Vote tally - Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on May 27, 2024 at 5:52 AM, finished with 77 posts and 19 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)
Post #72217
Post #72293


  • [X] Plan Bitten By A Radioactive Toddler no AtP add buffs
    -[X] Ask Tiffany to reapply buffs
    -[X] Molly Activates Shintai
    —[X] While doing do she attempts to make the changes appear to be a symptom of the plague as much as is practical.
    —[X] Using Shintai Molly clears the path for the raiding party as they blitz to Joe's location.
    -[X] [Stunt]: Casting a critical gaze over the way ahead, consideration firming to resolve in Molly's eyes. "Old man, you are trying my patience" something rumbled beneath her words, beneath her feet, here of all places the truth of her nature rising to the surface with unseen strength.
    —[X] It was the howling of iron wind like countless gnashing teeth. It was the crackle of lightning that danced with the work of clever hands and raged at their desecration. It was the grinding of a wheel cradling five billion souls in a world that loved them and wanted to see them grow. For one moment more it echoed out into hell, and then things began to change.
    —[X] In the world around them the city took on the cast of a different dream. Neither surrounded or alone, held in place or forced to flee, made to fit a mold or barred from your true nature; in each line the city spelled out a message to those within. You matter. The world cares and it wants you to succeed.
    [X] Plan Bitten By A Radioactive Toddler
    -[X] Molly Activates AtP and Shintai
    —[X] While doing do she attempts to make the changes appear to be a symptom of the plague as much as is practical.
    —[X] Using Shintai Molly clears the path for the raiding party as they blitz to Joe's location.
    -[X] [Stunt]: Casting a critical gaze over the way ahead, consideration firming to resolve in Molly's eyes. "Old man, you are trying my patience" something rumbled beneath her words, beneath her feet, here of all places the truth of her nature rising to the surface with unseen strength.
    —[X] It was the howling of iron wind like countless gnashing teeth. It was the crackle of lightning that danced with the work of clever hands and raged at their desecration. It was the grinding of a wheel cradling five billion souls in a world that loved them and wanted to see them grow. For one moment more it echoed out into hell, and then things began to change.
    —[X] In the world around them the city took on the cast of a different dream. Neither surrounded or alone, held in place or forced to flee, made to fit a mold or barred from your true nature; in each line the city spelled out a message to those within. You matter. The world cares and it wants you to succeed.
    [X] Plan Shell Game
    -[X] Lydia opens a way (spend willpower for success) allowing Nergui, the technician, and any elementals who want out to exit, seeking to regroup in Boston. She however stays with the raiding party.
    -[X] Tiffany applies a heat resistance effect to herself and Lydia, along with whatever stat boosts she can to all three of them as the evacuation progresses.
    -[X] Molly activates TLF and AtP, interacting with the party and elementals who choose to stay so they can see her.
    -[X] Blitz to Joe's location but stop to apply combat buffs just prior to entering if possible.
    [X]Plan Wrecking Ball
    -[X]Ask Lash to reapply buffs to applicable party
    -[X]Activate Shintai: -2m, -2WP
    -[X]STUNT: You murmur quiet thanks as Tiffany withdraws her hand from your shoulder, the rush of strength a background sensation to your mounting irritation at the wall underneath your hand. You take a look over your shoulder at the people behind you, and your eyes fall on the bakemono, you make your decision."Fuck it, we ball." And with an effort of will you become.
    [x] Press on alone
    -[x] The others leave by way of Lydia's charm (Mikaboshi can contest this)
    --[x]You smile "Well now I get to handle the easy part". You had intended to just be reassuring, but you find that you actually mean it. Right now with the Wicked City at high alert and dangers pressing on from every side you feel more relaxed and comfortable then you felt in a hot tube. You can see everything around yourself in perfect clarity. More important you understand it all. The twisted Fung Shu of the city is as clear to you as if you built it yourself. The plans of your enemies as clear to you as if you had help make them. But not quite after all if you had built this place you would have included an extra surge protector to stop yourself from causing a short brownout right now by stabbing this surge protector.
    [X] Try to find a way around the heat trap
    --[x]You smile "Well now I get to handle the easy part". You had intended to just be reassuring, but you find that you actually mean it. Right now with the Wicked City at high alert and dangers pressing on from every side you feel more relaxed and comfortable then you felt in a hot tube. You can see everything around yourself in perfect clarity. More important you understand it all. The twisted Fung Shu of the city is as clear to you as if you built it yourself. The plans of your enemies as clear to you as if you had help make them. But not quite after all if you had built this place you would have included an extra surge protector to stop yourself from causing a short brownout right now by stabbing this surge protector.
    [X] Tiffany uses Shape Flesh to grant Immunity to herself and Lydia so that they may follow
    -[X] Nergui Departs by way of Calibration's Gate (Mikaboshi cannot contest this)
    --[X] Open the Calibration's Gate (Mikaboshi may not contest this)
    --[X] He escorts the rescued victims out
    ---[X] You'll meet immediately after rescuing Joe. Establish means of contacting each other and a rally point.