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Ash's group is due for a well-deserved vacation after their Sinnoh journey. However, after losing to Tobias' Latios, Ash isn't very enthusiastic that their destination is a city governed by a powerful Latios and Latias. Brock is insistent that it's the perfect place to go and he may just end up being right after all. Pokémon Heroes (Movie 5) Extended Rewrite. Altoshipping.
Chapter 1 — Well-Deserved Vacations
Story Disclaimer:

I don't own Pokémon or anything related to it as a franchise. Pokémon is copyrighted to Nintendo and Game Freak.

I, as the author of this FanFiction, only own the actual storyline, the content written here as the story itself, as well the plot, ideas, concepts, and any original characters that this story has.

Story Dialogue Format:

"Speech," the character said.

'Inner thoughts,' the character thought.

"Telepathic speech," the character said.

Author Notes: I have a DISCORD SERVER at ( If you want to join our very active and growing community of fanfiction and Pokémon enthusiasts, head over there! You can also find all my official accounts and websites where I publish my stories listed at (

Both links are also on my profile/about me page, or you can private message me directly for them.

Chapter 1 — Well-Deserved Vacations

The shrill whistle of fireworks filled the air as countless rockets surged high into the sky, leaving behind streaks of smoke that vanished with the breeze. Moments later, booming echoes loudly resonated throughout the darkening evening sky as they blew up in colorful displays of bright lights and intricate patterns that resembled numerous popular Pokémon native to the Sinnoh region.

The roar of the fireworks died down, smothered by the resounding screams and whistles of an audience that numbered in the tens of thousands which cheered collectively across the large stadium. Its numerous lights flashed in dazzling patterns toward the center of the stadium's Pokémon battlefield, where two people stood on an elegant podium for the upcoming awards ceremony.

One of them was an adult man with long grayish-blue hair that covered the left side of his face and went down slightly past his shoulders, a style reminiscent of the Sinnoh Legendary Darkrai. He wore a neat dark-red coat with beige clothes underneath.

At the man's side stood a tall woman with stunning blonde hair that went all the way down to her knees. She wore an elegant black dress with a long black coat on top of it and donned four Lucario-like ornamental hairpins. She was none other than Cynthia, the reigning champion of the Sinnoh region.

Both powerful trainers contemplated the roaring crowds around them and the stunning firework show above the stadium with calm expressions on their faces.

On one of the many balconies halfway up the stands, a Pokémon trainer let out a saddened sigh as he watched the events unfolding at the podium. The trainer's Pikachu, sitting on the youth's shoulder, gently patted his friend's head comfortingly. The trainer glanced at his faithful companion and showed him a soft smile while reaching up with a hand to scratch the Pokémon's chin, eliciting a soft murmur in response.

Both looked on as a short elder with a prominent white beard and a bushy haircut barely tucked underneath a red Pokémon League cap walked toward the podium. The elder held a serene expression on his face as he made his way while holding a golden trophy with two wings on top that framed a luxurious Poké Ball.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Today we bring down the curtain on yet another exciting Sinnoh League! The Lily of the Valley Conference is officially over!" an MC's voice boomed over the stadium's loudspeakers. "We celebrate the remarkable effort of more than three hundred trainers who took part in this grueling tournament to decide who would be crowned this year's league champion! In a tournament full of excitement and some of the best battles we've ever seen, we now have a winner! Let's hear a round of applause for Tobias of Sinnoh!"

Thousands of people across the stands stood up and the sound of clapping echoed spectacularly across the stadium. Tobias smiled and raised one of his arms to wave triumphantly at the audience.

Once the diminutive elder that carried the trophy reached the podium, the MC spoke up again and said, "And now, let's hear a few words from the President of the League Competition Committee, Mr. Charles Goodshow!"

Mr. Goodshow stepped up and approached a microphone that stood out at the appropriate height for him, just in front of Cynthia and Tobias.

Back on the balcony, Ash looked down at the scene with a troubled expression. "So close, yet so far," he commented to no one in particular. He frowned slightly as Mr. Goodshow began the tournament's closing speech.

"Cheer up, Ash," Brock said optimistically, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You made it to the top four and it took the eventual winner of the whole thing to knock you out, with a pair of Legendary Pokémon, no less! You defeated Paul and brought your rivalry with him to a close, too." He gently patted Ash's shoulder. "I'd say you had a very successful tournament."

"Totally!" Dawn said brightly in agreement. "Regardless of what happened, we're very proud of you and the effort of your Pokémon. In our eyes, you're all winners," she added sweetly. Piplup let out a happy cry from his place in Dawn's cradling arms, eagerly nodding his head in approval.

"Thanks, guys," Ash replied appreciatively to his two traveling companions, admitting that he already felt much better. "You're all awesome." His expression hardened into a determined gaze and his hands balled into fists as he watched Mr. Goodshow reach out and hand Tobias the coveted champion's trophy. 'One day, that'll be me.'

"You're welcome, Ash. That's what friends are for," Brock replied with a soft smile. "You're improving every year. I'm sure a league victory is close for you."

"Yeah. We'll just try again next year, in whichever region our journey takes us next to, and we'll do our best to win as always, right buddy?" Ash said, glancing to the side at Pikachu. He smirked broadly when his partner gave him a confident grin and nod in response.

The fireworks display increased in intensity and the crowd cheered harder as Tobias proudly lifted the winner's golden trophy. Cynthia, Tobias, and Mr. Goodshow turned around to look up at the stadium's imposing torch, which burned brightly atop its shrine and contrasted stunningly against the background of the evening sky.

The flame billowed briefly and noticeably shrunk with every passing second. "And so, the Sinnoh League flame extinguishes at last until it's lit up again for next year's league!" the MC's voice blared over the loudspeakers, with the final words coinciding almost perfectly with the fire disappearing completely and leaving the shrine in darkness.

Ash smiled and looked up nostalgically at the entrance of the towering Sinnoh League stadium. The midday sun shone high into the sky, making the trainer slightly adjust his cap to better cover his face from the sun's rays. With the league officially ending the previous night, the vast majority of trainers and fans at the many hotels and villas across Lily of the Valley Island prepared for their departures and left the stadium grounds devoid of activity, something that Ash did since early morning as well.

"Well, this is goodbye to the Sinnoh region, Pikachu," Ash commented calmly, idly reaching up to scratch the electric-type's cheek. "It was an amazing journey, that's all I have to say. We met so many new friends to add to our family. We had some of the best battles of our lives. We even settled our rivalry with Paul in a good manner. Best of all, we reached the top four of a league for the first time ever," he recollected. Pikachu nodded along while pressing himself closer to Ash's gloved hand, responding to him with an energetic cry and a fist pump.

"Hey, Ash!" a young and feminine voice called out from behind them.

"Oh, hey Dawn," Ash responded warmly while turning around. He saw the young girl run up to him and stop at his side. He smiled and swore that Dawn's presence already improved his melancholic mood.

Dawn glanced up at the stadium's entrance for several seconds, much like how Ash did just a few moments ago. "Well, that's all there is to it."

"Yeah," Ash agreed with a sigh. "Just wanted one last look before we left."

Dawn smiled sweetly at him. "I can't believe the tournament is over. I know we've been traveling for a long time now, but it's gone by so quickly."

"I know right? It feels like we started our travels just yesterday," Ash said. "Come on, Dawn. Let's return to the pier and meet up with Brock. We've got a ferry to catch." He turned around and walked away, not sparing any further glances at the magnificent stadium behind him.

Dawn gave the league complex one final look and then turned around to follow Ash. "Hey, our journey isn't over just yet. If you think about it, our journey is just getting underway." She laughed and grinned enthusiastically. "I'll win the next Grand Festival I participate in!"

Ash nodded. "I hear you. Being a Pokémon master requires lots of hard work, and I better not slack off if I want to do better in whichever league I next participate in," he replied. "Today I was in the top four, tomorrow I'm going to be runner-up or maybe even champion!" Ash paused awkwardly for a long moment. "Hopefully."

Dawn looked up at the sky as she walked, a thoughtful expression on her features. "And I have a lot of work to do as well if I want to become a top coordinator. I can't believe I reached second place at my first-ever Grand Festival. I lost to an amazing coordinator in Zoey. There's no shame in that."

Ash smirked and held his open palm to the coordinator at his side. "We'll both reach the top one day. I just know it, Dawn," he stated confidently.

Dawn returned the smirk and playfully high-fived him. "Yeah, we will!"

The pair continued their walk toward the port at a leisurely pace, chatting and summarizing the events of the entire year's worth of adventures they shared in the Sinnoh region. As they reached the port, the two Pokémon trainers noticed Brock nearby and walked up to him.

"Finally," Brock commented good-humoredly. "I was worried we'd miss the ship. Boarding ends in five minutes."

"I just wanted one last look at the island, it wasn't gonna take too long," Ash replied defensively, crossing his arms.

Brock chuckled in amusement. "It's fine, Ash." He whirled around and walked over the ramp to board the ferry. "Come on, guys."

Ash and Dawn followed the former gym leader and boarded the ferry along with him. It wasn't as luxurious as other ferries they had traveled on before, but it was more than serviceable. The trio walked on the side deck of the ship, looking around curiously as they did so. Brock and Dawn chatted amongst themselves and disappeared into the ship's interior. Ash sighed sadly and walked to the security railing. He idly glanced back to the island and waited in silence until the ship set sail and made it recede slowly into the distance.

"Something wrong, Ash?" Brock asked with slight concern as he walked back into the deck along with Dawn.

Ash turned around and leaned back against the deck's railing. "Once we reach the seaport, we'll be close to Twinleaf Town, right?"

"Yeah," Dawn answered, not entirely sure what Ash hinted at.

Ash grimaced. "I realized when we boarded the ship that when we get there, it'll be time to say goodbye. We all have to head to our respective homes. And, after that, I need to have some time to think about what's next for me."

Brock nodded slowly in understanding. "It's not the end of the world, Ash. We've been through this before. Kanto, Johto, the battle frontier, and now, Sinnoh."

"I know, I know," Ash replied. "Doesn't make it any easier, though." He gave the pair a kind smile. "I'll miss you guys a lot."

Dawn returned the smile. "Let's be positive about it. As we said earlier, our journeys are only just beginning. I'm sure this won't be the last time we travel together."

"Well, that may come sooner than you'd expect," Brock spoke up suddenly, catching the attention of both younger trainers. "Indeed, our life journeys are just beginning. But, before it's time to say our final goodbyes, I have a small surprise for the two of you."

Dawn perked an eyebrow in interest. "Hmm?"

"What are you up to?" Ash asked curiously, giving Brock a suspicious look. Pikachu tilted his head, thoughtful.

"You'll see. Oh, silly me. I forgot my things in the cabin, wait here," Brock responded as he turned around and disappeared into the ship's interior, making his way toward the group's assigned cabin where he had put his backpack and belongings earlier. After a couple of minutes, he returned with a small envelope in his hands. He walked to a table on the ship's deck and sat down. Ash and Dawn exchanged a questioning glance, followed suit, and sat down with him. "Over the last several weeks, I've been putting together a little surprise for both of you."

"A surprise?" Ash repeated, wondering what sort of thing Brock planned. He knew that considering the former gym leader's vast expertise in so many fields and places, it could be anything.

"Ooh, I'm really eager now!" Dawn gushed excitedly. "You're the best, Brock!"

Brock nodded appreciatively. "Thank you. So, before we split up and head home, I arranged for us to have a small vacation. A last get-together to enjoy ourselves and have fun without the pressures of competition bogging us down."

"That's amazing!" Dawn exclaimed while clapping her hands together, eyes lighting up with glee. "I wouldn't mind a vacation because the Sinnoh competitions were very stressful. A break before I tackle my next challenge sounds awesome." She paused and hummed. "What about my mom? Does she know?"

"Yeah, I already spoke with Johanna. We'll head to our destination, spend a couple of weeks there and, once we're done, you'll return to Sinnoh while Ash and I will continue onward to Kanto," Brock elaborated.

Dawn tilted her head and placed a finger on her chin. "Head back to Sinnoh? So, where we're going isn't within Sinnoh?" she deducted.

Brock shook his head. "It's not. I originally wanted to have the vacation be in Sinnoh for convenience's sake since we're already here. When I tried to find a good place, I realized that since we just traveled through all of Sinnoh… Uh, well, let's just say there weren't any interesting spots left that we haven't already visited."

Dawn giggled in amusement. "Well, I won't argue with that."

"Makes sense," Ash added. "Traveling around a region on foot means you'll see most of it eventually."

"Yeah," Brock agreed. "So, I looked at other regions I'm familiar with for possible vacation destinations, made a list, narrowed it down… and finally managed to find a good place we can vacation at that I don't think any of us has been to."

Dawn grinned excitedly, barely containing herself in her chair. "Where is it? Tell me already!"

Ash chuckled at her enthusiasm, but he knew he'd be lying if he said he wasn't equally interested. Judging by the manner Pikachu leaned forward on his shoulder, Ash knew his buddy felt just as interested as he was.

"I'm getting there, patience," Brock urged her with some amusement. "Anyway, other than stress relief, I organized this vacation as a congratulatory gift for both of you. You two should be very proud of yourselves. Top four for you, Ash. Runner-up for you, Dawn. That's amazing considering you two just turned fifteen and eleven years old not too long ago. That's almost unheard of given that many trainers don't get any decent results until they're almost adults."

Ash scratched the back of his head, flattered. "Thanks a lot, Brock."

Dawn blushed slightly. "Aw, why thank you. I still can't believe I was basically the second-best coordinator in Sinnoh after just one year of training."

Brock gave the young girl a sincere smile. "You're a prodigy, Dawn. There's no denying that. Keep up the hard work, don't slack off, and you'll be going places." He fiddled with the envelope he had in his hands, opened it, and took out six pieces of paper from it. "So, when we get to Twinleaf, we'll spend a day there to get ready. Then, we'll be departing to Johto. These are our tickets." He handed one out to Dawn and one to Ash, while keeping one for himself. "Don't lose them."

"Oh, our destination is in Johto? Neat. I've never been to Johto before," Dawn commented as she examined the rather generic airplane ticket in her hands.

"Have you ever even left Sinnoh before?" Ash asked with a chuckle.

Dawn giggled and shook her head. "You got me there. I haven't."

Ash looked at the ticket in his hands while a rush of many fond memories from his Johto journeys immediately flooded his mind. Judging by Pikachu's fixed gaze at the ticket, it was clear he too was in a similar trance. "Man, Johto does bring back so many memories… Hmm, this place we're going to, did we miss it during our Johto adventures? It seems odd we haven't been there already."

"We missed it, yeah," Brock confirmed. "I can't remember why, honestly. May have been bad weather at the time or we just couldn't fit it into our itinerary back then." He paused for a moment. "Once we get to Johto, we'll be heading there. It's a lovely city built in the middle of the sea called Alto Mare. It's one of the highest-rated holiday spots in all of Kanto and Johto. I'm sure that we'll have a blast over there." He handed Ash and Dawn another ticket, once again keeping one for himself. "That's the Eon Ticket, our access to the city."

"Whoa, this looks neat," Dawn murmured while closely examining the ticket she received. It was a stylish card with a color gradient that went from red to blue and a golden frame around it, with two prominent black silhouettes. She turned it around, noting that the back featured the same gradient and had the travel information such as date, name, and assigned ship printed on it in fancy golden letters. "Pretty!"

Ash hummed and stared intently at the travel ticket. "Wait a minute, this Pokémon over here looks very familiar, Brock," he said while pointing accusingly at one of the silhouettes on the ticket. Ash and Pikachu gave Brock a look.

"Yeah…" Brock scratched the back of his head and flushed slightly. "I'm very sorry about that, Ash," he responded awkwardly. "You see, Alto Mare's biggest fame comes from the fact the city is home to two Legendary Pokémon, Latias and Latios, who govern it."

Ash leaned into the table and threw Brock a teasing look. "Yeah, let's go on a vacation to that one place literally ruled by the Pokémon that knocked me out of the Sinnoh league and ended my dreams here."

Brock laughed out loud, unsurprised. "Ash, I planned this ahead of time. There's no way I could've ever predicted Tobias would use a Latios of all Pokémon to eliminate you. Seriously, what are the chances that'd happen!?"

Ash chuckled and admitted to himself that the situation appeared rather amusing. "Well, I guess you didn't see that one coming. But you're right. I'll give you that."

"I totally didn't," Brock responded. "But, as soon as Tobias released Latios, I knew the irony of my planned vacation wouldn't be missed."

"Don't worry about it," Ash said with a dismissive wave, while Dawn and Pikachu couldn't help but giggle at the exchange.

Brock slowly stood up from the table. "Anyway, now that the plans are set, let's go and get something to eat."

Ash grinned. "I like that idea."

"Of course you do," Dawn chirped playfully, much to Ash's embarrassment.

A couple of days later…

Ash let out a relaxed sigh as the fresh and salty sea breeze blew past him. He raised a hand to his head to keep his beloved cap secure in place and relished in the cool sensation it brought from the warm noon sun rays. He saw a vast landscape of bright blue water with no end in sight in front of the tourist ferry. "So, how long before we reach Alto Mare?" he asked curiously as he glanced over his shoulder.

