Gundam SEED: All The President's Gundams

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Cosmic Era 74. The New Atlantic Federation President has just taken office and now much lead their nation in a world changed forever by wars, super villain conspiracies, ecological disasters, and nuclear armed states lead by J-Pop Idols.
Introduction and Character Selection
The City of Big Shoulders
Carrier Odysseus II
January 30th
Cosmic Era 74

"We'll be entering into ZAFT's ADIZ in twenty minutes, all hands remain at alert" the captain's voice over the intercom chimes in, interrupting your study of the files for tomorrow's negotiations. You sigh and look out at the brilliant blue orb of Earth, haloed by the debris field of the wars and conflicts that had savaged her recently.

The last time you were this close to PLANT was in a much more hostile and much less august position. However, last time as a soldier and this time now as a politician you stay committed to defend your nation, after all you are the President now. God help your soul.

Character Creation
You are __________
[] Rex Eagleburger
[] Cleopatra Liberte
[] Write-in

You fought in the first war against ZAFT as ace pilot for the Earth Alliance: Atlantic Federation as part of the 8th Fleet. Fighting the war all in space you saw alot of defeats and some victories. Some notable highlights were:

Early War - The Bad Early Days
[] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[] Captured a ZAFT Laurasia class frigate
[] Dealt with pirates operating out of the debris belt

Middle War - When you began to make a name for yourself
[] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[] Commerce-Raider off the Drake class John Paul Jones
[] Flight Instructor off the Agamemnon class Little Ajax

That one time you were captured by the Apollo Team

[] Daring escape on your own
[] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[] Freed by your star-crossed lover

End War - When you got a Mobile Suit you gained a new ace title.
[] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant
[] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz

After the end of the Bloody Valentine's War, you entered into politics as an appointed Member of Congress at Large for Luna due to your heroics as well as personal connections. Due to the exigencies of the second war with ZAFT saw you brought into the Cabinet as Assistant Defense Secretary more as a PR stunt to support the Copeland Administration which was taking on water after the disastrous start of the second war. You went in with due to your increase concern about the direction the war was going in as well concern of the increase Blue Cosmos influence leaving to subpar military decisions in brutal repeat of the disaster of the end game of the first war. After the events regarding reveal of LOGOS and the mass scandal and wave of resignations coupled with war time deaths, you had been appointed Copeland's Defense Secretary just before he got vaporized along with the majority of the fleet, leaving too a period of political chaos that saw you somehow left as the new occupant of the Oval Office as the people in front of you either resigned, were assassinated, shot themselves or just plain vanished.

Which is a long way to explain why you are now on one of the few remaining carriers left in the Atlantic Federation's inventory on its way to PLANT to meet with their new Supreme Chairman hat in hand to formally end this war.

A new player is about to enter the history of the Cosmic Era, will the new Atlantic Federation be a harbinger of hope or war?

Final Starting Question:
What Mobile Suit did you last fly?
[] MS Strike Windam
[] MA Exus
[] MS Strike Gundam
[] MS Gunbarrel Dagger

Next Episode: Mission 1 - The Treaty of Aprilius
[x] Cleopatra Liberte

[x] Captured a ZAFT Laurasia class frigate

[x] Commerce-Raider off the Drake class John Paul Jones

[x] Freed by your star-crossed lover

[x] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz

[x] MA Exus
Last edited:
[X] Cleopatra Liberte
[X] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[X] Flight Instructor off the Agamemnon class Little Ajax
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[X] MS Gunbarrel Dagger

I'm going full Top Gun with this plan.
Don't see Seed quest often.

[X] Cleopatra Liberte
[X] Dealt with pirates operating out of the debris belt
[X] Commerce-Raider off the Drake class John Paul Jones
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant
[X] MS Gunbarrel Dagger
[X] Cleopatra Liberte
[X] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[X] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[X] Daring escape on your own
[X] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant
[X] MS Gunbarrel Dagger
[X] Michael Wilson, President of the GREAT ATLANTIC FEDERATION
[X] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant
[X] MS Strike Windam

Given our mission to reconcile with PLANT, being associated with Boaz seems like a horrible idea.
[X] Cleopatra Liberte
[X] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[X] Flight Instructor off the Agamemnon class Little Ajax
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[X] MS Gunbarrel Dagger

Cool to see a quest about the mostly unseen non-crazy parts of the Atlantic Federation.
[x] Cleopatra Liberte
[x] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[x] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[x] Freed by your star-crossed lover
[x] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[x] MS Strike Windam
[X] Cleopatra Liberte
[X] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[X] Flight Instructor off the Agamemnon class Little Ajax
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[X] MS Gunbarrel Dagger
[x] Rex Eagleburger
[x] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[x] Flight Instructor off the Agamemnon class Little Ajax
[x] Freed by your star-crossed lover
[x] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[x] MA Exus
[x] Cleopatra Liberte
[x] Captured a ZAFT Laurasia class frigate
[x] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[x] Daring escape on your own
[x] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant

[x] MS Strike Windam
[X] Rex Eagleburger
[X] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[X] Flight Instructor off the Agamemnon class Little Ajax
[X] Freed by your star-crossed lover
[X] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[X] MA Exus

Why these are good ideas: Pick a dude just to be contrary. Mobius Zero pilots have the necessary coordination to use Gunbarrels, opening up more combat options. It is also correlated with resistance to anti-fortress cannons. A flight instructor is good leadership experience and means you have a number of former students who you might be able to call on for help. Having a lover on the other side is very fitting for the setting, and also might play well with ZAFT. A battleship killer is actually fairly impressive, as ZAFT warships were never pushovers unless facing gundams. I always liked the Exus, and it feels a natural successor to the Mobius. Given the date of deployment, this might imply being a test pilot for the Exus or a flight instructor for it.
[X] Michael Wilson, President of the GREAT ATLANTIC FEDERATION
[X] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant
[X] MS Strike Windam

Given our mission to reconcile with PLANT, being associated with Boaz seems like a horrible idea.
Dude that's awesome.

