[X] Plan Deflection -[X]Decline to answer that question -[X]Offer in return, a warning that they keep their heads down, and a contact address -[X]STUNT: In response you smile and shake your head. "I cant possibly answer that. And if you are right" she tenses as you reach into your backpack, only to relax as you withdraw a notepad and pen "you probably dont want to be standing next to me in a Mexican airport when the Reds come looking." You finish scribbling an email address on the notepad, then hand it out. "My apologies to your medium for the ruckus. You may be assured that my business in Mexico is not directed at your association, or indeed the civilians of this nation. Beyond that, well," an expressive shrug "Security." You pause as if it just occurred to you. "Your organization might want to keep their heads down for the next couple weeks though. You'll know why by morning."
[X] Lie, your reputation precedes you (Manipulation+Subterfuge) -[X] Stunt: You tilt your head in a manner that signals 'walk with me' as you begin your explanation, "Ever heard of divination? The psychometry to grab a name from your history isn't that difficult. Not a true name of course, those have built-in metaphysical defenses, but something close enough to make you hesitate is simplicity itself. I'm sure there are those in your organization that can do similar, given its continued survival," you pause, kicking the floor a bit as you look around, "now, a question of my own: Where is the bathroom? I wasn't lying about needing it."
[X]Use NWS don't hide the knowledge and act like her name was part of the knowledge of NWS.
-[x][stunt]"I can see the darkness people's which tends to tattle on them.". Shrug "I try and use it responsibly and usually to the persons benefit.".
-[x]If whatever you see wasn't her fault say that and comfort her about it.