"The boat journey takes about an hour, Ash. We'll be there pretty soon," Brock answered, leaning back against his seat. "According to what I've read, Alto Mare is only a couple dozen miles beyond the coast."

Dawn perked up upon hearing that. She gazed at the horizon ahead with interest to see if she caught any glimpses of the famed city yet. "I'm eager! From the way you've been describing this place, it sounds wonderful."

"I've read that it is! It has raving reviews as a vacation spot. So, I hope that we'll have a great time over there," Brock replied excitedly.

"Yeah, we haven't taken a good break in a while," Ash mused idly while looking to the side, watching the waves the boat created as it sped forward with slight interest along with Pikachu. Occasionally, they noticed water-type Pokémon swimming along the boat's waves, causing both to follow them with their eyes until they disappeared beneath the blue surface. As the minutes went by and the boat neared their destination, Ash suddenly jumped from a slight fright due to Dawn letting out an excited shout beside him.

"Hey! Look!" Dawn exclaimed happily while pointing ahead. Ash and Brock looked at what she pointed to and stood up to walk to the ferry's bow when numerous objects became visible in the distance. The boat approached the city at a steady pace, causing more objects to appear over the horizon while allowing them to identify the already-visible ones as buildings that seemed to sprout magically from the ocean.

"Whoa… It's even better to look at it with my own eyes rather than its promo material," Brock commented in awe. "Such an amazing and unique city… I wonder how many pretty girls I'll meet over there!" he gushed while clasping his hands together.

Dawn lightheartedly elbowed him. "Don't make me call Croagunk out."

Brock winced. "Please don't." He froze in horror when he felt one of his Poké Balls rumble ever so slightly.

"Thought so," Dawn replied, snickering.

As the two bantered, Ash leaned in as much as he could to get a better view of the rapidly-approaching city. "So, that's Alto Mare…" he muttered breathlessly. The ferry gradually turned to the side and went around the front of Alto Mare in a wide loop to head to one of the harbors while letting the boat's occupants get a clear view of the city as they passed by.

The ferry's PA system abruptly let out a loud chime. "Attention passengers. Attention passengers. We welcome you to the Johto region's autonomous territory of Alto Mare, a proud city of dreams built right in the middle of the seas, where water and land intertwine in a delicate balance!" the loudspeakers blared out.

Ash nodded along slowly as he looked on at the city, taking note of many of the distinct features he noticed and the fact that, despite its highly unusual location, Alto Mare appeared surprisingly big and spanned over a vast area.

The city lacked any exceptionally-tall buildings except for a few notable or important ones that jutted out imposingly above the rest. Most of its buildings looked impeccable, designed with a classical and antique style of architecture reminiscent of the old ages that complimented the city's unique appearance perfectly.

As the ferry sailed across the coastline of Alto Mare, it let the occupants see the numerous waterways that led into the city and formed the backbone of its complex infrastructure of canals that served as its main streets and roads. Gondolas and boats—both traditional and modern designs alike—carried locals and tourists while gracefully making their way through them, passing under ornate bridges and past colorful buildings that reflected the history and culture of the city.

"They weren't joking when they said this place used canals instead of roads," Ash commented, clearly impressed. Pikachu let out a soft noise of approval and nodded.

"Not at all," Brock agreed with a short laugh. "It has walkways and bicycle paths but, from what I know, it doesn't have any vehicle roads nor does it allow cars. Canals are gonna be a common sight here as they're the primary means of transportation in the city."

The ferry made a sharp turn toward the city and entered a large harbor with numerous docks lined up on its interior. "Attention passengers. Attention passengers. Please prepare to disembark," the captain's voice resounded over the loudspeakers. Minutes later, the ferry docked and a ramp lowered to allow the occupants to exit.

Ash, Dawn, and Brock patiently waited for their turn to disembark and observed the numerous ships coming and going as well as the myriad of people arriving, leaving, or working at the busy harbor. They looked inland and noticed that an ornamented fence funneled all visitors from the tourist dock to a side entry from the main harbor area. The port had many smaller stations and buildings with a similar antique motif as the rest of the city, with a large port authority building prominently rising at the center.

Once Ash's group disembarked in an orderly manner, they made their way to the dock's entryway. As they walked by, they saw the flag that proudly waved from a large pole at the top of the main port building. Two stripes, one red and one blue, split the white flag diagonally. Two distinct draconic silhouettes on each side faced their respective stripes and mirrored their colors. They couldn't quite make out the designs just yet due to the distance. However, they all had a good idea as to who each silhouette represented.

When Ash's group reached the end of the dock, they came across two gracefully-decorated stone pillars that flanked the entrance, with a statue on top of them and an elegant marble plaque on their front, each pillar ending up roughly a bit taller than an average adult human.

"Huh, interesting." Ash first focused on the two finely-crafted statues of the pair of Legendary Pokémon at their top. The stone on one of them gleamed with a touch of red dye and the other featured a distinct blue tint, the latter of which he recognized as Latios from his experience in the Lily of the Valley Conference. The other one looked stunningly similar, with some slight differences, which he assumed was Latias. "Well, you weren't kidding, Brock," Ash commented as he went up to the red statue on the right. "This place really does like Latias and Latios."

"It does," Brock replied. "They're very important to this city." As he examined them, his eyes focused on the pillar and the plaque underneath the statues. "Huh, it says something here," he added, pointing to it.

"Dearest visitor, welcome to Alto Mare, a city where reality and fantasy blend seamlessly. I offer you my greetings and wish you a wonderful stay in our beautiful realm—Latias," Ash read aloud. After he finished reading, he glanced up at the elegant red statue above the inscription. "So, this is Latias after all."

"Hey, this other one also has something written on it," Dawn spoke up, pointing to the plaque on the pillar to their left. "I'm delighted to give you my welcome to Alto Mare, where timeless elegance hides behind every corner. With regards given, I hope all visitors have a pleasant and fulfilling stay—Latios," she read aloud.

"Huh, so it's like Latias and Latios themselves are welcoming us to the city?" Ash questioned with an awestruck expression on his face. "That's a cool detail." On his shoulder, Pikachu nodded in agreement.

"Seems that way." Brock hummed thoughtfully, leaning forward to closely examine the plaque. He frowned while reaching up to run his hand over the letters of the inscription. He slowly felt his way through each letter, his expression becoming more flabbergasted with every passing moment. "These aren't made by tools. They're claw marks."

"What, claws?" Dawn asked, taken aback. "You can't be serious."

"Yeah," Brock answered with an incredulous nod. "I mean it."

"So, that means this… The Pokémon actually wrote this? Or was it just done by local artists trying to replicate claws?" Ash wondered with intrigue, looking closely to inspect the writing along with Brock.

"Honestly, I don't know," Brock responded, walking to Latios' pillar to eye the inscription on it for a few moments. "These do look like claw marks, and both styles are also distinctly different. The letters on Latios' message look sharper and more linear, while the ones on Latias' are rounder and softer. It's almost as if they reflect their personality. Hmm, I wonder…" Brock noticed, among the people walking nearby, a young man wearing a blue uniform with the emblem of Alto Mare on his sleeve and chest. "Oh, excuse me!" he called out while raising his hand.

The man stopped and glanced at him briefly. He then made his way over to them. "Hello, welcome to Alto Mare," the man greeted them curtly. "I'm an assistant of the harbormaster, how may I help you?"

"Are these inscriptions… you know?" Ash began to speak while pointing to the statues and plaques, not entirely sure how to formulate his question.

The assistant smiled warmly, already knowing exactly what went through the young trainer's mind. "Oh, they're real. These are indeed carved by our guardian gods, Latios and Latias, themselves. They're an expression of their goodwill to all tourists and wishing them a pleasant stay in our city," he answered with a hint of admiration in his voice. "Some popular souvenirs you can find in shops are postcards and little statues that replicate the moment they carved this."

"Thank you," Dawn and Ash responded at the same time.

The assistant, seeing that they no longer needed him, gave them a polite nod and left to resume his duties.

Brock held his chin with a hand in thought. "Impressive… So, this was done by their claws after all."

"Yeah, it's awesome. You know, now I hope we get to meet them," Ash said hopefully. "That would be great, I think." He walked past the pillars, with Brock and Dawn following him.

Dawn nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, they seem like a really friendly pair of Pokémon. I hope we have a chance to meet them, too."

"Though, if they take part in running this city as it's told, they're probably busy. I wouldn't get my hopes up," Brock pointed out.

"Well, considering our very long track record whenever we visit places with ties to Legendary Pokémon… I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we met them, and then a catastrophe happens while we're here, and then we'll be forced to help Latias and Latios deal with it," Ash commented with a roll of his eyes.

Pikachu groaned and held his head between his paws. He slapped the back of Ash's head with his tail and gave him a pointed look while voicing his disapproval.

"Hey, it's true!" Ash protested while rubbing the back of his head.

Brock playfully smacked the young trainer in the shoulder, almost causing Pikachu to lose his balance and fall off. "Ash! Do. Not. Jinx. It."

Dawn laughed heartily. "Yeah! I'd love to have a vacation that's peaceful for once and not have Legendary Pokémon fighting all around us like in Alamos Town or Michina Town."

Ash chuckled. "Well, me too! I was just commenting… Let's hope not."

"Yeah, no need to worry, right?" Dawn said expectantly.

Brock frowned. "Don't say that specific phrase, Dawn."

"Fine, I won't. Anyway, where to now, Brock?" Dawn asked while looking around.

"Well, first we go to the Pokémon Center to check in for a place to stay. Then, we're going to have you two registered," Brock replied. "We arrived at just the perfect time, as I planned."

"Get us registered? Registered for what exactly?" Ash questioned, with Pikachu looking at the former gym leader with equal attention.

Brock smirked. "Something called the Tour de Alto Mare."

Chapter End

Author Notes: I hope you enjoy this new project I have! On a little note, as this fanfic quickly makes clear, this takes place in a timeline where movie five (Pokémon Heroes) does not happen canonically. For this chapter, it's not something that's shown in the actual movie but I had to set up what I was going for with this extended rewrite. Next chapter we'll start with the movie's actual opening. Anyway, I hope it was to your liking!

Don't forget to leave a Review or Comment with your thoughts! I'd love to hear them!
And Hoenn also gets skipped? Which is just kinda freaky, like you're breaking some sort of natural law by having Ash go Kanto-Johto-Sinnoh.
And Hoenn also gets skipped? Which is just kinda freaky, like you're breaking some sort of natural law by having Ash go Kanto-Johto-Sinnoh.

Hello! Good day to you! Hoenn was not skipped. The implication of this opener is that Pokémon Heroes never happened during the Johto Journeys and instead happens post-Sinnoh, with the rest of Ash's Journey being completely normal up to that point, hence Brock's comment of missing it during the Johto Journeys. Ash is noted to be fifteen, which corresponds to the popular fan theory of 1 year = 1 region. So, 1 year for each of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. Plus, half a year for each of Orange Islands and Battle Frontier (Hoenn).
Last edited:
I meant this line. It mentions the battle frontier, but not Hoenn, and it isn't mentioned or referred to afterwards. So I assumed that meant you just switched the order of things. Going 1,2,4, then Alto Mare.

Oh! I see.

In that line Brock is surmising the end of travels he's done with Ash and the times the group has had to split up, go home, and say goodbye. Note that Orange Islands is not included because Brock did not travel with them on the Orange Islands. "Battle Frontier" is meant to encompass both Hoenn and the Battle Frontier as both happen kind of as the same travel/adventure within the anime, and it's only until the end of Battle Frontier that the group splits up momentarily. So, it makes sense in-universe that Brock would lump both together as a single "we did this adventure and had to say goodbye too" instead of making a separate distinction. I hope that clears it up!
not bad, not bad, we will be watching your career with great interest.
Chapter 2 — Blasphemy
Author Notes: I have a DISCORD SERVER! The invite link is in the story's first chapter. If you want to join our very active and growing community of fanfiction and Pokémon enthusiasts, head over there! You can also find all my official accounts and websites where I publish my stories listed at (

Both links are also on my profile/about me page, or you can private message me directly for them.

Chapter 2 — Blasphemy

Several days prior…

"Do you think you'll find it anytime soon, Oakley?" a tall and athletic young woman questioned, casually leaning back against a wall while idly twirling one of the two overgrown spiral ponytails of her blonde hair. Despite her overbearing haircut, she wore discrete spy gear which consisted of black pants with the lower section of her left leg colored in dull red and a black top that exposed her fit midriff. An Espeon sat on his hind legs while diligently standing guard at her side.

"Quiet, Annie!" another young woman hissed aggressively. The woman was easily as athletic as Annie and dressed in almost identical clothes. The most notable difference between their attires was that her black pants had the lower section of the right leg colored in azure blue instead. Unlike Annie's extravagant hairstyle, her neat silver-colored hair had a subtle shoulder-length cut that slightly fanned out at the end.

"Fine, Oakley." Annie scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest while looking away.

Both wore intricate antireflective high-tech sunglasses with dark red markings on their frames. Annie's sunglasses had a stylish and modern one-piece sports design, while Oakley's had an antique two-piece round design. They wore long gray gloves that covered their arms up to their elbows with metallic armbands wrapped around each of their upper arms.

Oakley hummed as she rummaged through the numerous books lining the bookshelf she faced. Her sunglasses, equipped with night vision, enabled her to see and read the contents of the bookshelves in the dark library whose scant illumination came from the faint moonlight that shone through the windows. Oakley hastily stood up, moved over to the next shelf, and then crouched down to resume her search. "It's gotta be around here, somewhere," she murmured impatiently.

"Well, hurry up and find it already," Annie hushed back while a bored expression settled on her features.

Oakley paused and threw her an unimpressed glance. "Says the one that's just standing there doing nothing."

"Sorry, you know this isn't my thing. All yours," Annie replied with a shrug. The Espeon idly looked back and forth between the two sisters' hushed discussion while remaining completely silent.

Oakley rolled her eyes and resumed looking through the assortment of books. The vast majority of them appeared old and worn out, centered mainly on history, mythology, and the nature of the Pokémon world. As she rummaged through them, Oakley noticed a hefty book with intricate letters on its spine. She let out a pleased hum as she pulled it out. "I think I got it."

Annie curiously leaned in to look at it and frowned when she noticed the strange typescripts adorning the book's cover. "What language is that?" she asked, slightly mystified.

"It's an old language dating back thousands of years, presumably from the draconic tribes of eastern Johto, modern-day Blackthorn city," Oakley answered while slowly tracing some of the letters with her hand. "It's still readable thanks to Blackthorn's population keeping it alive, so the knowledge is out there. And, this isn't the front cover. This is actually the back cover." She smirked and flipped the book around, revealing a wordless cover that featured an ornamented image of two distinct draconic Pokémon with an orb-like decoration above them. "This is the front cover."

Annie nodded slowly. "I see. So, I presume those are—"

"Correct," Oakley interrupted. "These two Legendary Pokémon are Latios and Latias." She frowned as she moved her arms up and down, weighing the book. "This book is quite old and heavy. Its covers are made of some type of stone." She adjusted her grip, opened it, and delicately turned through the pages. "The paper is very thick, too. Feels like silk."

"So, what's in the book?" Annie asked, raising an eyebrow. "Anything of value?"

"I don't know the full picture yet. It's not like I can read this language. But our computer can decipher it. Presumably, it's got topics ranging from details about Alto Mare, some of its hidden goodies, its guardian Latios and Latias—"

"Boring," Annie interrupted while waving her hand, her voice flat and disinterested. "Just more random whatever rare Pokémon Giovanni wants. Tell me what else is new this time around."

"It gets better and you're gonna love it," Oakley replied. She froze briefly when Annie's Espeon let out a quiet snarl and crouched down while using his head to signal toward a nearby corner. Oakley pressed closer to the bookshelf and tilted her head to the side. "Wait, I hear something." She paid close attention to the faint sounds while quietly closing the book and tucking it under her arm. "Footsteps, possibly a guard," she whispered.

"We can easily take a guard out," Annie pointed out with a shrug. "What's the big deal?" she asked, mindful to keep her tone down.

"No violence today, Annie. Don't leave our card or rose, either. I'll explain why later. Let's retreat, we have the book." Oakley swiftly reached with her free arm and spaced the remaining books on the shelf so it'd be difficult to notice if one disappeared.

While Oakley covered their tracks, Annie looked down and gave a short nod to her feline companion. The Espeon's eyes narrowed and glowed faintly as he used a Psyshock attack to create a series of solid footstools made of blue psychic energy along the wall behind them, leading up to an open window near the roof.

Annie dashed and deftly jumped up the wall using the psychic platforms, climbing it in an instant. Once Oakley finished, she immediately turned around and ran up the wall the same way. Once both spies exited through the window, Annie's Espeon reared back and easily jumped through the open window in one great leap.

Annie gently closed the window once Espeon made it through and retrieved a Poké Ball from a holster attached to her pants. "Espeon, return," she whispered. A red beam of energy shot out of the device, enveloping the lilac feline and dematerializing him into the confines of the sphere.

