[X] Plan Iron Price -[X] Accept the Duel -[X] Suggest that Titania/Lily obscure the Nfested nobles senses to deny Nemesis intelligence. -[X]Turn 0: Imperial Primacy Mantle + All Things Betray: 1m,1wp -[X]Turn 1: Shintai + Steelskin: 3m, 2wp -[X]Turn 2: Viridian Legend Exoskeleton + Melee Excellency: 2m -[X] Contingency: EIPP to trigger at need -[X] Without Honor and Boiling Sea Mastery from Signature Charm -[X]STUNT: Your senses sharpen to clarity as you pause, straining for everything you can get from the presence across the water. Then you nod to Titania. "By your leave." As she nods back to you, you continue "You should see to your defenses, queen; thieves sneak into the pantry when the homeowner is distracted." Not waiting for a reply, you step out onto the surface of the lake. Power unfurls around you and flattens the water agitated by the intruder, even as you assume shintai. The temperature around you plunges precipitously, the summer warmth of Avalon replaced by freezing rain and biting winds as your brass-shod feet leave not even a ripple on the surface of the water."You seem to have found newer associates to lead you around by the nose, thousand-horned. And fouler ones at that" The green light of your anima plays across your face, and illuminates the suddenly still water around you as you come to a halt, Usum in hand as all your eyes stare up into the pillar of darkness and water that is your foe. "I thought I taught you this lesson before, Old One."
[X] Plan Look before you leap
-[X] Activate ATB with willpower
-[X] Use the scene to ask a crown question "what is the plan of the one behind creating this scene?"
--[X] If us fighting doesn't directly play into the prepared enemy plans
---[X] Activate VIridian Legend Exoskeleton, Melee excellency when needed, Steel Skin
---[X] Dive into the lake to fight it in the water.
---[X] Activate shintai, and form a localized dueling arena, with a chilled air and iron sand hurricane bound to your will
---[X] STUNT: "Let none say that I shrink from defense of Creation. And before you start worrying, I'll clean everything up by the time I finish this little bit of pest control" - so saying, you step forwards, first close , and then to stand directly onto the water. As you do, serene look of concentration passes over you, and both you, and the world around you shift. Your mortal-looking flesh is discarded for the armored form of your god body, covered in balefire glowing sigils you know to proclaim your glory to come. In the five corners of the impromptu arena, banners of the Five Cities rise, connected through am impassable circle of black iron snow, which even now howls and tears through the arena of combat, rapidly freezing it to the point you start feeling invigorating. All this changes happen between heartbeats, so seemingly subtle and natural, that a mortal mind would likely not notice the transition. None present here can precisely be called mortal. The preparations complete, you salute your opponent, and fall into the water, sword already swinging.
[X] Do like any reasonable nobleman would
-[X] Activate ATB, Charisma excellency.
-[X] «I accept your challenge, Dreameater! The hour after sunrise after my duty before the Queen is done, you will find your death here, wretched thing!»
[X] Plan The Boom of Brass and Thunder -[X] Accept the Duel -[X] Suggest that Titania/Lily obscure the Nfested nobles senses to deny Nemesis intelligence. -[X] Activate VIridian Legend Exoskeleton, Melee excellency when needed, Steel Skin -[X] Dive into the lake to fight it in the water. -[X] Activate shintai, and form a localized dueling arena, with a chilled air and iron sand hurricane bound to your will -[X] STUNT: "Let none say that I shrink from defense of Creation. And before you start worrying, I'll clean everything up by the time I finish this little bit of pest control" - so saying, you step forwards, first close , and then to stand directly onto the water. As you do, serene look of concentration passes over you, and both you, and the world around you shift. Your mortal-looking flesh is discarded for the armored form of your god body, covered in balefire glowing sigils you know to proclaim your glory to come. In the five corners of the impromptu arena, banners of the Five Cities rise, connected through am impassable circle of black iron snow, which even now howls and tears through the arena of combat, rapidly freezing it to the point you start feeling invigorating. All this changes happen between heartbeats, so seemingly subtle and natural, that a mortal mind would likely not notice the transition. None present here can precisely be called mortal. The preparations complete.