contained from the outer system, but I question whenever he would actually enforce it when Zeon inevitably expands out of the "containment zone".
Appeasement in All but NAME!! You know we almost lost Jupiter by Doing NOTHING!!
Guess I was right on all accounts
War is dangerous and expensive, children grew up in the ashes of the Civil War, its a bad taste in the mouth. A Churchill if you will.
Solidly wants to Cash and Carry the Team, give them the Guns and let them do the fighting. Classic FDR Pre Pearl Harbor.
In other words, it is actually probably best to play america, at least Gihren would fail WW2 history class...
Appeasement in All but NAME!! You know we almost lost Jupiter by Doing NOTHING!!
Looks like no matter what, don't select him, though I suspect it was obvious.:lol::rofl:

[X]Damos Smith: The Everyman candidate, the safe one, the one everyone knows and can keep the ship of state running. Has no opinion on the war.

Will to fight is vital, and unfortunately we are very similar to post WW1 America when it comes to our view of war, so charging in risks disaster.

Edit: Damos seems like a FDR expy, and his 'no opinion' might be because he knows the war needs to be fought, but knows currently our people don't have the will to aggressively get involved.
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[X]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy.
:"Hitler? You mean a dictator from the middle ages?"
Yeah, only the most significant individual of WW2, and all he knows is that....
The In universe reason is the Unification War fucked everything up, and things were harry until UC 70, when they finally got the education system on track.
Meanwhile at NASA.
NASA employee: How did a plane get to Pluto?!
I feel like something is there...I don't get it.
[X]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy.
[X]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy.

IMHO any other candidate will dither when action is clearly needed. They range from late to the party reactive to full on ostrich w/t head in the sand, this war will by nature spill to every corner of our solar system. It is better to begin steering it and shaping it proactively than to wait and suffer from poor choices by other leaders and inaction on our part.
IMHO any other candidate will dither when action is clearly needed. They range from late to the party reactive to full on ostrich w/t head in the sand, this war will by nature spill to every corner of our solar system. It is better to begin steering it and shaping it proactively than to wait and suffer from poor choices by other leaders and inaction on our part.
Solidly wants to Cash and Carry the Team, give them the Guns and let them do the fighting. Classic FDR Pre Pearl Harbor.

It is explicitly stated that Damos is also willing to act, he is just more aware how charging in head first with an emotionally exausted people is likely asking for disaster, so he wants to do as much as he can outside of actually declaring war, much like FDR in WW2.
I don't think our people are ready to charge into a distant war, our people are war weary thanks to the war for survival at the start of the quest, so throwing people into the grinder can easily be a big mistake, just as much as not acting at all. We also need to fight the propaganda war, and just charging in could leave us wide open for Gihren to do his thing...
We are very much an America expy, war weariness as well, so we really need to consider that. Churchill done so well because HITLER WAS RIGHT THERE! America, and Orthys are all the way that away, with vast distances to insulate us from events elsewhere, which only exasperates the situation.

Edit: Specifically, Damos almost certainly recognizes the situation for what it it, but knows that he needs to provoke Zeon to act against Orthys to give a rallying cry for the country.
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[X]Richard Decker: The Guy who sees the war...and wants nothing to do with it at all, "Let Federation sons die in a federation war, no Orthys boys will die for them."
[X]Richard Decker: The Guy who sees the war...and wants nothing to do with it at all, "Let Federation sons die in a federation war, no Orthys boys will die for them."
In the other hand, Richard I feel will be too passive, with the worst case scenario being us left for last, though at least he won't whittle ourselves to irrelevancy like Ryan likely would when faced with an aggressive zeon.
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@Themarineguy I do cede your point; Damos Smith may very well be a decent candidate for the reasons you've stated.

However, again IMHO great wars need great leadership and Michael Marcenas has both a proven base of followers and leadership skills these will be invaluable and not easily replaced by a lesser known and as yet unproven candidate.

Good leaders generally realize their weak spots and work hard to cover them. That would include bringing in subordinates that have differing views from their own. Michael would likely be able to recognize his own 'hawkishness' when it comes to Zeon and would likely choose a running mate / cabinet to temper his reactions. May I propose a write in compromise?

[X] Write-In: in these troubling time of Assassination attempts and looming War, Orthys needs political stability from a deep chain of command, a platform meant to assure swift but measured responses.

The Platform of Michael Marcenas President with Damos Smith as his Vice President /Advisor.

Edit: One point your analysis has overlooked, the Marcenas Families long history of working to peaceful resolutions whenever possible. True; Michael has heated history with Gihren but that still leaves plenty of Non-War solutions. Including espionage, using our enhanced comm-star like ability to communicate into Zeon territory and shift popular opinion away from supporting Space-Hitler and encouraging a coupe by Zeonist moderates. Something to change their tone from conquest and subjugation of other outer planets to securing freedom from crippling Federation control . Something much closer to the dreams of Zeon Zum Deikun.
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[X]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy.

We are at the edge my friends...
We are close to the brink...
History has its eyes on us...
Let us show it that we made the best damn choices we can.
When the fighting starts...
And when it spills over to our corner of the Universe...
Let someone that can galvanize the populace take the helm...
For a fervent patriot, who has a lot to lose when the threat of imminent doom approaches...
Will fight till they grind their foe to dust and forgotten memories.
Adhoc vote count started by Bob the wanderer on Aug 25, 2020 at 11:13 AM, finished with 22 posts and 11 votes.
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    [X]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy.
    [X]Damos Smith: The Everyman candidate, the safe one, the one everyone knows and can keep the ship of state running. Has no opinion on the war.
    [X]Richard Decker: The Guy who sees the war...and wants nothing to do with it at all, "Let Federation sons die in a federation war, no Orthys boys will die for them."
    [X] Write-In: in these troubling time of Assassination attempts and looming War, Orthys needs political stability from a deep chain of command, a platform meant to assure swift but measured responses.
Calling the Vote Early [X]Michael Marcenas:The Lion of Orthys himself, he has a good track record, a solid support base and the Making of an excellent leader. He sees the War and wants to jump in when the people see that it is brutal, but needed for policy. wins.