[X] Plan Act of Faith
-[X] Invite Silver Phantom to participate in our search for the others if she wants to.
-[X] [Stunt]: Nodding to Lydia in solidarity, Molly turned to the rest of the room.
—[X] A poisonous sort of heat welled up in Molly's voice, echoing her frustration. "I would like to make something clear."
—-[X] "My purpose here is not to threaten anyone. Nor to interrogate, to subjugate, or dictate terms. It would be a lie to say that I do not fear potential harm someone like us could do, but no one in this room has the right to doubt the potential good in us either". The unspoken 'not after what I have done for you' hung in the silence like a lead weight.
—[X] Turning to the newly styled Silver Phantom Molly catches their eyes with her own, her tone softening as she continues. "I don't know what all of this means, but I believe it makes us something to each other". A dry sort of smile darts across her face "If nothing else, we're going to be sharing this world for a very long time and I'd like it to be as friends"
—[X] "If things were different perhaps this conversation would be different, but you as much as anyone else deserve to be seen for who you are and not the choices others fear you might make".
[X] You could use her help finding the others if she's up to it -[X] If she agrees, use the Crown on her bloody tears to find other abyssal exalts -[X] STUNT: "I am sure he will love the title, Phantom, and if you need exalted backup when talking to him, I would be glad to help." you say, the newly formed title slipping easily past your lips, the whimsical optimism of superheroics dear to your American heart: "For now, though, I have to ask you for your first superhero act - three more are black shards loosed upon the world, and yours have spent a lot of time with them. Would you focus the search, so we can find other exalted?"