Now I'm imaging Michael in a Metal Wolf-quese MS doing insane tricks and attacks while having a duel with either Kira, Athrun, or Shinn (and they are confused and dumbfounded by how it's working against them)

Voting for this:

[X] Michael Wilson, President of the GREAT ATLANTIC FEDERATION
[X] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant
[X] MS Strike Windam

Plus it would a lot fun with someone like him running around.
Last edited:
[x] Cleopatra Liberte
[x] Captured a ZAFT Laurasia class frigate
[x] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[x] Daring escape on your own
[X] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[x] MS Strike Windam
[X] Cleopatra Liberte
[X] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[X] Flight Instructor off the Agamemnon class Little Ajax
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[X] MS Gunbarrel Dagger
[x] Sariel Badgiruel

[x] Captured a ZAFT Laurasia class frigate

[x] Commerce-Raider off the Drake class John Paul Jones

[x] Freed by your star-crossed lover

[x] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz

[x] MA Exus

Play as a relative of Natarle Badgiruel.

Exus is the successor to the gunbarrel dagger, and I perfer a newer model to an old one.
[X] Rex Eagleburger
[X] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[X] Flight Instructor off the Agamemnon class Little Ajax
[X] Freed by your star-crossed lover
[X] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[X] MA Exus

Love the name and star-crossed lovers is pretty much the default trope for every protagonist in this setting
[X] Michael Wilson, President of the GREAT ATLANTIC FEDERATION
[X] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant
[X] MS Strike Windam

As a supporter of the Most American Video Game Made in Japan, this is my vote.
[X] Michael Wilson, President of the GREAT ATLANTIC FEDERATION
[X] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant
[X] MS Strike Windam

As a supporter of the Most American Video Game Made in Japan, this is my vote.

I honestly want Michael to be president just so he can bring freedom directly to whatever remaining Blue Cosmos/LOGOS members left.
[X] Rex Eagleburger
[X] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[X] Flight Instructor off the Agamemnon class Little Ajax
[X] Freed by your star-crossed lover
[X] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[X] MA Exus
[X] Cleopatra Liberte
[X] Dealt with pirates operating out of the debris belt
[X] Commerce-Raider off the Drake class John Paul Jones
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant
[X] MS Gunbarrel Dagger
[X] Rex Eagleburger
[X] Mobius Zero pilot survivor
[X] Flight Instructor off the Agamemnon class Little Ajax
[X] Freed by your star-crossed lover
[X] Battleship Killer - Nightmare of Boaz
[X] MA Exus

President Burger. Rex Burger practically demands an appearance like Burger king.
[X] Michael Wilson, President of the GREAT ATLANTIC FEDERATION
[X] GINN Hunter-Killer of the Nelson class Spruance
[X] Let loose by the ZAFT Rival to face you in battle
[X] Dagger Ace - Lunar Revenant
[X] MS Strike Windam
Based on my own personal tally, I have a bio sketch for our President. In cases of close splits, I tried to incorporate the other side. The mecha was 3-way tie. Over to you, @Silence , and Happy New Year!

Cleopatra Liberte was recruited to the Mobius Zero squadron and took part in the Battle of Endymion, successfully disabling a GINN before being forced to withdraw by Naobi Iskandar, who continued to dog her throughout the war. After proving successful against GINNs and making ace during a tour on the Spruance, she was rotated to the Little Ajax to serve as flight instructor for new mobile weapon pilots. Her success drew the attention of ZAFT's elite Apollo team, and Cleopatra was captured while covering the retreat of her students from an ambush. She did not remain a prisoner long. Naobi desired to crush her one last time on the battlefield after several engagements. While there are rumors of romantic entanglements, possibly even a love triangle involving another pilot, nothing has been confirmed.

After her escape, Cleopatra rejoined her Dagger squadron piloting a Gunbarrel Dagger, leading her pilots in several operations. The Little Ajax battlegroup fought successfully to keep the forces at Boaz from sortieing, with Cleopatra crippling the ZAFT warhips Copernicus, Rutherford, Pasteur, and McClintock. The McClintock was notable as it was the flagship of a task force sent specifically to hunt down the Little Ajax, and Naobi had been given command of a squadron of GuAIZ mobile suits to take down the Nightmare of Boaz. The battle was hard-fought, and was a narrow victory - while only a frigate limped back to Boaz with Naobi's wrecked suit, the Little Ajax fleet was withdrawn for repairs at Ptolemaeus Base and the fighter pilots reassigned. Ironically, this meant that Cleopatra did not take part in the Battle of Boaz.

The last days of her military career were spent as a test pilot and instructor on the Strike Windam and the Exus Mobile Armor at Arzachel Base on the Moon before she left the service for politics.