"Let's go," Oakley murmured when she noticed the gleam of a flashlight shining around the corner of the bookstand they had just looked through.

The Team Rocket agents took off running along the rooftop, heading to the other side of the imposing library they had just pillaged. They glided down the rooftop through a previously placed zip-line and carefully covered their tracks afterward. Both women hastily ran to their vehicle, parked inconspicuously along one of the adjacent streets.

Annie and Oakley jumped into the bulky, black with pink accents, modern-looking convertible car, with Annie taking the passenger's seat and Oakley taking the driver's seat. Oakley took off her sunglasses, pocketed them, and handed her sister the heavy book. "All good?" she asked abruptly.

"Yeah, all good," Annie answered with a quick nod while taking off her shades.

"Perfect." Oakley pressed her fingertip to a panel on the car's dashboard. The screen flashed on as it authenticated her fingerprint. The vehicle's engine turned on in a surprisingly quiet manner for a car of that size and, with that, the pair drove away from the scene.

Annie glanced back as the library faded into the distance, lost among the many buildings of the Johto city they drove through, with passing streetlights providing sporadic illumination in the night. She let out a disappointed sigh and looked down at the book in her hands, idly examining it with an apathetic expression. "So, why did we ditch the signed card and the rose? We always leave those after every heist. It feels empty not to do it," she complained. "The police tease is part of our identity."

"Because of safety. I'll be honest with you, Annie," Oakley began, her tone dead serious while her eyes remained fixated on the road ahead. "We're in grave danger. This is going to be the most dangerous mission we've ever taken. I'm taking no risks with this."

Annie blinked and looked at her sister with a stunned expression for several long and awkward seconds. "Pardon me? What?" she questioned disbelievingly.

"I'm worried about this, Annie," Oakley replied, uncharacteristically anxious. "I want you one hundred percent serious with this assignment, okay?" she asked sharply. "No fashion complaints, no detours, no jokes."

Annie frowned but regained her composure and finally nodded in agreement. "Okay, I will be," she relented. "I'm serious now."

"Good. The reason we ditched our calling card was that I don't want the library contacting Alto Mare and informing them that we're planning something, and thus put our whole operation in danger," Oakley explained. "Without the police getting alerted, the library staff won't notice the book is missing right away and realize Alto Mare could be in danger. They'll only find out if they specifically look for it, or whenever they next take inventory."

Annie thoughtfully nodded along. "So, that gives us several days at the very least, possibly more, before the library realizes a sensitive book about Alto Mare is missing and they contact the city. And, even if they do contact them, they have no idea it's us."

"Precisely," Oakley replied. "Hold on, I need to focus." She scowled as she drove through street after street, slowly exiting the city and entering the mountainous countryside. As the car approached a steep climb, Oakley floored the gas pedal and sped up considerably. The car rocketed up the road and smashed through the security railing when it reached a tight turn, flying off the jagged cliffside. As the vehicle plummeted into the abyss, it abruptly transformed.

The car's side panels right behind the doors and a large section of the underside opened as a pair of wings that ended in two potent rocket engines emerged and properly aligned into place. The back section shifted open, forming a long tail that ended in two vertical fins resembling those of an airplane. The car's interior shifted inward, giving space for the front fuselage to narrow into a sharp and aerodynamic jet-like shape at the same time as a glass canopy slowly slid overhead to seal off the car's cabin. The rocket engines roared to life in a fiery ignition, propelling the transformed car through the air like a jet plane.

Oakley reached into the main console and inputted several commands. She took her hands off the steering wheel and let the autopilot take control. "Okay, we're good now," she said at last.

"So, what's got you so worked up about this mission?" Annie questioned, her expression conveying clear concern. "I haven't ever seen you this uneasy about anything. It's always smooth sailing for us."

"I've kept you a bit in the dark about this mission while I did my homework about it, Annie. It's not like you pay much attention to background research and preparation until it's time to get to work, anyway," Oakley started, giving her sister a knowing stare.

Annie laughed embarrassedly and scratched the back of her head in the process. "Yeah, you definitely know me."

"Yes, I know you. You're my sister, you idiot," Oakley said drily. "The mission we've been assigned by Giovanni is to infiltrate Alto Mare and capture the guardians, Latios and Latias. We've also got to steal something called the Soul Dew and finally, our biggest target, take control of or steal a machine called the DMA."

"Soul Dew? DMA? What? Speak simple words, please," Annie replied, blinking in confusion.

"DMA stands for 'Defense Mechanism of Alto Mare' and, apparently, it's a machine so powerful it can bend entire regions to its will. As for the Soul Dew, it's an obscure artifact shrouded in complete mystery. That book is one of the few available records of it, and its existence is not widely known to the public. Supposedly, it's a mythical jewel that contains the soul of a Latios," Oakley clarified.

"Oh! Hold on, let me get this straight, there's a jewel out there that contains a Legendary Pokémon's soul? Now you've got me very much interested in this," Annie commented eagerly, eyes gleaming with greed. "It must be so gorgeous! I'd love to get my hands on it." She patted her chest. "That thing belongs in a necklace hung around my neck."

"We'll know more about the DMA and the jewel once our computer decodes the book," Oakley said, her lips curling into a pointed smirk. "Giovanni wants them, too. But, as always, we'll see what we can keep for ourselves once we've finished the mission. We'll give Giovanni enough to keep him happy and the paychecks rolling." She waved a hand dismissively.

"Well, this doesn't sound too hard. Steal a jewel and a machine… and capture a pair of rare Pokémon. It's nothing out of this world for us. What's the catch? Why is this mission so dangerous?" Annie asked curiously.

Oakley frowned and bit her lip slightly. "Well, I don't know the exact danger level, I'm only presuming it."

"We're going off a presumption!? That doesn't sound anything like you at all, Oakley," Annie retorted sharply, narrowing her eyes at her sister. "You never leave anything to chance. You don't take risks. You're a control freak. What's wrong with you?"

"What do you know about Alto Mare, Annie?" Oakley asked abruptly while leaning back into her seat. "Tell me."

"Uh, not that much," Annie answered honestly, shrugging afterward. "I know it's famous for being one of the world's most popular tourist attractions. Good museums, beaches, parks, history, and lots of cultural stuff. But those aren't things that I'm particularly interested in. There are far better places for fashion, luxuries, and jewelry. That's what I crave."

"Spot on but you missed the biggest thing. Alto Mare is also famous because it's the only city in the world that's governed by Pokémon. Precisely, by the guardian Latios and Latias of the legend," Oakley explained.

Annie's jaw dropped slightly. "I thought that was just random propaganda to draw in clueless tourists," she said, flabbergasted. "I'll admit I'm not someone who reads into other places unless they interest me. I wouldn't know." She glanced at the book and focused on the draconic carvings on the front cover. "So, are they like… Alto Mare's actual heads of state?" she asked disbelievingly.

"Yes. Well, more or less," Oakley answered after a moment's thought. "I'm not entirely sure how that works, or how there are people who'd ever be willing to live under the rule of a stupid Pokémon. Anyway, the point is that those two Pokémon govern the city, and they're known to be very strong. But, no one knows exactly how powerful they are. I presume they're immensely powerful and thus dangerous opponents. That's on top of having an entire city's resources at their disposal."

"Why do you presume that?" Annie lifted her gaze from the book to look at her sister with narrowed eyes. "You never work off presumptions. You're a woman of pure facts."

"Well, look at this," Oakley started, reaching to the car's console. She glided through its apps and opened a web browser. She proceeded to look up information about Alto Mare and its guardians. She selected several of the first videos that immediately popped up. Both sisters sat back as the video loaded and went on to show amateur fan footage from a tourist, filming as one of the city's fabled guardians interacted with a few locals and tourists in what looked to be a museum.

"See?" Oakley swiped at the screen, selecting another video that depicted something similar, now a lush park and what appeared to be one of the guardians playing with young children. "And again." Oakley changed to a different video that showed similar footage on what seemed like a main plaza. "What are you noticing here, Annie?" she asked sharply. "What's the pattern?"

"I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for," Annie admitted, her expression perplexed. "Well, those two aren't shy from the looks of it. They're just… I don't know how to put it, going around the city?"

"Precisely!" Oakley exclaimed.

The outburst made Annie slightly jump on her seat. "Careful there."

"Now, think about this objectively," Oakley said sternly. "This is a fucking Latios and Latias we're talking about. Latios and Latias! They're two Legendary Pokémon. That means they're some of the rarest Pokémon on the planet and their value on any market, legal or illegal, can easily go into the billions. And, they're just there."

"…Yeah, I can see they're there," Annie mumbled while raising an eyebrow.

Oakley let out a weary sigh and rubbed her temples. "They're just there, Annie. Tourists and locals share videos of them to the point they're always just one web search away from anyone who wants to see them or know where they are. There's no secrecy. They don't hide. They're not worried. And that's the problem. That's why I'm worried."

Annie's eyes slowly widened as realization dawned on her. "I see where you're going."

Oakley nodded. "Bingo. If anyone can find them and they're so valuable… Why are they still there? Why are they not afraid?"

"Why… hasn't any other criminal… like us… taken them already?" Annie wondered. "Why? There are thousands of high-profile criminals out there. Yet they're still living in the city like nothing's wrong."

Oakley looked ahead to the distant horizon, her eyes a bit lost. After a long moment, she said, "Giovanni filed this assignment with me a few months ago. He said we're the best he has for it. I decided to do my homework before telling you about it." She paused, thinking of the best way to express her thoughts. "During that period, I went through most of my acquaintances and contacts. Other hunters, poachers, spies, everyone I had, and came to a startling discovery. No one from the underworld that's tried to abduct those two dragons has ever been heard of again."

Annie's breath caught in her throat. "Really?"

"Yes. There have been cases of dumb trainers who've tried to be a little too smart and have tried to catch them, but it's all fine with them. Usually, they get a stern warning and they're off." Oakley shook her head with distaste. "But criminals, like us? There are no failure records that I know of in the underworld. Those who have announced their intentions to try and abduct Latios and Latias are usually never heard from again. Are they dead? Are they in jail? Unknown."

"So, it's all or nothing with those two," Annie commented nervously. She swallowed audibly. "And… We're next."

"Yes, we're next." Oakley's expression hardened and her resolve steeled. "But there's a big difference. We're not like the rest. We're different. We won't fail. That's why I've been preparing so much for this, and we'll continue preparing. We're not done yet. If we're to successfully capture those two dragons and the island's valuables, we must take utmost precaution and only go challenge them once we're absolutely ready and certain that victory is assured."

"Got it," Annie responded with a single, resolute nod. "So, we're heading to Alto Mare now?"

"Yes, but not directly," Oakley answered. She leaned back in her seat while putting her arms behind her head. "We're heading to a small port city with tourist ships that leave for Alto Mare daily. I have a feeling those two dragons would immediately notice a flying car entering the city's airspace. So, we'll be infiltrating the place as tourists and doing intensive recon first. Once we're ready, we'll strike with full force."

Annie's grip on the book tightened and she focused on the two draconic engravings. "So, these two are our next opponents. Alto Mare's guardians, Latios and Latias."

"Indeed, they are. If they're as powerful as they're renowned for, then I'll do my best…" Oakley smirked sinisterly with an ominous glint in her eyes, "to make sure they meet their match."

Chapter End

Author Notes: Good day. Sorry for the long pause, but a major natural disaster devastated my city and left me without basic services for several months, and I also suffered a considerable injury. Now that my city is recovering and most of my services are fixed, I return to updating. Should all go well, I intend to update this story every two weeks until completion. Cheers.

Don't forget to leave a Review or Comment with your thoughts! I'd love to hear them!
Chapter 3 — Our Gods
Author Notes: I have a DISCORD SERVER! The invite link is in the story's first chapter. If you want to join our very active and growing community of fanfiction and Pokémon enthusiasts, head over there! You can also find all my official accounts and websites where I publish my stories listed at (

Both links are also on my profile/about me page, or you can private message me directly for them.

Chapter 3 — Our Gods

The loud resonance of orchestral music from many outdoor concerts echoed across the once-peaceful canals of the city of Alto Mare, drowning out the sound of the gentle waves and mixing with the agitated masses' chatter. The city became unbelievably lively as the day of its most famous yearly event finally arrived.

The Tour de Alto Mare.

People lined the sidewalks along the race's designated route to full capacity since the early morning, with dozens of simple but effective temporary stands framing them to allow even more spectators to sit. Across the city, a festive and jubilant environment prevailed. Tourists and locals alike flocked to businesses throughout the canals, and hundreds of street vendors wandered about trying to sell their goods and wares. Countless flying-type Pokémon perched upon the rooftops of the race's route, both out of curiosity and to take advantage of the event to feed themselves.

Ash looked around with widened eyes and a silly grin etched on his face. "Brock wasn't kidding when he said this place was amazing," he commented admiringly as he walked onto the boarding platform for the race's participants. He stood barefoot and only dressed in a plain black shirt and blue shorts.

"Yeah, it is!" Dawn agreed jovially as she joined her friend on the platform. She was also barefoot and had ditched her miniskirt in favor of her yellow and orange swimming shorts. She kept her usual black top on and tied her hair into a neat ponytail for convenience. "I'm so ready for this! Are you ready as well, Piplup?" she asked her partner, whom she cradled in her arms, with a grin.

Piplup nodded eagerly in response and confidently chirped several times.

"Piplup and I are so pumped! You better do your best if you want to have a shot at winning this race, Ash." Dawn gave Ash a friendly wink. "Or else you're only gonna catch my dust." She glanced at the canal. "…My waves."

Ash chuckled and reached into his pocket to grab the sole Poké Ball that he carried along. He held up the spherical device and activated it, releasing his trusted Buizel from its confines with a bright flash of white light. "Same goes for you, Dawn. You know better than anyone just how strong Buizel is," he replied as Buizel crossed his arms over his chest while throwing Dawn's Piplup a confident and competitive smirk.

Dawn laughed heartily. "We'll see, Ash. We also have to save ourselves for the rest of the competition." She glanced around at the few dozen trainers present on the colorful boarding platform, all releasing their water-type Pokémon and fastening their chariots to them.

"Well, let's get you ready, Piplup," Dawn said as she walked to her assigned chariot. She sat down, grabbed the harness, and carefully tied it to Piplup.

Ash followed her along with Buizel. He walked over to the chariot next to her, crouched down, and worked on fastening its harness to Buizel. "Good luck, Dawn!"

Dawn looked at him out of the corner of her eyes and smiled. "Same to you, Ash!"

"Attention, competitors!" an officer shouted through a megaphone from the entrance to the boarding platform, prompting all the trainers to turn their attention to him. "The race will begin in ten minutes, please board your chariots and proceed to the starting line!"

"That's our cue," Dawn commented as she tightened the harness on Piplup. She took a step back and examined her handiwork. Piplup looked himself over several times and then gave Dawn an approving chirp. Dawn stepped onto the pink chariot, being careful to mind her balance.

Ash tightened the harness around Buizel, giving himself a brief nod of approval once he finished. He stood up and boarded his yellow chariot. He idly pressed his weight in different directions, causing the chariot to tilt in tandem with him and give the trainer a feeling of its balance. "Yeah, we're good now, Buizel."

Dawn looked on as Ash tested his balance, and decided to briefly mimic him to get a feel of her chariot for safety. "Let's go, Piplup," she called out once she felt ready and gave her partner a thumbs up.

Piplup and Buizel dived into the water, creating two small splashes on the agitated surface. As they did so, Ash and Dawn grabbed the lines attached to the harnesses of their Pokémon, allowing them to tow their trainers further into the water.

Across the boarding platform, the other competitors did the same and joined the pair in their trek toward the starting line at the center of Alto Mare's primary canal. All around the racers, applause thundered across the city as the thousands of people lined up on the city's sidewalks, bridges, and stands cheered for them.

Ash couldn't help but smile, occasionally waving at the crowds as Buizel got into position at the starting line. "This place is so wholesome," he commented. "People here are just so nice."

"Yeah," Dawn agreed with a smile just as she stopped beside Ash's chariot. "After the stress of our Sinnoh journeys, I think this vacation will do us well. Alto Mare hasn't disappointed at all so far. We're gonna have a blast!"

"Why thank you," someone at the pair's side said, prompting Ash and Dawn to glance to their left. There, they noticed a teenager who looked around Ash's age wearing long blue shorts and a vibrant red vest with a yellow zigzag design on its bottom. He held onto a line that led to his racing Pokémon, a healthy and strong-looking Wailmer. He reached up with a hand and lifted his stylish one-piece sports sunglasses to reveal fierce azure eyes. "The name's Ross. Always thrilled to hear foreigners speak so highly of our city."

"Pleased to meet you, Ross," Ash responded politely. "I'm Ash from Pallet Town."

"Likewise, and my name's Dawn," Dawn said with a friendly wave. "We'd be lying if we said anything else about Alto Mare. We only got here yesterday, though." She laughed.

Ross gave the pair a thumbs up. "That's great! I promise you that Alto Mare won't disappoint on your vacation. I also recognize you two." He focused on Dawn. "You're Sinnoh Grand Festival's runner-up." He turned to Ash. "And you're in Lily of the Valley Conference's top four." He smirked. "Which means you two are bound to have powerful and capable Pokémon at the end of your chariots. I'm the reigning champion of this race, so be sure to give me a challenge!"

