Gundam SEED Quest

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A/N:Too many plot bunnies and idea... I need help....

"Commander…" someone calls out to you...


Let's Poikemon battle, poi!
Celah kebun sawit
A/N:Too many plot bunnies and idea... I need help....

"Commander…" someone calls out to you.

Go away, I wanna sleep.

"Commander!" the high pitch voice repeats a bit forcefully.



Goodness, the scream is a bloody foghorn just next to your ear!

"Alright, alright, I'm up," you grumble in annoyance before you open your eyes.

And you blink. This is not your room, this is a ship's cabin.

You look over to the source of the voice, and find a dark grey haired girl is looking at you with a puffed up cheeks. You take in the details even though you know she's somewhat annoyed at you, if her hands on her hips is of any indication.

She's definitely a teenager, probably still in middle school. She's wearing wile sailor style shirt that stretched down to her upper thigh, no skirt but she's wearing thigh high black stocking.

"About time," she quips and snaps your attention back to her.


"So… Let me get this straight. You're basically the (____), your body is an android for you to physically interact with outside world, and right now we're somewhere between Earth and the Moon?" you ask the girl.

"Hm hm! That's right," she nods with a crinkled eyes smile.

You pinch the bridge of your nose while trying not to let yourself float off the captain's chair. The lack of gravity really starting to get into your nerve as your flaming red hair floating freely like a lion's mane.

Your hair is something that you're proud of, though you got to admit that you look like a spitting image of Flay Allster from the Gunndam SEED series.

This is absurdity in the highest order. The only (___) you know is the ship model you usually use for gunpla battles, not a full sized warship complete with her own AI that can actually run herself without human input.

You're not sure how you're going to take this. You're supposed to be a fifteen years old girl with gunpla battle as your side hobby. The ship, while not the hero ship from any of the Gundam timelines, is still a seriously souped up grunt ship. And she is from…

[] Nelson-class battleship

[] Nazca-class destroyer

After braving your parents and successfully asked them for some monies, you gave the ship some serious refit before you named her as…

[] Write In

However, now you find the mobile suit gunpla and ship model in your possession turned into their real life counterpart, and you're the owner. But that's not the worst. What's worse however, you finds yourself in another world altogether. You know that because there are debris everywhere outside of the ship, from the size of a small pebble to a wrecked hourglass shaped colony.

Yep, looks like you're in Cosmic Era. What year? You're not sure.

You quickly slap both of your cheeks. It is not the time to freak out or moping around and you have to think of something to occupy your mind.

[] Head for Copernicus City, moon.

[] Head for Heliopolis, L3

[] Head for Mendel, L4

[] Write in

Armamaments: 1 x Bow mounted Lohengrin Positron Cannon
4 x Twin 200cm Beam Cannon
12 x 75mm 'Igellstellung' CIWS
6 x Torpedo launchers (18 torpedoes: 12 x conventional, 6 x 0.5-2Mt var. yield nuclear with NJC)
1 x 8-cells VLS
12x AI controlled DRAGOON pods

Protection : Laminated armour

Hangar : up to 4 mobile suits

Misc : N-jammer, centrifuge crew quarters
Armamaments: 2 x 177cm Twin beam cannon
4 x 100mm twin railgun
10 x 40mm Gatling-type CIWS
4 x 450mm miltipurpose VLS
8x AI controlled DRAGOON pods

Protection : Laminated armour

Hangar : up to 6 mobile suits

Misc : N-jammer, linear catapult, high speed
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[X] Nelson-class battleship

It has a Lohengrin Positron Cannon.:cool:
[X] Cortana
[X] Head for Mendel, L4

I wonder could we get the medical research located here.
[X] Nelson-class battleship
[X] Cortana
[X] Head for Mendel, L4

yeah we're better off with a big gun seriously the amount of times the MCs in gundam series end up being saved by one is just stupidly ridiculous
not to mention it's gonna take awhile before we'll get anywhere near being able to field moblesuits(or keep them repaired and supplied) so more dakka (especially beams) will help early on.
[X] Nelson-class battleship
[X] Cortana
[X] Head for Mendel, L4
[X] Nelson-class Battleship
[X] Brünhild
[X] Head for Mendel,L4

Hope someone gets the LOGH reference.
[X] Nazca-class destroyer
[X] Durandal
[X] Head for Heliopolis, L3

So does where we head change when we start? Because the Moon option would allow us significantly more time to gather influence in either of the two main factions before things spiral out of control.

