[X] It was breaking a curse. That is sort of true if you squint, with mental apologies of the shadow in the mirror
-[X] Harry took a metaphorical bullet helping protect my family from the Denarians, and I, in turn, used my powers to free him from his affliction.
[X] It was breaking a curse. That is sort of true if you squint, with mental apologies of the shadow in the mirror
-[X] [Stunt]: Sighing Molly pans her gaze across the room. " Well this is a touch awkward isn't it? I'd like to maintain some privacy on that matter, but can hardly do so without sounding malicious about it."
—[X] " To start, I give you my word I've done nothing to change, control, or otherwise exert supernatural influence Harry Dresden to my own purposes. I simply set to rights a wrong he incurred defending my family, leaving him as he was before it happened."