Ash grinned and instinctively tightened his grip on the line, glad from the received recognition. "Oh, you'll get more than you bargained for!" he answered fiercely. "Challenge accepted!"

Dawn nodded, a competitive look flashing across her features. "You bet! Be careful what you ask for because we may end up surprising you."

Ross laughed and lowered his sunglasses over his eyes once more. "Good! I want to be surprised. This race will be one to remember."

Ash silently promised himself to one-up the local trainer. He glanced around, eyeing the expectant crowds and the other competitors. As he stared, Ash noticed Brock and Pikachu waving at them from the closest bridge to the starting line. "Oh, hey, Dawn! There's Brock, and Pikachu too!" He pointed ahead with his free hand. "Over there!"

Dawn followed her friend's finger and chuckled when she noticed them. She raised her free hand to wave back at them. "So, that's where they are!"

"Testing, testing!" a voice rang throughout the main canal, carried by an assortment of loudspeakers along the race's route. Ash and Dawn looked around, quickly noticing a man holding a microphone on a podium near the starting line. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's a beautiful day for Alto Mare's annual water chariot festival, the Tour De Alto Mare!"

The crowds gathered along the canals clapped and cheered, prompting the announcer to wait for a few moments while the spirited crowd quieted down somewhat. "Are you all ready to proceed to the main event!?" he questioned energetically, causing the crowds to murmur with palpable excitement. "Please, welcome our guardians to preside over the race!"

Ash gasped, his eyes widening in surprise. "What did he just say!?" he questioned in disbelief while glancing at Dawn, wondering if she had heard the same thing. Dawn flashed him an equally incredulous look, echoing his surprise.

Ross laughed at the pair's reaction, clearly bemused. "That always gets tourists! Our guardians watch over the race every year. It's a tradition," he explained. "Don't be afraid, as far as we know, they don't bite."

A pair of imposing shadows suddenly passed over several competitors, including Ash and Dawn. They immediately looked upward and gazed at the arriving dragons with dumbfounded expressions. Ash's breath hitched at the sight of the very same Pokémon that had ended his dreams of winning the Lily of the Valley Conference just a few days ago.

Latios and Latias regally descended from the sky with the midday sun behind their backs. The sunlight glistened elegantly on their feather coats and spread their shadows onto the canal below. The pair stopped their descent far above the ground, looking over the crowds and competitors with kind expressions on their faces.

Most of the people in the surrounding crowds stood up respectfully, clapping in the presence of the two deities. The rest, mostly all the tourists, let out excited shouts and chattered amongst themselves, with many taking out various mobile devices to take pictures and videos of the two Legendary Pokémon.

Ash's eyes remained fixated on the two dragon Pokémon, stunned by the surprise of having them appear so soon into his visit to the city. 'I guess when Brock said they were part of public life in this place… He wasn't kidding at all,' he thought to himself, only now noticing that his breath remained caught in his throat, forcing him to exhale tensely. Ash examined them with interest and noted that the Latios seemed larger and of a slightly different shade of blue than the one Tobias possessed.

Ash turned his attention to the other legendary dragon. 'I've seen a Latios before, that means… that must be Latias.' He hummed in thought, realizing she looked a bit smaller than Latios and almost identical in looks. Her vibrant red feathers contrasted with her sibling's equally vibrant blue, while her ears, tail, body, and wings appeared slightly different in shape.

"Welcome, both citizens of Alto Mare and visitors alike, to one of our grand annual festivals," Latias began, speaking in a soft and angelic voice that powerfully resonated across the entirety of the city's canals and quickly reached all the contestants and spectators scattered across the race route, effortlessly drowning out the ambient sounds and the crowd's chatter. Yet, despite how far-reaching her voice was, it didn't come off as a shout and instead was a steady tone regardless of distance. "It's an honor for us to watch over the race as has always been our tradition. I'm sure it will be as splendid as ever."

"I'm sure of that as well," Latios agreed, speaking up in an equally powerful and firm voice that evenly spread across the city's canals as his sister's did. However, his masculine voice sounded rougher and more imposing than Latias' gentler and feminine tone. "We're always delighted to participate in our city's festivities and the Tour de Alto Mare is no different." He looked down, giving the contestants a feral grin. "I see a lot of familiar faces amongst this year's competitors, and many new ones as well. Good luck to all of you, and may the best racer win."

All around the two legendary dragons, the crowd applauded and the racers cheered enthusiastically, with many pumping a fist into the air.

Ash let out a short laugh, noting that an excited Dawn was amongst them. "So, those are Latios and Latias," he muttered, thoroughly impressed. 'Although…' He eyed them carefully as his critical, experienced side took notice. 'There's something odd about how they talk but I can't exactly tell what. It's not telepathy like some of the other Legendaries we've met. They're talking like Meowth does, straight out of their mouths. It seems natural but it's not. I can't help but feel like there's something going on, but what is it?'

Latios and Latias glanced at each other. Latios took the cue and flew higher into the sky while Latias remained behind. "Alright, racers, get ready!" she announced, spreading her arms. Her eyes glowed in a soft blue hue that swiftly spread to her fine plumage, enveloping her body in a dazzling glow. Unlike her eyes, her red and white feathers shone in an intense scarlet light.

Along the edges of the canals that formed the designated track throughout the city, illusions of red stripes materialized out of thin air and formed boundaries. At the same time, illusions of red walls formed to block the entrances of streets that weren't part of the race. The translucent illusions pulsed rhythmically to stand out from their surroundings.

Ash looked on with an impressed expression. 'So, that's how we'll know where to go, neat.' He noticed the other contestants and their Pokémon tensing. He nodded at Buizel and angled himself forward. "Ready?" he called out. Buizel let out a sharp cry and tensed visibly.

"As we've done yearly, I will oversee race safety. You may begin at the signal of my brother's Draco Meteor!" Latias announced lively, allowing her gentle voice, laden with excitement and energy, to resound across the city. "And best of luck to all of you!"

Latios opened his mouth and formed a bright green sphere with a crimson core of draconic energy within, making the air around him shift and crackle visibly. He tilted his head back and fired the powerful Draco Meteor into the sky. Every racer braced and their Pokémon reared back further. They carefully followed the Draco Meteor's trajectory as it soared through the sky like a blazing shooting star, leaving a trail of burning emerald energy in its wake.

The draconic sphere suddenly detonated and released a potent explosion of clashing green and red energy that briefly flashed across the sky like an expanding ring. The instant the attack went off, its boom echoed in the distance and the canal's surface churned. As the attack's shockwave rumbled the environment, every water-type Pokémon took off and dragged their chariots along, creating a powerful unified wave across the starting line.

"Let's go!" Ash shouted energetically, pulling his cap backward with his free hand as Buizel's twin tails rapidly spun like a propeller and shot their chariot forward. However, Ash gasped when he saw Ross and his Wailmer bolting past him, slightly splashing him as they passed, and worst of all, Ross showed a condescending wave and a side smirk as he did so.

"Don't let up, Buizel!" Ash encouraged determinedly. Buizel fiercely cried out as he accelerated, causing their chariot to propel ahead to catch up to Ross. "This is personal now!"

As the racers surged from the starting line and headed to the first bridge, Pikachu crouched down on the bridge's security railing and aimed. He waited for a few seconds and then deftly leaped off when Ash was about to pass under the bridge. "Pikachu!" Brock called out in surprise, mentally smacking himself for failing to keep watch over the impatient Pokémon.

Latias watched the racers go and tilted her head curiously when she noticed a Pikachu jumping off straight into the incoming chariots. She was about to psychically intervene—as she believed the Pikachu was potentially in danger—until she noticed that he had perfectly timed his jump to land on one of the racers, who she presumed was his trainer.

"Whoa!" Ash shouted in fright as Pikachu landed on his face, almost causing him to lose his balance. Buizel slowed down briefly, not wanting his trainer to fall over. "Hey! Guess I couldn't race without ya, right buddy?" he asked heartily, laughing briefly as Pikachu climbed to his usual spot on the trainer's shoulder. Pikachu cheerfully cried several vocalizations of his name in response, flashing his trainer a grin.

"See ya!" Dawn called out as she rushed past Ash while tauntingly waving a hand at him and sticking her tongue out. "Hurry up, Slowpoke!"

"We'll see about that, Dawn. Buizel, top speed!" Ash commanded while dramatically pointing ahead. Buizel reared back and spun his dual tails with as much strength as he could, causing Ash's chariot to surge forward to close the distance that Ross and Dawn—as well as a few other competitors—established ahead of him.

Latias looked at the interaction from a distance, letting out a short laugh in amusement. She noted that she didn't have to intervene and turned around, flying onward to keep pace with the racers while staying roughly around the middle of the pack. The perpetual soft blue light on her eyes flashed. "I'm ready to begin sight-sharing."

Latios, who still soared high above Alto Mare, nodded briefly. "Took you long enough, Latias." His red eyes lit up in a blue hue and lively shimmers of psychokinetic light spread across his plumage, lighting up his body in a powerful veil of blue energy with such intensity that it appeared as if a second sun formed in the sky.

Meanwhile, back at the main bridge, Brock sighed as he looked at the space where Pikachu had stood just a moment ago. "Why am I not surprised…" he muttered while shaking his head. He glanced back and looked on as Dawn and Ash disappeared in the distance, with many other racers around them.

Brock hummed and looked around for a screen or something similar to watch the rest of the race on. "Huh, the race is nice and all, but how are we going to see the rest of it?" he mused aloud, raising an eyebrow.

A young woman at his side laughed briefly and lowered a digital camera from her face. "Let me guess, tourist?" she asked, turning to look at him mirthfully. She was quite short and had shoulder-length brown hair. She wore a cute white beret, a teal-colored shirt, and a white miniskirt.

Brock's heart immediately pounded in his chest. She was beautiful—the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen—and he'd met a lot of other women over the years. To him, it didn't matter if every woman he met became the most beautiful woman he'd ever met at the time.

However, given the serious setting and how many people surrounded them, Brock decided against trying to flirt with her—for now. And, he didn't want to receive a Poison Jab by Croagunk just yet. "Yeah," he replied instead, scratching his head while desperately trying to suppress the urge to propose marriage on the spot.

The woman smirked proudly. "Oh, just wait. Never doubt our Gods."

"What do you me—" Brock paused when his surroundings shimmered and the sky above him distorted visibly into a swirl. He looked up in shock as a dense veil of blue light majestically spread across the canal and the audience, slowly forming intricate images in the air over the race track. All around him, and for every person in the audience, the sight of the race materialized in stunning detail as if they were right there, gliding over the water alongside the competitors. "What's going on?" he asked shakily.

The woman laughed in response, enjoying his stunned reaction. "Gets newcomers every time. That's the guardians' Sight Sharing. We don't need screens to see the race because our guardians project it via illusions for every person to see on the racetrack. When the racers pass by each part of the track, they dispel the illusion for the people there to see it live and then resume it once they've passed. That way, every person gets to see the entire race in full detail no matter where you are," she explained. "It's like real-life TV."

"I have no words…" Brock whispered in awe. He saw that Latios remained high in the sky to the point he looked like a powerful, bright blue speck at the center of the enormous rift with him at its center. "I see… That's how it works."

Brock focused on the illusionary imagery, noting that Dawn came in second place and did her best to keep up with the first-place racer, a stylish trainer with a Wailmer drawing his chariot. Far behind the two, roughly in sixth place, was Ash and Buizel. "Go, Ash! Go, Dawn!" Brock cheered enthusiastically.

"Friends of yours?" the woman at his side guessed.

Brock nodded. "The best I've ever had. I can introduce them to you later if you'd like. I'm Brock, by the way."

The woman smiled radiantly, causing Brock's heart to flutter. "I'd like that, thank you. Oh, and my name's Bianca."

That did it. Unable to hold back any longer, Brock opened his mouth to declare his undying love and adoration for this woman he had just met whose name he had just found out… and suddenly felt an all too familiar searing pain in his rear.

Brock gurgled and his face turned an unpleasant shade of purple as he collapsed to the ground. Croagunk, hand still glowing from the Poison Jab he just inflicted, grabbed the paralyzed Brock by the ankle and dragged him away, croaking softly to himself.

Bianca blinked, uncertain what to make of that. "That was weird."

Chapter End

Author Notes: Well, say hello to Latios and Latias! I'm pretty happy to introduce them in this chapter! A lot earlier than many thought, probably! Hopefully, you will all find this iteration of them enjoyable and I'll be delving into their characters in chapters to come.

Don't forget to leave a Review or Comment with your thoughts! I'd love to hear them!
Man it has been a long while since I've seen a altoshipping fic... I await the story you shall unfold for us!
Altoshipping is one of only two ships that I can realistically believe are the canon OTP for ash, and it's my number one, because I really feel like Amourshipping is hindered by the Westermarck effect, since they went to summer camp together when they were five. ARCY's seminal "A New Chance" duology is phenomenal and also Altoshipping.
Chapter 4 — Tour De Alto Mare
Author Notes: I have a DISCORD SERVER! The invite link is in the story's first chapter. If you want to join our very active and growing community of fanfiction and Pokémon enthusiasts, head over there! You can also find all my official accounts and websites where I publish my stories listed at (

Both links are also on my profile/about me page, or you can private message me directly for them.

Chapter 4 — Tour De Alto Mare

"Come on!" Ash shouted in encouragement while tugging aggressively on Buizel's reins. Buizel cried out energetically and sped up further along the canal in response. Ash squinted at the cool rush of moist air that buffeted him and remained firmly focused on the track ahead.

The competitor in front of Ash—a tall man with tanned skin whose Mantine-drawn chariot left a turbulent wake behind him—glanced back and scowled. He tilted his chariot to the side to block Ash's path forward.

Buizel growled and slowed to avoid crashing head-first into the man's chariot. Ash abruptly tugged the line to the right and Buizel followed suit, bolting to the right and speeding up across the water.

"You're not passing me, brat!" the burly man yelled while angling his line to the right to move his chariot just in time to block Ash's second attempt to pass him.

Ash scoffed as Buizel stalled again. 'He reacts quickly to us…' He looked ahead and paid close attention to the upcoming turn. 'It'll be a tight squeeze but I think we can do it.' He instinctively tightened his grip on the line and pressed his feet firmly against his chariot. "Buizel, get ready!"

Buizel briefly glanced back and nodded confidently at Ash. He focused on the canal's sharp turn and the vivid red illusion that signaled it, already knowing his trainer's intentions well. The man angled his chariot and turned around the canal's corner. However, their turn became too wide given Mantine's wide wingspan and large profile.

"Now!" Ash shouted while crouching and pressing his weight to the side to angle his chariot in preparation. Buizel surged forward and swam into the space between the Mantine and the sharp edge of the cobblestone sidewalk. The sharp momentum of the turn pressed Ash lower into his chariot but he barely retained his balance and avoided a fall.

Buizel smirked and swung his dual tails out of the water as he passed next to them to send a large splash into the other competitor, who crouched and shielded his face in response to avoid falling. Buizel snickered at the expletives that Mantine hurled his way in response.

"See ya!" Ash hollered triumphantly as he and Buizel exited the turn, now firmly ahead of the man and his Mantine.

"Get back here, you little—!" the man shouted, whipping Mantine's reins in frustration and raising a fist in protest.

"Show them what you've got, Buizel!" Ash smirked and pressed down onto his chariot. Buizel uttered a taunting cry at the Mantine and sped up, blasting far ahead of the pair and leaving the man looking on with a flabbergasted expression.

"What a terrific maneuver from contestant Ash Ketchum!" the MC shouted enthusiastically over the loudspeakers scattered throughout the racetrack. "A tight squeeze but he's got it! He's now in fifth place! Now, let's see how those behind them are doing!"

"Of course, it was terrific." Ash glanced briefly at Pikachu. "Hey, remember the race at the Orange Islands? It almost feels like it, right, buddy?"

Pikachu laughed and nodded while voicing his thrilled approval. He pointed ahead and adopted a competitive grin.

Ash followed Pikachu's paw and noticed a woman on an orange chariot ahead of him. "Four more to go until I'm first. She's next."

The woman glanced back and noticed Ash a fair distance away behind her. "Let's go faster, Vaporeon!" she shouted while returning her attention to the racetrack. Her Vaporeon let out a loud cry and sped up.

The woman glanced back again to check her distance from the competitor on her back and blinked in confusion when she failed to notice him anywhere. "Huh?" The sound of a large splash beside her immediately made her whip her head in the other direction. "What!?" she cried out as she noticed Ash and Buizel rapidly swimming past her. "So fast!"

Ash grinned while Pikachu waved goodbye at the woman and her Vaporeon. "Three left."

Meanwhile, back at the main bridge that made up the start and finish lines, Brock painstakingly waddled his way back to the railing and half-heartedly leaned over it with a sickly expression. "Ugh, my head's spinning…"

Bianca blinked and looked at him. "What was that about?"

