[X]Plan Cloudburst -[X] Screw this, there has to be a way to give Harrowmont the insight he needs to put out the fires until nightfall when you can deal with the arsonist herself. -[X]Call the party and have them meet you, bringing some supplies with them -[X]Crown question: Focus this scene: Optimizing the ritual for Las Vegas's current situation: 1m -[X]Tool-Transcending Constructs + Occult Excellency for the actual ritual: 2m
[X] Let Harrowmont go aheal with his ritual just as you make your way into the tunnels, hopefully stretch Sandra's attention to the breaking point -[X] Do so right now, the Reds on our side go in as soon as there's a cloud-cover, Molly and the cyborgs take point for now -[X] Leave several of your party members behind --[X] Harry, a proper wizard used to this kind of magic --[X] Tiffany for her understanding of old powers --[X] Mutt and Adkins, for further guarding and occult insights respectivly