[X] Learn more. Why should the heroes of the land be barred from returning? Whose will is it that bids them to be bound? What consequences of their return -[X] Etiquette excellency -[X] Use the Crown on the current scene to find what the prisoners are planning to do if they are freed -[X] Lydia uses Akashic Root Methodology to learn more about the prisoners
[X] Plan investigations
-[X] Learn more. Why should the heroes of the land be barred from returning? Whose will is it that bids them to be bound? What consequences of their return
--[X] Etiquette excellency
--[X] Use the Crown on the current scene to find what the prisoners are intending to do if they are freed
--[X] Lydia uses Akashic Root Methodology to learn more about the prisoners
--[X] Ask to be escorted to their place of imprisonment, so you can try and talk to them, and perhaps negotiate a satisfying outcome for everyone
[X] Why should the doors stay closed when there is so much wrong in the world, why should heroes sleep until the end of days? Offer to walk to the gate and break it with brass that all will be free to range as they will
-[X] Empathy excellency
-[X] Stunt: Upon your brow, the marking of your crown manifests, as you stand straighter, the regal bearing not of a princess still seeking her kingdom, but an Empress who found hers: "You say that you fuard them until the turning of the world? Then hear me, o faithful guardians, and know my words to be true : The Wheel Turns. Your duty is coming to an end. So let us enter the prison you guard, so the world can get four more heroes ensuring that the next Age will not be one of Ruin"
[X] Why should the doors stay closed when there is so much wrong in the world, why should heroes sleep until the end of days? Offer to walk to the gate and break it with brass that all will be free to range as they will
[X] Offer to strengthen the door that leads to the prison of the three and onto Arthur's return from Avalon -[X] Use the Crown on the current scene to find what the prisoners are planning to do if they are freed -[X] Lydia uses Akashic Root Methodology to learn more about the prisoners