"Don't worry about it," Brock said while waving dismissively. He used the railing for leverage, stood up, and looked at the illusion covering the sky above the racetrack. "Oh, Ash is in fourth place now. Dawn is fighting for first!"

"Uh-huh." Bianca took a picture with her digital camera. "Your friends are pretty good; I'll give them that. In the last couple of years, Ross won without much hassle. This time he has to work for it."

"We've got quite the race here, folks!" the MC's voice blared over the loudspeakers. "Reigning champion Ross is fighting evenly with newcomer Dawn from Sinnoh! So far, they've traded first place more times than I can count!"

"Precisely," Bianca agreed. She briefly glanced at the second digital camera placed on the railing near her to ensure it still recorded Latios' illusion as it vividly showed the race to the crowds with intricate detail and astonishing clarity above the canal. "Are they experienced?"

"Ash and Dawn are pretty good Pokémon trainers, yeah," Brock confirmed, voice full of pride and admiration. "The best, in my opinion."

"I guess that explains it," Bianca said after a short hum. "Most locals who compete here do so with pet Pokémon. It makes sense they'd struggle against trained Pokémon. Ross stands out often because he used to compete in gyms years ago before he retired."

Brock gave her a confident thumbs up. "Then just wait and see. Ash or Dawn will win."

Bianca glanced at Latios' illusion, focusing on Dawn and Ross as they fiercely fought for first place. "We'll see if she can keep it up."

"And Ross retakes the lead!" the MC announced enthusiastically, which caused many locals in the crowd to cheer and roar in approval.

"Come on, Piplup!" Dawn shouted encouragingly. Piplup cried out a series of chirps and pushed himself as hard as he could, barely overtaking Ross and his Wailmer after they turned around a tight corner.

"But Dawn fires back and retakes the lead!" the MC called out.

Ross scoffed and instinctively tightened the grip on his line. "Let's go, Wailmer! We're not losing our crown!"

Wailmer called out melodically and swam as fast as he could, leaving a violent wake trailing his large body. Yet, even as the turbulence battered Piplup and the side of Dawn's chariot, the pair kept up and remained slightly ahead of them.

Dawn smirked and threw a side glance at Ross. "You'll have to do better than that!"

"Oh, don't test me!" Ross shot back.

Dawn and Ross approached a tight turn, entering and exiting it in near-perfect unison while remaining neck and neck.

"I wonder who will falter first because, right now, neither wants to slow down! It's a test of endurance to see which Pokémon can sustain such an intense pace to the end!" the MC narrated. "A couple of turns behind Ross and Dawn, it looks like newcomer Ash Ketchum and the Legendary Josh are fighting for third place now!" the MC added excitedly.

Ash blinked upon hearing the MC's announcement and the crowd's applause. "Legendary Josh? Why's he called that?" he wondered aloud. He narrowed his eyes at the sight of the chariot ahead of him, now so close that he felt the rush of moisture glide past him from its wake. "What's so legendary about that guy, anyway?"

Josh—a teenager dressed in long brown shorts, a dark red shirt with blue sleeves, and a bright green cap—turned at the next corner and allowed Ash to see the Pokémon that pulled his light blue chariot.

It was a Magikarp.

Ash made a face and his jaw dropped. "How is he in third place with a Magikarp!? Is this the B-Button League all over again?" he wondered. Pikachu grimaced at the mention of the powerful Magikarp he fought at Jubilife City and swore some of the bruises of that battle still hurt to this day.

Buizel looked at the Magikarp incredulously and gritted his teeth furiously. He was not losing to a Magikarp of all Pokémon.

"Whoa!" Ash cried out as Buizel accelerated further and went right after Josh at breakneck speed. "That's the spirit, Buizel! Let's take the Legendary out of his name!" he added. 'I guess if he's so good with a Magikarp, that's why they call him that.'

Josh glanced back and noticed Ash rapidly approaching him. He pulled on Magikarp's line to catch her attention. "Hurry up, we can't let him pass us!" The Magikarp let out a series of loud vocalizations of her name and sped up.

As Ash and Josh approached a tight turn on the next canal, Buizel charged through and attempted the same maneuver that allowed them to pass the Mantine-drawn chariot earlier. Right as Magikarp turned, Buizel tried to wedge himself in the space between Josh's chariot and the sidewalk.

"Magikarp, jump!" Josh commanded. The Magikarp reared back and let out a thundering cry as she leaped out of the water with immense force, dragging Josh's chariot over Buizel and the sidewalk's sharp corner, enabling the pair to land ahead of Ash as they exited the turn.

Ash looked at the pair incredulously. "I know Magikarp can jump but that's ridiculous—Wait, Buizel!" he protested, almost losing his balance as Buizel surged intensely through the water while thinking that a fellow water-type wouldn't outdo him.

As the two racers approached the next turn, Buizel's breathing turned erratic and his twin tails spun faster. When Josh entered the turn, Buizel screamed and swam with as much power as he mustered. He leaped out of the water like Josh did a turn ago and dragged Ash's chariot just barely above Magikarp, even though it scraped slightly against the sharp edge of the sidewalk under them.

Ash winced and Pikachu clung to his shoulder for dear life as they landed firmly ahead of Josh's chariot with an enormous splash. Ash fought against the sudden tug the violent landing caused and maintained his balance. "Way to go! We got this!"

"What a twist of events! Ash steals Josh's maneuver and overtakes him to take third place!" the MC screamed excitedly to the cheers and claps of the crowd.

Latias rolled her eyes as she followed the competitors. 'Dummies. They could've fallen doing that,' she thought to herself.

"Hey, that's why you're in charge of safety. Or what, are two overexcited teenagers doing dangerous stunts a bit too much for you to handle, dear sis of mine?" Latios quipped playfully, restricting his telepathy solely to his sister.

"Latios… Shut up and focus on being the TV," Latias replied with a snort.

Ash laughed as they surged past Josh and gradually increased the distance between them thanks to Buizel's superior swimming speed. He focused on the canal and pouted when he noticed Dawn and Ross weren't yet in sight. "Buizel, listen, we need to go even faster. Don't slow down for turns. It's our only chance to catch them."

Buizel swam fast and dragged Ash's chariot with him. The pair settled firmly in third place, and now free of the immediate stress from nearby competitors, Ash took a moment to marvel at the scenic surroundings they dashed past and made numerous mental notes of places he thought they should visit on a future date.

The canals brimmed with people and Pokémon, as tourists and locals gathered on sidewalks, balconies, businesses, terraces, makeshift stands, and rooftops to watch the race with candid excitement and lively chatter. Ash observed that the bridge ahead of him—a stunning double arch of stone with elegant marble trimmings and a cobblestone finish—appeared crowded to the point not another soul fit on top of it.

The buildings and houses, made from elegant Istrian stone and painted in traditional colorful motifs, along with frequent trees jutting from cutout gardens on the sidewalks that framed the canals, created a beautiful vista to glide through.

Buizel swam through a turn at top speed, causing Ash to wince when his chariot splashed a rather large wave onto the open terrace of a nearby luxurious restaurant. However, a bright wall of telekinetic light abruptly shone to life and blocked the water, causing it to harmlessly slide off it and back into the canal without splashing anyone in the crowd.

Ash breathed a sigh of relief, glanced up, and remembered that Latios and Latias followed along the race. He couldn't see Latios' illusions, but the dragon appeared as a second sun of azure light high above, his presence bathing the city in divine light. Latias wasn't in sight, but he recalled seeing her following the racers along the middle of the pack earlier. Ash returned his focus to the track and braced himself for the turn ahead.

The flashing illusion of red energy, which blocked the canal's right turn, pulsed vividly to warn Ash and Buizel of the upcoming turn. He grimaced and shifted all his weight to the left to counteract Buizel's intense left-hand turn. He struggled but just barely managed to retain his balance and the pair hurried onto the next turn.

Latias followed the racers diligently and watched the race closely to feed a secondary viewpoint to her brother should he need it, occasionally giggling at their mishaps and enjoying the race's fun. "So, who do you think will win?"

"I think Dawn will win,"
Latios guessed. "Her Piplup is well trained and is managing his exhaustion far better than Ross' Wailmer. He may be out of shape. It's between those two as everyone else is too far behind, I think."

"Perhaps, but Ross always seems to do well when it matters,"
Latias countered. "He'll win."

"Want to bet on it?"
Latios smirked. "Dye your feathers neon green."

Latias answered after a moment of thought. "Anyway, it's been a pretty uneventful Tour de Alto Mare so far, don't you think?"

"Don't jinx it,"
Latios advised.

"Oh, come on! This far into the race, there's no way there's going to be an—" Latias' head whipped to the side and her glowing eyes narrowed the moment she caught sight of a competitor precariously losing his balance during a tight turn. She reared back and shot forward so fast she became a faint red-and-white blur. Her vast psychic powers easily contained the sonic boom she caused to her immediate surroundings to avoid collateral damage.

Ash screamed as his balance faltered from the intense centrifugal force of the sharp turn that he subjected Buizel and himself to, flinging him clean off his chariot and straight into the stone wall of a building. Ash gritted his teeth, covered his face with an arm, closed his eyes in reflex, and braced for impact against cold, hard stone.

It felt a lot softer and warmer than Ash anticipated when it finally arrived.

Ash's eyes flew open in surprise, catching a brief glimpse of a down of luscious red and white feathers as he slid down into the water with an unceremonious splash. He emerged from the water and shook his head to clear some of it off his face. He looked up, taken aback by the sight of Latias looking down at him with a friendly smile. He recalled seeing her way back and wondered how she made it to his location so quickly. Despite the dire situation that he subjected her to, the dragoness' friendly visage conveyed no hint of stress or worry.

Latias tilted her head and giggled, her ears pointed upright and arms retracted to her sides. "Be careful. You're taking turns way too aggressively," she suggested. "Wouldn't want you to fall again."

"T-Thank you," Ash replied gratefully. He looked back in panic and noticed that Josh rounded the last corner and headed straight for his location. "Gotta get back to the race!" he exclaimed as he swam back to his chariot as quickly as he could. Buizel awaited him with an apologetic expression while Pikachu repeatedly tapped the chariot to signal him to hurry up.

Latias observed as Ash swiftly boarded his chariot and darted off the moment he grabbed the line. She shook her head in amusement when he entered the next turn with the same lack of care as he did the turn prior.

"Hmm?" Latias looked down and noticed a red and black cap floating on the water. She picked it up and playfully twirled it on her claws. 'Better return it.' She slid by the closure to the base of her claws and hid it behind a small illusion. She daintily levitated back above the city and monitored the other contestants, nodding in satisfaction at the fact all remained safe.

'I just need to be more careful with my balance,' Ash reasoned to himself. 'Taking quick turns is the only way I'll catch up to Dawn and that other guy. It's all or nothing.'

"Ross and Dawn refuse to concede any ground to each other!" the MC shouted. "Or, should I say, refuse to concede any water to each other? Whatever! It'll be a finish to remember folks!"

Ash's expression shifted to one of concern as the MC's narration only pressured him further. He didn't know Alto Mare's layout and thus didn't know how much of the racetrack remained.

Buizel swam at a powerful and brisk pace, not slowing down for turns and hoping that Ash kept his balance and didn't fall over again, as they knew a second fall would render the race unrecoverable. He felt the first signs of exhaustion throb in his twin tails and forearms from the continuous, strenuous effort of top-speed swimming. However, he knew that Piplup and the Wailmer couldn't fare any better than he did. With renewed determination and a refusal to concede burning fiercely at the forefront of his mind, Buizel retained his speed and muscled through his building exhaustion.

Ash felt immensely relieved when he noticed the leftover turbulent wake on the canal's surface the moment he exited a sharp turn, no doubt left by Ross and Dawn. "There they are!" he called out. "We got this, Buizel!"

Buizel shouted a sharp battle cry, continued his aggressive pace, and turned around the next corner at full speed. Ash crouched down and threw his weight on the side to resist the violent tug on his chariot from the brisk turn. He narrowed his eyes competitively as, against a backdrop of red light from an illusion of Latias at the end of the canal, he saw Dawn and Ross fighting neck and neck for first place.

"What's this!? Ash Ketchum is approaching Dawn and Ross fast!" the MC shouted. "They're about to reach the last turn before the finish line! Can he make it or is it too late?"

Ash gasped. "Hurry up, Buizel!" He knew that last turn was his last chance to gain any ground on them. Ross and Dawn briefly slowed down to take the turn safely and, unlike them, Buizel took the turn without slowing down. Ash winced as it caused them to swim widely through it and forced him to pile his weight so far to the side of his chariot that it almost dipped under the water's surface.

Buizel violently forced his way between Ross and Dawn's chariots, finally reaching parity with Wailmer and Piplup, who looked at him with surprised expressions that rapidly faded into a pair of competitive scowls.

"I have to admit, he's quite impressive to have caught up with the leaders," Latias commented to her brother. "He's skilled and his Buizel is tough. I honestly have no clue who'll win. It's anyone's race here."

"Well, I guess I'll swallow my words about Dawn winning. That Ash guy is good. They caught up with them despite falling so far behind."
Latios focused on the three swimmers and, with the race's conclusion imminent, centered all his illusions on them. "All three Pokémon are at their limit, though. It'll be close."

"Pay close attention to the finish line,"
Latias suggested. "We may need to officiate a tie-breaker."

Ash looked further up and noticed the canal they turned into was identical to the one they departed from, with only the illusions laid by Latias at its sides inverted to show it was the proper way. The bridge at the end—which Ash recognized as the one Brock was on—flashed with a vibrant veil of red light and the word 'finish' appeared on its stone surface.

The crowds clapped and cheered as the three racers fought hard against each other and approached the bridge neck and neck. Brock and Bianca, along with everyone else on it, leaned forward to get a closer look as the three contestants drew ever so nearer to it. "It'll be so close!" Bianca called out excitedly. "Go, Ross!"

Brock waved at the incoming pair. "Go, Dawn! Go, Ash! One of you better win!"

Ash glanced at his sides, noting that Dawn and Ross kept pace with him. However, their Pokémon appeared just as strained as Buizel did. "You can do it, Buizel!"

"Come on, Piplup! We can't let Ash win!" Dawn shouted. She knew the race would end, either won or lost, based on the slimmest of margins. Piplup let out a defiant chirp and accelerated as fast as he could despite his burning exhaustion.

"We must defend our crown, Wailmer! Full speed ahead!" Ross called out. Wailmer's face contorted from the strain as he sped up to his absolute limit.

"What a daring finish!" the MC boomed. "It's so close, folks! Who will win!?"

Ash, Dawn, and Ross all shouted triumphantly as their respective Pokémon gave out thundering cries and pushed themselves to the end. With agitated waves and potent splashes shrouding the finish line from the violent swimming of Buizel, Piplup, and Wailmer, the three Pokémon and the chariots they drew crossed the finish line at seemingly the same time.

Chapter End

Author Notes: Random fun fact: The competitor with the Magikarp is canonical (Granted, I named him here). When I rewatched the race scene I noticed a guy with a Magikarp among the competitors, which just made me think "What a beast!" almost immediately. Did the guy just seriously bring the carp to the tour? He did. I just had to make the two awesome.

Don't forget to leave a Review or Comment with your thoughts! I'd love to hear them!
The Legendary Josh!!! That was an intense race, although my spine hurts thinking about how hard Buizel cut that corner.
The Legendary Josh!!! That was an intense race, although my spine hurts thinking about how hard Buizel cut that corner.

Yeah, the reason I went for this is because Buizel has always been a very reckless Pokémon and Ash often goes along with it or enables it. Hence their way of playing this race.

About Josh, he's 100% real, by the way, as I said in my author's note. I just decided to name him and give him an expanded role. Seriously, what an absolute CHAD who brings a MAGIKARP into the Chariot race.

Here's his pic from the movie:

(Right behind Ross).

There is absolutely no way that guy is not a Legend for signing up with a Karp.
Chapter 5 — Tour Coronation
Author Notes: I have a DISCORD SERVER! The invite link is in the story's first chapter. If you want to join our very active and growing community of fanfiction and Pokémon enthusiasts, head over there! You can also find all my official accounts and websites where I publish my stories listed at (

Both links are also on my profile/about me page, or you can private message me directly for them.

Chapter 5 — Tour Coronation

Every spectator along the race route leaned in to get a better look as the waves spread across the surface of the finish line, lightly battering the sidewalks and the gondolas parked along them. "Who won!?" the MC asked dramatically, leaning on his podium near the main bridge to look closely at the finish line. "I couldn't see a thing! It was way too close!"

Buizel gradually slowed down and allowed his chariot to settle into the water. Ash frantically looked back as if to look for clues about the race's winner. He panicked when he noticed Dawn slipping from Piplup's excessive speed, prompting her chariot to crash against his. They screamed as their chariots overturned and tossed them into the water with large splashes. Buizel threw Piplup an unimpressed look, and a flushed Piplup rubbed the back of his head with a fin and muttered an apology that Buizel dismissed with an eye roll.

