Vote tally - Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Oct 27, 2023 at 5:01 AM, finished with 56 posts and 3 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)
Post #53180
Post #53235


  • [X] Plan - It's a time for merriment v.0
    -[X] Harry's household
    --[X] Harry: A custom focus designed to mitigate techbane and suited for more delicate work
    --[X] Bob: Magically-resistant computer with high-speed internet access paid for a year and a day for Bob
    --[X] Mouse: A seta-style remote drone adapted not to require implants (a wearable harness, if possible, controller if not) for Mouse, plus a day at a spa in the Courts where he'll be treated as a sophont
    -[X] Carpenter household
    --[X] Michael: Enchanted wood working tools for MIchael (whatever the rating of a Prodigy we can make without too much hassle)
    --[X] Charity: A variable hammer that can change from a warhammer to a variety of craftmsan's tool. A swiss hammer, as it was.
    --[X] Daniel: A car. He has his license now, and you kinda-sorta promised
    --[X] Matthew: Glasses that make it easier to read Japanese, but flash menacingly when he pushes them up. Because weeb.
    --[X] Leech: Improbably Useful multi-tool
    --[X] Amanda, Hope, & Harry: Commercial high quality toys from the courts for the youngest children
    --[X] Amoracchius An intricate and ultra-comfortable sword stand for Amoracchius
    -[X] Friends and allies
    --[X] Lydia: Morphing shoes that can go from sneakers to elegant high heels while always providing perfect support
    --[X] Rosie: a custom bed and pillow for Rosie
    --[X] Porter: A collector-grade toy railroad for Porter to amuse himself with until you can make him a full train body
    --[X] Isabela: A spa day in the city of Fountains
    --[X] Thomas:
    --[X] Izzy and Alec: comic books from the courts.
    --[X] Murphy: A set of law textbooks and treatises from the courts regarding how mortal-spirit crime can handled
    --[X] Jade dogs: A Christmas feast for Jade Dogs, made with full exalted effort (WHWH, CCC, excellencies, etc)
    --[X] General acquaintances: Christmas cards for people we encountered and made connections with, like Matthews.
    --[X] Mab and Maeve: a bottle of wine (or some other exotic alcohol as appropriate) from your courts, sent through a winter fae courier, like a Malk
    --[X] Odin: a set of hand-made decorations for Santa's sleigh