[X] Hopefully trouble hasn't followed me so far, but there's certainly the wrong kind of interest afoot (Explain Anti-Bob's interest in Odin't actions especially the Kingfisher's purpose)
[X] No trouble, I was just following up on a lead I got from the Summer a couple months ago now that I had a free moment, then my own curiosity, it is uncommon to see works of magic so deeply entwined with those of modern engineering (Try to flatter them)
[X] Plan Redirect
-[X] excellencies, FPoR, and any other applicable buff.
-[X] Attempt to imply that Molly is in the market for the assistance geomancers for something involving the portal in South America, but doesn't want to completely spill the beans to a third party.
-[X] [Stunt]: Molly replied, the words leaving an aftertaste like sapphire and subtle laughter as they left her mouth. "No trouble, not unless you count aftermath".
—[X] "Lets just say I've got a bit of a real estate problem I'm looking for expert assistance with"