Ross' Wailmer slowed down while Ross expertly maintained his balance as their chariot drifted to an almost complete stop. The pair circled back to where the other two trainers fell. "You two alright?" Ross asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Ash resurfaced and shook his head to clear some water off his face. "Yeah. I'm fine." He shot Dawn a teasing smirk as she resurfaced. "You couldn't keep your balance back there, eh?"

Dawn glared at her friend. "Excuse me, who slowed down right in front of me?"

Ash whistled innocently and looked away. "Anyway! I totally won!"

"No, I did!" Dawn countered.

Ross laughed and lifted his sports sunglasses to his forehead. "Actually, I won. There's no way I lost."

Ash looked at the MC as the other racers crossed the finish line around them, with Josh and his Magikarp in fourth place. "So, how is this settled?" he wondered. "Or did we tie?"

Latios chuckled as he descended from the sky and stopped just above the canal, clapping slowly. The sharp clicks of his claws carried every clap across the canals and smothered all sounds around it, drawing everyone's attention to him. The intense light that emanated from his body dimmed. "Wonderful effort from all three of you. That was quite the finish. It's the most thrilling ending to a Tour de Alto Mare we've had in a long time."

"Very much so!" Latias agreed as she levitated to her sibling's side. "I don't think we've had such a close three-way finish in years." She looked at each of the three contestants one by one and flashed each of them a proud smile. "You three, and your Pokémon, all performed admirably, and you have my gratitude, along with that of my brother, for providing such an entertaining finale to this year's race." She paused to let her words sink in. Slowly, her mouth curled into a smirk that revealed some of her teeth. "However, it wasn't a tie. One of you won."

Ash, Dawn, and Ross looked between them repeatedly, the same thought in all three heads. The crowds chattered eagerly amongst themselves and many leaned in while awaiting the news. "It appears we do have a winner, folks!" the MC announced enthusiastically. "Great guardians, if you may…"

The glow around Latios' eyes intensified along with the angelic blue light that emanated from him, causing the shimmering illusion over the canals to flicker into a still image of Ash, Dawn, and Ross as they approached the finish line. The dragon's eyes flashed and the illusion played forward at an agonizingly slow pace.

The audience fell completely silent as Latios' illusion played. Wailmer's head, Piplup's beak, and Buizel's outstretched arm approached the red line of Latias' illusion that marked the track's end. Little by little and with no clear frontrunner, the three Pokémon pressed on. Finally, ahead of Piplup and Wailmer by a few tufts of fur, Buizel's outstretched paw touched Latias' illusionary line first.

Latios froze the illusion, allowing everyone to look at it closely. He grinned and focused his attention on Ash and Buizel. "Congratulations, contestant Ash Ketchum and your Buizel. You two have won this year's Tour de Alto Mare festival," he announced with a thundering voice that echoed throughout the racetrack.

"We have a winner and what a thrilling finish, if I may add!" The MC paused for a few seconds. "That'll be all from me, folks! Don't forget to come to the awards ceremony in an hour at the main plaza!"

Many spectators in the crowds across the canals and the main bridge clapped and cheered, while an equal number shook their heads in dismay and groaned. Others took advantage of the guardians' proximity to the finish line and snapped pictures of them with their mobile devices.

The lights that emanated from the two city guardians—intensely from Latios and faintly from Latias—dimmed away into nothingness. The vast illusion over the sky and the red illusions that formed the race track dissipated in countless shimmers into the breeze.

Ross sat back onto his chariot and sighed. "Can't believe we lost. It was so close." His Wailmer swam up to his side and gave him an apologetic look. "You did terrific, don't worry about it," Ross added, petting the smooth, rubbery skin on his Pokémon's head comfortingly.

Dawn swam toward her chariot and petted a dejected Piplup's head, who wouldn't stop chirping apologetically at her. "It's okay, you did your best. We almost had it." She pulled him in for a hug.

Ash shouted triumphantly and swam to his Pokémon. He excitedly picked the surprised Buizel by the armpits and hoisted him up. "We won! We won! We won! You did fantastic! This win is all yours, Buizel! I never doubted you," he cheered with a grin and ample laughs of joy. Buizel crossed his arms and smirked proudly while voicing his satisfaction with repeated calls of his name.

Latias looked at the pair's interaction with a touched smile. 'Trainers that acknowledge their Pokémon's effort so candidly are often a rarity.' She levitated to the canal's edge and beckoned the fallen contestants over with her claws. The rest, meanwhile, swam back to the boarding platform on the wayside along with Buizel and Piplup, who dragged empty chariots behind them.

Ash and Dawn swam to the edge, where Latias greeted them with an outstretched set of claws and a warm expression. First Dawn and then Ash grabbed Latias' hand and allowed her to ease them onto the cobblestone sidewalk with a gentle pull.

"By the way…" Latias giggled and dropped the illusion around her right arm, revealing Ash's hat dangling from it. "You dropped this earlier."

Ash gasped and reached up to his head, only to find himself grasping at his hair, much to his horror. "My hat! I didn't even realize. Thank you, you just saved my life with that."

Latias unhooked it and flicked it toward Ash with her claws so it landed neatly on his head. "Be careful next time if it's that important." She smiled at him, turned around, and levitated away through the crowds to Alto Mare's main plaza.

A shadow passed over Ash, causing him to briefly look up and see Latios flying over him and heading in the same direction as his sister. He adjusted his hat and looked on with intrigue as the locals respectfully moved out of the way for Latias, with some occasionally bowing as she passed by with her brother following overhead.

From the moment Latias and Latios appeared at the race's beginning, Ash noted that everyone looked at them with respect and admiration on their faces, and it became ever more apparent how revered—loved, even—they were by the city's inhabitants. It reminded him of the way Shamouti Island's inhabitants spoke of Lugia or Michina Town's people spoke of Arceus, yet without the separation of myth and legend for, unlike them, Latias and Latios lived amongst their people as a pair of dragon gods, as majestic Legendary Pokémon of unmatched grace and immense power.

As Ash saw Latias move deeper into the crowd, some—tourists like him, he presumed—fumbled and moved out of the way awkwardly while chattering excitedly amongst themselves at the prospect of being within an arm's reach of a fabled Legendary Pokémon. Ash glanced at Dawn and noted she appeared similarly perplexed. It made him even more interested in learning how it all happened.

Ash walked through Alto Mare's main plaza with an upbeat skip, having gotten the chance to dry off and change back into his usual attire after a trip back to the boarding platform. Pikachu sat on his shoulder, like he always did, with a jovial expression while Buizel followed them only a few steps behind. The pair stopped and looked at the towering building that dominated the plaza.

Its awe-inspiring presence commanded the attention of all who saw it, an architectural marvel that rose majestically toward the sky with its soaring spire and intricate embellishments of light green color and an array of framed stained glass windows, built upon meticulously carved and polished columns of stone coated with a beautiful marble facade.

"That'd be our museum," Latios commented from above. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Ash started, jolted out of his thoughts. "It looks cool, yeah. I think I remember our friend talking about it." He made a mental note to check it out sometime later, though he suspected Brock must've already planned it.

"I'd recommend it." Latios calmly levitated to the fountain near the plaza, where Latias awaited them on a simple yet elegant wooden podium. "Once again, congratulations on winning the Tour de Alto Mare," he said while giving the teenage trainer an impressed nod. "And thank you for contributing to such an exciting race."

Ash smiled and bowed respectfully before the two dragons when he reached the plaza's center. The gathered crowd clapped at him, prompting Ash to wave triumphantly. He threw a teasing smirk when he noticed Ross among the crowd, which elicited a chuckle in return from the local trainer.

Latias moved to the side and beckoned Ash to join her with a hand wave. He and Buizel walked up the podium's steps and stopped before Latias, wondering for a moment what came next.

Latias cleared her throat, immediately quieting the surrounding crowd with all attention focused on her. "The Tour de Alto Mare! Born from fishermen many centuries ago after Alto Mare's ancestors laid the first stones of our magnificent city. They were seafarers and voyagers who braved the open waters, guided by the stars and the winds for their livelihood as Johto recovered from the calamity that struck long ago. Back then, the sea was both a provider and a challenger. People created the first chariots, not of wood and iron, but of courage and unity. Drawn by mighty Pokémon, our forebears sailed across the waves. What started as a means of sustainment became sport and competition as Alto Mare grew. Today, as we gathered to witness our extraordinary race, we did more than cheer for speed and skill. We honor a tradition that has flowed through our people for generations. Since then, it's evolved into one of our largest annual festivals that draws in visiting competitors from all over the world—"

As Latias spoke, now out of the race's pressure and standing right at her side, Ash focused on the Legendary Pokémon and appreciated the first time he got a good look at her up close. Her vibrant red and white feathers shimmered under the sunlight, reflecting it strangely and captivatingly, almost as if light gained a will of its own when in contact with her plumage. It felt as if a gentle and peaceful glow that blanketed the city and its joyful inhabitants radiated from Latias' ever-present cheerful and friendly visage, especially when her presence commanded the attention and respect of those around her.

Once again, Ash found himself immensely interested in her voice as it carried throughout the crowd as it had at the race, at a steady volume that spread throughout the onlookers. A soft tune with a gentle lilt and a pleasant accent, distinctly feminine, yet possessed a firmness and conviction behind it that spoke of an unwavering personality.

At the same time and despite Latias' radiating kindness, Ash thought her presence didn't feel out of place compared to the other Legendary Pokémon that he'd met so far in his journey, even amongst the larger ones, even though Latias appeared only about a head or two taller than he was while floating in an upright posture.

Latias was powerful, Ash realized, as the entire picture fell into place. Anytime he caught a glimpse of her eyes, he noted her golden irises glistened with a playful undertone, a window to a kind soul, despite the striking intensity and sheer authority behind their mighty gaze.

"—And, finally, as per the yearly tradition, the chariots will be available for the remainder of the day for those who wish to try them out or let their children have fun. If you do not possess a compatible Pokémon, don't fret, for I've asked a host of local Pokémon, friends of ours, to be the chariot drivers, all supervised by the race's organizers," Latias finished. She turned to face Ash and smiled. "And, for our winner…"

Latias' eyes glowed in a soft hue of blue light, slightly startling Ash from his deep stare into them. Her powers dropped the illusion around her neck, which up to that point concealed a beautiful necklace with a large crystal medallion dangling from it. She levitated closer to Ash, lowered her neck to let it slide across its slender length, and made a slight jerk that let the necklace clear her fluffy ears. The medallion fell briefly until it stopped and floated before her, held by a faint telekinetic glow.

Ash leaned in to get a better look at it. The large medallion, made of a thick and sturdy glass construction, featured an elegant ring of finely crafted glasswork that undulated like a continuous ocean wave along its rim. Two draconic silhouettes that faced each other in an arc dominated its interior, one tinted red and the other blue, centered around a beautiful gleaming sapphire. "Whoa, it's so beautiful!"

"Thank you. Latios made it." Latias glanced up briefly to her brother, who returned a smug and pleased smile. "He loves sculpting."

Ash blinked and looked up at the blue dragon leisurely floating above them. "Well, you did a great job with it, I love it."

"You are Ash Ketchum, correct?" Latias asked. "Is that your preferred name?"

Ash nodded. "Yeah, Ash Ketchum is fine."

Latias reached forward with a single claw that abruptly burst with a bright green rush of draconic flames. She gently pressed the claw on the medallion, precisely on the open section below the two silhouettes, and traced it across the glass surface with utmost care.

Ash observed curiously as Latias' claw left a crevice flanked by molten glass on the surface and curved down into another line to form a steep angle with the first. "What are you doing?"

"You'll see." Latias retracted her claw and traced a single line between both near-perpendicular lines. She continued with the next symbol and traced a single line that curved twice right next to it.

"Oh!" Ash exclaimed in realization once he noted the traces were letters. "It's my name!"

"You got it," Latias replied as her claw moved to carve the letter 'h' after the first two letters. She left a small gap and carved the 'K' that made the first letter of Ash's last name.

Ash looked on with interest as Latias delicately carved each letter of his name onto the medallion and idly recognized the handwriting was nearly identical to the one on her statue at the main dock. The medallion glistened with emerald sparks of her draconic energy as it cleanly melted off the traces of glass to form the engraved letters.

Latias retracted her claw and inspected her handiwork. She blew on it to cool and shear off any leftover bits clinging to the carved edges. "There we go." She telekinetically placed the medallion on Ash's outstretched hands. "Here's your prize!"

Ash grinned and held it up to the sun. The sunlight reflected off its contours into a stunning prismatic gleam that traced the outlines of his name and both dragon figures on it, taking on a deep blue and vibrant red for the shine of each Legendary guardian. "It's… amazing. Thank you!" he responded gratefully as he donned the necklace around his neck. "It's also heavy."

A young woman from the surrounding crowd stepped forward and lifted a digital camera. Immediately, several others—all wearing different press badges—mimicked her movement. "Hey, Latias! Ready?" Bianca asked.

Latias grabbed Ash across his shoulders and pressed him against her side and neck. "Smile for the camera!" she called out with a laugh.

Ash blinked in confusion while Pikachu almost fell off his shoulder. Despite Latias' arms appearing flimsy at a glance, the strength behind her tug was firm, though it came with astounding care behind it. "What's going on?"

"Hey, I need a good picture for tomorrow's paper, duh," Bianca explained with a bemused expression. She held up and dangled her camera. "Maybe even a reference for a painting, too."

"Oh!" Ash pressed against Latias' side, grinned triumphantly, and held up his winner's medallion for the camera. Pikachu and Buizel raised their paws in a 'v' for a victory pose.

Latios opened his mouth and formed a miniature sphere of green draconic power. His eyes glowed as a torrent of telekinetic energy swirled throughout his body and joined the sphere at his mouth. He fired the Dragon Pulse at the rear of the podium and, using his telekinetic powers, detonated it upward in a stunning blue and green flare of sparks and beams that lit the sky like fireworks.

"Excellent! You all look perfect!" Bianca readied her camera and snapped a few pictures quickly, as did most of the reporters and many onlookers amongst the gathered crowd, while the rest clapped and whistled.

Latias broke contact and flew to the side gracefully. "You better have gotten my good side, Bianca!"

"That should do it." Bianca reared back, lowered the camera, and scrolled through the picture previews. "I did!" She winked at Latias. "It's not that hard."

Latios snorted and levitated up toward the museum's main spire. "You've got a good side? Shocking!" he asked teasingly, restricting his telepathy to his sister alone.

"Yes, unlike you, jerk," Latias replied, telepathically shoving the mental image of her sticking her tongue out into her brother's mind.

"Listen, I'm glad you didn't break this year's medallion while writing the name like a few years ago. I wasn't careless and made a few spare ones this time," Latios replied, throwing Latias a side eye from his spot above the museum.

"Oh, bite me," Latias snapped.

"Will do."

Ash looked between Latias and the photographer, idly wondering what sort of relationship they had. He saw that Latias' friendly mannerisms felt genuine and the manner she carried herself was ostensibly easygoing, despite her status as the city's fabled guardian. 'Guess there's a lot more to Latios and Latias than we thought,' he mused.

"I think this will do, oh mighty and beloved guardian of our city, champion of our waters, and ruler of our skies," Bianca said dramatically with an overplayed bow. She turned around and walked down the crowd.

Latias narrowed her eyes and snorted. 'Oh, I'll get her back for that.'

Dawn and Brock walked to Ash's side. "Hey, can we see it?" Dawn asked, intrigued.

Ash handed out his medallion to his friends. "Of course!"

Latias glanced at the trio momentarily, flew high above the crowds gathered on the main plaza, and cleared her throat. "Now that the award has been given, this marks the end of another thrilling Tour de Alto Mare!" she declared. "But our day is not over just yet, for the festivities continue. Don't miss out on any fun!"

Latios looked down as the crowds gradually dissipated and moved along with their day, leaving the plaza and the nearby canals still brimming with activity. After all, plenty of outdoor concerts and events remained in celebration of the race throughout the city. He chuckled when he noticed some of the Tour de Alto Mare instructors, still in their gear, helping children of eager tourists up to the chariots to give them a ride along with the native water-type Pokémon.

Latias levitated closer to the museum's spire and caught sight of many among the crowd taking pictures of her with the towering museum and her brother in the background, not that she minded.

"Took you long enough," Latios commented with a snide smirk. "You're growing slow, Latias."

Latias rolled her eyes. "Oh please." She shot him a pointed look. "Maybe you should've stayed closer to the awards ceremony, maybe let a couple of kids ride you…"

"Maybe some other time," Latios replied. "Besides, it looks like the race went well. As always."

"Which is great," Latias agreed. She hummed as a soft breeze that carried the scent of the sea blew by and lightly ruffled her feathers. "The exciting finish was icing on the cake."

"It was pretty nice not knowing who'd win for once," Latios said.

Latias smirked at her sibling and jabbed his side with her claws. "You know what's nice too? It's your turn to run to the town hall and ensure the entire thing's running smoothly post-race and in preparation for the weekly festivities."

Latios groaned and shook his head. "I hoped you forgot that."

"Yeah right I'd forget about that." Latias giggled. "Now shoo!" She pushed him away. "I'm staying here and having fun! It's so sunny and pretty!" She tapped her chin with a claw in an exaggerated manner. "Hmm, I'm in the mood for some sweets, maybe even a Latte. And I won't share it with you because you'll be busy looking at paperwork and hearing reports. Shame."