Also our ship choice dramatically influences how well the various factions view us.
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By the way folks, your ship avatar/android looks like this...
You can name her whatever you like. But...
[5] Nelson class-battleship
[4] Cortana
[5] Head for Mendel, L4

"Cortana," you call out to the AI, who is sitting idly on one of the unoccupied seat inside the bridge.

Her android body tilts its head back to you and she asks curiously, "ha… what, what? What it is?"

"Umm. Can you bring out the navigation chart?"

"Yes~ At once, commander!" she replies, before she snaps a salute at your direction. A hologram projector lights up, showing the Earth at the centre of it, and your position relative to everything else.

With the wreck of Junius Seven clearly visible outside, you're not surprised when the chart indicates you're deep inside the debris belt. Immediately, your eyes trace towards three different locations, Copernicus City, Heliopolis and Mendel.

While Copernicus City sounds like a good location to go, it is close to Earth Alliance's Ptolemaeus Lunar Base. Heliopolis is another neutral territory with civilization that you can head for. However, without knowing the exact date, you're not sure whether the colony is still there or not.

You sigh. "Welp… Cortana, lets head to Mendel."

"Yes~ commander. Sortie, begiiinnnn…" the AI replies in childish, singsong voice.

As the modified Nelson-class battleship begins to accelerate, you feel the familiar sensation of being gently pressed back to your seat. At least something doesn't change.

You take a peek at the estimate time required for the trip. Apparently, it'll take you about one full day to reach Mendel, which translates to plenty of space for you to mope around.

[] Get to your room and cry yourself out, you know you're not going to see your family again anytime soon
[] Got to the hangar, your gunpla is now a real life mobile suit and you want to take a look at it
[] Busy yourself by reading on Cortana's status report
[X] Busy yourself by reading on Cortana's status report

time to take stock of how screwed we are in regards to supply lines
[X] Busy yourself by reading on Cortana's status report

Let's hope Cortana has some droids to repair/modify things or we are going to really be screwed later on.
[X] Busy yourself by reading on Cortana's status report

I wonder if we will be a newtype and have a suit with a psychoframe in it.
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I wonder if we will be a newtype and have a suit with a psychoframe in it.

I don't think that stuff exists in the Cosmic Era. Just Coordinators (genetically modified testube babies) and Naturals (normal people). No Newtypes,unless you count some of the shit Jesus Yamato pulls.
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I don't think that stuff exists in the Cosmic Era. Just Coordinators (genetically modified testube babies) and Naturals (normal people). No Newtypes,unless you count some of the shit Jesus Yamato pulls.
Did you forget about Mu and Rau? They are newtypes. Newtypes do exist in the cosmic era. They are just overshadowed by the corrdinators to the point where no one noticed them.

Newtypes (SEED)
Did you forget about Mu and Rau? They are newtypes. Newtypes do exist in the cosmic era. They are just overshadowed by the corrdinators to the point where no one noticed them.

Newtypes (SEED)

Yeah,I suppose that counts. Thing is,they seem to be the only people with those abilities. Also, Psycommu, Biosensor,and assorted Newtype tech does not seem to exist in this timeline. DRAGOONs sure aren't a Newtype weapon,because Jesus Yamato and his sister can use them,and they ain't technically Newtypes by official definition. Maybe we can cause a sudden mass emergence of Newtypes, like the Harmonic Convergence in Legend of Korra?
Yeah,I suppose that counts. Thing is,they seem to be the only people with those abilities. Also, Psycommu, Biosensor,and assorted Newtype tech does not seem to exist in this timeline. DRAGOONs sure aren't a Newtype weapon,because Jesus Yamato and his sister can use them,and they ain't technically Newtypes by official definition. Maybe we can cause a sudden mass emergence of Newtypes, like the Harmonic Convergence in Legend of Korra?
Actually Kira is a newtype. But yes dragoons aren't newtype weapons because they have a supercomputer do most of the controlling for them.
Actually Kira is a newtype. But yes dragoons aren't newtype weapons because they have a supercomputer do most of the controlling for them.

I just thought he was just like that because of the whole Ultimate Coordinator thing? Then again,I haven't watched SEED or God forbid,Destiny in a while,so I'm kinda rusty on Cosmic Era stuff. I'm more or a U.C. or F.C. guy.