Vote tally - Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 30, 2024 at 9:05 AM, finished with 67 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)
Post #61442
Post #61508


  • [X]Plan Ready In Eight Directions
    -[X]Reflexive: Activate shield + Demon Aspects + anima banner to activate surprise negator: Free with Essence use
    -[X]Reflexive: Viridian Legend Exoskeleton + Melee Excellency + Mind-Hand Manipulation + All Things Betray: 3m,1wp
    -[X] Action 1: Attack with MHM to smash/contain grenades
    -[X] Action 2: Defend with Dark Sun
    [X] Plan Clockwork Orange
    -[X] Willpower TTC, essence MHM and craft excellency
    -[X] Attempt to harvest the mechanical components of the grenades before they explode to make a mechanical desk toy and save primary attack action for the follow up
    -[X] [Stunt] Landing on the other side Molly pushed, her will lashing out to rip order from the chaos. In a flash of poisonous green bizarre mechanical tendrils seemed to unfold from empty space; the fingers of an alien giant reaching in to briefly touch reality.
    —[X] Each grenade was neatly sliced just below the firing pin, then pitted like a cherry. Snapping together in front of Molly something like an alien useless box formed; a switch that did nothing but flip itself off formed from firing pins, would be shrapnel, and strips of casing.
    —[X] "No" Molly says, for all the world sounding like she's disciplining a dog for peeing on the carpet.
    [X] Plan disturbing (lack of) faith
    -[X] Use Mind Hand Manipulation to crush as many of the grenades as you can before they go off (DEX+Melee to get as many as you can in time One base +1 for each success)
    --[X] Activate Melee and Occult (for MHM activation) Excellencies
    --[X] Activate All Things Betray with willpower
    -[X] After grenades are neutralized, start restraining cultists with MHM, starting with Jaida
    [X] Bronzetongue