Latios growled. "Fine. You win, this time." He turned around and flew away in the direction of the city center.

Latias ignored Latios' parting words and glanced down at the crowded streets, swiftly scanning the area to see if anything caught her interest. With nothing worthy of note in her sight, she went ahead and levitated in the direction of one of her favorite cafés.

Chapter End

Author Notes: I want to thank everyone who has decided to support me in my writing endeavors so far. I immensely appreciate your continued support!

Thanks to Fbi6471, T_2the_homas77, Phoenix Phoxie, ColsonOtis, Caitou zzzzzz, Souboku, Trentrouls, Ace556, Megatyrant, Joma1890, Gunert, PFryer, Exos, Exzander, Zdann, and Man-O'-War!

Special Thanks to SGWarrior, Saul'keth, CreeperMaster343, Aspergillus, Zeusdog17, and FinalDragon!

Legendary Thanks to Roasted Cashew!

If you want to support my work and my stories, look me up in the Patron world as ArcyAnderson!

Don't forget to leave a Review or Comment with your thoughts! I'd love to hear them!
Loving this! The feel of this fanfiction is definitely in line with Pokemon, especially with the extra characterization of Latios and Latias.
Chapter 6 — Observation New
Author Notes: I have a DISCORD SERVER! The invite link is in the story's first chapter. If you want to join our very active and growing community of fanfiction and Pokémon enthusiasts, head over there! You can also find all my official accounts and websites where I publish my stories listed at (

Both links are also on my profile/about me page, or you can private message me directly for them.

Chapter 6 — Observation

The interior of a luxurious restaurant that resided at the edge of one of the picturesque main canals presented a seamless blend of old-world charm and contemporary design, with its high ceilings adorned with intricate, hand-painted murals that depicted stunning scenes from Alto Mare's past. Crystal chandeliers hung from above, casting a warm orange glow upon the exquisite interior. A plush red carpet cushioned each step and muffled any sound to create an environment of tranquility.

The furniture and mahogany tables, crafted from the finest materials and draped in crisp white linens, highlighted elegant craftsmanship. Ornate stained-glass windows on the second gallery that alternated in red and blue designs, featuring Latios and Latias, reflected the restaurant's beauty and set an illusion of endless depth and grandeur. Large, arched windows framed the pristine canal outside the first floor, making the shimmering waters part of the decor.

The attentive staff, dressed in impeccably tailored uniforms, acted with professionalism. Their discreet presence ensured they anticipated and met every patron's needs with effortless grace. "Madam," one of the waiters said politely while extending a silver tray in front of him. He grabbed the two drinks on it and placed them on the table. At the lack of verbal reply, the waiter bowed and left to attend to other tables.

Annie took a sip from her Amaretto and hummed in delight. "Excellent. This place has terrible fashion but I can't complain about the drinks. I found Castelia City better, though."

"We're not here to judge Alto Mare's fashion or drinks," Oakley commented drily. "You're doing a terrific job at that, I'll admit. I'm sure Giovanni will find that report most fascinating."

"Fine." Annie pulled on the rim of her sunglasses to get a better look outside. The restaurant's panoramic view offered her a clear line of sight to Alto Mare's main plaza, where the Tour de Alto Mare had concluded not long ago.

Both siblings had ditched their spy gear for regular clothes to blend seamlessly with those who came and went from the restaurant. Annie donned a shoulderless orange and green top along with skin-tight black jeans. A pair of sleek pure-silver bracelets adorned her wrists and a thick silver necklace plated with a few jewels hung from her neck. Her sharp orange eyes never left the pair of dragons who gingerly levitated above the crowds on the main plaza.

Oakley observed the pair intently, with several scanners and cameras in her high-tech sunglasses recording and analyzing the guardians' interaction with the city folk after the just-concluded awards ceremony. Unlike her sister, she wore a conservative dark red top and casual black jeans, with her gold bracelets and necklace mirroring Annie's in design.

"I think you're right," Annie acknowledged with a nod. "They're pretty strong. It'll be difficult to—"

Oakley abruptly slapped Annie's hand from across the table, prompting her to yelp and jerk it back. She glared at her oblivious sister and put a single finger on her mouth as a gesture of silence.

Annie rubbed her hand and looked at her sister with a confused expression. She looked at the central plaza of Alto Mare and scoffed. "Whatever."

"Good." Oakley observed the movements of the crowds, though the bulk of her attention focused on the now-alone red and white dragoness leisurely levitating at the top of the museum's predominant spire. She watched with bated breath as Latias glided down to street level, turned around, and flew into one of the many canals that fed the plaza. She sighed in relief and threw her sister a pointed look. "Don't speak of anything suspicious while within possible earshot of either Latios or Latias."

Annie blinked and looked between Oakley and the plaza repeatedly. She threw her sister an exasperated glare. "Oakley, we're at least three blocks away and on the opposite end of a crowded area."

"I know. But Latios and Latias are a Pokémon species that humanity has little knowledge of," Oakley rebutted. She tapped the table impatiently as if carefully pondering her choice of words. "We don't know how sensitive their hearing is, nor how good they are at filtering out unimportant chatter and pinpointing delicate conversations, even from afar. Plus, they're Psychic."

"I think you're a little too paranoid." Annie shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. "They're just Pokémon at the end of the day. Strong ones yes, but no different than all the others we've caught before."

"Maybe they are," Oakley admitted. "But maybe they're not. The cost of paranoia is a mild annoyance for us. The cost of carelessness is ending six feet under. I think it's a fair trade."

Annie sipped from her drink and lightly whirled the ice cubes with her straw. "True, I guess."

"We're not the first to take them on. I doubt we're the first to try to take them by surprise, either. Yet, they're there, unharmed, flying around without care. That means they've survived every ambush they've suffered so far without fail," Oakley elaborated. "If they haven't lost, there is a reason for it."

Annie leaned back into her cushioned mahogany chair. "I'll keep that in mind." She patiently waited for a few people who walked down the corridor to pass them and walk out of earshot. "We saw what we needed to see. Let's go."

"Right." Oakley swiftly packed her belongings, left their food's cost at the table plus a generous tip, and walked down the restaurant's aisle.

Annie looked at Oakley and then glanced back at their table. She rolled her eyes, grabbed the tip money that Oakley had left, and pocketed it. She daintily skipped after her sister. "So, what's on your mind?" she asked once she caught up to her.

"A lot," Oakley confessed tensely. She smiled politely at the restaurant's receptionist. "Thank you, wonderful food. My compliments to the chef."

The receptionist handed her a gift card with an equally polite smile and a respectful bow. "I will pass them on. We hope you return soon."

Oakley walked down the restaurant's grand entrance and main stairway. She crossed the sidewalk and boarded the modern-looking boat they had rented for their trip. "Let's start. The city adores them, as we saw. They'll have no shortage of allies or resources here. They're also immensely confident, given the way they speak and the way they handle themselves."

"I figured that," Annie responded as she boarded the speedboat. "They looked like they had the tour and ceremony completely under control from start to finish. The way they speak is a bit mesmerizing, I'll admit. They were so far away from us and didn't shout, yet we heard them as clearly as if they spoke at our side."

"That's one of the things on my mind." Oakley sat down at the steering wheel and pursed her lips. "Sometimes, it's the little displays of finesse that are truly terrifying, not the big flashy Draco Meteor in the sky. How do they do that? What's the secret?"

"Beats me. They look like they're full of surprises," Annie commented. She gulped. "I doubt we want to discover a new surprise the day we confront them."

"They're… mighty." Oakley grabbed a sophisticated computer from a bag at her side and placed it on the boat's dashboard. "Come look at this."

"How mighty?" Annie asked as she sat on the passenger's seat and leaned in to look closer. "Mighty can mean a lot of things."

"I have a couple of drones spread over the city, disguised among civilian drones here and there over the allowed areas." Oakley pointed to two blinking dots on her computer's display. "These two are the important ones. They're equipped with many sensors for measuring all kinds of radiation. Look at this." She inputted several commands into the computer.

The computer's screen rolled back and showed a replay of the Tour de Alto Mare race, with several graphs and numbers going haywire at its sides. "The amount of energy they release whenever they exert their power is nuts. This is almost the same as the highest-recorded energy emanating from a champion-level battle."

Annie hummed in thought. "I doubt they're flinging full power attacks while messing around for a dumb race. This must be child's play for them."

"I agree. I don't think we've seen anything close to their full power yet." Oakley tapped one of the numbers on her screen. "This one in specific measures a Pokémon's psychic power output. Those two smashed the readings from every known top-tier psychic-type trainer with their illusions." She dragged her fingers across the screen to another one. "This one measures the explosive power of attacks based on the generated shockwave. That Draco Meteor at the start put nearly everything seen in Pokémon battles to shame."

"That's terrifying," Annie murmured. She idly fiddled with one of her overgrown buns of hair. "I wouldn't want to be on the other end of that if they're serious. However, as long as they're within the city, they'll be forced to use restraint even when fighting a real battle."

"I think so as well. We need to engage them in an area where they can't fight at full strength." Oakley rested her chin on her hand. "But this puts into perspective the power level we can expect when we fight them."

"Well, that means we better pack some serious heat when we try to catch them," Annie concluded. "We can't just go in with our standard issue gadgets and two Pokémon."

"Oh, there's no way I'm standing in Latias' presence with just my Ariados," Oakley said with a shudder. "Anyway. Something I wasn't aware of was their ability to project illusions. It's good to learn that now." She tapped several commands on her laptop's keyboard and replayed some of the footage on its screen. "Their illusions appeared crisp and detailed despite covering a vast area. That means, when we confront them, we need equipment that can completely bypass visual targeting. We cannot trust anything we see with our eyes unless verified by appropriate equipment."

Annie looked at the beautiful blue sky and recalled Latios' illusion. "That also implies how capable their minds are. To be able to process and output an image of that size, for an entire city, takes some serious focus. We can probably correlate their illusion powers to their psychic powers."

"In some manner, yes. We need to be fully protected against any kind of targeted psychokinetic attack when confronting them or we'll be instantly killed." Oakley tapped the computer's edges impatiently while deep in thought. "We've gained some good data today, I'd say. However, I'm still concerned. They're highly dangerous."

Annie sighed and stared at the laptop. "Well, if they're as impressive as the sensors say, there's no way Giovanni will call this mission off. He'll want those two under his control ASAP."

"He will," Oakley acknowledged. "For that, he ordered some lab coats to build powerful weaponry to catch them while maintaining the mission feasible. Our first task is to scout and feed them the best intel possible so they can build the appropriate capabilities and countermeasures into our equipment."

"Who is in charge of this?" Annie asked. She pursed her lips. "Please, it better not be Dr. Zager. That dude's an idiot."

"Professor Sebastian. That's a relief because he's one of the few I trust," Oakley replied. "He's the most competent."

"Didn't he almost catch a Raikou and caught a juvenile Rayquaza recently with his gadgets?" Annie asked. "Very impressive if true. I don't recall the details. I just skimmed those reports."

"He did." Oakley nodded. "But we won't challenge them based on preliminary sensor data alone. I want a practical test of their powers and skills before doing so."

"Practical test? Go and fight them, then," Annie commented, finishing her sentence with a sarcastic laugh.

Oakley gave her sister an exasperated look. "Annie."

"Well, you said it yourself. How do we test them without, you know, dying in the process?" Annie asked while giving her sister a pointed look. "I don't think my Espeon would want to fight that."

"We won't do the testing ourselves, dumbass." Oakley rolled her eyes. "It was expensive but I posed as a rich businesswoman and hired some goons from Johto to attack them. Based on the agreement, they should attack today or tomorrow."

"…You hired a bunch of low-level poachers to attack them?" Annie's jaw dropped slightly. "Are you out of your mind? If Latios and Latias are as strong as you claim them to be, what will some random idiots accomplish?"

"Nothing," Oakley answered casually. "They'll most likely hopelessly lose. The idea of this is to gather intel. I want to see how Latios and Latias react to a direct attack on them. I want to see their response and measure it."

"Better them than us, I guess," Annie relented. "What are they called again?"

"Pokémon Poacher Brothers. They operate mainly in Johto and recently got out of jail for operating in a protected reserve around Mt. Silver. They were so desperate for a large hit that they accepted this job." Oakley chuckled darkly. "The fools."

"All we have to do is sit back and enjoy the show?" Annie leaned back in her chair and placed her feet on the dashboard. "Oh, I can get behind that."

Oakley leaned back and crossed her arms behind her head. "Let's wait for them to show up. Once the fight starts, I'll try to get the boat parked on the far end of a nearby canal to see the battle. If not, we'll have to make do with our drone footage."

Annie sneered. "This will be fun."

Oakley nodded. "It will be."

Chapter End

Author Notes: If anything is off, remember I am a Mexican trying to write the culture of a fantasy version of Venice. I took some artistic liberty. Anyway, don't forget to leave a Review or Comment with your thoughts! I'd love to hear them!

End of Arc: This chapter ends the 'Introduction and Tour de Alto Mare' arc. If you're binging and looking for a place to pause your reading, this is it. The next chapter opens a new arc.
Chapter 7 — Life of Alto Mare New
Author Notes: I have a DISCORD SERVER! The invite link is in the story's first chapter. If you want to join our very active and growing community of fanfiction and Pokémon enthusiasts, head over there! You can also find all my official accounts and websites where I publish my stories listed at (

Both links are also on my profile/about me page, or you can private message me directly for them.

Chapter 7 — Life of Alto Mare

"I'm surprised this place has an antique feeling comparable to Michina Town." Brock paused and chuckled as the group stepped over the archaic cobblestone streets of Alto Mare on their way to the city's main plaza. "The modern one, not the one we time traveled to, that's not a fair contest," he added after a moment's thought. He took a deep breath and hummed in delight. The air brimmed with a delicate blend of salty sea breeze and the enchanting aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the nearby cafés.

"I don't think you can beat the old-timey feeling of a place thousands of years ago," Ash pointed out. Pikachu voiced his agreement with a cry.

"Yeah. I mean, look at this place… It's so beautiful," Dawn said. She smiled and ran a hand over the facade of a centuries-old building that stood proudly, adorned with elegant balconies, intricately carved statues of the city's common Pokémon species, and vibrant flower boxes that added splashes of color to the dulled hues of the stone walls.

"It is," Ash agreed. "I wonder how long this place has been around without changing much." He strolled along the edge of a large canal, marveling at the graceful arches of the bridges that guided their way over the sparkling turquoise waters, with the sound of its gentle lapping against the stone foundations accompanying their every move. Pokémon swam abundantly beneath the surface and gondolas glided by with their skillful gondoliers effortlessly maneuvering in and out of narrow waterways that fed the larger canal.

"We're riding one of those later, right, Brock?" Dawn asked while glancing at the passing gondolas. "Because I'd love to."

"Yeah, we will," Brock confirmed with a nod. "Can't visit Alto Mare without doing so, or so I've heard." He glanced at the map in his book and then at the upcoming turn. "I think this is it."

The group turned at the narrow alleyway and walked through an ornate wrought-iron gate whose intricate details resembled a flower-like pattern shaped after Latios. The city's vibrancy came to life in the bustling square they found themselves in, where locals and visitors converged to enjoy the wonders Alto Mare offered.

The piazza brimmed with activity, alive with the chatter of people, the cries of Pokémon, and the melodies of street musicians. Artists dotted the corners, diligently capturing the scenery on their canvases, their brushes dancing to the rhythm of their inspiration and the environment. People gathered in small groups, engaging in animated conversations, their expressive gestures punctuating the air with abundant laughter and smiles, demonstrating a spirit of camaraderie and warmth. All around them, children chased after one another in animated games of tag along with a few playful Eevee, Growlithe, and Houndour, their merry laughter echoing alongside those of their parents.

Ash, Dawn, and Brock stopped in their tracks. The first thing that caught their eyes was the square's centerpiece, a beautiful fountain adorned with an enormous sculpture of Latios that towered imposingly and spewed crystal-clear water from its mouth which cascaded gracefully into the basin below. The sound of its steady trickle harmonized with the nearby musicians' melodic notes and created a symphony of serenity.

"It's so life-like," Dawn marveled as she stopped before the intricate fountain. The large marble statue refracted light in an ethereal manner that gave its blue surfaces an enchanting appearance of depth and shrouded its immediate surroundings with an alluring blue glow. The dragon's face featured a calm and serene expression, with the two rubies that made his eyes gleaming gently with the sun's rays. "Even his expression mirrors him well, as we saw yesterday."

"From afar, you could even mistake it for… him." Brock moved closer to the statue's front and looked at its face. "You know, if you stand here, it gives off the vibe that he's watching over you," he added.

"Yeah," Ash agreed, utterly mesmerized. "If he's the city's guardian, that's probably how it's supposed to work." He glanced down and slowly circled the fountain, noticing the assortment of flowers and handwritten notes scattered at the base, all of which contained joyous messages or prayers for the legendary dragon, which he made a dutiful note not to step on. As he did so, Ash walked around a few people who knelt before the statue, eyes closed and hands clasped together in silent prayer.

Pidgey and Murkrow took flight from a nearby balcony, creating swirling patterns in the sky and dancing shadows on the ground as they basked in the warmth of the morning sun. Ash and Pikachu laughed joyously and looked up at the flock. They immediately noticed that the balconies and rooftops of the buildings framing the piazza brimmed with all kinds of Pokémon.

"It's like the Pokémon come here to pay their respects too," Dawn commented. She grinned excitedly and took out her Pokédex while looking around at all the native Kanto and Johto Pokémon she saw for the first time. Pidgey, Hoothoot, and Murkrow upon the rooftops, Growlithe, Houndour, and Eevee around the cobblestone floors, Wooper, Goldeen, and Horsea swimming within the fountain's basin, and many others.

Ash walked to one of the many artists and peeked at his work—a beautiful depiction of a nearby canal with the form of an unmistakable majestic blue dragon at its top. "Latios…"

The artist—a young man with chestnut hair dressed in casual summer clothes who only looked in his early twenties—glanced at him and smiled. "Hello! I take it you're not from around here, are you?"

Ash and Pikachu shook their heads in tandem. "I'm not. All of this is pretty new to me."

The young artist's eyes lit up in recognition. "You're the one who won the Tour de Alto Mare!"

Ash grinned enthusiastically. "Yeah! I won yesterday. It was awesome." He turned to face the open space of the piazza. "It's really pretty here."

"It's a great spot to pick up inspiration, find peace, and get in the mood for drawing," the artist agreed. "It's why you see so many of us here."

"I can see why," Dawn commented while approaching the pair along with Brock. "What's up with the statue, who made it?" she asked curiously. "It's so beautiful."

The artist put down his brush and faced the statue. "It is said to be over a thousand years old and part of Alto Mare since our earliest history. There are so many rumors and tales about it I could spend the whole day talking."

"Like what? What are the best ones?" Brock asked. He held up his book and chuckled. "This book has brief info on it, but there's nothing quite like local folklore."

The man smiled. "Popular theory is that the city's earliest inhabitants sculpted it as a gift for Latios—a show of gratitude for his protection during our darkest days. In response, Latios imbued the statue with his power, that's where its unique aura comes from. It is said that he can listen to everything people and Pokémon say or think close to it." He motioned to their surroundings with his arm. "Hence why many come here to pray and ask for his blessings. Or leave him messages of gratitude."

"And, is it true?" Ash asked. "Because, if it is, it sounds so cool."

The artist laughed and shrugged. "We don't know," he admitted meekly.

"You could just ask Latios, or Latias," Dawn pointed out. "They don't look like they'd mind answering and it doesn't look like it's hard to chat with them."

"Our guardians love and protect us, but don't tell us everything. They can be quite mysterious at times," the artist answered. "Sometimes it's better that way. Ambiguity leads to tradition and folklore, after all. It keeps the city alive and keeps you wondering what you'll find next. It's part of Alto Mare's charm."

Brock glanced at the marble statue and then at the people and Pokémon around it going about their day. "Good point."

Ash nodded at the artist gratefully and walked closer to the statue. "I wonder why there's only one of Latios and why all the notes reference just him. What about Latias?"

"Well, according to my city map, this is Latios' plaza. It looks like there's an identical one on the opposite side of the city for Latias," Brock answered. "I assume it's like this one, but for her."

"I see, so they each have their own square," Ash said. "We should visit it too. I'd love to see her statue." He made a face when his stomach grumbled and Pikachu snickered. "After we eat, of course."

Brock shook his head in amusement. "It's on the other side of the city. We should do that when we go near. For now, let's go eat." He gave Ash a teasing smirk. "Someone's hungry."

"We haven't had breakfast," Ash protested as the group walked past the piazza and resumed their walk to the city's main plaza.

"So, what are we doing after we eat?" Dawn asked curiously. Piplup chirped, echoing his trainer's question.

"We're checking out the museum," Brock answered. "It's Alto Mare's best attraction, so we'll do that."

"Oh yeah!" Ash hit his open palm with a fist. "Latios mentioned that yesterday."

Pikachu abruptly jumped off Ash's shoulder and dashed over the cobblestone sidewalk, weaving swiftly through people and the occasional Pokémon until he came up to a drinking fountain in the middle of a crossroad, where a woman he recognized as one of the Tour de Alto Mare competitors held the tap open for her Vaporeon to drink and cool off. He frowned when he saw the woman shut off the tap and leave along with her Vaporeon just before he reached it. Pikachu sighed and watched the pair depart, ears pressed flat against his head.

Then the tap opened again.

Pikachu leaped in surprise, coming face to face with a gentle smile and a beautiful coat of red and white feathers towering above him.

"Hey," Latias greeted amiably, claws holding the tap open. "Pretty hot day, isn't it?"

Pikachu stared at her, stunned that despite his acute and battle-hardened senses he hadn't heard or sensed the dragoness' approach. He regained his faculties, grinned, and dove under the cool water stream.

"What's gotten into you!?" Ash called out as he rounded the corner. "Pikachu!" He stopped when he noticed the guardian Legendary. "Oh, uh, Latias! I'm sorry, I hope Pikachu didn't cause any trouble."

Pikachu glared at Ash from under the stream and emitted a few sparks of electricity from his red cheeks. Latias burst out laughing. Ash winced and looked at her with an embarrassed expression.

"You're not helping, Pikachu," Ash reprimanded.

Latias' merry laughter died down. "Relax, being the city guardian doesn't mean I'm strict or only show up when there's trouble. It's fine. I just wandered by because today turned out far hotter than expected, I figured I'd stick around in case anyone needs help to stave off a heat stroke."

"That's a relief," Ash relented while visibly relaxing.

"By the way, tour winner, we ran into each other again." Latias shut off the drinking fountain when she noticed Pikachu was done. "I hope the medallion is to your liking."

Ash grinned and flashed the guardian a thumbs-up. "It was! I'll hang it next to my other trophies and awards. It'll look wonderful there." He chuckled meekly and rubbed the back of his head. "Not that there's many there yet, but it'll grow soon."

Latias stared at him, noting that the teenager hadn't changed much since the race and award ceremony the day prior and that, much like then, his smile and boundless excitement felt quite contagious. She mirrored his grin. "Hey, you better, or Latios will be angry at you."

Ash blinked and glanced down from her face to her slender neck. "Huh, what's with the ribbon?" he asked curiously.

Latias glanced down at the lovely blue ribbon wrapped around her neck with a crystal pendant in its center holding it together. "Glad you noticed!" She did a happy twirl in place to show it off. "Sometimes, I like wearing the occasional thing to break the monotony of looking the same every day."

"That's neat. I didn't know Pokémon enjoyed wearing stuff," Ash said. "I've met a couple of Pokémon that dress up… but never on their own, I think?"

Latias smirked. "Oh trust me, I'm unlike any Pokémon you've ever met."

"Well, I think it looks pretty on you," Ash said, leaning forward. "It's cute."

Latias clasped her claws together adoringly. "Wonderful! That's what I hoped." She tilted her head as Dawn and Brock walked by and reunited with Ash. "Looks like your friends are back. Where were you guys headed to?"

"We were on our way to find something to eat," Brock answered with a respectful bow. "After that, we're off to the museum."

Latias nodded in approval. "The museum is a great choice. As for food…" She looked around as if making sure no one heard her. "I can recommend a few places." She winked playfully at them. "Just don't tell the staff I recommended it. I hate picking favorites among the city, even though I do it often." She pointed to one of the narrow alleyways. "Go down that alley and turn right at the end. You'll come to a large canal. Two restaurants to the right after the exit there's a place that makes delicious seafood. You'll love it."

"Thank you," Dawn replied politely.

Ash's eyes lit up and his stomach grumbled again. "That place must have great food if Latias says so!"

Latias giggled. "Great to see you're all enthusiastic about it. Alto Mare has quite the cuisine."

"We are." Brock patted Ash's shoulder. "Come on, let's go. I'm getting quite hungry myself." He turned to walk to the alleyway to follow Latias' instructions and let out a short scream when he slipped on the wet sidewalk of the canal's edge. Yet he stopped halfway into his fall.

Ash gasped and looked between the spot where Latias had been and where she held Brock by the rim of his shirt with her claws. He didn't notice when she moved. One moment she'd been at his side, the next she held Brock.

Latias carefully pulled Brock back into balance. "The wet edges can be slipping traps, especially if you aren't used to walking around here. Keep that in mind," she advised.

Brock sighed in relief. "Thank you."

Ash glanced at Dawn. "Latias saved me from falling into the water at the race and saved Brock just now. Be careful, Dawn, you're the last one left."

Dawn crossed her arms and glared at him. "Excuse me, Snorlax. I'm not as clumsy as you two."

"Falling into the canal would've made a terrible start to our day, no doubt," Brock commented.

"Yeah," Latias agreed. "You would have had to rush to your hotel and change clothes."

"I would've forced him to eat all wet because I'm starving. Let's go!" Ash eagerly turned around and walked in the direction of the suggested place at a brisk pace.

Latias burst out laughing when she noticed Ash turned into the wrong alley and one of his friends hurriedly rushed after him to set him on the correct path. "My, my. He's funny. Silly boy." She felt something bump into her side. "Hm?"

"Hi!" a young and cheerful voice chirped.

Latias blinked and glanced down to find a young girl dressed in an eye-catching Pikachu onesie, who she noted looked a little older than three years old. "Hello, little sweetie!"

"You're a Pokémon! You talk!" the little girl shouted excitedly, pressing both arms to her chest while jumping up and down on the spot. "You're pretty!"

Latias giggled. "I'd hope so!" She reached down, gently picked up the girl, and cradled her. "What's your name, sweetie?"

"Violet!" the girl answered. She ran her hands over the soft plumage of Latias' neck with widened eyes, visibly thrilled at the strange sensation.

Latias pressed a single claw on the girl's lively violet-hued hair and gently played with one of the girl's locks, eliciting a soft giggle in response. "I wonder why that's your name." She hummed and glanced around briefly. "Are you lost? Where are your parents?"

A woman who looked strikingly like the young girl—with equally stunning violet hair—abruptly stepped around a nearby corner, noticeably out of breath, and stopped short of the small square with a mortified expression on her face when she came face to face with Latias. She blushed in embarrassment, unable to speak at the scene that greeted her.

Latias slowly levitated over to her, immediately noting that she didn't recognize her as a local. "Well, I think I found your mom, Violet." She immediately sensed the woman's shock and apprehension through her empathic senses. 'Probably someone who has minimal to no contact with Pokémon. Must be quite the surprise to meet me, then.'

The woman's blush reddened and she stammered out a reply so faint even Latias' extremely acute hearing had trouble making out the individual words.

Latias' expression softened. "Hey, it's fine. Kids are kids." She gently placed Violet in her mother's arms. "There you go."

"Wait!" Violet hurriedly reached into the pocket of her adorable onesie and took out a beautiful rose. "This for you!"

"Aww, that's so sweet of you! I love it!" Latias took the rose from the little girl's hands and hooked it behind her fluffy ear. "How do I look?"

Violet laughed merrily. "Prettier!"

Latias grinned and looked at Violet's mother. "Wait here, I'll be back in just a bit."

"Oka—" The woman blinked, taken back, as Latias' form flickered and vanished completely in a skyward red and white mist trail. The woman took a step back in surprise when Latias reappeared with another misty flicker only a few seconds later.

"I'm back!" Latias levitated closer to Violet and opened her claws, showing off a beautiful lilac flower with countless petals and an elongated form. "This is a wisteria flower from my personal garden. I think it'll go wonderfully with your looks."

Violet let out a thrilled squeal. "So cute!"

Latias placed the flower behind the little girl's ear. "There we go, now we've got a matching pair. You look beautiful, Violet!"

Violet eagerly turned around in her mother's arms and pointed repeatedly to her ear. "Look Mom, I've got flowers too! We're flower sisters now!"

"We are." Latias laughed inwardly at the woman's flushed and stunned face. 'Totally someone who doesn't interact much with Pokémon,' she thought in amusement.

"T-Thank y-you," the woman stammered.

Latias bowed and flew backward to give her space. "You're welcome." She watched, bemused, as Violet bragged excitedly about her wisteria flower to her mother as they left.

"Hey, Latias, can you check the ocean to the south? I picked up something funny an hour ago, I'm curious to see if it left or closed in," Latios' voice said in her mind.

"Busy?" Latias asked.

"Yeah, it's Monday. I have a few school visits scheduled today. I must perform the critical and civic task… of helping first graders learn addition and subtraction," Latios replied. "Just making sure you picked it up too. I didn't know when you next planned a routine perimeter check."

"Oh boy, have fun, Latios. Be sure to let the best kids ride your back. That'll be a reward."
Latias levitated calmly into the air above the rooftops and gazed out toward the open ocean while softly humming. A faint glint of blue light abruptly flashed in her eyes, which narrowed at the response she felt from the far-reaching telekinetic ping that accurately mapped her surroundings within her mind. 'He's right. I better keep an eye out for that.'

The ocean's calm waves spread against the hull of a dull gray submarine featuring a poorly painted skull emblazoned on its side. Its periscope extended, allowing its occupants to observe the city that jutted from the water ahead.

A thin-faced short man with whisker-like marks on his cheeks and a bowl haircut looked out from it. He pressed several buttons on his console and made the periscope's video feed appear on a large screen within the submarine's control center. "Alto Mare! Dead center!"

"Good work, Chico!" a tall and well-built man with a confident expression called out. "Don't push the engines and keep the steady pace straight. After all, good things come to those who wait."

"Aye aye, Braggo!" Chico pushed a lever and made the submarine rumble on steadily. "Blurt, I hope you're ready because we've got this!"

"We're about to make the poach of the year!" Blurt, a man with an enormous physique and a prominent red nose replied eagerly. He stopped and looked at the pair with a befuddled expression. "So, what are we after again?"

Braggo held his chin with a hand and smirked. "We're approaching the perfect poaching. Can't believe we found such a good hit right after we left jail, that's why we can't fail!"

Chico bowed dramatically in Braggo's direction. "You find the best jobs! That's why you're the boss!"

Braggo slumped in his seat and crossed his arms confidently. "True!"

"What's the plan then, boss?" Blurt asked.

"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going." Braggo reached to the side and patted a large tranquilizer rifle. "You two will attack and cause a distraction. I'll shoot and take them down, that should cause a reaction. Once the dragons are immobilized, we'll move in for extraction!"

"You're brilliant, boss!" Blurt and Chico shouted dramatically in tandem while waving their arms and bowing in Braggo's direction.

Braggo leaned further back into his seat and smirked exaggeratedly. "Yeah, so true!" He gave Chico a thumbs up. "With this new machine you've created, there's no way we'll be frustrated."

Chico pointed to himself. "Criminal equipment inventor mastermind Chico strikes again! We're back in business and ready to rake in the moolah. I designed it for optimal Pokémon poaching, no corners cut, and maximum efficiency!"

"Easy come, easy go!" Braggo replied.

"Ugh… Did I just break something important?" Blurt asked while scratching the back of his head and holding out a severed lever from his control panel.

"Nothing on your seat is connected to anything important, so no," Chico answered with a shrug.

"Phew, that's a relief," Blurt said while tossing the lever behind him, where it clattered loudly upon impact with the metallic floor. He made a face once Chico's words sunk in. "Wait, what do you mean I got nothin'!?"

"Quit being funny. Time is money," Braggo snapped. "Are we set and in a position to carry out our mission?"

Chico pressed several buttons on his control panel and focused the submarine's periscope on Alto Mare. "We're near the city, boss. Neither target Pokémon is in sight yet, though."

Braggo grabbed the large rifle and several supplies, stood up from his seat, and opened a secondary hatch. "Prepare the secondary submarine. We will cause a scene!" He disappeared into the compartment.

Chico monitored the status of the secondary submarine and, once the release light blipped, released a lever that expelled the smaller craft from the main unit. "Submarine off!"

Braggo drove the midget submarine under the water of Alto Mare's canals while keeping an eye on its radar to coordinate with the main unit. "What a lovely city, it's almost a pity."

Meanwhile, Chico moved the main submarine further ahead and pulled another lever. The large submarine rose and abruptly broke the water's surface on one of Alto Mare's canals. "We've successfully infiltrated the city! Blurt, time to look for and ambush one of the targets!"

Blurt stood up, climbed a short ladder, and opened the upper hatch. He stuck his head out and looked around with a wide grin plastered on his face. "We're about to fu—" He gasped and froze when he came face to face with a vibrant down of red and white feathers, as well as a pair of intense yet curious golden eyes.

"Hi! Welcome to Alto Mare! Eon ticket, please!" Latias greeted, voice dangerously cheerful. She gave the poacher a too-friendly smile at the same time as the wind blew by and ruffled the beautiful blue ribbon tied around her neck and the rose tucked behind her ear. At the lack of any reply, her eyes narrowed as she said, "May I ask why a submarine equipped with dangerous weapons just 'snuck' into my city?"

Chapter End

Author Notes: Don't forget to leave a Review or Comment with your thoughts! I'd love to hear them!